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1、合伙企业法英文法规2019年合伙企业法【英文法规】中华人民共和国合伙企业法 PARTNERSHIP LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 第一章 总则 Chapter One: General Provisions 第一条 为了规范合伙企业的行为,保护合伙企业及其合伙人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。 Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to standardize the conduct of partnerships, to protect the lawful righ

2、ts and interests of partnerships and the partners therein, to safeguard social and economic order, and to promote the development of socialist market economy. 第二条 本法所称合伙企业,是指依照本法在中国境内设立的由各合伙人订立合伙协议,共同出资、合伙经营、共享收益、共担风险,并对合伙企业债务承担无限连带责任的营利性组织。 Article 2 The partnership referred to herein shall mean a

3、for-profit association established within China in accordance herewith pursuant to the partnership agreement concluded by all the partners, whereby the partners jointly contribute capital, jointly operate the business, jointly share in the incomes and the risks, and are jointly and severally liable

4、for the debts of the partnership. 第三条 合伙协议应当依法由全体合伙人协商一致,以书面形式订立。 Article 3 The partnership agreement shall be executed in writing in accordance with the law by all the partners upon their agreement after consultation. 第四条 订立合伙协议,设立合伙企业,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用原则。 Article 4 Conclusion of the partnership ag

5、reement and establishment of the partnership shall be under the principles of self-willingness, equality, fairness, and good faith. 第五条 合伙企业在其名称中不得使用撚邢迶或者撚邢拊鹑螖字样。 Article 5 The designation of the partnership may not contain the words Limited or Limited Liability. 第六条 合伙企业从事经营活动,必须遵守法律、行政法规,遵守职业道德。 A

6、rticle 6 In carrying on its business, the partnership shall observe the law, administrative regulations, and observe the ethics in its industry. 第七条 合伙企业及其合伙人的财产和合法权益受法律保护。 Article 7 The property and lawful rights and interests of the partnership and the partners therein are protected by law. 第二章 合伙

7、企业的设立 Chapter Two: Establishment Of The Partnership 第八条 设立合伙企业,应当具备下列条件: Article 8 For the establishment of the partnership, the following conditions shall be met: (一)有二个以上合伙人,并且都是依法承担无限责任者; (i) There are two or more partners, all of whom are capable of assuming unlimited liability in accordance wit

8、h the law; (二)有书面合伙协议; (ii) There is a written partnership agreement; (三)有各合伙人实际缴付的出资; (iii) There is actual capital contributed by the respective partners; (四)有合伙企业的名称; (iv) There is a designation for the partnership; (五)有经营场所和从事合伙经营的必要条件。 (v) There is a place of business and the necessary conditio

9、ns for the operation of the partnership. 第九条 合伙人应当为具有完全民事行为能力的人。 Article 9 Partners must be persons with full capacity for civil acts. 第十条 法律、行政法规禁止从事营利性活动的人,不得成为合伙企业的合伙人。 Article 10 No person who is prohibited by law or administrative regulations to engage in for-profit activities may be a partner

10、in the partnership. 第十一条 合伙人可以用货币、实物、土地使用权、知识产权或者其他财产权利出资;上述出资应当是合伙人的合法财产及财产权利。 Article 11 A partner may make capital contribution in cash, tangible goods, land use rights, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights; the capital contribution referred to above shall be the lawful property and

11、 proprietary rights of the partners. 对货币以外的出资需要评估作价的,可以由全体合伙人协商确定,也可以由全体合伙人委托法定评估机构进行评估。 Where the value of an item of capital contribution needs to be determined, it may be determined pursuant to agreement by the partners after consultation among them, or an appraisal may be conducted thereon by an

12、 legally designated appraisal agency appointed by all the partners. 经全体合伙人协商一致,合伙人也可以用劳务出资,其评估办法由全体合伙人协商确定。 Where there is an agreement after consultation among the partners, a partner may make capital contribution in the form of service, and the appraisal method shall be determined by all the partn

13、ers after consultation among them. 第十二条 合伙人应当按照合伙协议约定的出资方式、数额和缴付出资的期限,履行出资义务。 Article 12 Partners shall fulfill their obligations in respect of capital contribution in accordance with the method for, amount of, and time limit for, making capital contribution as prescribed in the partnership agreemen

14、t. 各合伙人按照合伙协议实际缴付的出资,为对合伙企业的出资。 The capital actually contributed by a partner in accordance with the partnership agreement shall be the partners capital contribution. 第十三条 合伙协议应当载明下列事项: Article 13 The partnership agreement shall set forth the following: (一)合伙企业的名称和主要经营场所的地点; (i) designation of the p

15、artnership and the address of its principal place of operation; (二)合伙目的和合伙企业的经营范围; (ii) the purpose and business scope of the partnership; (三)合伙人的姓名及其住所; (iii) the names and domiciles of the partners; (四)合伙人出资的方式、数额和缴付出资的期限; (iv) the method for, amount of, and time limit for, making capital contribution by each partner; (五)利润分配和亏损分担办法; (v) the method for profit distribution and loss allocation; (六)合伙企业事务的执行; (vi) the conduct of partnership affairs; (七)入伙与退伙; (vii) participation and withdrawal from the partnership; (八)合伙企业的解散与清算; (

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