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1、6. You may take an oral or written exam _ you prefer.A. according as B. according toC. if D. whether7. The Tower of London, _ so many people lost their lives, is now a tourist attraction.A. which B. thereC. where D. from it8. Pride and prejudice _ never failed to characterize the aristocracy.A. had

2、B. hasC. have D. are9. Not only the players and the coach but also the referee _ responsible for the defeat.A. were B. wasC. is D. are10. How often _ your car _? I think it ought _ twice a week at least.A. is washed, to be washed B. is washed, to washC. is washed, to have washed D. has been washed,

3、to be washed11. The noise of the desks _ could be heard out in the street.A. having been opened and closed B. opened and closedC. being opened and closed D. to be opened and closed12. I had hoped that Jennifer _ a doctor, but she was not good at medicine.A. will become B. becomeC. would become D. be

4、comes13. Most people enjoy _.A. to flatter B. to be flatteredC. flattering D. being flattered14. Congratulations on _ to the university.A. having admitted B. being admittedC. admitting D. have admitted15. As we went _ in our investigation of the case, we had more evidence of a political conspiracy.A

5、. far B. fartherC. further D. farthest16. _ his immense fortune, he died a most unhappy man.A. Although B. With allC. With D. Because of17. He takes no interest in studies; _, he plays tennis all day.A. in short B. insteadC. anyhow D. still18. The factory was burned down last night; _ many workmen w

6、ere thrown out of employment.A. for this sake B. on that accountC. in that case D. unfortunately19. The old _ usually self-conceited as age sometimes does tell.A. is B. will beC. are to be D. are20. There _ a tall building, several tennis courts and lots of non-deciduous trees on the center of the a

7、rea.A. is B. areC. stand D. appears二、选择填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)Fill in the blanks with one of the items given below.21. today, todays, todays, the, a_ styles are not as attractive as those of _ generation ago.22. a, the, any, some, alII believe _ prestige of our college is as great as that of _ other

8、 college in this area.23. Fool and Joe, Joe and thief, Fool and thief, Joe and he, Fool and heIn the sentence “Fool Joe may be, but thief he is not ”, the subjects are _ and the themes are _.24. a, the, any, every, allIn the United States, Women earn an average of 75 cents for _ $1 men are paid, _ d

9、isparity Bill Clinton has noted in the past as evidence of social injustice.25. was given, gave, has given, onto, off, over toThe evening _ _ singing and dancing.26. makes, made, was made, of, after, forIt started raining, so she _ _ the nearest shelter.三、填空题(本大题共20小题,每空1分,共20分)27. Fill in the blank

10、 with an appropriate unit noun:a _ of sand28. Fill in the blank with an appropriate unit noun:a _ of sunshine.29. Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of the verb given:Two players _ (send) off the field in the restive match.30. Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of the words given:Ive

11、 left the key on the safe. People _ (must look) everywhere for it.31. Fill in the blank with an appropriate Preposition:I got the news prior _ the conference.32. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition:She leant _ the river to see her reflection in the water.33. Fill in the blank with an a

12、ppropriate coordinator or subordinator:she was on the verge of starvation, her brother was living an extravagant life.34. Fill in the blank with an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:Not everyone can go to Cambridge _ Oxford. Youre one of the privileged few.35. Fill in the blank with an appropr

13、iate relative pronoun:The painter lived in Beijing, _ he was in close contact with other artists.36. Fill in the blank with an appropriate conjunct:You can phone the doctor if you like. _, I very much doubt whether you will get him to come out on a Saturday night.37. Fill in the blank with an approp

14、riate form of the verb given:The police _ (be) investigating the fraud allegations against him.38. Fill in the blank with a proper form of the verb given:All of the fruit _ (spoil)。39. Fill in the blank with an appropriate from of the word given:Janet turned out as though she _ (know) the result.40.

15、 Fill in the blank with an appropriate from of the word given:_ (honest) man than he is shall be chosen.41. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition:That strange idea is _ belief.42. Fill in the blank with an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:Work hard _ you are told to stop.43. Fill

16、in the blank with an appropriate relative pronoun:You must return the book to _ it belongs to.44. Fill in the blank with an appropriate relative pronoun:We talked a long while about our boyhood days, after _ we had a good dinner.45. Fill in the blank with an appropriate adverb:Only one boy was absen

17、t, _ Harry.46. Fill in the blank with an appropriate conjunct:You say you want to marry her. _, you shouldnt be quarrelling with her all the time.四、改错题(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)Correct errors in the following sentences.47. We must hurry, otherwise the seminar will start when we get there.48. He suddenly sa

18、w the answer to the problem that has occupied his mind for the last two years.49. The company has promised a rise to salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.50. I believe youngsters read too many love stories these days to be realistic.51. Please do not use your mobile phones until after the p

19、lane lands.52. As she is fed up with working as a secretary, she thinks of finding another job.53. Francis Bacon wrote that reading made a full man.54. Go and get some fresh air! You were sitting here all morning.五、改写句子题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.55. Rephrase th

20、ese sentences so as to begin each with the existential “there”:a. A small, grey monkey was wearing my best silk tie.b. Many citizens believed that the fire had been caused by foreigners.56. In answering the question below, use (a) the information given in brackets, and (b) the passive voice as a mea

21、ns of achieving end-focus.Were Christopher Columbus and his men the first Europeans to discover America ? (Norsemen landed on the coast of North America in the 10th or 11th century)57. Turn the following statement into an exclamation:These old men are very nice people.58. Turn the following statemen

22、t into an exclamation:They are working with great enthusiasm.59. Turn the following statement into a negative imperative:Put the box somewhere in the storeroom.60. Turn the singular noun or noun phrase into plural forms wherever possible with other necessary changes:He was anxious to increase his kn

23、owledge.61. Use modal auxiliary:They were obliged to finance from short-term loans as the debts fell due.62. Use an infinitive phrase:My friends recommended that I should give up smoking.63. Combine sentences using comparative degree (more than ):He works carefully. I dont work carefully enough.64.

24、Combine the sentences into one that contains a relative clause:The monsoon season occurs in Thailand every year. It causes heavy rains.65. Combine the sentence into one that contains a relative clause:My special gratitude goes to Professor Wang. Without his help this book would not have been finishe

25、d in time.66. Write a counter-factual conditional based on the given facts:Tom doesnt travel because he doesnt have enough money.67. Use “neither” as part of the subject:Both statements are not true.68. Use whatever cohesive device is appropriate:He sold his old house and bought a new house the next

26、 day.69. Use whatever cohesive device is appropriate:The old people are retiring and the younger people are taking over.六、名词解释题(本大题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分。)Define the following terms with examples.70. tag question71. the infinitive七、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题2分,共6分。Answer the following questions:72. List two voice forms and three mood forms of verbs and verb phrases.73. What are stative adjectives?74. What are exophoric reference and endophoric reference?

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