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全程设计人教版英语必修1Unit3 SecionⅢWord格式.docx

1、.翻译句子1不管困难有多大,一个有决心的人总是尽力完成工作。_A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.2上山很艰难,但是当环顾四周,我们惊讶于眼前的景色。To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view.3到了某一点我们的位置太高了,我们发现我们正在云里骑车。At one point we were so high that we found

2、ourselves cycling through clouds.4(晚上)几乎没有风,只有篝火的火焰与我们做伴。There was almost no windonly the flames of our fire for company.5我们迫不及待地想要见到他们。We can hardly wait to see them!.单词拼写1He looked inside the _(山洞) and saw a lion.2According to the weather _(预报), its going to stay hot for the rest of the week.forec

3、ast3It is natural for children to have different _(观点) from their parents.views4_(火焰)poured out of the windows of the building.Flames5The restaurant is open from 5 pm. to _(午夜)every day.midnight6He was standing on the bridge looking at the river _(在下面)beneath7In Africa, cellphones are often the only

4、 _(可信赖的) way of communicating.8From animals we get such materials as _(羊毛), silk, leather and furs.单项填空1I am going to swim with my father in the river this weekend._.AGood luck BHave funCThats all right DCongratulations解析:此处表示对别人的祝愿,意为“祝你玩得开心”。A项“祝你好运”;C项用于回答别人的道歉或谢意;D项用于祝愿对方做成某事。B2If we work with a

5、 strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _ great it is.Awhatever BhoweverCwherever Dwhenever考查让步状语从句。however引导让步状语从句,一般构成“howeveradj./adv.主语谓语”。此句中的however可换成no matter how。3Jane is _, but Im not so sure about Jim.Aanxious BsurprisingCreliable Ddiligent考查形容词辨析。句意:简是信得过的,至于吉姆,我就不太确定了。reliable意为“可

6、信赖的;可靠的”,符合语境。anxious焦虑的,焦急的;surprising令人惊奇的;diligent勤奋的。C4Steve speaks very good English in our class, but believe it or not, he _ passed the last exam.Aactually BeasilyChardly Dsuccessfully考查副词词义辨析。在我们班,斯蒂夫说英语是相当好的,但是,信不信由你,上次考试他差点不及格。actually事实上;easily轻易地;hardly几乎不;successfully成功地。5Its a beautifu

7、l day, isnt itYes, its _ that Id like to take a walk.Aso nice weather Bsuch nice weatherCso nice a weather Dsuch a nice weather考查so .that .与such .that .的区别。weather为不可数名词,首先排除C、D。nice为形容词修饰weather,故应用such。6The old man insisted that he _ old, and _ back to the working post again.Awasnt; be sent Bwasn

8、was sentCbe not; send Disn sent这位老人坚持说他年纪不大,并且坚决要求再回到工作岗位上去。当insist意为“坚持说,坚持认为”时,它的宾语从句用陈述语气;当insist意为“坚决主张,坚持要求”时,它的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即:宾语从句的谓语动词为“should动词原形”(should可省略)。A7Can you imagine _ it by himselfAhis doing Bhes doingChim to do Dhis doneimagine (ones) doing sth.为固定搭配,“想象(某人)做某事”;不存在imagine sb. to d

9、o结构,故C项不正确。8The little boy cant wait _ his mother.Aseeing BseenCto see Dsawcant wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待要做某事”。9Only a week after the fire in the store it was in business _.Ain general Bas a matter of factCas a result Das usual大火刚过一周,商店又照常营业了。be in business as usual“照常营业”,符合题意。in general总体来说;as a matte

10、r of fact事实上;as a result结果。D10It is possible _ a foreign language well in a short time if you put your heart into it.Alearning BlearnCto learn Dlearned该句中it为形式主语,真正的主语应该是后面的动词不定式。.情景交际1Could I borrow your camera_. But you will have to buy some film.AIm sorry BOf course notCSure DI hope so2We won the

11、 football match.ACongratulationsBIts nice of you to say soCNo one else could do itDOh, thats all right3What about having a drinkAGood idea BThatCGo on, please DMe, too4How did you find your visit to the museum, JaneABy taking a busBOh, wonderfulCI went there aloneDA classmate of mine showed me the w

12、ay5Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.AOh, Im afraid I didnt cook very wellBIm glad you enjoyed itCCome again when you are freeDIts not necessary for you to say so.完形填空After years of experience, Brenda was faced with a challenge in Sunday School. However, she just didnt know how to

13、 _1_ it in a good way. She had never been asked to teach a child quite like Cindy!Cindy, you see, was _2_. She came from a broken home. And although she was really _3_, she thought she was so bad that she could not be successful. _4_, Cindy needed care, and most of all, Cindy needed love! There just

14、 had to be a way of _5_ her. Day after day, Brenda would pray for Cindy, yet Sunday would come and go and she saw _6_, if any, change.Then one day Brenda asked Cindy if she could _7_ a role in a Christmas programme the children were _8_ to do. Cindys answer was, “Dont you think you can find someone

15、better than me”“Better than you” came Brendas _9_.“What makes you think there is _10_ better than you”“Well, Ive _11_ been asked to do anything before because Im not good. I wont get the part _12_ and then everyone will be mad at me for messing up(弄糟) their _13_,” came Cindys answer.“Oh, Cindy,”said

16、 Brenda in a _14_ voice.“I am so _15_ that you think that, but you are so wrong. Dont you realize how _16_ you are”“No,” _17_ a reply in a low voice because Cindy was now in _18_.“But Cindy, in my eyes, you are special and you can also do something well like others, ”Brenda said.“Really Do you think

17、 so really Thank you, Miss Brenda! Nobody has believed in me like you. _19_ Ill have a try,” said Cindy as she _20_ a hug from her teacher for the first time!1 with Bdeal withCdo with Dgo with由上文布伦达遇到了挑战可知,此处指她不知道如何处理。do with和deal with都可意为“处理”,但do with常与代词what连用,而deal with常与副词how连用。2 BnaughtyCdiffer

18、ent Dordinary由下文的描述可知,辛迪来自一个离异家庭,是一个极度自卑的孩子,她认为自己做不好任何事情。由此可知,她是一个与他人很不同的人。different“不同的”,符合语境。average平均的;naughty淘气的;ordinary普通的。3 BfoolishClovely Dfriendly由although表达的转折意义可知,此处应填入一个与下一句表达意义相反的词。故clever符合语境。尽管她是一个很聪明的孩子,但她总认为自己糟糕到一事无成。4 return BIn turnCIn all DIn fact实际上,辛迪需要关怀,更重要的是关爱。in fact实际上;in

19、 return作为回报;in turn依次,轮流;in all总共,共计。5 BkeepingChelping Dknowing由下文布伦达与辛迪的对话可知,布伦达想帮助辛迪。故C项help符合语境。6 BlittleCsome Dmore由yet的转折意义可知,尽管布伦达不断地为辛迪祈祷,但辛迪仍然没有任何改变。故little符合语境。由后文的谈话也可推知答案。7 BlikeCreplace Dplay布伦达问辛迪是否愿意参加圣诞节的儿童节目。play a role in“参加;在中起作用”,为固定搭配。8 BbeginningCplanning Dlearning圣诞节节目应该是许多孩子都

20、打算参加的。故plan“计划;打算”,符合语境。9 BnoiseCsound Dproblem布伦达的“Better than you”是对辛迪答语的回复,故reply“回复”,符合语境。10 one BanyoneCnone Dnobody是什么使你认为任何一个人都比你强anyone“任何人”,符合语境。其他三项明显不合句意。11 BoftenCalways Dnever以前没有人让我去做任何事情。由后面的anything可知,此处应填入表示否定意义的词,故never“从不”,符合句式要求。12 BbadCright Dpoor由后面的“我总是把事情弄得一团糟”可知,辛迪认为自己总是做不对事

21、情。故C项正确。13 BprogrammeCinvention Dhomework“我”总是把节目弄得一团糟。programme节目;environment环境;invention发明;homework作业。14 BhighCloud Dclear布伦达想要安慰、帮助辛迪,所以她应用温柔的语调跟她讲话。gentle“温和的”,符合语境。15 BluckyCproud Dsorry听到辛迪对自己如此的不自信,布伦达为此感到难过。be sorry that意为“为感到难过/遗憾”。glad高兴的;lucky幸运的;proud自豪的。16 BsadCvaluable Dbeautiful由下文可知,

22、此处指布伦达认为辛迪是一个有价值的孩子,并不是一事无成。valuable有价值的;happy快乐的;sad伤心的;beautiful漂亮的。17 BcameCreceived Dwent因本句的主语是a low voice,故应用come,表示“随之而来的”。say, receive的主语不能是声音;go表示的动作与come相反。18 BtroubleCpublic Dtears由a low voice(低沉的声音)可推知,辛迪已经啜泣了。in tears流泪;in silence沉默地;in trouble处于困境;in public当众,公开地。19 BButCAs DBecause由上下句意可知,此处表示语意上的顺承关系,故then符合语境。but表示转折;as和because表示因果关系。20 BexpectedCreceived Dseparated辛迪得到了老师的一个拥抱。receive收到,接收;refuse拒绝;expect期望;separate分离。

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