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1、这位同学向大家介绍了什么? S:她的家庭。都介绍了家庭中的谁?爸爸,妈妈,姐姐,弟弟 2.单词教学 (课件出示学习小助手一) Listenandrepeat. (听两遍录音) Listen:认真听,听准每个单词的发音。Repeat:跟读,注意模仿语音语调。(教师借助单词录音,让学生学习father,mother,brother,sister,me.) 3.出示课题My family T:father,mother,brother,sister and me就组成了family,today we will learn 4. family的来源 (课件出示family的来源) T:那大家知道fam

2、ily一词具体是什么意思?S:让学生们知道family一词中每个字母代表的含义,并学着说Father and mother, I love you!(三)学习新知 1、句型教学 课件出示学习小助手二 认真听,听准句子的发音。要求:声音洪亮,发音规范标准。2、出示自学内容 Who is he?他是谁?Who is she?她是谁?Shes beautiful.她很漂亮。3、GameGuess,guess,guess“猜猜猜” (课件出示几张闪烁的图,让学生来猜Whoishe/she?老师给大家带了几位老朋友,Guess,guess,guess“猜猜猜”!WhoS:Hes/Shes 老师也想认识下

3、咱们班的同学。(走到一个女生跟前问Whoshe?走男生跟前问Whohe?其他同学回答。老师示范后可以让学生当小老师来询问。4、问答对对碰 (课件出示Peter的家庭成员。Now IPeterWhos:Whos:Hes/Shes my (在介绍Shes my时,可补充Shes beautiful.) 、My family (出示老师的家庭照) 大家了解了的家庭,想不想了解老师的家庭? (学生指着老师的照片问Whos ) (四)巩固练习 (课件出示当堂训练我是小小交流家) 请同学们拿出自己的家庭照,在小组内相互询问他人的家庭成员。用上句型: Who is he/she? Hes/Shes my.(

4、2分钟) 请一些同学上台展示,并给予表扬和鼓励。(可用妈妈的照片引出Shes beautiful.并用班里的女生举例,让学生知道当得到别人赞美的时候应该说Thank you!(五)课文学习 (课件出示学习小助手三) 课本22页 Listensay .Listen:认真听,听准每个句子的发音。.Repeat:大声跟读,注意模仿语音语调。.Act:同桌分角色表演对话,相互指正,读准语音语调。(时间:1分钟) (六)情感教育 (播放family公益广告。从广告中你看到了什么?有什么想给爸爸妈妈说的呢?教育学生要懂得感恩,关爱父母,孝敬父母。(七)家庭作业 (课件播放一些全家福的图画供学生们欣赏。1.

5、向朋友和同学介绍自己的家人。2.画一张全家福送给爸爸妈妈。2013年英语教学设计 篦子沟学校 王荣荣Module4 The natural worldUnit1 AnimalsThe first periodTeaching project:Learn the new words of animals:pigs birds cats hens chicks dogs ducksTeaching important point;Learn new words Teaching difficult point:Read the words correctlyTeaching methods:复习法

6、、情景教学法、游戏法、小组合作法Teaching steps:Step1:Warming-up1、Greetings:2、First,Lets sing a song.Its names“ten little rabbits”.Step2ead-inReview some animals Encourage the students to answer.To you want to see them?Ok,Follow me ,Lets go to see the animals.Step3resentation:1、Now,Look at Picture Onea dog dogs teac

7、h dogs2、 the next one a cat cats teach cats3、listen and guess a bird birds teach birdsTeach cats birds ts /ts/ ds /dz/4、 listen againListen pigs voisea pig pigs teach pigs5、listen ducks voisea duck ducks teach ducks6 、give you five letters, make a new worda chick chicks teach chicks7 、change a lette

8、r and make a new words:pen ten hen a hen hens teach hens8、 整体呈现We have seen : pigs birds cats hens chicks dogs ducksStep4 practise:1、 Play the tape2、Read the words碰地雷3、唱反调4、Lets chant:小狗 dogs dogs 汪汪汪小猫 cats cats 喵喵喵小鸟 birds birds 喳喳喳小猪 pigs pigs 噜噜噜小鸡 chicks chicks 叽叽叽小鸭 ducks ducks 嘎嘎嘎母鸡 hens hens

9、 咕咕嗒5 、Cut the students some groups.look and circle the correct words. Choose the best groupStep 5 SummaryStep6 We should protect nature. We should protect animals.Step7 For todays homeworkRead and remember the news words.Step8 design for Bb Animals dogs ducks cats chicks birds hens pigs 2014年英语教学设计

10、School things一、 教学目标:1. 知识目标:能听懂pen, pencil, book ,pencil case, schoolbag并指认文具图片或实物,能根据图片认读文具单词。能根据指令Open,Put in 做出相应的动作。2. 能力目标:能相互运用See you tomorrow ./ Bye-bye.进行简单告别。3. 情感目标:培养学生与他人交流和小组合作的意识。能养成整理好自己书包的习惯。二、 教学重点和难点:1. 学生理解并运用本节课词汇2. 学生对于Open, Put in 的理解及运用.三、 教学过程: Warming up 1. Sing a song : H

11、ello! Whats your name ?2. Greetings.(唱一首英文歌,然后用英语与学生打招呼,拉近了与学生的距离,消除学生对自己的陌生感,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习热情。)Step2: Presentation and drill.1. Learn the new words.(1) Look, touch and learn Look! Whats this ? Its a schoolbag.Ss: Schoolbag, schoolbag. Touch and guess: Whats in the schoolbag ?Ss; Touch. (表扬摸对的同学。用此法

12、依次引出”pencil case , pen , pencil , book “,呈现单词后,分小组.个人.运用声音的高低操练单词。(2) Say and show. show me your pencil case . Ss: Pencil case . pencil case , its my pencil case . (学生同时展示此物。 (3) play a game :Flashcards 学生看图说出英语单词,师闪现图. 生:说词.(4)Look and stick . 小组竞赛.(5) Say the chant. (通过实物教单词,形象直观,让学生猜我的书包里有什么,激起学生

13、的好奇心,鼓励学生主动参与到学习中来。操练单词时,形式多样,运用小组、个人、做游戏、说歌谣等形式。让学生在快乐中学习原来枯燥的单词。2. Learn the sentences T: I have a schoolbag. Whats in it ? Let me open my schoolbag .Open, open, open my schoolbag (Do the action),教师有意识地重复“open” T: And now you Listen and do .用同样的办法呈现put in Listen and point Look, listen and read . S

14、ay the chant Listen and do in jumbled order Work in groups. Step3: Consolidation.1. listen and write “”or “” .2. Say the chant.(以判断的形式让学生小组合作的方式完成,突破了难点,让学生巩固了本科所学的语言,最后在说歌谣,学生在快乐的氛围中结束了学习,情感进行了升华。Summary: Look and say ( 适时渗透养成整理好自己书包的习惯。Homework: 1、画出5个学习用品并标注英文名称。 2、Listen and say the chant . 2011

15、年英语教学设计教学内容:四年级 Unit3 School things 会话教学课 Nick: Look, this is my classroom. Jiefeng: Oh, lovely ! How many desks are there? Six, six yellow desks. What about chairs ? Twelve, they are yellow , too. How many boards are there, please ? Only one. It s a blackboard. 教学目标:知识目标:能听、说、读句型: How many s are th

16、ere?理解句型 What about?能力目标:能够在图片、物体及老师的帮助下用所学的知识就教室物体及食物、玩具、学习用具的数量颜色进行初步的交流。过程与方法:让学生在交流有关学习用具、教室物体等方面的信息的过程中培养主动与他人交流及小组合作的能力。通过观察图片、进行交流培养学生观察,对比、归纳的能力。情感态度:通过谈论有关教室、公共场所的话题,帮助学生树立爱护教室、热爱班级的正确思想。教学重点:谈论数量的句型 How manys are there? 及回答 教学难点:能够小组合作初步准确地描述物体数量及颜色。教具:自制教具(可以变换数量和颜色的钢笔模型) 剪好的教室物体的模型图片( de

17、sk chair door window blackboard etc. ) ( 学习新句型时黑板上需要呈现 ) 图片 ( classroom food shop toy shop school things shop.) 板书设计 Unit 3 School things How manys are there?How about?Only one, Its a blackboard. 教室物体图片 Step1 Warming-up( 5 分 ) 1 、 Free talk ( 涉及问候、数字、颜色,课前分组说明本课的评价方式 ) 2 、 Sing a song: Ten little fi

18、ngers ( 唱两遍,第一遍听唱,第二遍手指数数并大声跟唱 ) 3 、 Talk about the school things (利用制作的钢笔教具) Whats this?S1: Its a pen 利用钢笔教具数量的变化 How many pens? Two. ( 手势数数,帮助学生理解 How many) Ss : Three. Five. T : How many, whats meaning? S1: 多少(评价) 强化 How many 认读的训练, 看词卡个别读 , two two together, group 读。(激励评价) What colour are they?

19、They are yellow. 教师引导说出 Five yellow pens. 利用教具颜色的变化练习 five fourthree redgreenblack pens 出示标题: Unit3 School things Step2 Presentation ( 15 分) 1 、 T: In our classroom, there are many things. Whats this? What are these? (教师指教室物体) Ss 说出物体名称 desks chairs doors windows (how many) blackboards 2 、猜遮住的教室图, T

20、: Ss : Classroom. 师板书 Classroom 3 、看教室物体图卡,学习对话, How manys are there?直接看图问答 chairs, desks, 生问,师答 doors 出现 window 的图片练习 How many How many boards are there? One. 师引导学生说出: Only one. 师板书 , Only one. Its a blackboard. 指名读,然后利用学生文具练习两组单数物体强化 only one ( pen 、 pencil-case. ) 5 、 Chant 强化句型, How many desks a

21、re there?Six, six, six yellow desks How many chairs are there?Four, four, , four yellow chairs. How many boards are there?One, one, theres only one. 6 、 Practice in pairs. 两人一组利用桌子上的图片练习会话。7 、 Show the dialogues. 学生到教室前面进行对话表演(至少四组) (评价) (二)、学习 What about? 课件教室图引出本课对话内容 1 、利用图片、学具变化练习句型 What about?2

22、 、 T: This is a Ss: classroom. 指人物学生猜 Who are they?教师介绍 They are Nick and Jiefeng. They are talking about the classroom. ( 图片辅助,听对话 ) Look and listen to the tape ( 手势 ) 指板书:What about chairs? Six. Yellow. 引导学生说出: Six yellow desks. (板书) How many chairs ?( chair 的数量可能一次听不清 . 需再播一次有关 chair 的句子) Twelve.

23、 师指图,引出 They are yellow, too. ( too, whats meaning? 如果学生理解有困难,可用问候语 Nice to meet you ,too. 做提示 ) Step3 、 Practice (10) 1 Read the dialogue by yourselves. 2 Open the books, Lets listen and read. 3 Read it in your groups 4 Role-play read the dialogue( 分组 前后、左右、男女生 ) 5 Fill in the blanks Step4 Producti

24、on ( 10 ) 1 、 Work in groups Talk about the food shop, toy shop or school things shop Show the dialogues Step5 Ending Look at some pictures of the classrooms.We should love our classroom,love our school. 出示老师的学校、教室以及学生对教室的介绍,为孩子们介绍自己的教室做引导。 Draw your ideal classroom, and talk about it with your parnter.

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