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1、OG105第六版Rev.6适应性修改Adaptability modification无Null管道预制焊缝背面充氩保护工作程序Working Procedure of Argon-Filling Protection at the Back of Weld Joints for Pipe Prefabrication 6th edition第五版5th edition2010.10.292010.11.01姚彦鹏Yao Yanpeng王海燕Wang Haiyan刘卫华Liu Weihua梁选翠Liang Xuancui第一版1th edition2009.06.232009.07.01何 涛

2、He Tao 王荣敏Wang Rongmin完成日期Date of Completion实施日期Date of Implementation 编制Prepared by 校核Checked by 审核Reviewed by 批准Approved by版权声明:本文件属于公司内部管理文件,未经许可,不得复制。Copyright statement: This Document belongs to the Companys internal management document and must not be reproduced without permission.中国核工业第五建设有限公

3、司China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd.1. 目的 Purpose 为了规范管道预制厂的施工活动,确保管道预制中的焊接工作能有序、有效运行,加强预制厂对充氩保护装置的管理,为焊接期间的背面充氩保护提供指导,保证焊接质量,特编制本程序。In order to normalize the construction activities of Pipe Prefabrication Factory, guarantee the orderly and effective operation of welding work in the

4、Pipe Prefabrication Factory, strengthen the management of argon-filling protection device of the Pipe Prefabrication Factory, guide the back argon-filling protection during the welding and make sure of welding quality, this Procedure is hereby prepared. 2. 适用范围 Applicable scope 本程序适用于管道预制厂管道预制的不锈钢、合

5、金钢、异种钢及其它要求充氩保护焊接接头的充氩保护。The Procedure is applicable to argon filling protection for stainless steel, alloy steel and dissimilar steel and other weld joints with the requirement to argon-filling protection piping fabrication in the piping prefabrication factory.3. 编制依据 Compilation basis 民用核安全设备管道预制质

6、量保证大纲 CNF/MS NP 01-2Quality Assurance Program of Pipe Prefabrication of Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment CNF/MS NP 01-2ASME BPVC-III NB/NC/ND分卷 1998版及2000补遗ASME BPVC- NB/NC/ND Sub-volume 1998 edition through 2000 addendumASME/ANSI B31.1 动力管道 1989版及1989版补遗ASME/ANSI B31.1 Power Piping 1989 edition throu

7、gh 1989 addendumASME BPVC- 1998版及2000补遗ASME BPVC- 1998 edition through 2000 addendum4. 定义 Definition 4.1 焊缝背面充氩保护 Argon-filling protection at the back of weld joints 焊缝背面充氩保护是在焊缝背面输入惰性气体(常用氩气),以隔离空气而防止空气中的氧化性气体与红热的焊缝直接接触而发生反应,从而达到保护焊缝的作用。Argon-filling protection at the back of weld joints refers to

8、filling in inactive gas (commonly being argon) at back of weld joints so as to prevent oxidizing gases in the air from being in direct contact with red hot weld joints and generating reaction, realizing the effect of protecting weld joints. 4.2氩气室:根据管道或管件内径尺寸,在焊口两侧安装一套隔离装置而形成一个独立的空间,简称氩气室。氩气室的结构形貌、主

9、要部件和工作装配见附录1,安装和使用原理见附录2。Argon chamber: according to the dimension of pipe or fittings inside diameter, one set of isolated device shall be installed on both sides of weld to form a separate space, which is short for argon chamber. See Appendix 1 for the structure appearance, main component and work

10、 assembly of the argon chamber, see Appendix 2 for installation & operating principles. 4.3氩气塞:根据保护对象形貌等特征与结构尺寸,用无毛白布临时制作并安放在焊口两侧形成一个独立空间,简称氩气塞。氩气端盖的结构形貌和装配见附录4。Argon plug: according to the character of the appearance and structure size of the protection article, one separate space shall be formed u

11、sing the furless white cloth temporarily and put on both sides of the weld, which is short for argon plug. See Appendix 4 for structural appearance and assembling of the end cover. 4.4氩气端盖:根据管道内外径尺寸,在管道或管件一段安装一个独立的装置,以隔离管道或管件内不与空气的直接接触的装置,简称氩气端盖。氩气端盖的结构形貌,主要部件和工作装配见附录5。Argon end cover: according to

12、the dimension of internal and external diameter of the pipes, one isolated device shall be equipped in the section of the pipe or fittings to isolate the device in pipe or fittings with contacting with air, which is short for argon end cover. See Appendix 5 for structural appearance, main assembly a

13、nd work assembly of the argon end cover. 5. 先决条件 Prerequisites5.1 操作人员 Operating personnel 充氩保护装置的操作人员应由有经验的人员负责。Operating personnel of argon-filling protection devices shall be persons who are experienced on them. 5.2 保护装置 Protection devices5.2.1 保护装置应保存良好,处于正常工作状态。5.2.2 Protection devices shall be

14、 well preserved in normal working condition. 5.2.3 根据保护对象的材质、规格、保护区域等选择合适的保护装置或措施。5.2.4 It is necessary to select appropriate protection devices or measures in accordance with material, specification and protected area, etc of the protection target. 5.2.5 不锈钢焊接用保护装置中所使用的材料要符合设计文件要求All the materials

15、used for stainless steel welding protection shall meet requirement of the design document.5.3 其它 Others 5.3.1 管段坡口加工完毕。5.3.2 Pipe bevel processing has been finished. 5.3.3 焊口连接管段的内部清洁度检查完毕且符合要求。5.3.4 Cleaning check inside of the weld bond connecting section has finished as being in compliance with r

16、equirements. 5.3.5 保护措施应得到QC人员的认可。5.3.6 Protective measures shall be approved by QC personnel. 5.3.7 确保上道工序已完毕。Confirm that the last process has been completed.5.3.8 确保焊接后充氩装置可拆除。Make sure that the argon-filling device can be removed after welding.6. 操作流程 Workflow先决条件检查Prerequisites check7.1保护装置的选择S

17、election of protection device 7.2保护装置的安装Installation of protective devices7.3充氩保护Argon-filling protection7.4焊接Welding7.5保护装置的拆除和保护Removal and protection of protective devices7.67. 详细描述 Detailed Description 管道预制焊口是否需要充氩以及充氩保护的要求在相应的WPS中有具体的要求和规定,本程序只描述执行充氩保护的操作方法。Whether it is necessary for the weld

18、with the requirement of argon filling and argon filling protection specifically required and regulated in WPS, and this procedure only describes the operational method of argon filling protection.7.1 先决条件检查 Prerequisites check按第5节执行。Perform as the fifth section.7.2 保护装置的选择 Selection of the protectio

19、n device7.2.1 氩气室 argon chamber氩气室用于直管或直管与管件的焊接保护,且安装位置距焊口边沿至少200mm,适用于所有位置的焊接保护。参见附录1和附录2所示。The argon chamber is used for the welding protection between the vertical pipe or vertical pipe and fittings, and the installation position is at least 300mm away from weld edge, it is applicable for welding

20、 protection in every location. See it shown as the Appendix 1 and Appendix 氩气塞 argon plug氩气室使用范围较广,但安装位置距焊口边沿至少300mm,适用于管子的水平位置或高于焊接水平方位的保护(如果是2G或6G焊接位置,打底溅落物可能引燃白布)。参见附录4。The argon room is widely used, but the installation position is at least 300mm away from weld edge, it is applicable to

21、the protection for the horizontal position of the pipe or the higher than the horizontal position (the white cloth might be fired by the backing splash if the welding position is 2G or 6G). See the Appendix 氩气端盖argon end cover主要用于短管或管件的焊接,适用于所有位置的焊接保护。It is mainly used for the welding of sho

22、rt pipe or fittings and is applied to the welding protection for all positions weld.7.2.4 管帽Pipe cap主要用于小管或需要整管充氩保护者,其它要求同氩气塞。It is mainly used for the tube or protector fully argon filling; other requirements are the same as those of the argon plug.7.3 保护装置的安装 Installation of protective devices7.3.

23、1 根据保护对象的形貌特征,规格尺寸等选择合适的保护装置:It is necessary to select appropriate protective device in accordance with composition features, specification and dimension, etc of the protection target; a) 小于等于2英寸的管子背面保护装置选择管帽进行封堵保护;Pipe cap is selected and used as protective device at the back of pipe being less or

24、equal to 2 inches for plugging and protection;b) 管端距焊口边缘小于300mm时选择氩气端盖进行保护,氩气端盖一般配合氩气塞等使用。When the pipe end is less than 300mm far away from the weld bond edge, argon end cover is selected for protection. Generally, argon end cover is used together with argon plug, etc. c) 结构复杂的保护区域和不利于保护装置拆除的可选用氩气塞

25、,可整管充气或局部管段充气;Argon plug can be selected and used at protected area with complicated structure or area being disadvantageous for removal of protective devices. Gas filling can be conducted to the whole pipe or to part of the pipe section;d) 尺寸较大,且利于保护室拆除者选择氩气室进行保护。For pipe with large dimension and b

26、eing good for removal of shielded chamber, argon chamber can be used for protection.7.3.2 氩气室 Argon chamber a) 选择合适的保护装置;Select appropriate protective device;b) 在组对前,将导气管和钢丝绳送入管道并与充氩保护装置连接好;Before assembly, put gas-guide tube and steel cable into the pipe and connect them with argon-filling protecti

27、ve devices;c) 将保护装置两侧的挡板分别装入管道两端,没有连接拆卸钢丝绳的一端安装在距管道端部(待焊的坡口端)至少200mm,另一挡板安装在另一管端(待焊的坡口端);Install dampers at both sides of the protective device respectively at both ends of the pipe, with the end without connecting to removing steel cable being installed at least 200mm away from the pipe end (bevel

28、end to be welded) and the other damper being installed at the other pipe end (bevel end to be welded);d) 组对操作时,预留约14mm间隙,以便拉动拆卸钢丝绳,直到连接两挡板的钢链拉直为止;During assembly, a gap of about 14mm shall be left so as to be convenient for pulling the removing steel cable until the steel chain connecting to the two

29、 dampers is straightened;e) 保护装置安装之后,要检查两挡板之间连接的钢链是否与管壁相接触,防止钢链与管壁距离太小而导致焊接过程中钢链与焊缝连为一体,不利于保护装置的拆卸;After installation of protective device, the steel chain connecting between the two dampers shall be checked to see if it is contact with the pipe wall in order to prevent the steel chain from being we

30、lded together with weld joints during the welding process due to the too narrow distance between steel chain and the pipe wall, which might be disadvantageous to removal of the protective device;f) 领取氩气室时,应按“附录3充氩保护装置分发记录”做好记录。When receiving the argon chamber, records shall be made in accordance with “Appendix III Distribution Record for Argon-Filling Protective Device”.7.3.3 氩气端盖 Argon end cover a) 通过附录4中可见,氩气端盖的安装和固定是通过该保护装置四个方向的螺柱与管件夹紧而固定的;From Appendix IV we can see that installation and fastening

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