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1、 2. To talk about the love between the parents and children; 3. To master words and phrases; 4. To master problem-solution patterns in the passage;教学组织教学内容教学过程设计及时间分配I. Activities.II. Text-related information.III. Text AIVSkills development 1. Reading skills 2. Translation skills 3. Writing Practice

2、1. Activities. (10)2. Preview questions. (10)3. Text-related information. (1)4. First reading: Reading for the outline of the text. (10)5. Detailed study of the text (85):6. Summary of the text. (10)7. Exercises. (20)8. Skills development (25)重点1. Preparation for the class in the form of oral practi

3、ce.2. Reading for the outline.3. Detailed study of the text难点1. Understanding of the text.2. Skills training手段Explanation, Practice, Group Work作业及思考题Exercise 3,4,5, 6, 7 on Page 38-41.Exercise 9, 10,11 on page 43-45.参考资料New Horizon College English ,3nd Edition, Book 1本讲内容学法指导The teacher guides the S

4、s to build harmonious parents-children relationship.The teacher guides the Ss to master the writing pattern: problem-solution. Unit 2 Loving Parents, Loving ChildrenSection A A childs clutter awaits and adultObjectivesTo talk about the love between the parents and children;To understand the love bet

5、ween the mother and the daughter in the text;To master words and phrases in the passage;To master the writing pattern: situation-problem-solution-evaluationI. Pre-reading activities1. lead-in 1) Have you been missing your parents since you left for college?2) To what extent are you close to your par

6、ents?References: be like friends; never keep secret from them; ask them for advice; give me directions about life share happiness and sorrows3) Watch a movie clips and answer the following questions? What happened to the father and son? Is there any conflict or disagreement between you and your pare

7、nts? And what should we do to settle the conflict or disagreement?2. Compound dictation Let us take a moment of the time just to pay tribute and _to the person called MOM though some may not say it openly to their mother. Theres no substitute for her. _ every single moment. Though at times she may n

8、ot be the best of friends, she may not _ your thoughts, she is still your mother! She will be there for you; to listen to your woes, your brags, your _, etc. Ask yourself “Have you _ enough time for her, to listen to her blues of working in the kitchen, her _?” Be tactful, loving and still show her

9、due _, though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond _ of the past and also regrets will be left. Dont _ the things closest to your heart. Love her more than you love yourself. Life is _ without her.II. While-reading Activities1. Text Structure Analysis 1) main idea of the tex

10、t The text depicts a mothers responses to her daughters fight for independence through detailed description of the mess left behind by the daughter. 2) Division of the text Part I (1-4) To introduce the general situation and the mothers response to her daughters leaving home for independence. Part I

11、I (5-12) Talk about the mess the daughter has left, the mothers response to the mess and the mothers mixed feelings. Para.5 the mess in the bathroom Para.6-12 the mess in the bedroom Part III (13-22) Shows the mothers attitude from doubt to understanding and confidence in her daughter. 3) mothers fe

12、elingChanges of attitudeUnderstanding and confidence in her daughterAnger, sadness, doubt, and concern over her daughters leaving home for independence2. Understanding of the text1) Why did the daughter buy a large and expensive vehicle according to the mother?2) What does the mother want to tell th

13、rough the fact that her daughter had bought a truck instead of a car and that she is still watching cartoons?3) How does the mother feel when her daughter is leaving?4) Why does the mother describe in great detail the mess in her daughters room?5) How does the decide to deal with her daughters books

14、?6) What makes the mother change her attitude toward her daughter?7) How does the mother reverse herself in dealing with her daughters clothes and stuffed animals?8) Why does the mother feel confident that her daughter will come back one day? 1) await: wait for They were awaiting the birth of the fi

15、rst child. 2) efficiency To increase our working efficiency, it is necessary to take advantages of every moment we have. 3) my teeth ached: make sb. Feel annoyed and unhappy. Comparable to the sharp pain of an aching tooth I hate the scrape of chalk on the blackboard; it makes my teeth ache. 4) make

16、 it Be successful He came to the US and not only made it, but made it big. Succeed in getting somewhere in time With blood pouring from his leg, he made it to a nearby house. 5) freeof/from We need to create a relaxing atmosphere, free of tension. Ironically, almost all manufacturers claim that thei

17、r drinks are free of artificial colorings. 具有讽刺意味的是,几乎所有的生产商都声称他们的饮料不含人工色素。6) match Your socks dont match. She wore q green silk dress and hat to match. Mismatched: not matched or not suitably matched I wonder why my younger sister loves wearing mismatched socks.7) catch oneself doing sth. 突然意识到自己在做

18、某事 When she caught herself making the same mistake as he did, she blushed. 当突然意识到自己犯了和他一样的错误时,她羞得满脸通红。8) stuff vt. 填,塞 Dont stuff anything else in the bag, or it will burst. Volunteers were busy stuffing envelopes.9) stack v. make things into a eat pile, or form a neat pile 整齐堆起,摞起 The waitress stac

19、ked the dishes on the counter and then sat down for a rest。10) the comforter on the floor The sheets tossed aside 独立主格结构 名词+形容词/分词/介词短语 The children were building a snowman in the yard, their breaths white in the cold air. The teacher came into the classroom, a book in his hand.11) strip off It took

20、 me several hours to strip off that awful wallpaper from the walls. 我花了好几个钟头终于把那些难看的墙纸从墙上揭了下来。12) feed into The worker are carefully feeding the materials into the machine.13) reverse oneself /ones mind 改变态度/主意 They had originally planned to sell their house and move into an apartment, but later the

21、y reversed their mind. 14) straighten up 把弄整洁; 直起身 As usual, she helped her mother clear away the dishes and straighten up the room after dinner. 跟平时一样,吃完饭她帮助妈妈清理碗碟,把屋子收拾整洁。15) keep back 抑制(感情);阻止 When she heard that her mom was seriously ill, she could hardly keep back her tears.16) with open arms

22、热烈地 When the volunteers went to visit the children in the mountainous areas, they were greeted by the children withopenarms.III After-reading activities1. restructure the textGeneral situation and the mothers responses: be gone, declaring that, glad, be free from responsibilities, wonder, take care

23、of The mess left by the daughter and the mothers responses:The mess left by the daughter: leave a mess, an embarrassment of , toss aside, desk drawers, be filled with, filed by year and subject, Mothers responses:put into garbage bags, pack into a box, stack onto a bookshelf, separate into two piles

24、, straighten up, turn . into , a crafts room, guest room Concluding part:marked with , feel emotional, reverse myself, keep back my tears, bring back, remake the bed, tokens of her childhood, await, with open arms2. Translation 1) Today shes gone, off to be an adult far away from me. Im glad shes go

25、ne. It means she made it, and that Im finally free of 18 years of responsibilities. (L1, Para.4) 今天她走了,远离我去寻求成年人的独立。我很高兴她离开了。这意味着她成功了,而我也终于可以从18年的责任中脱身了。2) I feel my throat tighten at the sadness in his voice. I try hard to keep back my tears. (L1, Para.21) 他伤感的语气让我喉头一紧。我努力克制,不让眼泪流下来。3) Tokens of he

26、r childhood will await her. So will we, with open arms. (L2, Para.22) 家里有她童年的纪念品在等着她。我们也在等着她,张开双臂等她回来。3. open-ended discussion1) If you were the daughter, what response would you have when you read the article?2) Some young people refuse to take their parents advice or even do the opposite as they t

27、hink they are adults. How do you think about it?3) Some say a good relationship starts with good communication. What can you do to strengthen communication with your parents?4) What is an ideal parent-child relationship in your mind?Ask and answerBrain StormDiscussionListening ComparisonSkills train

28、ingExplanationComprehension and applicationSentence TranslationSentences in the passage 英语I 授课教师: 201 201 学年 第 1 学期Unit 2 Section B Time slows down理论课 实训课21. To Practice Reading Skills with the text: how to read in thought groups.2. To understand the important vocabulary and structure of the text.3.

29、 To improve Ss language skills.4. To learn about comparison and turning points I. Reading Skill: how to read in thought groupsII. Text B Time slows downIII. Practice1. Revision (5)2. Reading Skill (10)3. Text Study(1) General understanding (15)(2)Detailed study (15)(3) Summary (5)3. Discussion (10)4. Practice (15)5. Skills training (15)1.Skills training and practice2. Text understanding3. Important Language Points3. Discussion1. reading skills2. To think the deep

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