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1、As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products; tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two d

2、ays, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.【原文】杭州-人间天堂意大利的著名旅行家马可波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,他使人觉得自己是在天堂。”在中国,也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。” 杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样土特产。 苏堤和白堤把西湖一分为二,仿佛两条绿色的缎带,飘逸于碧波之

3、上。湖中心有三个小岛:阮公墩,湖心亭和小瀛洲。湖水泛着涟漪,四周山林茂密,点缀着楼台亭阁,是我国最有名的旅游景点之一。杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。杭州不仅以自然美景闻名,而且有着传统文化的魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。杭州是中国的“丝绸之府”,丝绸产品品种繁多,其中以织锦尤为引人注目。杭州还生产黑纸扇和檀香扇。其他特产有西湖绸伞和中国十大名茶之一的西湖龙井。一般来说,游览西湖及其周围景点花上两天时间较为合适,到杭州旅游,既令人愉悦,又能得到文化享受。(PS: 祝您的 英语 学习有趣而丰富多姿O(_)O) 201X-3-27篇二:West L

4、ake杭州西湖英文详细介绍West LakeWest Lake or X H (西湖; literally West Lake) is a famous fresh water located in the historic area of the capital of province in eastern China. The lake is divided by S D (苏提 / 蘇堤), Bi D (白堤), and Ynggng D (杨公堤 / 楊公堤). There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens, and artificial i

5、slands within the lake. West Lake has influenced poets and painters throughout the ages for its natural beauty and historical relics, and it has been among the most important sources of inspiration for designers, as evidenced by the impact it had on various Chinese classical made a in 201X, and was

6、described as having influenced garden design in the rest of China as well as Japan and Korea over the and as reflecting an idealized fusion between There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but usually refers is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The average depth of West Lake is 3

7、meters, and the capacity is about 14,290,000 cubic meters. The lake is divided by Gu Shan, Bai, Su and Yanggong Causeways into five areas. Ordered by their areas, they are Outer West Lake (外西湖), West Inner Lake (西里湖, or 后西湖, or 后湖), North Inner Lake (北里湖 or 里西湖), Little South Lake (小南湖 or 南湖) and Yu

8、e Lake (岳湖). Outer West Lake is the largest. Gu Shan or Gu Hill is the largest natural island in the lake. Su & Bai Causeways run across the lake. Three small man-made islands, Xiao Ying Zhou (小瀛洲), Hu Xin Ting (湖心亭), and Ruan Gong Dun (阮公墩) lie in the center of Outer West Lake. Thus, the basic layo

9、ut is one hill, two causeways, three islands, and five lakes. West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque landscape, it is also associated with many scholars, national heroes and revolutionary martyrs, thus embracing many aspects of Chinese culture. In addition, many ancient buildings, stone ca

10、ves andengraved tablets in surrounding areas are among the most cherished national treasures of China, with significant artistic value. The earliest name for West Lake was Wulin Water (武林水). In the the Geography Column section says, Qiantang, affiliated to west governor general. Wulin mountain is th

11、e origin of Wulin water. Runs east into the sea, covering 830 Chinese miles. Its former names include Qian Water, Qiantang LakeMingsheng LakeJinniu LakeShihan LakeShang LakeLianyan LakeFangsheng PondXizi LakeGaoshi LakeXiling LakeMeiren LakeXianzhe LakeMingyue Lake, and etc. But only two names were

12、widely accepted in history and recorded in historical documents. One is , due to the fact that Hangzhou was called Qiantang in ancient times. The other name is , due to the lake being west of the city. The name first appeared in two poems of Bestowed on guests as returning from West Lake in the even

13、ing and looking back to Gushan Temple (西湖晚歸回望孤山寺贈諸客) and On the returning boat to Hangzhou (杭州回舫). Since most poems and articles of scholars used the name , while the name was gradually deprecated. The request of dredging West Lake written by Over 2,000 years ago, West Lake was still a part of Qiant

14、ang River. Due to soil sedimentation, the feet of the surrounding mountains on north and south sides of the lake, Wu Mountain and Baoshi Mountain gradually stretched to form shoal heads. Later these sand spits slowly merged to into a sandbank, to which a lagoon emerged Dream Searching (西湖夢尋) written

15、 by (張岱) recorded, Big Stone Buddhist Temple. According to ancient historyinto the sea, and moored the boat to this stone. The Big Stone Buddhist Temple referred to was located at Baoshi Mountain, north of the West Lake. These days the Qin Shi Huang mooring stone can still be seen. The short lived S

16、ui Dynasty was known for its great engineering works which it accomplished during its brief existence. After Daye 6th year the of China, namely the and were connected: this facilitated transportation to and from Hangzhou and thus boosting bith its and general economic development. Tourism in Hangzho

17、u also started to boom. In the Lake had an area of roughly 10.8 square kilometers. The western and southern parts of the lake all extended to the foot of West Hill. The northeastern part stretched to Wulin Gate area. Pilgrims could take the boat to the hill-foot and walk up to the hill to worship. B

18、ecause there was virtually no hydraulic project in those days, the lake flooded after heavy rains, and dried up during long droughts.View with the Leifeng Pagoda and Jingci Temple in the distanceIn September, Jianzhong 2nd year (781), Li Mi (李泌) was appointed governor of Hangzhou. In order to supply

19、 fresh water, he creatively induced the water into the city. He ordered six wells dug in populous areas like Qiantang Gate and Yongjin Gate, and set up a shadow conduit (underground clay and bamboo pipes) to introduce lake water into the city. The six wells have long vanished today. The only existin

20、g relic from that time is the Xiangguo Well, located west of Jinting Bridge on Jiefang Rd. The other five wells were Xi Well (to west of Xiangguo Well), Fang Well (or Four-eyed Well), Jinniu Well (northwest of Xi Well), Baigui Well (west of Longxiang Bridge), and Xiaofang Well (or Six-eyed Well, ins

21、ide Qiantang Gate, now Xiaoche Bridge area). In the middle of the Zhenyuan era (785-804), and government official (白居易) was appointed governor of Hangzhou. Already an accomplished and famous poet, his deeds at Hangzhou made him a great governor. He realised that the farmland nearby depended on the w

22、ater of X H, but due to the negligence of previous governors, the old had collapsed, and the lake so dried out that the local farmers were suffering from severe He ordered the thus providing water for irrigation and so mitigating the drought problem. The livelihood of local people of Hangzhou improv

23、ed over the following years. Bai Juyi used his leisure time to enjoy the beauty of X H, visiting the lake almost every day. He ordered the construction of a causeway connecting Broken Bridge with Solitary Hill to allow walking on foot, instead of requiring the services of a boat. He then planted coo

24、labah trees and willows trees along the dyke, making it a beautiful landmark. Afterwards, this causeway was later named Bai Causeway (白堤) in Bai Juyis honour. The most prominent eras in Hangzhous development history, and had great impacts on West Lake. The comprehensive development and fundamental l

25、ayout of West Lake occurred in these two Dynasties. made Hangzhou its capital. It facilitated the transportation to coastal regions, and promoted trading with foreign countries like Japan and Korea. In the meantime, successive emperors in Wuyue Kingdom paid great tribute to Buddhism, and built a num

26、ber of temples, pagodas, shrines and grottos around the lake area. They expanded Taoguang Temple, and built and White Pagoda. The area was thus acclaimed as Buddhist Country. Tianzhu Temple and the tide of Qiantang were the most famous scenic spots at that time. Due to the geological characteristics

27、, earth deposited speedly in West Lake and dredging became a routine maintenance. Thus in Baozheng 2nd year (927), the emperor of Wuyue Kingdom, Qian Liu, installed a lake-dredging army of 1,000 to mow grasses and deepen springs, and preserved the water body of the lake. Over two hundred years later

28、, in the beginning of Yuanyou era (10861094), another 蘇軾, also known as Su Dongpo), came to Hangzhou as governor. At that time, the farmers suffered drought again, due to overgrowth of the weeds at the bottom of the lake clogging the irrigation ducts. He ordered dredging of the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the 篇三:西湖相关的英文介绍西湖五景The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and f

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