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1、全国中学生英语能力竞赛山东赛区决赛高中组试题及答案2012年全国中学生英语能力竞赛山东赛区决赛高中组试题注意事项:1.本题共 14页,计150分。答题时间为120分钟。2.答题前将答题纸密封线以上的项目填写清楚。3.答题时可先用钢笔或圆珠笔在试题上作答,然后将答案抄到答题纸上。4.考试结束后将试题和答题纸一并交上。 Section 1 Listening Comprehension Test (50 points) Part 1 In this part you will hear ten short Conversations. After you hear a Conversation,

2、read the question and four choices, and then choose the best answer to the question. The Conversation will be read only once. After each Conversation, you have ten seconds to choose the answer and read the next item. (10 points)1. What are the man and woman talking about? A. About a famous writer of

3、 a book. B. About a co-workers personality. C. About how to finish their work in time. D. About a famous detective.2. What happened to the man and woman in the conversation? A. The traffic is completely jammed. B. The meeting has to be put off. C. The doctors are waiting for them. D. They have to ta

4、ke the subway instead.3. How does the man think of the Internet? A. Its too slow. B. Its frustrating.C. Its convenient for information. D. Its useful to keep in touch with his family.4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man and woman meet at a childrens playground B. The man and woman

5、have known each other before.C. The place where the woman works is a soldiers club.D. The man has been to the place where Jennifer has the duty before.5. Which of the following is correct according the conversation?A. The man has lost one of his CD and tried to find it.B. The CD the man wanted to ha

6、ve came out only last year.C. The found his lost CD right in the shops classical section.D. Beethovens Symphony Number 9 is being recorded in the musical shop.6. Which of the following is the right order for the woman to get to the meeting-room?Take the train to Broadway station.Go down the escalato

7、rs to the subway platform.Turn left after getting out of the arrivals.Get out exit C of the subway station. Turn right after getting out of the Broadway station. A. B. C. D. 7. What can we know from the conversation?A. The conversation happened between a post graduate and a professor.B. The man has

8、already known the responsibilities of his new job.C. The interviewer is talking to a applicant for certain position of a bank.D. The man is qualified for the position because he has working experience.8. What is the womans disadvantage? A. She lives very far from her home. B. She has to spend much m

9、oney to move away the spam. C. She is studying an online course which costs time and money. D. She cant get the information she needs through the regular media.9. What kind of job would the man like to have?A. A job that has something to do with science. B. To work as a laboratorian in a hospital. C

10、. To work as a laboratorian in a chemical company. D. He prefers to have an interesting job in industry.10. Which of the following is true according to the conversation? A. The man applies for the manager position. B. The man has been working as a cashier in a restaurant for several years.C. The man

11、 thinks the job in the store would be different experience.D. The man is asked to show letters of reference from his old employers.Part Two In this part you are going to hear three conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. Listen to the conversation carefully and then choose the best

12、answers to the questions that follow. You will have 10 seconds to look through the question and mark the answer. (15 points) Conversation one11.Who is the host for the right live show according to the conversation? A. Kathy Koh from The Current Affairs Program. B. David who presides at the interview

13、. C. A hostess from the program Asia Today. D. The best-known host of the program News for Today.12.Which of the following is the right order of the hosts questions in the conversation? Can you tell us exactly what you do? What kinds of topics do you find your viewers like the most? So, what does it

14、 take for someone to be a good host? So you probably have to do a lot of research, right?What about young people who want to become TV show hosts?A. B. C. D. 13.What kinds of topics do the viewers like most according to the studies made by the hosts in the conversation? A. Current social affairs. B.

15、 Present stories in the news. C. Politics, crimes and big scandals. D. Conflicts in opinions.14.What are the two most important things for the young people who want to be the TV show hosts?A. Nice sounding voice and quick thinking.B. Good listening skill and quick response. C. Curiosity and the abil

16、ity of communication. D. The skill of asking good questions.Conversation Two 15.When and where did the accident happen? A. It happened on a narrow road at a crossing on a rainy day. B. It happened on the drivers way home from work in the thick fog. C. It happened a few yards away from the drivers ho

17、use in the evening. D. It happened when a truck was suddenly pulling out of a side road.16.How were the drivers and their car and truck after the accident?A. Both of the truck and car were towed away but drivers were Ok. B. The drivers were all right but their car and truck were badly damaged. C. Th

18、e car was nearly broken but the truck was Ok and the drivers were all right. D. Both of the truck and car were pulled to the road side and waiting for reparation.17.What were the man and woman going to do after the accident?A. They were going to move into a new house. B. They were going to buy a sma

19、ller car with the latest technology. C. They were going to buy another big car with the best brakes. D. They were going to have a new car with good control technology.Conversation Three18. Why did Tina say her Spanish course was tough?A. The Spanish teacher was very strict with her.B. The teacher ma

20、de the course more difficult on purpose.C. The teacher recorded the students conversations in class.D. The teacher used lots of teaching materials by the native speakers.19. What are the three difficulties Tinas mentioned in learning Spanish in the conversation?A. vocabulary, rephrase and expression

21、s.B. Fast speed, too many new words and the accent.C. pronunciation, repetition and clarification.D. The strict teacher, important words and clarification.20. Which of the following is true according to the conversation?A. The man is surely a foreign language teacher.B. The man is the womans languag

22、e learning coach.C. The man is quite experienced in language learning.D. The man has been teaching Spanish for years.Part Three In this part youll hear three short passages. After each passage you will be asked a few questions. Choose the best answers. The passages will be read only once. You will h

23、ave ten seconds for looking through each question and marking the answer. (15 points)Passage One 21. Why hasnt Suzanne written for such a long time? A. She has been working hard on a project. B. She has been busy preparing herself for exams. C. She has been looking forward to the coming holidays. D.

24、 She enjoyed her holidays so much that she couldnt wait for another.22. What did Suzanne learn about from a girl called Louisa?A. About Louisas school and her daily life. B. There was only one school in Louisas community. C. Louisa could take her baby brother and sister to school. D. There were teac

25、hing facilities but there wasnt enough electricity.23. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Suzanne wrote the letter to Louisa very early in the morning. B. Suzanne is getting ready to go to Uganda and meet Louisa. C. Suzannes and her friends are going to raise money for Louis

26、as school. D. The project “World Class” brought Suzanne and Louisa together.Passage Two24.How did the Romans decide their first unit of length measurement?A. They took the width of a thumb as a uncia.B. They used the barley corns to measure the size.C. They used foot as the unit of their measurement

27、.D. They decided a mans foot measures exactly 12 inches.25.Why didnt the English accept thumb as the unit of measurement?A. Because it didnt make it easier to figure out common lengths.B. Because barley corns were considered more important than thumbs.C. The writer of the passage doesnt give any par

28、ticular reasons.D. Because the English wanted to prove their superiority to the Romans.26.How did the writer begin the passage?A. By telling the history of measurement.B. By examples of how often we use measures.C. By an explanation of football rules.D. By comparing the differences between the measu

29、rements.27.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. The problems of measurement began centuries ago.B. The English recognized the need for a standard inch.C. The unit “yard” was only used for women to measure clothes.D. Different units of measurement were developed over the cen

30、turies.Passage Three28.Why does the writer of the passage say Amazon is the mightiest river in the world?A. Because Amazon is about 200 miles wide.B. Because Amazon is much longer than the Mississippi river.C. Because Amazon is the second longest river in the world.D. Because Amazon flows the greate

31、st amount of water in the world.29.How far can smaller ships sail upstream during rainy season?A. 1000miles. B. 1800 miles. C. 2800 miles. D. 3900 miles.30.How does the writer of the passage help you to visualize the length of the Amazon?A. By telling how long the Mississippi is.B. By describing its banks.C. By comparing it to a distance on land.D. By telling you how it compares to other rivers.Part Four In this part youll have a spot dictation. Listen to the passag

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