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1、我是美国人I just wasnt born dont touch that!我只是没有出生在这里,别碰!Sorry. A neat Washingtons campaign buttons. 对不起,不错的收藏,乔治 华盛顿的竞选徽章re missing the 1 789 inaugural, though. 缺了1789就职典礼的那一个 I found one once. Thats very fortunate for you. 我以前有一个 那你真是太幸运了Now, you told my assistant that this was an urgent matter. 你告诉我的

2、助手事出紧急, maam. 是的,女士Well, Im gonna get straight to the point. 我开门见山吧Someones gonna steal the Declaration of lndependence. 有人打算偷独立宣言Its true. 是真的I think Id better put you gentlemen in touch with the FBl. 我看还是帮你们联络联邦调查局吧Weve been to the FBl. And?我们去过联邦调查局了 结果呢?They assured us that the Declaration canno

3、t possibly be stolen. 他们告诉我们独立宣言不可能被偷走的Theyre right. My friend and I are less certain. 他们说得没错 我和我朋友可没这么有信心However, if we were given the privilege of examining the document. 如果能让我们检查一下.we would be able to tell you for certain if it were actually in any danger. 我们就可以肯定地告诉你,是不是存在危险What do you think you

4、re gonna find?你们会发现什么?We believe that theres an.encryption on the back. 我们认为在它背面.是经过某种形式的加密处理的An encryption, like a code?Yes, ma加密, 密码?Of what?什么样的密码?Uh. a cartograph. 呃. 一张地图A map. 地图 是的,夫人A map of what?什么地图?The location of. 记载着一些极具.of hidden items of historic and intrinsic value. .历史价值和内在价值的物品的藏匿处

5、A treasure map?s where we lost the FBl. 藏宝图?是啊,所以联邦调查局不信我们re treasure-hunters, arent you?你们是寻宝人?re more like treasure-protectors. 更确切地说是宝藏的守卫者Mr. Brown, I have personally seen the back of the Declaration of lndependence, 布朗我看过独立宣言的背面and I promise you, the only thing there is a notation that reads, 上

6、面只有一行标注Original Declaration of lndependence,dated. 独立宣言原件.Four of July, 1 776. Yes, ma1776年7月4日 是的,女士But no map. 没有地图(exasperated sigh) s invisible. 地图是隐形的 Right. 是啊And thats where we lost the Department of Homeland Security. 国土安全部也因此不相信我们What led you to assume theres this invisible map?你们为什么会相信上面有隐

7、形的地图?We found an engraving on the stem of a 200-year-old pipe. 我们在一个两百年前的烟斗的把上发现一些铭文Owned by Freemasons. 烟斗为共济会所以May I see the pipe?Uh, we dont have it. 可以给我看看吗?呃,现在不在我手上Did Big Foot take it?It was nice meeting you. 大脚怪拿走了?很高兴认识你,再见Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴认识你And, you know,that really is a nice c

8、ollection. 你的收藏确实不错Must have taken you a long time to hunt down all that history. 你一定花了很多时间搜寻那段历史If its any consolation,you had me convinced. 我是相信你的,但愿能让你感到些许安慰s not. 没有I was thinking, what if we go public,plaster the story all over the lnternet?我在想,我们是不是该公诸于众,贴到互联网上去?s not like we have our reputati

9、ons to worry about. 那样就不用担心名声的问题了Although I dont think thats exactly gonna scare lan away. 但我也不信这样就能吓退伊安1 80 years of searching,and Im three feet away. 180年的搜寻,现在只有三尺之遥Of all the ideas that became the United States, 在所有创建美国的思想中theres a line here thats at the heart of all the others. 有一条最重要的主线But whe

10、n a long train of abuses and usurpations, “但是,当追求同一目标的,一连串滥用职权和强取豪夺发生pursuing invariably the same object, 证明政府追求的目标evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, 是企图把人民置于专制统治之下it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government 人民就有权利,也有义务推翻这样的政府and provide new guards for the

11、ir future security.并为他们未来的安全建立新的保障People dont talk that way anymore. 现在人们不这么说了Beautiful, huh?很美,是吧?No idea what you said. It means, if theres something wrong, 不知道你在说什么 意思是,如果发生了不该发生的事情those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action. 有能力采取行动的人,就有责任行动起来Im gonna steal i

12、t. 我要去偷(scoffs) What?什么?m gonna steal the Declaration of lndependence. 我要去偷独立宣言Uh. Ben?呃. 本?(Riley) This is. huge. 这个计划. 太大了s prison huge. 大到可以送我们进监狱You are gonna go to prison, you know that?你会进监狱的,你明白吗?Yeah, probably. 也许吧So that would bother most people. 这会给大多数人带来麻烦的Ians gonna try and steal it. And

13、 if he succeeds, hell destroy the Declaration. 伊安会去偷的,如果他成功了,就会毁掉宣言The fact is, the only way to protect the Declaration is to steal it. 唯一能够保护宣言的方法就是把它偷走s upside down. 非此即彼I dont think theres a choice. 我想不出别的方法Ben, for Gods sakes, 本, 看在老天的份上its like stealing a national monument. OK?这就像要去偷国家纪念碑s like

14、 stealing him. 或者像是要去偷国家历史博物馆It cant be done. Not shouldnt be cant be done. 就好像是不可完成的任务,不可能的Let me prove it to you. 我证明给你看OK, Ben, pay attention. 本, 听好了ve brought you to the Library of Congress. 我带你来国会图书馆Why? Because its the biggest library in the world. 为什么? 因为它是世界上最大的图书馆Over 20 million books. 超过两千万本书And theyre all saying the same exact thing:上面写的都一样:Iisten to Riley. 听雷利的What we have here, my friend,is an entire layout of the archives. 我的朋友,这里是所有的档案Short of builders blueprints. 除了施工蓝图都有了

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