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七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 What is this in English》教学设计 新版人教新目标版文档格式.docx

1、 第三课时:完成3a3d第四课时:完成4a4d 五、教学步骤The First Period (1a1c) Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 学习map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt八个表事物的名词。 2. 学会辨认物体: Its Spell it, please. 3. 学习a/an的初步用法:a jacket, an orange Language points (语言要点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. English, map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt

2、2)代词 pron. what, this, that, it 3) 动词 v. is 4)冠词 art. a, an 2. 句型: Its Spell it, please. Difficulties (难点): 1. 物体的辨认 2. 冠词a, an的基本用法Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1)Greetings Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? Im fine, thank./Im OK. (2)Review letters AH T: Can you s

3、ay the letters from A to H? S: Yes. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. (3)Play a guessing game (Show a part of a letter) Whats this?I think its A/B. (Show the whole letter to let the Ss check if theyre right or wrong.) Are you right?【教学设计说明】 引导学生在真实的交际中运用Starter Unit 1中所学到的日常用语,让学生体会学英语的乐趣和成功的喜悦;通过做猜测游戏让学生复习字母

4、,既有趣又能丰富学生的想象力。在做的过程中引入本单元的重点句型Whats this? Its ,让学生建立一定的感性认识,体现听说领先的原则。2. Presentation (呈现新知识) Show some pictures and teach the Ss to learn the new words map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt and the sentences: “Whats this/that in English? Its a/an ” 【教学设计说明】 从猜谜游戏到新知识呈现,让学生在一种兴奋的情绪中接受新知识

5、,可以有效地提高他们的学习兴趣。3. Work on 1a (完成1a) (1)T: Open your books to page S5. Look at the letters in 1a. They are big letters. Sally, can you read them aloud? Yes, (2)T: Good. Now please look at the picture and look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters. Check the ones you find. (While

6、 the Ss are doing the activity, move around to help the ones who need help.) (3)Show the PPT to check the Ss answers. 【教学设计说明】 通过字母的复习和新单词的呈现之后完成这一部分的任务,对学生来说没有难度。教师通过幻灯片来检查学生完成任务的情况,再一次巩固了新的词汇,为下一步的教学做好了更充分的铺垫。4. Work on 1b (完成1b) (1)Play the recording for the first time. Ss only listen. (2)Play th

7、e recording for the second time. Ss listen and repeat. (3)Ask some Ss to repeat the conversation. (4)Explain how to use a and an with the PPT.【教学设计说明】 先听后读,培养学生的注意力和集中精力听音的好习惯。5. Work on 1c (完成1c) (1)Have Ss practice the conversation in the picture in pairs. (2)Have Ss practice their own conversatio

8、ns in pairs. (3)Ask some pairs to present their own conversations to the class. 【教学设计说明】 让学生相互进行对话,能够让他们不断熟悉新的单词和句型。6. Word competition (单词竞赛) Have a competition between boys and girls. Show pictures of the vocabulary words on the PPT The group that reads them aloud the most quickly are the winners.

9、 【教学设计说明】 此活动有效训练学生的注意力和瞬间记忆力,同时在真实的语境中使所学的语言知识得到强化。7. Groupwork (小组活动) (1)Ask Ss to draw a picture of their own rooms and write down the English words of the things in their rooms. (2)Have Ss talk about their pictures in groups by using Be ready to offer help to those Ss who are in need of it. 【教学设

10、计说明】 学生尝试这用英语进行交际,使语言知识在完成任务的过程中得到运用并巩固。教师要鼓励学生提问,培养学生主动汲取知识的良好习惯。7. Homework (课后作业) (1)Read aloud the words on page S5. (2)Copy the new words and sentences. (3)Finish the pictures of their own rooms and write down the English words of the things in their rooms. 【教学设计说明】 学生的基础和能力存在差异,课堂内没完成的课后再继续,督促

11、他们达到共同的目标。The Second Period (2a2e) 1. 学会正确朗读和书写IiRr 八个字母。2. 了解缩略字母P、NBA、kg的含义。3. 巩固所学的八个表事物的名词和句型Whats this/that in English? Its a/an . 1. 字母J, K, L, M的正确发音 2. 字母I iR r 的正确书写 (1)Daily greetings (2)Guessing games a. Prepare eight pieces of paper with the words in the picture on page S5. Put them in a

12、 box. Get one of the Ss to pick a word out of the box. The other Ss ask: Whats this? The S answers: Its b. Show some pictures of the things using the PPT and ask Ss to guess what they are. A: Whats this in English? B:【教学设计说明】 通过游戏来检查学生对已学知识的掌握情况,既使课堂氛围轻松愉快,又容易调动学生的学习主动性。 (3)Check homework Have Ss sh

13、ow the pictures they have drawn to each other and talk about the things in their pictures by using “Whats this in English?【教学设计说明】 学生相互交流他们自己的作品,既运用了英语还激发了兴趣,增强了自信心。也可把学生的作品放在投影仪上,让他们一起谈论。 (4)Letter Competition Show the letters Ss know very quickly and get Ss to call them out.【教学设计说明】 通过闪现的形式复习旧知识,能

14、最大程度地调动学生的注意力,并为下一步新知识的呈现做好准备。 Present the letters using the PPT. 【教学设计说明】 教师一呈现字母,学生就会争先恐后读出来。此时教师注意听学生的发音,以便在下一步骤中重点纠正他们发错了的音。3. Work on 2a (完成2a)(1)Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat. Listen to the recording and repeat after it, please. (老师每播放一个发音后,学生跟读,并教学生读出其升降调,学生读准确后继续播放。在跟读时尤其让学生注意难点中提

15、到的那几个字母的发音。) (2)Show some letter cards. T: Read these letters, please. (老师利用字母卡,打乱顺序,让学生使用升降调朗读。【教学设计说明】此设计主要是帮助学生掌握字母的正确发音。4. Work on 2b (完成2b) (1)Play the recording for the first time. Ss listen. (2)Play the recording for the second time. Ss listen and number the letters. (3)Play the recording for

16、 the third time. Ss listen and check their answers. 【教学设计说明】 先听后做,训练学生集中精力听清楚字母的发音,养成良好的听力习惯。5. Work on 2c & 2d ( 完成2c和2d ) 教师可以通过多媒体展示或以自己的方式来教学字母的书写Ii Rr。注意书写体和印刷体的区别。6. Work on 2e (完成2e) (1)Present some abbreviations that the Ss know. (2)Present some new abbreviations and their meanings. P, NBA,

17、kg (3)Add some more abbreviations: PRC(中华人民共和国), cm(厘米), km(千米), PK(单独挑战) 【教学设计说明】 通过复习已知的缩写字母及其含义,让学生进一步巩固所学知识,在此基础上增加新的内容,学生不会感到困难,同时也可激发学生说出他们所看到和所了解的更多的缩写字母及其含义。 (1)听读背诵字母AR。 (2)抄写字母I iR r 三遍。 (3)抄写并熟记第5页上的词汇。The Third Period (3a3d ) 1. 复习字母 AaRr 2. 巩固已学的表事物的名词和句型 3. 学会使用新句型:Spell it, please.1.

18、词汇:动词v. spell, please 2. 句型:Difficulties (教学难点) 怎样记住单词的拼写。Teaching Steps (教学步骤) 1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习) (1)Greet the students. (2)Have a dictation. Have Ss write the letters that you read. Ask two Ss to write on the blackboard and check their handwriting. (2)Review the letters and the word

19、s that the Ss have learned using the PPT. 【教学设计说明】 初步复习字母、单词和句子,为下一步的巩固做好铺垫。 (3)Play a bingo game Have Ss draw a chart like the following and write down nine words from page S5 in the boxes. Then read the words out in random order T: Please draw a chart like this. Write down nine words from page S5.

20、 Write one word in each box as you like. Now Ill read out the nine words and you check what you hear. If you check three words in one line, you can say “Bingo!” and put up your hands. If you are the first to say “bingo”, you are the winner. 【教学设计说明】 做此游戏旨在培养学生全神贯注地听并快速认读,既训练学生的听力、判断力和反应能力,还可以检查学生是否能

21、读这些单词。2. Presentation (讲授新知识)(1)Play a guessing game: Whats the word? Think of a word that the Ss know. Draw a dash on the blackboard for each letter. Get an S to suggest a letter. Then another S says another letter until they get all the letters of the words. I have a word. It has three letters. Th

22、e second letter is “e”. What letter is before it and what letter is after it? e.g. _e_ (pen) (2)Get Ss to think of their own words and go on playing the guessing game. 【教学设计说明】 做游戏丰富了学生的想象力,有效激活学生的探究欲望,符合学生的心理特点,很容易把学生引入到词汇的记忆和运用中,充分体现“学以致用”的原则。3. Work on 3a(完成3a)(1)T: Please open your books and tur

23、n to page S7. Look at 3a. What can you see?S: I can see a ruler, a map, (2)T: Please listen to the recording and number the pictures 18. Ill play the recording three times. The first time, just listen. The second time, number the pictures. The third time, check your answers. 【教学设计说明】 让学生先认读图片,再听录音给图

24、片编号,既可检查学生能否听懂正确的发音,也有助于纠正他们的发音。4. Work on 3b (完成3b) (1)Play the recording for the students to listen and complete the words under the pictures in 3a. Now please look at the pictures in 3a again. There are some incomplete words under them. Listen to the recording and complete the words. (2)Check the

25、 answers.【教学设计说明】 学生听录音后完成单词,可检查学生对字母的熟悉程度。5. Work on 3c (完成3c) (1)Listen and repeat. Close your books and listen to a conversation. Then repeat after the recording. Open your books and turn to page S7. Look at the conversation in 3c. Lets listen and repeat. (3)Ask Ss to practice the conversation in

26、 pairs. (4)T: Now you can practice some more conversations with your partners using the pictures in 3a. (5)Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.【教学设计说明】 让学生先听音再朗读并进行对话练习,一方面可以让学生模仿正确的语音语调,另一方面,可以让学生不断练习新的句型,并在运用中掌握。6. Work on 3d (完成3d) Look at 3d. Lets listen to some conversati

27、ons and number the words you hear 14. (2)Play the recording twice for the students to listen and number.(3)Check the answers. 【教学设计说明】 此步骤可以帮助培养学生听懂对话并抓住其关键词。7. Play a guessing game. (做猜测游戏) Show a picture of a room. Cover the things first, and ask Ss to guess what they are. After that, get Ss to sp

28、ell the words. 【教学设计说明】 此设计既帮助学生再一次巩固所学的句型和词汇,同时也为下一步的对话做好充分的准备。8. Work on 3e (完成3e) (1)Have Ss look at the picture in 3e and practice conversations in pairs. (2)Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class. (3)Have Ss to write down two conversations. 9. Homework(课后作业) (1)熟记本单元词汇,每个抄写两遍。 (2)背诵3a 和3e 的对话,并抄写在作业本上。The Fourth Period (4a4d ) 1. 巩固所学的字母、单词和句型 2. 学会元音字母A、E、I、O在开音节和闭音节中的基本发音。 元音字母A、E、I、O在开音节和闭音节中的基本发音。1. Warm-up and revision

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