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1、variations.Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing,1987,39(3:355368 9Jones R D,Tjahjadi T.A study of modification of the local histogram equalization algorithm.Pattern Recognition,1993,26(9:13731381 10Kim J Y,Kim L S,Hwang S H.An advanced contrast enhancement using partially overlapped sub-blo

2、ck histogram equalization.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2001,11(4:475477 11Caselles V,Lisani J L,Morel J M,et al.Shape preserving local histogram modification.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,1999,8(2:220230 12Mallat S.A theory for multiresolution signal decompo

3、sition:The wavelet representation.IEEE Transaction on PAMI,1989,11(7:674693 13Crouse M S,Nowak R D,Baraniuk R G.Wavelet-based statistical signal processing using hidden Markov models.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,1998,46 (4:886902 14Strela V,Heller P N,Strang G,et al.The application of mult

4、iwavelet filterbanks to image processing.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,1999,8(4:548563 15Donoho D L.Denoising by soft-thresholding.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,1995,41(3:613627 36 16Laine A F,Schuler S,Jian F,et al.Mammographic feature enhancement by multiscale analysis.IEEE Trans

5、actions on Medical Imaging,1994,13(4:725740 17彭冬亮,降质图像处理方法及其在机器人视觉系统中的应用:博士论文, 浙江:浙江大学,2003 18Bolton A G,Brown S F,Moran W.A computationally efficient algorithm for XX 大学 XX 学院 201X 届 XXXX 专业 毕业设计 enhancing linear features in images.Pattern Recognition,1996,29(12:20172023 19Sattar F,Floreby L,Salomo

6、nsson G,et al.Image enhancement based on a nonlinear multiscale method.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,1997,6(6:888895 20Weickert J.Coherence-enhancing diffusion filtering.International Journal of Computer Vision,1999,13(2:111127 Study on the Image Enhancement Based onthe Human Vision Property

7、 X XXX (Department of Physics, DeZhou University, Dezhou, 283013 Abstract: Image enhancement could achieve a better visual effect and improve the human eyes ability to identify information.Moreover,as a preconditioning technique,it canmake the processed images more suitable than the original ones to

8、 do the following analysis such as parameter estimation,image segmentation,object 37 recognition and so on.Thus,the study on enhancement has always been being one of the main contents in image processing field.However,the traditional image enhancement algorithms based on histogram have several short

9、comings.1The information carried by gray levels is inconsistent with its statistic data in conventional histogram.2The conventional histogram equalization has not made full use of the visual sensitive regions in the process of gray level adjustment.3The parameters cannot be optimized on and configur

10、ed adaptively in view of the variability of the image content. To cope with these problems,the relative detailed work can be concluded as follows. First,to overcome the drawback of conventional histogram,a novel histogram construction method has been proposed based on visual attention mechanism.Both

11、 the quantity and space distribution are considered in the statistic process of gray levels. The importance of gray levels in different positions can be calculated by using the computational model of visual attention mechanism.Meanwhile,the statistic results are XX 大学 XX 学院 201X 届 XXXX 专业 毕业设计 weigh

12、ted according to the importance of every pixel.The new histogram method could reflect the influence of the gray levels on the image information objectively. Second,in order to consider the nonlinear character of visual perception in the process of gray level adjustment fully,it has been raised that

13、different amounts of gray level information are distributed to different visual sensitive regions.The region with high sensitivity should be allocated more information.And the main gray levels are constrained by using the perception ability curve of human eyes,avoiding them occupying large space in

14、the expanding process of histogram. Finally,in order to obtain better image enhancement results,the proportions of histogram information distributed to every visual sensitive region should be adjusted due to the variability of image content.Thus,an adaptive method to obtain the optimal regulating pa

15、rameters is proposed based on the analysis of the image. 致 谢 38 在论文完成之迹,我要感谢我的导师XXX老师在论文题目的选定、研究方案 的制定以及后期论文的修改工作中给出了许多宝贵的建议,并且给予了我极大 的关心和帮助。使我顺利完成了论文的撰写和课题的研究,让我在毕业之际,度 过了一个充实而又有意义的学期,在此向X老师表示由衷的感谢!此外,然后还 要感谢大学四年来所有的老师,为我们打下专业知识的基础;同时还要感谢所有 的同学们,正是因为有了你们的支持和鼓励。此次毕业设计才会顺利完成。 在此我再次向XX学院关心过我的敬爱的老师和亲爱的同学们表示崇高的敬 意和衷心的感谢! 最后,感谢我的母校 XX大学四年来对我的大力栽培。我还要感谢培养我长大含辛茹苦的父母,谢谢您 们! 39

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