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1、Ss: Good morning, MissT: How are you going today? Fine./ Not bad./ 2.Sing a song: They sing happily3 Free talk What are their jobs?S1: They are What are you going to do ?S2: I am going to What do you want to be when you grow up?Step 2 Presentation and practice1 PPT show the pictures of story time, Q

2、uestion:What do they want to be in the future?自学:看图片,独立思考问题。互学:小组内解决生词并讨论问题,交换不同意见。展学:组长自行安排组员展示。T could pass the word card and ask Ss to read one by one. Then choose some difficult words to check in groups.2 Watch the cartoon and match: What do they want to be in the future?观看卡通并思考,他们将来分别想做什么。小组内讨论

3、问题答案,交换想法。请3号同学展示,其他同学可点评补充。a. An astronaut b. A dentistc. A football playerd. A dancere. A writerf. A pianist3 Open the books, read after the T and check the answers together。4 Open the books and read in groupsa. Read togetherb. Read in roles自由读课文。小组内选择你喜欢的方式朗读。小组间自由展示,其他小组点评。5 Act the story in gro

4、ups自由朗读课文。小组内选择你喜欢的角色来扮演。Step 3 Consolidation1. Fill in the blanks. Miss Li is writing about her students dreams. 独立完成练习。小组内核对答案并纠错。2. Ss try to talk about their own dreams in groupsPPT show the key words and sentences to help students: A: B:生自由谈论自己的梦想。小组内交换意见。小组间自由展示,其他小组点评3. Show timea. Report via

5、 dialoguesb. Report via short articles as above生自由朗读为Via的对话。小组内补充交流。Homework:1. 能够谈论自己的理想并复述课文。2采访你的同学并介绍他们的理想。【教学反思】第二课时Grammer time & Fun time1 能正确、熟练地运用句型What do you want to be/ do in the future ?I want to be.I want to.2 能了解更多关于职业类的单词。3 能正确使用英语和同伴讨论梦想。能正确、熟练地运用句型What do you want to be/ do in the

6、future ?能正确使用英语和同伴讨论梦想。课件,光盘 Unit 8 Our dreams What do you want to be/ do in the future ? I want to be. 更多职业类的单词图片 I want to. Step1 Free talk Good morning, class.S: Good morning, teacher. Last lesson,we learnt “Our dreams”,today well go on learning Unit8.Boys and girls, fist I want to know your drea

7、ms. You can use the sentences”What do you want to be/ do in the future ?I want to be.I want to.”Discuss in pairs.What do you want to be in the future ?What do you want to do in the future ? S:I want to.Ss work in pairs. Step2 Review story time Well done,class.Now I know your dreams.What about their

8、dreams ?What do they want to be in the future ?Do you remember? What do the boys want to be in the future ?. wants to be He wants to . wants to be He wants to T: What about the girls ?. wants to be She wants to . wants to be She wants to well,whats Miss Lis dream ? She wants to (学生集体回答)说出自己的职业理想组内交流

9、个人理想,核查说法的正误选择3号同学的理想向大家展示 Step3 Grammar time1.T: In this passage, Miss Li and her students talked about their dreams,right ?How do they ask and answer about their dreams?I want to be.I want to. (学生集体回答) 2.T: Lets read them .朗读句子认知结构(要求个别学生或全体学生朗读第一个第二个表格中的句子)自由展示3.头脑风暴,组词比赛,看看谁组的词最多最正确。 want to be

10、a want to be an want to be a want to be an 自由阅读并组词。小组内集中答案并纠错。小组间PK,看看谁组的词最多最正确。 4.朗读句子,认知结构(安排学生朗读第三个表格中的句子,进一步巩固句型I want to.) 5.将下列中文翻译成英文。 Step4 Fun time1. T:From the passage, we know Miss Li and her students dreams.Now lets do a survey and youll know more classmates dreams.Now lets do it 4-5 stu

11、dents in groups.I want to be.I want to. What do you want to be in the future ?C:D:I want to be.I want to. 2. Check and report In our group,.students want to be. I know some of your dreams.I think everyone has his dream.No matter what it is, please try your best to come true your dream.I want to see

12、your dreams .come true学生34人一小组,运用所给句型完成调查报告。小组内交换报告,用英语进行交流。小组间PK,各小组派一名学生汇报调查结果。Step5 Task You know your classmates dreams.Now here are two tasks for you”Make a poster about our dreams in groups “ or “Give a speech on this topic “. You can choose one of them.Now talk about in groups.学生自由选择完成海报或演讲。小

13、组内交换意见,用英语进行交流。自由展示自己的海报或演讲。 Step6 Homework:1 继续完成海报或演讲。2 交换小组成员,用英语交流,了解其他同学的梦想。第三课时Sound time, song time & checkout time1. 学生初步了解单词间的连读,并能自觉运用。2. 学生愿意并会唱歌曲。3. 学生理解checkout time 内容,并能正确回答相关问题。Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today? Good morning/ afte

14、rnoon, Miss Im fine./ Good./ And you?2.Sing a song3.Free talk What jobs did you sing? We sing Which one are you interested in? I am interested in the farmer. Why? Because the farmer can eat a lot of fruits./ The farmer can play with lots of animals. I want to be a / anStep 2 Sound time Today lets me

15、et a new friend .Look at this boy . He has a dream.Guess! Whats his dream ?( PPT 呈现歌曲部分男生人物头像) He wants to be a teacher . Yes , thats right .And he wants to teach us something now .Lets join him .Lets listen to him first .(PPT 呈现Sound time 内容)Question:What are the rules?自行朗读并找出规则小组间检查朗读效果,组内解决难读之处,并

16、讨论找到的规则选择一种方式读给大家听并展示找到的规则PPT show the rules to link the words together, Ss read the link words together Step 3 Song time 1 T: Well done !Oh, weve learned a lot from him .Is he a good teacher ? Ss: Yes , he is . He wants to share a song with us !2 Listen to the song .What does he say?自行学唱歌曲,理解歌曲内容组内

17、互助检查唱歌,挑选重点内容选择一种方式唱给大家听并展示他说的重点内容3. Sing the song together . Step 4 Checkout time Boys and girls , the boys dream is to be a teacher . What about yours ? S1/S2/.2. T:What about theirs ? ( PPT呈现checkout time 中的人物图片)3.Ss look at the pictures and try to guess their dreams4.Listen and choose .5.Check t

18、he answer :Whose guessing answers are right?6. Fill in the blanks .What are your dreams?写出自己的梦想组内分享梦想,互查内容是否正确组内选择一篇向大家展示【达标检测】1.Try to read the following sentences:Pick it up. Good evening. Will you please wait for a moment?There is an apple tree in front of the house.Put on your glasses.2.Sing the

19、 song第四课时cartoon time & ticking time1 Review the words and expressions in this unit.2 Review grammar time.3 Try to make students use “want to be “& “want to do” to talk about their dreams and their friends dreams.4 Try to make students learn how to link words well.Unit 8 Our Dreams (Period 4)- What

20、do you want to be when you grow up?- I want to be a .- What does your friend want to be when he/she grows up?- He/she wants to be a .Step 1 Review1 Revise the words about jobs we learned before .What do you want to be when you grow up?2 Fill in the form: I can talk about my dreams, I can use want to

21、 be and want to do.Step 2 Cartoon time1 Watch and choose a title for cartoon time2 Read cartoon time and fill in the formWhat are their dreams?自读课文并填表互查朗读效果,互核表格答案2号同学根据表格向大家复述课文3 Ticking time: I can link the words together. Step 3 Free talk Question:What does your friend want to be when he/she grow

22、s up?询问小组成员的理想并表述3号同学向大家介绍1号的理想 1,复述卡通 2,完成课课练相应部分第五课时补充习题A B C D1.从听、说、读、写等方面训练学生掌握本单元所学的单词及主要句型What do you want to be in the future?从而能综合运用这些句型。2. 训练学生捕捉关键信息的能力。3. 培养学生乐于参与,积极表达的学习情感。1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。完成补充习题35-36页听说读写PPT,录音机/电脑 , 听力录音U盘 , 单词卡片2.Play a game: 小组比赛用英文来说职业,不能重复。一个轮一个,不能停,复习单词。Step 2 Exercise补充习题一、听力训练Listen and match (A)1自学:引导学生仔细看图,轻声说一说各图的职业单词。小组长主持,3人或4人1组,分别说出5幅图右边图片代表的单词,注意左边人物性别。在听录音之前先让学生说说在图上能看到哪些内容,让学生学会观察题目。2听录音,连线。3展学:2组同学提问,组长指名其他人回答。并且核对答案:A、12345dbeac部分题目也可以要求学生作听写任务,提高

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