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1、增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出 to increase expenditures necessary to shore up weak links, improve peoples lives and deepen reform 政府工作报告热词就业篇严厉打击非法用工 to severely punish illegal employment 加强劳动争议处理 to improve the handling of labor disputes 加强劳动保障监察 to improve oversight for worker protection measures 就业促进法Em

2、ployment Promotion Law 劳动合同法Labor Contract Law 城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate 鼓励创业 to encourage business startups 公共就业服务体系 public employment service system 完善再就业扶持政策 to improve the aid system for job seekers “零就业”家庭 zero-employment families 就业机会 employment opportunities 非农产业 nonagricultu

3、ral sectors 失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system 劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce 支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises 鼓励自谋职业和自主创业to encourage people to find jobs on their own or start their own businesses 加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training

4、 in how to start a business 城乡劳动者平等就业制度an employment system that treats urban and rural workers equally 落实促进残疾人就业政策 to carry out policies to find more jobs for people with physical and mental disabilities 建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制 to create a permanent mechanism to help zero-employment families find jobs

5、通过加强就业和创业培训,鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业 to expand employment by encouraging and training business start-ups, strengthening job training, encouraging people to find jobs on their own, and supporting the establishment of small enterprises 政府工作报告热词国企篇国有企业 state owned enterprises (SOEs) 主要产业 core busine

6、ss 税收贡献 tax contributions 民航 civil aviation 所有制结构 ownership structure 发展大型粮食基地 to develop large grain production bases 国有资产所有权转移 transferring ownership of state-owned assets 完善所有制结构 to improve ownership structure 实行政策性关闭破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies 建立国有资本经营预算制度 to set up

7、 a budget system for managing state capital 国有企业资产总额 the total value of assets of state owned enterprises (SOEs) 国有资产管理体制改革 reform of the management system for state-owned assets 国有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the distribution and structure of the state sector 建立和完善国有资产出资人制度 to set up and improved a syst

8、em for investors of state assets 引入国有企业股份制 to institute a stockholding system in SOEs 邮政体制改革 reform of the postal service system 振兴老工业基地战略 strategy of rejuvenating the old industrial bases 国有企业改革改组改造 reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs 深化国有企业股份制改革 to deepen the reform to convert SOEs into sto

9、ckholding corporations 加强公司化管理 to improve corporate governance 实行政策引导关闭和破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies 加快资源枯竭型城市经济转型 to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation 扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点 to expand the experiment of setting up a budget system for managing

10、 state capital 引入竞争,加强政府管理和公共监督,深化垄断企业改革 to deepen the reform of monopoly industries by introducing competition and strengthening government regulation and public supervision 严格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to strictly standardize procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies 资源型城市经济转型试点to transform the

11、 economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation 严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,防止国有资产流失to strictly standardize procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies and for transferring ownership of state-owned assets to prevent their erosion 主辅分离,辅业改制 to separate SOEs secondary businesses from their cor

12、e businesses and covert the former into independent company政府工作报告热词能源、环境篇能源消耗 energy consumption清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand节能减排目标 targets for saving energy and reducing emissions节能减排技术 energy conservation and emission reduction technologies淘汰落后生产企业 to clos

13、e down backward production facilities加强先进生产能力建设 to develop advanced production facilities城市污水处理能力 urban sewage treatment capacity重点流域的污染防治 pollution control in major river valleys and regions农村饮用水rural drinking water安全饮用水 safe drinking water污染物排放 emissions of pollutants资源节约型、环境友好型社会 a resource-conse

14、rving and environmentally friendly society抓好重点企业节能和重点工程建设to focus on energy conservation in key enterprises and construction of key projects产品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or updating of national standards for the safety of food products, drugs and other consumer goods落实电力、钢铁、水泥、煤炭、造纸等行业淘汰落后生产能力计划 impl

15、ement the plan to close down backward production facilities in the electricity, steel, cement, coal and papermaking industries纠正招商引资中违法违规的做法 to correct illegal practices for attracting foreign investment限制和禁止高耗能、高排放和部分资源性外资项目 to limit or ban foreign investment in projects that are energy intensive o

16、r highly polluting, limit or ban foreign investment in some areas of resource exploitation提高重点流域水污染物的国家排放标准。National standards would have stricter limits for discharge of pollutants in key river valleys.节约资源和环境保护要一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去,让我们的祖国山更绿,水更清,天更蓝。Resource conservation and environmental protection mus

17、t continue from generation to generation to make our mountains greener, waters cleaner and skies bluer.政治经济词条大全【附-2010年1月外交部例行记者会文稿中英文对照汇总】Deepening reform and opening up 深化改革扩大开放 The theory of building socialism with Chinese 建设有中国特色的社会characteristics 主义理论The theory on the initial stage of socialism

18、 社会主义初级阶段的理论One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中心Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改革开放Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改革,wider to the rest of the world, promoting

19、development, 扩大开放,促进发展,maintaining stability 保持稳定Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist 是否有利于发展社会主义生产力 productive forces Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall 是否有利于增强综合国力 strength of the countryWhether it would be beneficial to raising peoples living 是否有利于提高人民生活水平 s

20、tandard Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立Deepening economic reform 深化经济改革Relationships among reform, development and stability 改革发展和稳定的关系Deepening of reform and

21、 promotion of development 深化改革与促进发展Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第一生产力Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制A series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施Reform and opening

22、 up policy 改革开放政策Reform measures 改革措施Speed up reform 加快改革Reform of economic system 经济体制改革Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革Reform of commodity

23、 circulation 商品流通体制改革Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改革Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改革Reform of housing system 住房制度改革Planning system 计划管理体制Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能Open door policy 开放政策Open economy 开放经济Open-door to the outside world

24、对外开放Opening up 扩大开放Open domestic market 开放国内市场Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资金,先进技术和managerial experiences 管理经验Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区One country, two systems 一国两制Special administrative region 特别行政区Contra

25、ct responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制to the householdNarrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距Eliminate poverty 消除贫困Common prosperity 共同富裕ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分State-owned economy 国有经济Non-

26、state economy 非国有经济Collective economy 集体经济Individual economy 个体经济Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展 National economic budget 国民经济预算Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展 Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略Theory

27、 of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展Commodity economy 商品经济Market economy 市场经济Free market economy 自由市场经济Developed market economy 发达的市场经济Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济Em

28、erging market economy 新兴市场经济Mature market economy 成熟市场经济Market economy country 市场经济国家Extensive economy 粗放型经济Intensive economy 集约型经济Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为mode into intensive one 集约型经济Mixed economy 混合经济Regional economy 地区经济Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济Closed economy 闭关自守经济Economic

29、 growth point 经济增长点Economic growth mode 经济增长方式Economic growth rate 经济增长率Economy measure 经济手段Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济Economic situation 经济形势Economic cycle 经济周期Economic fluctuation 经济波动Economic miracle 经济奇迹Economic take-off 经济起飞Economic recovery 经济复苏Economic potential 经济潜力Economic sanction 经济制裁Global economy 全球经济Economic globalization 经济全球化Integration of world economy 世界经济一体化International economic integration 国际经济一体化New international econ

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