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本文(外交部发言人姜瑜举行例行记者会1221 中英文对照Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外交部发言人姜瑜举行例行记者会1221 中英文对照Word格式.docx

1、关于明年中俄联合军演,我不掌握这方面的具体情况。你可以向主管部门了解。关于第二个问题,白俄罗斯总统选举是白俄罗斯的内部事务。我们尊重白俄罗斯人民的选择,希望白俄罗斯继续保持政治稳定、经济发展,希望两国全面友好合作关系不断巩固和加强。Q: Russian media says that China and Russia will hold a joint military drill in the Sea of Japan next year. Please confirm. If so, is it part of China-Russia strategic partnership of c

2、oordination? Second, how do you comment on Belarus Presidential Election, the result of which is not recognized by some countries?A: In recent years, in order to address new threats and challenges, deepen China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation and expand military-to-military cooperation i

3、n an all-dimensional, mutually beneficial and practical way, Chinese and Russian militaries have held several joint military exercises both at bilateral level and within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, enhancing the two sides capability to respond to new threats and challenge

4、s and contributing to regional and world peace and stability.As for China-Russia joint military exercise next year, I dont have any specifics. Ill leave it to competent authorities.On your second question, the Presidential Election in Belarus is an internal affair of the country. We respect the choi

5、ce of the Belarusian people and hope to see the country maintain political stability and economic development. It is hoped that the comprehensive and friendly cooperation between China and Belarus will be further consolidated and strengthened.温家宝总理刚刚结束了对印度和巴基斯坦的访问。请介绍访问成果。另据印度媒体报道,两国总理会谈期间谈及了克什米尔问题。

6、中方是否认为该问题阻碍了中印关系发展?正如你所说,温家宝总理刚刚结束对印度和巴基斯坦的正式访问。印巴两国都是南亚重要国家,也是我们的重要邻邦。中印、中巴关系发展对南亚、亚洲乃至世界和平与繁荣具有重要影响。温总理对印巴两国的友好访问内容丰富,成果丰硕,将增进中国与两国睦邻友好和互利合作、维护周边和平稳定和共同发展。关于克什米尔问题,这是印巴之间的历史遗留问题。作为印度和巴基斯坦的邻国和共同的朋友,我们真诚希望两国通过对话协商,妥善解决这一问题。Q: Premier Wen Jiabao has just wrapped up his visits to India and Pakistan. P

7、lease brief us on the fruits of his visits. Separately, Indian media says that the Kashmir issue was touched upon during Premier Wen Jiabaos meeting with his Indian counterpart. Do you think the issue stands in the way of China-India relations? As you said, Premier Wen Jiabao has just concluded his

8、official visits to India and Pakistan, which are both major countries in South Asia and important neighbors of China. The development of China-India and China-Pakistan relations are of great importance to peace and prosperity of South Asia, Asia as a whole and the rest part of the world. Rich in con

9、tent and fruitful in results, Premier Wen Jiabaos friendly visits to India and Pakistan will contribute to good-neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the two countries as well as peace, stability and common development in the surrounding area.The Kashmir issue is one l

10、eft over from history between India and Pakistan. As a neighbor and friend to both India and Pakistan, we sincerely hope the two countries properly address the issue through dialogue and consultation.问:上周,菲律宾旅游部长访问了香港,与特区政府就“人质事件”的后续处理工作进行了沟通。中央政府对此是否满意?上周,菲律宾旅游部长访问了香港。根据香港特区政府通报,特区政府与菲方就“823人质事件”后续

11、事宜进行了商谈并已达成一致,我们对此表示欢迎。我们希望有关措施尽快得到落实。 Philippine Tourism Secretary visited Hong Kong last week and communicated with the SAR Government over the follow-up issues of the hostage incident. Is the Central Government satisfied with this? Philippine Tourism Secretary visited Hong Kong last week. Accordi

12、ng to the Hong Kong SAR Government, it has had discussion and reached agreement with the Philippine side on the follow-up issues of August 23 hostage incident. We welcome this and hope relevant measures be materialized soon.中欧经贸高层对话今天在北京举行,请介绍相关情况。第三次中欧经贸高层对话今天在京举行。此次对话双方围绕宏观经济形势、贸易和投资、竞争、创新、海关合作等专题

13、,进行了深入讨论,达成重要共识,取得了积极成果。中欧经贸合作互利共赢,发展势头良好。双方一致认为,在当前全球经济缓慢复苏、不稳定不确定因素很多的情况下,双方应继续加强合作,努力促进中欧经济平稳健康发展,推动全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。双方还就彼此关心的具体问题进行了坦诚沟通。当前,中欧合作孕育着新的机遇,合作空间十分广阔。我们愿与欧方继续努力,增进理解,缩小分歧,挖掘潜力,共同培育新的合作亮点,推动中欧全面战略伙伴关系不断向前发展。 Please brief us on the China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue which is

14、 held in Beijing today. The Third China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue is held in Beijing today. The two sides had an in-depth discussion on topics including macro-economic situation, trade and investment, competition, innovation, customs cooperation, reaching major consensus and achievin

15、g positive results.China-EU economic and trade cooperation is featured by mutual benefit, win-win outcome and sound development momentum. The two sides agree that in the context of slow recovery of the world economy and existence of many uncertainties and unstable factors, the two should strengthen

16、cooperation for stable and healthy development of the two economies as well as strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy. The two sides also had frank communication on specific issues of common interest.At present, China-EU cooperation enjoys new opportunities and vast space for g

17、rowth. We are ready to work with the EU side to enhance understanding, narrow differences, explore potential and pursue new highlights of cooperation with a view to further promoting our comprehensive strategic partnership.美国新墨西哥州州长理查森结束访朝后称,朝鲜表示愿接受国际原子能机构人员赴朝核查。中方对此有何评论?我们注意到有关报道。中方一贯致力于实现半岛无核化。根据9

18、.19共同声明,朝鲜有和平利用核能的权利,但同时必须接受国际原子能机构的保障监督。我们希望有关问题在六方会谈框架内处理。US New Mexico Governor Richardson said after his visit to the DPRK that the latter expressed its will to accept IAEA inspectors to the country. Do you have any comment? We have taken note of relevant report. China has been committed to achi

19、eving denuclearization on the Peninsula. According to the September 19 Joint Statement, the DPRK is entitled to make peaceful use of nuclear energy but meanwhile have to accept IAEA safeguard and inspection. We hope relevant issues be addressed within the framework of the Six-Party Talks.美国新墨西哥州州长理查

20、森访朝后,中方是否认为朝鲜半岛局势有所缓和?我们支持美朝保持接触,希望有关接触有利于为重启六方会谈、妥善解决有关问题创造条件。当前朝鲜半岛局势仍然复杂敏感。我们呼吁有关方保持冷静克制,采取负责任的态度,切实防止再次发生不幸事件。维护半岛和平稳定符合有关各方的共同利益。中方希望有关各方积极互动,相向而行,尽快重启对话协商进程,在六方会谈框架下,根据各方达成的919共同声明的精神,平衡解决各方关切,为实现半岛无核化和长治久安作出共同努力。中方将一如既往,为此发挥建设性的作用。 Do you think the situation on the Korean Peninsula is less te

21、nse after Governor Richardsons visit to the DPRK? We support the US and the DPRK stay in contact and hope this will create conditions conducive to resumption of the Six-Party Talks and proper settlement of relevant issues.The current situation on the Korean Peninsula remains complicated and sensitiv

22、e. We call on relevant parties to keep calm, exercise restraint and adopt a responsible attitude to prevent recurrence of such tragic incidents. It is in the common interest of all parties to safeguard peace and stability on the Peninsula.China hopes all parties concerned meet each other halfway thr

23、ough active interaction, resume dialogue and consultation at an early date and address each partys concern in a balanced way within the framework of the Six-Party Talks as per September 19 Joint Statement in a joint effort to realize denuclearization and enduring peace on the Peninsula. China will c

24、ontinue to play a constructive role in this as it always did.俄罗斯驻华大使今天表示,俄方认为朝鲜半岛局势最危险的时刻已经过去。中方如何看待当前半岛局势?当前朝鲜半岛局势仍然复杂敏感。我们呼吁有关方保持冷静、克制、理性,采取负责任的态度,缓解紧张、对立,推动局势走向缓和并重回对话谈判轨道。各方应该认识到,枪炮武力不是解决朝鲜半岛问题的办法,对话谈判才是解决问题的正确途径。 Russian Ambassador to China said today that Russia believed the most precarious mo

25、ment was over for the Korean Peninsula. What is Chinas judgment? The current situation on the Korean Peninsula remains complicated and sensitive. We call on relevant parties to keep calm, restrained, rational and adopt a responsible attitude to reduce tension and confrontation with a view to easing

26、the situation and bringing it back to the track of dialogue and negotiation.Parties should realize that artillery and military forces cannot solve the Peninsular issue. Dialogue and negotiation is the only right approach.请介绍落实南海各方行为宣言后续行动联合工作组会议相关情况。中方与东盟国家于今天至12月23日在中国昆明举办落实南海各方行为宣言后续行动联合工作组第五次会议。我

27、们期待各方就落实南海各方行为宣言后续行动指针有关内容达成共识,尽早实施各方共同确定的合作项目。中方一贯高度重视并认真恪守南海各方行为宣言,以增进政治互信,推动南海合作,为最终解决有关双边争议创造有利条件,共同维护南海和平稳定。 Please brief us on the joint working group meeting on the implementation of follow-up actions of theDeclaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC).China and ASEAN cou

28、ntries will hold the fifth working group meeting on the implementation of DOC follow-up actions in Kunming City from December 21 to 23. We expect parties to reach agreement on relevant guiding principles and carry out cooperation programs agreed by parties at an early date.China always attaches grea

29、t importance to and earnestly abides by the DOC to promote political mutual trust and cooperation in the South China Sea so as to create favorable conditions for the final settlement of bilateral disputes in a joint effort to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.据报道,一艘中国渔船与韩国海警执法艇发生冲

30、撞。请介绍情况。中方是否担心该事件给当前半岛局势增添复杂因素?首先我要指出,你提到的事件与当前半岛局势没有直接关系。中方对这一事件表示严重关切,已向韩方提出严正交涉,要求韩方全力搜救我失踪船员,严惩肇事者,赔偿中方人员和财产损失,并采取切实措施杜绝类似事件再次发生。中方有关部门高度重视对遇险船员的搜救和善后工作。事发后,有关部门立即组织附近渔船和专业救助船赶往搜救,韩方也出动直升机和救助船前往现场搜救。据了解,目前搜救工作仍在进行中。 It is reported that a Chinese fishing boat collided with a ROK coast guard ship.

31、 Please provide updates. Is China concerned the incident may add complexity to the current situation on the Peninsula? First I have to point out that the incident has no direct links to the current situation on the Peninsula.Gravely concerned over the incident, China has made solemn representations with the ROK, urging the ROK side to spare no efforts i

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