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1、 600t/daygSeller wishes to sell and Buye 卖方希望出售、买方希望购买核项项目描述i处理生活邺600 Interpretation 解释,Isle of Man, Great:2 sets of 7.5MW trchase CERs from the工出的CEE,s in resegistercd under the*7.5 MW猿气式汽轮发电机组.1.1In this Agreement, unless the context indicates a contrary intention:本协议按如下规定解释,除非文中另有约定:headings are

2、for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;标题仅为便利之用,不得影响条文的解释:(b)the expression person includes an individual, the estate of an individual, a corporation, an authority, an association or a joint venture (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a partnership and a tnist:“人”包括个人,个人的财产,公司,监

3、管机构,协会,合营机构(无论是否具有公司 身份),合伙,及信托:(c)(d)(e)a reference to any Party includes that Partys executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns, including any person taking by way of novation and. in the case of a trustee, includes any substituted or additional trustee;任何当事人均包括该当事人的遗嘱执行人,管理人,继承人,

4、经许可的受让人,包括 合同主体更新后的新当事人,在信托的情况下,则还应包括替换的受托人或附加的受 托人:a reference to any document (including this Agreement) is to that document as varied, novated, ratified or replaced from time to time;任何文件(包括本协议)均指修改、更新、批准、或替换之后的文件;a reference to any International Rules, statute or to any treaty or statutory provi

5、sion includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of it or any treaty or statutory provision substituted for it, and all protocols, rules, modalities, guidelines, procedures,ordinances, by-laws, regulations, niles and statutory instrts (however described)issued under it;任何国际规则、法规、条约、成文包括其修正文件

6、或重新制定的文件,或取代该等文件的条约或成文条款,或依据i 程序、条例、附则、规章及成文规则(无 words importing the singular include the pgender include every other gender;单数字词包括其复数含义(反之亦幺references to Parties, clauses or sAgreement;当事人、条款附件心2期间I1CCShat u:ordpr phrase has a co喊spending meaning; and逑):vicerti2件国颁发的议定书、规则、方式、指南、,特定性用工括弓ce to this

7、Agreenicnt inc(h)(i)如the wordor of this Agreement, and a refe2.1 ThiRirawhere a word grammatical fowords indicating a厂别含义;Clauses or schedules to any schedule to this本协议的当事人、条;即f,本切嘲 s given a defined meanin括其附件:other part ofspeech or“包括任何both Parties till本核证减排量醋日,3 Due Diligence尽职调查则该字词的其他1性或语法格式具有

8、相同的含义:ord of limitation.制性的含义,ement (the Agreement) will be valid and effective on its execution by nber 2012.议(“本协议”)自双方当事人签署日起生效,直至2012年12月31Due Diligence3.1 The Seller will cooperate in all reasonable respects with the Buyers conduct of their Due Diligence review for a period of one hundred and e

9、ighty (180) days (Review Period) upon the date this Agreement is executed and the Seller provides all necessary information and documents for the review. Buyer shall give notice to Seller of the result of the Due Diligence review on or before the end of such period. Due Diligence shall include satis

10、faction of Seller meeting Buyers current intenial compliance standards, policies and procedures (i.e., Buyer s policies relatuig to suitability.know-your-customer; anti-money laundering rules and regulations, and other similar and related client identification policies and procedures).3.2 卖方应在一切合理方面

11、配合买方的尽职调查,包括提供买方需要的卖方和项目的财务信息,此项调查应在本协议签署以及卖方提供全部必要信息后60日(“调查期”)内完成,买方 应把调查结果通知卖方。尽职调查如不能满足买方要求,买方可终止本协议。4 Delivery and Payment交付和支付Delivery and Payment Subject to this Agreement依据本协议交付和支付4.1Subject to and in accordance with the other provisions of this Agr除本协议另有约定外,适用以下规则:(a)Seller agrees to sell,

12、and Buyer agree: 卖方同意出售及买方同意购买CER总意on or before each Delivery Date, Seller sha respect to that Delivery Date to the Tradin 在每个交付日或之前,卖方应将买方应发交的户:on each CER Payment Date, Buyeill pay to Delivered on the corresponding Delivery Date.urchase. tln each CER hereunder and all corresponding GHGnt:otal CER

13、Volume;e Periodic Delivery Vfljumc with 阮通nd交付量交TT?宁天定的贸易账Pr荫for each CER在每个支付g买方应将已交付CER的价款如给卖方为保证买方济尚业彳生签买方同意给卖方提供用保。transtcTitle Transfer所有权转移Payment and Deliver nominated from time to4.2All legal and bene西 1 rigtions,CE未支不Accounts 账户4.34.4应的款项断该CEFrest and tiuyerupon their Delivery.,(在交付时,视为其所有权

14、已转让给该买方。但买方 济权不发生转移。be made into the respective Cash Accounts and Trading Accounts relevant receiving Parties in writing.支付和交付应分另or入本.关当事人随时指定的现金账户和贸易账户。任何一方均可改变其现金账户或贸易账户,但应提前十个营业日通知对方。Effecting Delivery 交付生效4.5Delivery of CERs under this Agreement shall occur when the relevant CERs are received in

15、to the Trading Account nominated by the Buyer.买方指定的贸易账户收到CER时,对买方而言,交付视为发生。本协议另有约定的除外Buyer Priority 买方优先权4.6Seller will:卖方应:(a) ensure that any arrangements subsequent to this Agreement to sell CERs from this Project to any other third party will accept Buyers priority right to purchase the Total CE

16、R Volume;确保本协议终止之后与第三方达成的出售项目所产CER在同等的条件下买方的优先 权:Total CER VolumeCER总量4.7Total CER Volume means the sum of PDVs of all the Verification Periods within the Term (Total CER Volume )CER总量指本协议有效期内全部复核期所产单期交付量的总4.8For the purpose of calculating Defaulted Vol all reference to it shall mean the sum of PDD

17、Voofnd whereTerm of this Agreement.为汁算违约数量之目的,如果尚无CER总量数北lUL 议期间各复核期的PDD预测量之和,Periodic Delivery Volume and Estimated Deli r Arrangem单期交付量和预计交付安I4.9 Periodic Delivery VoluW (orV) refers to the CER volunial CER Volume is not available, e Verification Periods during the皿之处,均指本协be generate!却 the Project

18、 andissued in each Verification Period (minus the deductions ofiCERs made by the CDM Executive Board corresponding tJhare of proceeds to assist in eting costs of adaptation in accordance with the International Rules).他交付量是指,、复核治士出并签应的CER数量(减去CDM执行理事会依据CDM国适应分成4.10 Seller shall deliver theCERs in ai

19、Volui*to be adjusted in accqirfnee wfwith the delivery schedule below reflecting the PDD PDV.卖方应尽於最大致力孩如薛付il划(泣计划反映了 PDD预测量)进行CER的交付,但是, 实际交付义务应按单期交付量进行调整,VERIFICATION PERIOD (Y-M-D) 1复核期(年-月-日)PDD VOLUME PDD预测量DELIVERY DATE (Y-M-D) 交付日(年-月-日)2008-01-012008.12-31X2009-03-012009-01-012009-12-312010-0

20、3-012010-01-012010-12-312011-03-012011-01-012011-12-312012-03-012012-01-012012-12-312013-03-01CER Price and Pavinent单价和支付4.11The CER Price for the CERs shall be EURO X.XX (CER Price)CER单价为X点X欧元。4.12Buyer shall make payment within twenty (20) Business Days after each Delivery of CERs is received in t

21、he Buyers nominated Trading Account.CER每次交付进入买方指定的贸易账户后二十个营业日内,买方应支付已交付CER的价款。Refunding for Cancelling偿还4.13 In case the CDM Executive Board, for any reason, cancels any issued CERs, Buyer shall have the right to deduct the payment made for such cancelled CERs before Buyer makes payment for the CERs

22、 issued for subsequent verification periods. If such cancelling occurs after Buyer has made the payment for the CERs issued for the last verification period. Seller shall have the obligation to refund the payment for the cancelled CERs within ten business d on receipt Buyers notice tothe effect.如联合国

23、CDM执行理事会撤销已签发的除该部分CER的已支付款项。如果此项撤销in this AgreemenF(Post-2012 Callbf the next commitmen ms and conditions as setE则买方彳以在以后年度支付CER价款时扣买才已经支付完毕最后一笔价款之后,则卖方应在收到买方通知之日起十个工作日内偿整能为该部分CER所姐的款项。5 Post-2012 Call Option2012年后的优先选择权theust eJ 31日因曲 付的条款进行年买方必须必须依据偃协诲 支付.买方彳from 1 January 2013 u-2012 CERs) under

24、the SBrncrms and co 优5.1 Buyer has the first rigtft,p)ut not the obligation, to purchasiip toOption).March 31, transfer, and the Bions tha6 Costs and Taxe成本和税务r画Fof the Kyerated by the Projectrotocol (Post2012 Call Optiongy providing written notice to Seller byxercisits Post-2012 Calle CER Priceor,

25、anytion under this Agreement, Seller must R Delivered to it in accordance with2 thejjjHichase and Delivery under this Agreement.本协议规定的同等条件和条款购买本项目自2013年1 kF一个承诺期结束:日(简称2012年后优先选择权),31日未行使优.发布书而通知。如果买方行使该优先选择权,卖方 买方必须依据本协议关于购买和支付的条款进行 择权的,视为放弃该优先选择权。Responsibility for Costs 成本责任6.1Buyer shall pay any

26、 costs, fees, deductions and charges regarding the creation and maintenance of Buyefs Trading Account and the authorisation of Buyer by a Designated National Authority to become a Project Participant in the Project.因设立及维持其各自贸易账户及申请项目参与方资格而从某国家主管机构获取授权,其成本、 费用、扣除和开支,由买方承担.6.2Seller shall pay all cost

27、s in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of the Project, including any feasibility analysis, environmental impact assessment, stakeholder6.46.66.7consultations, and any costs in respect of the monitoring of GHG Reductions generated by the Project.卖方应支付项目建设、运营和维护的全部成本。Seller s

28、hall pay all the share of proceeds except for the first year levied by the CDM Executive Board for administrative expenses.卖方应支付除第一年以外的所有CDM执行理事会收取的行政费。Buyer shall pay for preparation of the Project Design Document and/or Project Idea Note.买方承担编制项目设计文件和/或项目概念书的成本Buyer shall prepay fees and costs charged for Validation. the first Verification, and Registration and the first year administration of share of proceeds. Buyer shall deduct such prepaym

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