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1、A. Drucker is a representative of capitalist modernity.B. Drucker is a best-selling author on management.C. Drucker is better informed than the academics.D. Drucker is one of the great thinkers in the business world.4)The author suggests that university teachers should _.A. relate what they teach to

2、 the real worldB. adopt the ideology of the business worldC. give up their current academic postsD. read books by great thinkers in the business worldKey: 1) B (文章第一段指出年轻学者之所以不愿离开学术界是因为来自同辈竞争的压力,离开就意味着某种失败) 2) C (文章第六段指出读博唯一的好处是作者曾经用几年的时间深入思考,开动脑筋,强健了思维的翅膀)3) D (文章第九段提到Drucker用来说明商业“文化生活世界”要比批评理论家想象

3、的自我的多,自律的多。因此Drucker是商界的杰出思想家 )4) A (文章多处指出大学所教授的内容和现实世界脱钩,并在结尾号召大学老师谈谈他们的课程内容,课外作业,和“现实作业”有何关联。)2.Vocabulary StudyRead the text carefully and fill in each blank with a word in it proper form and tell its meaning.1)intenseA)Yet peer pressure not to leave the academy remains _. (Ll. 6-7) B)The busine

4、ss world offers one of the most _ and most dynamic continuous learning environments available. (Ll. 132-134) 2)critiqueA)Although I once taught organizational communication, I had no prior awareness that this extensive body of internal _ even existed. (Ll. 102-104) B)You read the Wall Street Journal

5、 so that you can converse and _ the Wall Street Journal. (Ll. 116-118) 3)academicA)A Former _ Offers Lessons in Joining the “Real World” (title) B)The toughest questions I faced, outside the academy, were what my Ph. D. and all my _ experience counted for. (Ll. 13-15) C)Rule one is to avoid being pe

6、rceived as “too _.” (Ll. 60-61) Key:1.intenseA.Yet peer pressure not to leave the academy remains intense. (Ll. 6-7) (intense: great)B.The business world offers one of the most intense and most dynamic continuous learning environments available. (Ll. 132-134) (intense: highly concentrated) 2. critiq

7、ueA. Although I once taught organizational communication, I had no prior awareness that this extensive body of internal critique even existed. (Ll. 102-104) (critique: a detailed analysis or assessment of something, used as a noun)B.You read the Wall Street Journal so that you can converse and criti

8、que the Wall Street Journal. (Ll. 116-118) (critique: evaluate in a detailed and analytical way, used as a verb)3.academicA.A Former Academic Offers Lessons in Joining the “Real World” (title) (academic: a college teacher, used as a noun)B.The toughest questions I faced, outside the academy, were wh

9、at my Ph. D. and all my academic experience counted for. (Ll. 13-15) (academic: relating to education or scholarship, used as an adjective)C.Rule one is to avoid being perceived as “too academic.” (Ll. 60-61) (academic: not practical, only with theoretical interest, used as an adjective)3.Sentence P

10、atterns to Imitate.goes the prevailing wisdom.Sample from the TextThe best and brightest stay, goes the prevailing wisdom, others wash out. (Ll. 910)Complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese into English.1) (团结就是力量), goes the prevailing wisdom.2) (我们所有的阅读都会通过电子设备进行,这只是一个时间的问题), goes th

11、e prevailing wisdom.3)What companies and users are looking for these days, goes the prevailing wisdom, .(是一个能够在最短的时间,花最小的力气,准确地提供所需信息的网站。1)In unity lies strength, goes the prevailing wisdom.2)Its just a matter of time before all our reading is through electronic devices, goes the prevailing wisdom.3

12、)What companies and users are looking for these days, goes the prevailing wisdom, is a website that will tell them exactly what they need to know, in the shortest possible time and with the minimum amount of effort.4. Put the Following into Chinese1)It didnt help that I carried around a vague sense

13、of guilt about somehow disappointing my graduate school mentors, people who, in fact, had neither the connections nor the desire to help me find employment in the non-academic world. (Ll. 26-30)_2)Happily, the corporate internship turned into a full-time position in a fast-growing technology-related

14、 area, which turned into an opportunity to write a technology and business book. (Ll. 40-42)3)Everything I had done to pay my dues in graduate school appeared unnecessary and insignificantexcept for one crucial fact: I had spent several years thinking hard, exercising my mind into a tight little mus

15、cle. (Ll. 54-57)_4)Though at times I longed to do so, I could not retreat to the safety of an office, write papers and submit a stack to the next conference. Nor could I speak to a groupas I once did to my students and my professors did to meas if I possessed superior intellectual wisdom and authori

16、ty. (Ll. 74-79)5) The contingent nature of reality is all too evident in the marketplace, with ever-changing consumer tastes, regulatory revisions, stock analysts mood swings and rapid technological change all conspiring to keep things interesting. (Ll. 122-125)_a)对研究生院的导师们我内心里有一种模糊的负罪感,总觉着辜负了他们的期望,

17、但这于事无补。实际上,他们跟学术界外的人既没有交情,也不想帮我在那些行业找到工作。(注意help一词的译法,并把the connections和the desire这两个have的并列宾语拆成两个分句译出,以符合汉语搭配规律。b)令人高兴的是,结束了在那个公司的实习之后,我在一个迅速发展的与科技相关的领域里找到了一份全职工作,而后又有机会写一本关于技术与商业的书。(原文中有两个turned into,在英文中这样的说法很有趣,但不太符合汉语习惯,应适当改变句式。c)除了一个重要的事实,我为完成研究生的学业所做的每一件事看起来都既无必要也没意义。那个事实就是:我花了好几年的时间努力思考,把我的头

18、脑锻炼成了一块结实的小肌肉。(unnecessary和insignificant依汉语习惯译成谓语;此外,注意对“一个重要的事实”的处理)d)尽管有时我还想回归到安全的办公室里,写文章,给下一次的学术会议投稿,但现在不能了。我也不能像过去那样对着一群人说话,好像我有超人的知识智慧与权威过去我对学生、我的教授对我就是这么说话的。(本句so用在从句中,指代下文内容,译成汉语时须把下文内容提前到从句中说。注意superior intellectual wisdom和authority的译法。5)在市场中,现实的偶然性太显而易见了:消费者的口味在不断变化,监管规则在变化,股票分析师情绪在摇摆,技术的进

19、步日新月异。 所有这些因素让我们的工作充满了乐趣。(本句依汉语习惯,把with结构译成补充说明成分,with后接并列名词结构用主谓结构译出,conspiring短语另起一句译出。Lesson 10Read the text again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements.1)Which one of the notable figures might not have championed a functioning Utopia?A. Plato B. Alexander th

20、e Great C. Shelley D. Thomas Moore2) What is the essential feature of the concept of Utopia?A. reason B. harmony C. understanding D. unity3) One of the problems of our Global Village Utopia might be that _.A. human rights are violated in certain placesB. peoples identities face challenge as they are

21、 no longer attached to placesC. peoples hostility against each other decreases with the expansion of the Electronic RevolutionD. competition between countries becomes fiercer in a free-market economy4) The world returns to tribal culture in the Electronic Age in the sense that _. A. people become mo

22、re dependent on each otherB. people are united by kinshipC. people are reluctant to give up their cultural cocoonsD. people can buy the same thing, like music CDs, everywhere in the world5) Which one of the following is not a possible consequence of globalism?A. The world is smaller in terms of comm

23、unication and transportation.B. Cultural differences totally disappear.C. The electronic media plays an increasingly important role.D. People get to know faster what happens all over the world.Key 1) C(课文第三段里说:人们祈祷合一的祷告即乌托邦梦从来没有应验。历史遗留下来的是王国的废墟和瓦砾。英国诗人雪莱就描写过“王中之王”瓯子曼迪斯所建造的王国遗留下来的残骸。所以雪莱并未支持过建立乌托邦。5-

24、7段里则提到亚历山大大帝、柏拉图和托马斯莫尔曾试图建立他们各自心目中的乌托邦。故选C项。) 2) D(第二段开头说:Long before we knew the world was shaped like a globe, the idea of human unity, flourished. 即“人类合一”的思想源远流长。第三段开头又说,世界各地的人们都曾祈祷“让我们合为一体,同有一心、一灵、一思想”,但此梦想从来都没有实现。说明作者在本文中所说的乌托邦梦是世界各国各族人民合一的梦想。故选D项。3) B(关于地球村梦想的弊端,文中第8和10段指出: 一个人生活的地域和地点给予他生命意义,

25、传统也与地域息息相关。但今天,网络虚拟世界的兴旺使我们与给予我们幸福感和归属感的地域或地点割裂开来:We draw our sense of well-being and connection from the place we live in, but that sense and those connections are now severed thanks to the Electronic Revolution. 而且,由于工作地点和生活地点不断变化,今天的人们像生活在一个“流亡者的国度”。也就是说,人们面临身份危机,不知道自己属于哪里。作者认为这是地球村梦带来的弊端之一。而课文倒数

26、第二段指出: Relations between nations and publics become more complex, fragile, even hostile. 所以peoples hostility against each other increases with the expansion of the Electronic Revolution,故C项错。A和D项文中并未提及。故选B项。4) A (文中第113-116行说:The Electronic Age is returning to oral and tribal culture, abandoned in t

27、he Age of Print. We are being hurled back into the tribal and oral pattern with its seamless web of kinship and global interdependence a world in which the electronic extensions of everyones nerves involve them in all other peoples lives. 即电子时代使我们回归口头和部落文化,在网络上大家以兴趣为基础建立起“亲属”关系和全球性的相互依赖关系。 该句表明,在电子时

28、代人们回到部落文化的意思是,人们在网络上结成一个一个有共同兴趣或话题的群体;而且在网络上,一个人的生活故事或想法会影响到许许多多人。也就是人们在网络上相互依赖的程度增强了。故选A项。5) B(课文135-137行说:External intrusion into cultures creates new tensions. Instead of harmony, we have global tug-of war. 即作者认为,全球化并未使文化差异减少或消失,而使文化之间的对抗加深了。所以选项B所说的“文化差异消失”不是全球化的一个后果。129-130行说:The world continues to shrink. 故A项“The world is smaller in terms of communication and transportation”对。课文第120-123行说:Electronic media create a Global Village in which information can be shared simultaneously by everyone For these we shall have computers and new devices as yet undreamed of. 即

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