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1、DDP delivered duty paid 完税后交货DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税后交货DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货 DES delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货FAS free alongside ship 船边交货FCA free carrier 货交承运人(自己补充的)Commercial invoice 商业发票S/C sales contract 销售合同Purchase contract 购货合同To accept an order 接受订单/订货Inquiry 询盘Offer/ to make an o

2、ffer(quotation) 报盘 报价 offer sheet 报盘单counter-offer 还盘 还价acceptance of offer 受盘 acceptance 受盘和承兑CIC china insurance clause 中国保险条款F.P.A free from particular average 平安险W.A / W.P.A with particular average 水渍险All risks 所有险 insurance policy ; policy of insurance 保险单insurance premium ; insurance expenses

3、保险费part/partial shipment 分批装运port of destination 目的港port of discharge 卸货港port of shipment 装货港B/L Bill of lading 提单Transhipment B/L =transshipment B/L 转船提单freight;carriage;transportation expenses; 运费transportation documents / shipping documents 货运单证(单据)提单的种类:(一)按提单收货人的抬头划分 1记名提单(Straight B/L)2指示提单(Or

4、der B/L) “凭指示”(To order)或“凭某人指示”(Order of)3不记名提单(Bearer B/L,or Open B/L,or Blank B/L)(二)按货物是否已装船划分 1已装船提单(Shipped B/L,or On Board B/L)2收货待运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)(三)按提单上有无批注划分 1清洁提单(Clean B/L)2不清洁提单(Unclean B/L or Foul B/L)(四)根据运输方式的不同划分 1直达提单(Direct B/L)2转船提单(Transshipment B/L)3联运提单(Through B

5、/L)4多式联运提单(MultimodaL Transport B/L or Intermodal Transport B/L)(五)按提单内容的简繁划分 1全式提单(Long Form BL)2简式提单(Short Form BL,or Simple BL)(六)按签发提单的时间划分 1倒签提单(Anti-dated B/L)2预借提单(Advanced B/L)3顺签提单(postdated B/L) (七)按收费方式划分 1运费预付提单(Freight Prepaid B/L) 2运费到付提单(Freihgt to Collect B/L) 3最低运费提单(Minimum B/L)L/C

6、 letter of credit 信用证1、跟单信用证和光票信用证(Documentary/Clean Credit)。2、不可撤消信用证和可撤消信用证(Irrevocable/Revocable L/C)。3、保兑信用证和不保兑信用证(Confirmed/Unconfirmed L/C)。4、即期信用证和远期信用证(Pay at Sight/usance(time) L/C )。5、假远期信用证(Discount L/C),既开证行贴现远期汇票,贴息由买方承担。6、付款信用证(L/C Available by Payment) 。7、承兑信用证(L/C Available by Accep

7、tance) 。8、议付信用证L/C Available by Negotiation)9、可转让信用证和不可转让信用证(Transferable/Non-Transferable L/C)。10、循环信用证(Revolving L/C)。11、对开信用证(Reciprocal L/C)。12、背对背信用证(Back to Back L/C)。13、预支信用证(Anticipatory L/C or Red Clause)。14、备用信用证和商业信用证(Standby/ Commercial Credit)。付款方式:(mode of payment )外贸常用的付款方式有三种:一、信用证(L

8、etter of Credit,简称L/C),种类繁多;二、汇付(remittance) ,主要包括电汇(Telegraphic Transfer,简称T/T)、信汇(Mail Transfer,简称M/T)和即期票汇(Demand Draft,简称D/D)三种。三、托收(Collection),主要包括付款交单(Documents against Payment,简称D/P)和承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,简称D/A)两种。D/P是付款交单,我们发货后准备好我们的议付单据,通过我方银行交单至客户方银行,客户银行提示客户单据已到,客户付款后银行交单。 D/

9、A则是承兑交单,也是通过我方银行交单给客户银行,不同的是客人只需承兑我方单据,就可以拿走正本单据,到期后再付款。 T/T是电汇(单据一般是我方直接邮寄给客户,无需通过银行),如果我们跟客户用T/T付款方式,一般的做法是客户先要给我们30%的预付款,剩余70%一般保险的方法是,货装船后,客人凭我们传真的提单正本付款,等款到帐后再邮寄整套正本单据给客人。汇票(Bill of Exchange/Postal Order/Draft)是由出票人签发的,要求付款人在见票时或在一定期限内,向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定款项的票据。汇票是国际结算中使用最广泛的一种信用工具。 自己补充的:I/L import

10、 license 进口许可证 Purchase confirmation 购货确认书Regular order 经常订单/定期订单 Repeat order 重复订单To make out an agreement / a contract 缮制协议书/合同Consignee 收货人 shipper 托运人 carrier 承运人 Gross weight 毛重net weight 净重 Shipping marks 唛头/装运标志 Container 集装箱 Air way bill 空运提单 ocean B/L 海运提单 order B/L 指示提单 Freight prepaid 运费已

11、付 Broker 经纪人 middleman General agency 一般代理,总代理 Trade volume 交易额 贸易额第三大题: 句子翻译翻译我们已看到贵公司在最近一期电视世界上所做的广告,很感兴趣。请详细介绍你们的产品规格、价格、包装等情况。We have read with interest your advertisement in the latest issue of Television World, and would like to have full particulars of your products, including specifications,

12、 prices and packing.关于贵方1月12日寻购,我们高兴地通知你方,已另邮寄出目录及价目表供参考In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalog and a price list have been airmailed separately for your reference.你方会注意到我们的价格很有竞争力。我们所有型号均有大量现货,可承诺于收到信用证后一月内交货。As you will notice, our prices are quite compet

13、itive, and since we carry large stocks of all models, we can promise delivery within a month of receipt of your L/C.兹确认今天上午的电话洽谈,现随函附寄CT504号订单,购买1500磅龙井绿茶,每磅CIF London 36 便士,6/7月装运。This is to confirm our telephone discussion this morning. Enclosed is our Order No. CT504 for 1,500 pounds of Longjing

14、Green Tea at 36 pence per lb CIF London for shipment during June/July.虽然我方价格略高于其他供应商,但由于产品质量优良,这点差价完全核算。订购真正优质的货物,符合你方本身的利益。Although our price is a little higher than quotations of other suppliers, the superior quality of our products more than compensates for the difference in price, and it is to y

15、our own advantage to order goods of really good quality.我方已注意到你们要求投保战争险,但是要知道我方CIF报价只包括水渍险,因此,你方若想加保战争险,则增加的保险费由你方负担。We have noted your request for insurance against War Risk. But, as you know, our CIF quotation includes W.P.A. only. Therefore, if you require this additional coverage, the extra prem

16、ium will be borne by you请告知航班次数多少,大批装运的最低运费率及小批运货的拼装运费率。We shall be glad to know frequency of sailings, lowest rates for large shipments, and groupage rates for small consignments.我们的付款条件是,保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证,于装运期前一个月开到我方,其有效期至规定装运期后21天,在中国议付,并允许转船及分批装运。Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable

17、letter of credit available by draft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transhipment and partial shipments.补充:请你方提供给我们。 Provide sb (with) sth . 第四大题 翻译一封信 注意格式和关键词组第一行中间 标题

18、 第二行左边或者右边 日期 日月年 第三行左边 详细地址然后开始正文Sales confirmation (销售确认书)远东贸易有限公司(买家)Far East Trading Company Ltd. to whom it may concern:(敬启者)We are pleased to inform you that We have received your counteroffer on August 10 , and very glad to confirm having agreed with you on the barter of the following commodi

19、ties: (我们高兴地通知你方,我们已收到你方8月10日的回盘,现确认与你方达成以下交易。)900 pieces sweaters of Art. No.406L 900件货号为406L的羊毛衫Pure wool manufacturing 100% 全羊毛30% of them are pink 粉色、蓝色、棕色分别占30% , 30% ,40%30% of them are blue 40% of them are brown Each of them is put in a plastic bag(每件套一塑料袋)。5 dozen in a cardboard box (5打装一纸板箱

20、)。the color of the sweaters will be mixed according to the stated proportion above . 颜色按上述规定比例搭配。The price includes cost , insurance and freight , to European main ports 。价格为成本加运保费欧洲主要口岸。25 Germany marks for each sweater 每件25德国马克。Including your 2% Commission 包括你方2%的佣金。The cargoes will be transported

21、 from Qingdao Port , CHIAN to European main ports on September or October ,1999 。货物将于1999年9/10月于中国青岛港运至欧洲主要港口。The destination port will be defined in the L/C by the buyer 具体目的港由买方在信用证中明确。 No transshipment is allowed 不允许转船。The seller shall cover insurance against total risks and war risks for 110% of

22、 the total invoice value as per THE P.I.C.C DATED 1/1/1981 . 保险由我公司根据中国保险条款(1981.1.1)按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险。Shipping marks are at our option . 唛头由我方选定。The buyer shall open though a first-class bank acceptable to the seller an irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the seller 40 days before the time of shipme

23、nt . 请于装运前40天通过第一流银行将不可撤销的即期信用证开到我方。the beneficiary should be My company . 受益人是我公司。The amount is 100% of the total invoice value . 金额为100%发票金额。We send you the Signed contract , NO. CPW9935 . please sign it and check back to let my company keep in the archives .现将我方今日签好的合同CPW9935号寄给你方,请签退一份供我方存档。Qing

24、Dao Textiles Import and Export Company . 青岛纺织品进出口公司8/23/1999 Sales Comfirmation Sellers: QingDao Textiles Import and Export CompanyBuyesr: Far East Trading Company Ltd.Date : 8/23/1999This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers , whereby the buyers agree to buy and sellers to sel

25、l the under-mentioned commodity on the terms and conditions stipulated below :Commodity : Cardigans , Art .No. 406 LSpecifications : 100% wool , pink 30% blue 30% brown 40% Quantity: 900 cardigans Unit price : at DM 25 each , CIF C2% EMP Total value : 225oo Germany marksPacking : Each in a polybag ,

26、 5 dozen to a carton , in the color assortment stipulated above Insurance : The seller shall cover insurance against total risks and war risks for 110% of the total invoice value as per THE P.I.C.C DATED 1/1/1981 .Time of shipment : September or October ,1999 No transshipment is allowedPort of shipm

27、ent : QingDao port , CHINA Port of destination: European main ports . The destination port will be defined in the L/C by the buyer .Shipping marks : at the sellers optionTerms of payment : The buyer shall open though a first-class bank acceptable to the seller an irrevocable L/C at sight to reach th

28、e seller 40 days before the time of shipment . The beneficiary should be seller .The amount is 100% of the total invoice value .Confirmed by :_ _第五大题: 写一封信The Maritime Trading Co.Ltd. 1550,Haigang Road,ShangHai,China TEL: FAX:November.4.2012The Export Manager The Midland Carpet Co.Ltd.173 Waterloo S

29、treet ,London E.C.4 Dear Sir or Madam,We have noticed with interest your advertisement in the October issue of THE MAGIC CARPET ,and feel that the patterns of your carpets may appeal to Chinese customers , especially the well-to-do weds . Therefore we would like to have detailed information about the various types of carpets available at the moment , such as specifications and prices .If possible together with sample cuttings . Yours faithfully Bruce Lin Business Manager Thank you for your i

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