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1、大学四级930大学四级-930(总分:711.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.现代社会里充满了竞争与压力。2. 然而,有时压力并非坏事。3. 当然,过多的压力有害于我们的健康。(分数:106.00)_正确答案:(PressureIn our modem society marked by competition, people have to be faced with various kinds of pressure, the pressure from work, from family, from study and even

2、 from your heart. And a lot of people are dram of the pressure. They keep complaining about every thing and appear very anxious.However, a certain measure of pressure is not necessarily bad. Just suppose without pressure how a high school student can pass the entrance to the university? And the fear

3、 of losing ones job keeps a worker working hard. Therefore , it is no exaggeration to say that pressure runs the world around.Of course too much pressure is harmful to our life. He who can not handle the pressure might collapse someday if it is too much to endure. Weve already heard too many example

4、s of this. Thus the question is we must learn how to relieve ourselves of the burden of work and study and at the same time, let the stimulus continue to drive us to efforts.)解析:二、Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、 Why the workforce is important(总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.Acc

5、ording to the report, there is a total of 59.2 million paid health workers worldwide.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:N)解析:解析 文章的一段指出59.2 million只是full-time paid health workers的数量,除此之外,还有其他一些health workers,所以整体数量应不止59.2 million。3.The ratio of nurses to doctors is much higher in African Region than that in the W

6、estern Pacific Region.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Y)解析:解析 从文中给出的两个数据(8:1和1.5:1)来判断,显然 Western Pacific Region相比African Region来说要低的多。4.Latin American Regions ratio of nurses to doctors is lower than 1: 1.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:NG)解析:解析 文中只是指出Mexico have fewer than one nurse per doctor,虽然Mexico属于Latin American

7、Region,但并不能以偏概全,所以这一题只能选NG。5.Health workers are experiencing more and more stresses.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Y)解析:解析 这可以由Workers in health systems around the world are experiencing increasing stress and insecurity as they react to a complex array of forces-some old,some now,一句看出来。6.It is because of HIV/

8、AIDS that the supply of young graduates are drying up.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:N)解析:解析 本论断对原文意思进行了偷梁换柱:文章指出HIV/ AIDS epidemic imposes huge work burdens,而drying up the sup ply of young graduates的原因是In many countries,health sector reform under structural adjustment capped public sector employment and limi

9、ted investment in health worker education。7.It is quite possible that the health workers in America must involves some immigrants from Asia and Africa.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Y)解析:解析 本论断指出美国的health workers里肯定有从亚洲、非洲来的移民。这由文中Expanding labour markets have intensified professional concentration in urban a

10、reas and accelerated international migration from the poorest to the wealthiest countries一句可以推断。8.African Region has spent more of world health expenditure because they has heavier burden of disease.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:N)解析:解析 文中有数据显示African Region has 24% of the burden but only 3% of health worker

11、s commanding less than 1% of world health expenditure而with 10% of the global burden of disease, has 37% of the worlds health workers spending more than 50% of the worlds health financing,所以该论断正与此相反。因为现状是花费与疾病问题的严重性并非是成正比的。9.Around the world, there is a 1 of 2,400,000 million doctors, nurses and midw

12、ives.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:deficit)解析:解析 本句可通过there are currently 57 countries with critical shortages equivalent to a global deficit of 2.4 million doctors,nurses and midwives一句判断,填入deficit n缺乏,不足额。10.Maternal and child health care and the control of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria are some main

13、devastating diseases which the MDGs are 1.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:focusing on)解析:解析 本句可根据The MDCs target the major poverty-linked diseases devastating poor populations,focusing on maternal and child health care and the control of HIV/AIDS,tuberculosis and malaria一句来填充。11.To meet the health crises of ep

14、idemics, natural disasters and conflict, we need joint efforts based on sound information, 1 command and - control responses, and inter - sectoral collaboration with nongovernmental organizations, the military, peacekeepers and the media.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:rapid mobilization of workers)解析:解析 本句可根据

15、倒数第二段的Meeting the challenges re quires coordinated planning based on sound information,rapid mobilization of workers,command and-control responses,and inter-sectoral collaboration with nongovernmental organizations, the military,peacekeepers and the media一句来判断。四、Part Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)

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