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1、25411911135986627515037.14-.27C763886118549795069204898178246348.42-.25语料:May I have your attention please, ladies and gentlemen? This is the restaurant car manager speaking. We would like to inform all passengers that the restaurant car is now open. The restaurant car is in the middle of the train.

2、 On sale are tea, coffee, and soft drinks. Our selection of fresh sandwiches, including egg, potato, pant and tomato and chicken and cheese. And passengers who require lunch, would you please take your seats in the restaurant car. Would passengers kindly note that we will only be sitting for lunch,

3、thank you.这是20道听力题中答对率最低的一道,44%。从曲线图直观看,此题对65分以下考生区分作用不明显,对这个分值以上考生区分作用很好。11What makes the man unhappy?A. The woman doesnt cook very well.B. The woman seldom talks to him at dinner.C. The woman watches too many commercials.选比率1166999819542298112193955.04-.14375337195226781710442128881488958734.54.52

4、1072210925960372854911265374446843.43-.47语料 M: The soup is delicious. What is it,What is it, Merry? Merry?W: I am sorry, what?M: You know sometimes I think you watch too much TV. Oh, I hardly ever watch TV. Are you serious? Oh, well, sometimes I watch the morning show and I usually watch the late mo

5、vies. And you always have dinner in front of the TV. I mean, you never talk to me. Yes I do. I talk to you during commercials.18. What did the children think about having dinner together at home? A. They thought it was funny.B. They disliked the idea at first.C. They preferred eating with friends. 2

6、. What will the speakers discuss?A. A report.B. A. computer.C. A report on computer. 3. How did the woman do the research?A. She talked to people.B. She sent letters to people.C. She collected information from newspapers. 4. How often did the family finally decide to have meals together?A. Every Sun

7、day. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 5. Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate? Do any other people in your family use the bus service? My husband. He uses it more often, but fortunately, a girl who works in his office often gives him a lift into work.单选: 三个能力考查;26-I knocked over my

8、 coffee cup. It went right over _ keyboard.-You shouldnt put drinks near _ computer.A. the, / B. the, a C. a, / D. a, a 组 592170487372715865845287293642306.39-.125918514951845911710691401206050466.46.262749272024391964142478726912352.11-.18D10447256496135364383864391-.0732- Where did you put the car

9、 keys?-Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in.A. remembered, come B. remembered, was coming C. remember, come D. remember, was coming 组2327137799488771359953517248.07-.15678776027574739969415952350745762-.132253111691285492010247898-.084274555161656504717481741076448606.253

10、1题. Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont. A. who, / B. /, who C. who, who D. /, /40905371621767226904646339857.36.02717766575533462635462378108931006.28-.291887232430803775486966301040932974.30.3724861290811520328180605675.0

11、5-.2134题He found it increasingly difficult to read, _ his eyesight was beginning to fail. A. and B. for C. but D. or362757857010713165695316303238470.35-.032539324343835949767796001233945730754248432807154580739013518069.16-.4119221766144110165863401417212-.17 23. This _ girl is Lindas cousin. A. pr

12、etty little SpanishB. Spanish little prettyC. Spanish pretty littleD. little pretty Spanish (one)22. No one helped me. I did it all _ myself. A. for B. by C. from D. to (simple, short, three)31. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _.A. spare B. leave C. catch D. make (middle

13、, three)33. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _ the Pacific, and we met no storms.A. was calledB. is calledC. had been calledD. has been called 完形: 点线面兼顾,明喻与暗喻能识;50After that , when I began to feel irritated(恼怒的)at someone, I _50_remember his words and become calm.

14、A. should B. could C. would D. might项1429633622286143481640014212736.12-.2848745845598756134881372819713289938654875645480109598112951342457521.41258515469145883522286325.0655For now, though, I am grateful for this one _55_. A. award B. gift C. lesson D. word19131139840762689582307623232312371187915

15、8214291493155813543-.1059417346802583928955100131171860390.55.22453347644892491045703558206629293.27-.11完形填空命题特色逾越句子层次的现象命题者在设计完形填空时常常采用点线面的方式。点,即单个句子就能找出分析的关键点。例如: Never had I eaten spaghetti, and _40_ of the grown-ups had enough experience to be good at it. A. none B. one C. some D. neither(2004年全

16、国),此空答案为A,对于具备基本英语常识并有一定练习量的同学,不必刻意考虑上下文如何(当然也得以上文意思为考虑的前提),只要明白句意及句子的基本特性就知道A是唯一答案。这就叫做点的概念。线,顾名思义需要把上下文的意思连成一线才能得出答案。下面几个选自高考试卷中的例子是在线的层面上通过明喻或暗喻的方法给出解题线索。1. 明喻现象明喻的意思就是上下文之间有明显的暗示,学会发现这种暗示现象是做完形填空题时必须具备的做题意识,怎样发现并逐步形成这种意识?做题时先不忙于填空,而是通读文章。Jinkins gave the much more valuable ring to his wife for h

17、er fortieth birthday. Then , the husband and wife _4_ to Paris for a weekend. A. flew B. drove C. sailed D. bicycled 只看四个选项,无论哪个放在句子中都正确。不忙于选定,继续读文。The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which showed (18空) a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer was a woman

18、wearing a large diamond ring. (1994年全国卷) 上文中划线部分明白无误地告诉做题者,答案是第一个,也就是说飞到巴黎去度假。中间的过度叙述达140词之多,可见距离之遥远。做题者若不前后贯通,很可能无从下手。One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I noticed that a man sitting at a table near the window kept

19、 glancing in my direction, as if he knew me. When the waiter brought my food the man was clearly puzzled by the familiar way in which the waiter and I chatted with each other. He seemed even more puzzled as time went on Finally he got up and went into the _46_. A. restaurant B. washroom C. office D.

20、 kitchen答案D的判定是基于前边两段话线部分的铺垫。 I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had wanted the man was a detective “Well, its really _54_ I came to a restaurant where I am known.” A. a pity B. natural C. a chance D. lucky (2005年全国卷) 由于前边几个段落的铺垫,带出上段最后一句的侦探,最终选定答案D。 上述例子属于明示。如果在平日练习中有意识找寻线索

21、并且形成这样的意识,无疑会提高做题的正答率。2暗喻现象暗喻现象与名誉正好相反, 文中没有 Scott and his four companions were terriblydisappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians had beaten them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After planting the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of them-s

22、elves before they started the 950 mile journey back. The journey was unexpectedly _39_, and the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of themThe sun hardly _40_. The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had set up to mark their way home. 39. A. safe B. fast C. shor

23、t D. slow40 A. rose B.set C. appeared D.disappeared 答案: 39 D ,40 C。划线一段所叙述的一切暗示了950英里行程的慢。40空的判定源于这一段后边的暗示。其实,无论是明喻还是暗喻, 都是上下文暗示的原则,关键是具备意识。3. 生活常识,及词汇,中英文表达After _37_ the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves _38_ they started the 950 mile journey back.37. A. growing B. put

24、ting C. planting D. laying38. A. after B. until C. while D. before 不少同学在选择时误选B与D,问题出在不会将生活常识运用于解题中。同学们都只知道珠穆朗玛峰登顶的事,在顶峰一定是手擎国旗或将国旗杆牢固地插入地下,因此,B与D不可能入选。grow又不能用,那么plant就必须考虑了。表面理解plant是”种植”的意思,继而联想到“根植于。”,想必比较坚固。由此可以初步选定。事过之后查查字典,进一步明白plant有牢牢插进,固定的解释。这样不仅验证了自己的判断,而且对常见字plant又多了一层了解。这不就是生活常识在做题中的运用吗?

25、!查字典验证思维又是丰富词汇量的好方法。4面的考虑 When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona. Before the move, my father gathered us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not realizing the universe would suddenly change its course. “In May, were _39_

26、to Arizona.39. A. going B. moving C. driving D. flying文章的开始作者就告诉我们要搬家,而且作者当时年近13岁。显而易见整篇文章会以新的生活环境为线索展开。下文提到乘火车,五月搬家是必然选择。I watched the scene change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that suggested mysterious yet to come. Finally, we arrived and _43_ into our new home.43. A. settled B. walked C. hurried D. stepped作者经过长途跋涉最终在新家定居,明显按照作者在文章开始叙说的思路展开。One afternoon, I was out exploring as usual and saw a new kind

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