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Gossip girlseason1 episode1Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 18. not anymore. 不再是了 19Clocks ticking. 时间紧迫20 getting off the train 下火车21 这里已经变得无趣了: things were getting a little dull around here.22. always have, always will. 现在是这样,以后也是23. Is that you ? 真的是你吗?24. 你不去打个招呼吗? Dont you wanna go say hey?Yeah, totally 当然要25.什么?他们还没让他出来吗?what, they havent let him out

2、yet?26.噢,先别说这个好吗?oh, lets not discuss that right now, okay?27.i thought you might wanna see some of your friends28. its so good to see you.29. We are about to have dinner. Ill set a place for you.我们正要吃晚饭30. yeah, actually, um, theres somewhere I have to go.31. youre leaving? 你要走了? Yeah, I I just , I

3、 dont feel well.32. I just wanted to come by and say hi. 我只是想过来打声招呼33. word is that 事实上。in under 90 seconds 不到90秒34. has our bad girl really gone good? 我们的坏女孩真的变好了吗?35Visiting hours are over. 探访的时间过了 Im family 我是家属36Thats one secret Ill never tellthe only one37. Ive been better我好多了 I know, Ive been

4、a terrible sister38. just like mom wants, huh?正如妈妈所希望的吧 pajamas 睡衣39. I was just about to ask 我正要去问。 wanna come? 想来吗?40. dont 别 let me guess. 让我猜猜41. he tries to take his own life. 他想过自己的生活42. 你不在 youve been gone.43. doing who knows what with god knows who跟什么人做什么都没人知道 44. boarding school 寄宿学校 boardi

5、ng school was not like that45. Its a trick question. 这个问题不好回答46. top ten forgotten bands of the “90s” 十大被遗忘的90年代乐队47. thats for chicks. 那是给少女看的 laptop 笔记本电脑48. 让我再看一下 let me take a look at this again. True cool 真帅49. hey, what are you working on ?你在做什么?50. sounds very fair. The sweatshops could lear

6、n a thing or two. 这种血汗工作可以学到点东西。51 Besides, 再说了。 private school 私立学校52. so, we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone.53. works for me. 我就是这样啊54. her judgment is always sound, right? 她的决定总是很英明,是吧55. you kids should use some fun.你们该开心一下56. renovating 装修57.- so, what are you doing here? 你

7、在这儿做什么?- I just wanted to see how you were. 我这是想看看你怎么样了58. 事情就该这样子 thats the way things are supposed to be.59. she looked effing hot . 她看起来真他妈的性感60. theres something wrong with that level of perfection. 那么完美会惹事的。Violate 侵犯,亵渎61You havent sealed and deal.你没有遵守协议 seal and deal 遵守协议62. identical unifor

8、ms 同样的校服(人家没有用same!63. is that kind of a tip-off? 看不出来吗?64. not bad work. 还不赖嘛 here you guys are 你们在这儿啊65. -sorry -no, its ok.66 I got a lot of stuff to do anyway. 我反正还有一大堆事情要做67. thanks for making the time. 谢谢你抽出时间68. this could be a classic. Have a blog 开个博客吧69. spoken like a true relic. 说的还真有一套70

9、. are you gonna be ok? 你没事吧? flier 传单 staple guns 订书器71Im gonna be fine. 我会没事的72. why didnt you save me any? 你干嘛不给我留点? show up 出现73. 怎么了? What is it? Do you like this on me? 我穿这个怎样?74. Help! Emergency! Wait, wait a second. A fashion emergency75. Dad is allergic to department stores. Dad 对百货商店过敏76. y

10、ou look good. You do. really77. oh, my gosh. Sort of差不多吧78. speaking of that, um, here. 说到这个 给你 during free period 抽空 79. This is some good stuff. 这是好东西 swipe 偷窃80. do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us你会觉得我们从来无法掌控自己的人生吗?81. hey, man. Thats a dark thought. 你想得太黑暗了82. are

11、nt we entitled to choose to be happy? 我们不是该选择快乐吗?83.i could tell 我看的出来84. I needed to get away from everything. 我必须远离这一切85. how can I trust you when I feel like I dont even know you.86. lets fix that. 我们来弥补一下吧 I get it. 我懂了87. no, thats not what I mean.88. I just want things to go back to the way th

12、ey used to be.我只想跟从前一样 bungalow 小屋,别墅89. if it wasnt such a tragedy, it would have been funny. 如果不是因为太惨了,一定很好笑。It kind of was. 确实有点90. I wish I couldve been there.我真希望当时也在91. well, I dont want to keep you. Butum. 好吧,我不是想留你,但92We have a heart-to-heart 我们有一次交心谈话93. I really have no idea you could move

13、 that fast.我还真不知道你能跑那么快94. I figured my work was done. 我猜我的任务完成了。95. glitz and glamour 耀眼夺目96. well , my point exactly. 我也知道97. sipping martinis, all alone. 独自喝着马提尼酒98. Im gonna go out. 我要走了99. move, please 让一下100. minors 未成年人 minor 次要的,辅修的,未成年人101.witty banter 讽刺幽默102. catch up 叙叙旧 103. stare at 双目

14、对视104. get a bite to eat 吃点东西105.I heard you didnt do that anymore. 我听说你没这习惯了。106.special occasion. 特殊情况嘛 107. grilled cheese 烤芝士 truffle 松露108. good thing Im connected. 好在我有熟人。109. Is it too much? 有点太过了?110.There is something I need to tell you. 有些话我得告诉你。111. well, if you are looking for a way to t

15、hank me, Ive got a couple ideas. 如果你想找个方法感谢我,我倒是有几个主意。112. scoff 嘲笑113. this is not happening right now. 不能这样。114. We are not supposed to be in here. 我们不该在这里的。115. byob=bring your own bottle/booze (用于宴会请柬上等,请自带酒来) booze 酒116. make me. 逼我啊。117. Let me just show you. 我来教你。118.That never happens to me.

16、 我可从来没这样过。119. you are a mess. 你乱七八糟的。 so are you. 你还不是一样。120.Thats pretty classy 真是经典啊。121. I liked you better before. 以前我很喜欢你。122. I knew it! I always knew there was something! Get out! 我就知道,我就知道有问题。出去!123. get off of me. 放开我。124. and just when B and S had built a bridge, it all had to come crashi

17、ng down. 就当B和S刚刚重续前缘,却突然间分崩离析了。125.dry your eyes. 擦干眼泪126. Spring is around the corner. 春天即将到来。127. nice try, son. 不错嘛,儿子128. you seem upbeat this morning. 今早你似乎心情不错。129. did you have fun with your friends? 你和你朋友玩的开心吗?130. Actually, we got into a pretty big fight.事实上,我们大吵一架。131. you want my advice?

18、你需要我的忠告吗?132. It always works for your mom. 它对你妈妈总是管用。133. -wait a minute, you guys broke up? 先等等,你们分手了? - yeah, I guess we did. 是啊,我想是吧。134. Im just not sure if she is the girl for me. 但我不确定她是不是适合我。135have been doing sth. 一直以来这么做 后面加一段时间。You guys have been dating since kindergarten. 你们从幼儿园就在一起了。136

19、. so I keep hearing. 所以我没说什么。137.maybe not right now. 但不该是现在。138. she is gearing up to take her company public. 她正准备让她的公司上市。gearing up to do sth.准备做某事139. Ive been courting her for months. 我一直在向她争取140. let me handle the deal. 交给我来处理。141. if you could just help me out a little bit.如果你能帮我一点小忙142. Its

20、just a rough patch, thats all.这不过是段不开心的小插曲而已143. you dont give up just because things are hard.你不能因为遇到困难就放弃。144. what were you doing here?145.uh, look. when prince charming found cinderellas slipper, they didnt accuse him of having a feet fetish. 你瞧,当白马王子捡到灰姑娘的高跟鞋时,他们并没有因为他有恋足癖而责难他。146. prince charm

21、ing 白马王子147. what are you doing? 你干嘛啊。148. she doesnt know me, nobody knows me. 她不认识我,没人认识我。Its cool, Its fine. 没什么,没关系。149. you remember me? 你记得我?150.He claims he found your cell phone. 他说他捡到你的手机了。151. guess what I got for you. 猜猜我给你找到了什么152. nightstand =night table 床头柜153. B is throwing that. B办的啊

22、。154. By the time I got the invitation, I actually already had plans. 在我收到请柬之前,我就已经有安排了。155. whoo! Im a huge fun. 我很喜欢。156. would have been: 将是个 eg. This party would have been a perfect opportunity for you to announce your return. 157.Ill just keep the dress for myself. 我把这礼服给自己留着了。158. so, youll pi

23、ck me up at 8:00? 那你8点来接我好吗?159.-你真的要和陌生人一起出去? Youd really go out with some guy you dont know? - 你不会比我认识的人更坏。Well, you cant be worse than the guys I do know.160. I wanna fix it. 我想要弥补。 are you gonna do that? 那你打算怎么办?162. Im gonna put everything in the past. 我要让一切都过去。163. 我们别再提了。 Lets not ment

24、ion it gonna eat that? 你要吃那个吗? pretty upset 非常难过165.-我们该谈谈吗?should we talk about this? -没什么好谈的。 There is nothing to talk about.166. I overreacted. 是我反映过度了。167. what time does the limo come? 车子什么时候来?168. cause we are awesome. 因为我们棒极了。169.D scored a date with S? D 要和S 约会? mm-hmm (语气词)170

25、. are you sure its not some ploy? 你确定这不是你的小花招?171. to get to me know 让我知道172. yeah, in your dreams.做梦吧你173. that happened. 确实发生过 rehash 重讲no need to rehash details of decades past.没必要把几十年前的故事重讲174. so I moved on. 过去的都一讲过去了 switched up rock stars to billionaires.把摇滚明星换成亿万富翁176. washed-up band

26、没有的乐队 crappy so-called art gallery 差劲的所谓的艺术廊 crappy 讨厌的(俚) loafer 拖鞋177. just stay out of my life. 别来搅和我的生活178. same 可单独使用说你也是。 当别人祝你好运时你可说same.179.sermon 说教 newbie 新兵,新来的 groupie 歌迷(俚)180. why do you care so much? 你干嘛这么操心呢?181. put some product in your hair, the ends are dry. 头发擦些保养品,发梢有点干182. litt

27、le overdressed, arent I ? 我是不是有点穿的太正式了? 183.i dont really184.-so, you are a groupie? -well, not quiet. 不算是185. dressed down a little bit. 穿的朴素一点186.whatd you want to talk about? 那想聊什么呢?187.lets start over 让我们重新来过188. have a glass of champagne. 喝杯香槟酒189. nothing, nothing, 没什么没什么 asked me out o

28、n a date 你约我出来约会191. technically 从技术上说192.短信可发911意为emergency. 4 real please. 说真的=for real please193. what, better offer? 有更好的约邀?194. Im gonna do a lap, okay? 我到处转转,好吗?195. she is really here? 真的是她吗?196. She is wasted. 她喝醉了(俚)197 Serenas here? S来了?198. what is she doing here? 她来干什么?199. are you reall

29、y gonna kick her out? 你真的要把她赶走吗?200. I was going for a walk. 我是要出去走走。201. I havent seen her anywhere.到处都没有她。202. this is pointless. 白费时间 scarf 围巾203.get off! 放手!get off of her! 放开她!204.what the hell is your problem? 你有什么毛病啊?205. Things happen. 常有的事儿。206. who are you, anyway?207. how many times do I have to tell you? 我要跟你讲多少次啊?208. Dont you ever touch her

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