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1、(题目,刊名,时间,社会影响)1 试论合作学习的可行性合作学习在中学英语课堂中的应用及实践 J,外语教学 2005年增刊2 NMET教学中书面表达文采提炼之探究 J,咸阳师范学院学报,2005.93. 一节公开课引发的对师生课堂互动的反思 J,高等教育论丛,2007.5论文所产生的实际影响(对作者工作及所在单位工作) 该学位论文对本人的教学工作无论是立论还是实践上都起到了有效的指导作用,结合中学英语教学的改革,该论文中的理论和采用的研究方法使我们在教学中不仅注重词汇的基本知识的讲授,而且更重视词语的多重意义和语法辨析,同时增加了实践纠错的比重,让学生在初学英语词汇时就掌握其正确的意义和用法。因

2、此在教学中我们进行了“微型课堂怎样搞好词汇教学”的课题研究,并已经取得了初步成效,于2008年9月已结题且有书面论文见著。在同行中获得较高评价。出版专著(名称、出版社、出版时间)获奖项目(名称、等级及时间)中文论文摘要(论文选题的意义,论文运用的主要研究方法,主要研究成果,主要参考文献)摘要:本学位论文以“语义突显层级模式理论”为基础,主要研究的是中国学生对英语名词前心理形容词的二语习得问题。本论文中的心理形容词是描述人的心理感受并承担定语,出现在句中的主语和宾语部分。心理形容词派生于心理动词,分别在其词尾加-ing 和-ed, 即有VingAs和V-edAs两种形式。两种形式均可与有生名词搭



5、-ing形容词与有生和无生名词的搭配均正确,因为V-ing形容词与名词的组合遵循“一对二” 的对应原则。同时,V-ed形容词与名词的搭配在主语位置的习得优于在宾语位置的习得,而V-ing形容词与名词的搭配在主语与宾语位置上没有差异,但总体上两类形容词在主语与宾语位置的习得是没有差异的。最后,我们得出了“有生性可以作为一种学习策略用于教学中”的结论。这一点早在语义突显层级模式理论被预测,并在此得到进一步验证,证明此理论在教学中的有效性。主要参考文献:Bolinger, D. 1967. Adjetives in English: attribution and prediction. Lingu

6、a, 18, 1-34Borer, H.1984. The Projectionprinciple and rules of morphology. In C. Jones &P. sells (Eds), Proceedinds of NFLS 14. University of Massachuetts, AmherstBouchard, d. 1995. The Semantics of Syntax: A minimalist approach to Grammar. Chicago: Chicago University PressBowerman, M. 1974. Learnin

7、g the structure of causative verbs: a study in the relationship of cognitive, semantic and syntactic development. Paper and Reports on Child language Development, 8, 142-178Wang, C. 1995. Semantic structure theory and L2 learning of adjectival participles, Ph. D dissertation, The Chinese University

8、of Hong KongWang, C. & T. Lee. 1999. L2 acquisition of conflation classes of prenominal adjectival participles. Language Learning, 49, 1-36Wasow, T. 1977. Transformations and the lexicon. In P. Culicover, T. Wason & A. Akmajian (Eds), Formal Syntax. New York: Academic PressWhite, L. 1995. Psych verb

9、s and the T/SM restriction: what do L2 learners know? In P. Koskinen (ED), Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 615-25William, E. 1981. Argument structure and morphology. The Linguistic Review, I 81-114Wen, X. 2004.

10、L2 Acquisition of English Psych Adjectives by Chinese Middle School Students. M. dissertation. ShaanXi Normal University. ShaanxiZhang, J. 2001. A comparative study of causative psych verbs in English and Chinese . Wai yu Yanjiu ( Foreign Language Research) 3, 43-57Zhang, J. 2003. The Acquisition of

11、 Psych Predicates By Chinese-speaking Learners of English : A Semantic Hierarchy Model. Ph. D. dissertation, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Guangdong. Zhang, J & Wen, X. 2004. Animacy as a Cognitive Strategy in the Acquisition of Psych Adjectives by Middle School Students. In Singhal, Meen

12、a (ed) Proceedings of the First International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research-September 25-26Zhang, J. 2005. The Acquisition of English Causative Color Verbs by Chinese University Students. Foreign Language and Teaching 6, 446-452张京鱼,张长宗,问小娟,2004. 有生性在中学生英语心理谓语

13、词习得中的作用. , 第5期:351-356。专家推荐理由此学位论文研究对象心理形容词是英语教学的重要语言点之一,为历年高考考察点之一,原因它们表述人们的心理状态和感受,使用频率高,而学生日常语言表达中错误出现的频繁也高,如何消除此类错误一直是英语教学中的一个难题。此论文选题来源于中学英语教学实践,所作研究对教学有积极的反拨作用和指导意义。该学位论文的选题不仅有深远的现实意义,而且有极强的理论意义。它是张京鱼主持的国家社科基金项目(语义突显层级模式与使役化结构的二语习得研究:05BYY037)研究的一部分内容。此研究的必要性在于:英语心理形容词和心理动词对中学生来说难以习得,因为初学者在学习心


15、对英语名词前心理形容词的习得是否有效。在实证研究过程中,该研究以陕西省重点中学西安市第85中40名高二学生为实验对象,采用 GJT和MCT两种实验工具来验证提出的四个假设:1. 中学生对V-ing N的习得要难于对V-ed N的习得;2. 中国学生对V-ing形容词与无生名词的搭配要比与有生名词的搭配更准确,因为有生名词与两类形容词均可搭配;3. 有生性可以作为一种学习策略用于教学中;4. 两类形容词与名词的搭配在主语位置和宾语位置没有差异。结果是前三个假设得到验证,最后一个得到部分证明:受试者接受V-ing形容词与无生名词的搭配,V-ed形容词与有生名词的搭配,而拒绝V-ing形容词与有生名


17、范。 因此,该学位论文堪称是一篇优秀的学位论文。 专家签字: 张京鱼 陕西师范大学教授、博士、富布赖特学者单位推荐意见学位评定委员会分会主席(签章): 单位公章 年 月 日分类号H313密 级学 号J23271教育硕士学位论文题 目中学生对英语前置心理形容词的二语习得研究指导教师姓名张京鱼 教授学科专业教育硕士(英语)提交论文日期二六年四月L2 Acquisition of English Prenominal Psych AdjectivalParticiples by Middle School StudentsbyRen ChunyingSubmitted to the Faculty

18、of the College of Foreign LanguagesIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Education in English TeachingShaanxi Normal UniversityApril, 2006学位论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,论文中不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得陕西师范大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。对本文的研究做

19、出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 任春盈 日期: 06年6月 学位论文使用授权声明 本人同意研究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属陕西师范大学。本人保证毕业离校后,发表本论文或使用本论文成果时署名单位仍为陕西师范大学。学校有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其它指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版;有权将学位论文用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允许论文进入学校图书馆、院系资料室被查阅;有权将学位论文的内容编入有关数据库进行检索;有权将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版。ACKNOWLEGEMENTSThis thesis involves only a small

20、study on the L2 acquisition of prenominal English psych adjectival participles by Chinese middle students, but it is a gigantic task. Many people have assisted me in the preparation of this thesis. Indeed, I owe so much to so many that they cannot all be mentioned by name. To them, I would like to e

21、xpress my acknowledgement. I have learned a lot from their advice. Firstly, my deep gratitude and appreciation should go to Dr. Zhang Jingyu, my supervisor, who endlessly and patiently supported and encouraged me throughout the entire studies and the neat arrangement of my thesis. Through his invalu

22、able suggestions, my attempt to carry out a study has become realistic and doable. His insightful comments and effective guidance not only helped to shape the final product but also helped me to develop the confidence and competence in academic skills. Most important, his earnestness and devotion to

23、 academic set up an example to me as a student as well as teacher. Without his support and guidance, it is absolutely impossible for me to complete my thesis.Secondly, I would like to extend my appreciation to all the other professors who taught me in the graduate courses for their earnest instructi

24、on and assistance of all kinds. Therefore, my gratitude particularly goes to Prof. Ma Zhenduo, Prof. Wang Maojin, Prof. Dai Jiguo, Prof. He Junjie, Prof. Zhang Sirui and Prof. Zhang Min, who gave insightful lectures and academic directions which have definitely offered me a great deal in making time

25、ly advice. In addition, I sincerely appreciate the support from my colleagues and especially my students who participated in my experiment.Finally, I would like to give my gratitude to my families for their always being there.Abstract:This thesis reports on an investigation into how Chinese-speaking

26、 second language (L2) learners of English develop their knowledge of pronominal psych adjectival participles, based on the theory of Semantic Salience Hierarchy Model (SSHM, Zhang, 2003). It studies the L2 acquisition of English psych participles, derived from psych verbs, which describe Experiencer

27、s emotion. English psych participles in this study act as attributive both in subject and object position in a sentence, and there are two types of psych adjectival participles, one takes ed and the other takes ing as the affix, i.e, VedAs and VingAs. Both types can be combined with animate nouns.Th

28、e necessity of choosing psych adjectival participles as a topic for research is that psych participles as well as psych verbs are very difficult for learners of English to acquire, so errors frequently occur in their works and test papers. In the field of teaching English as TESOL, psych adjectival

29、participles are also identified as an aspect of English grammar. The present study tackles the learning problems in the framework of Semantic Salience Hierarchy Model (SSHM), established by Zhang (2003). SSHM states that L2 acquisition of CAUS is a reflection of the salience of the syntactically rel

30、evant meaning component in its actual embodiments or representations in natural languages. Our study focuses on the significance of the acquisition process of VingAs and VedAS being combined with nouns in different positions in sentences, and on the prediction that animacy can be used as a learning strategy in EFL.We did an experiment to test four hypotheses following Zhang (2003). 40 students from Xian No.85 Middle School participated in our investigation. L2 acquisition of prenominal ps

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