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1、2. In some countries, for example, you have to .; in other countries, you dont need to. 3. I wonder if you would be kind enough to answer these questions. 4. By continuing with the AAA model, the conversation continues. 5. It is polite to ask questions about peoples family, home, job, hobbies, garde

2、n, pets and studies. 6. You soon find you neednt have worried and that you have made some new friends. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块以Small Talk为话题,旨在通过教学,使学生对各种不同的闲聊话题、技巧、注意事项、社交方法、规则等加以了解并能够学会用small talk和别人进行交流。学会使用非正式的日常用语;能正确运用“责任义务和无责任义务”的表达法;学会读、写电子邮件。1.1 INTRODUCTION提供了四本权威词典对small talk的解释,让学生了解small ta

3、lk的含义、small talk涉及的话题以及small talk 和serious talk的区别。1.2 VOCABULARY AND READING是一篇介绍社交技巧的说明文。文中介绍了交际活动中应注意的事项、社交技巧等。1.3 FUNCTION 部分学习“责任义务和无责任义务”的表达法。1.4 READING AND LISTENING部分要求学生朗读三段对话,选出对话发生的地点;根据对话内容回答问题;并通过听取对话录音回答问题、完成句子。1.5 GRAMMAR学习并使用didnt need to和neednt have done结构。1.6 READING AND WRITING 要

4、求学生阅读并回复网友的电子邮件。1.7 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 学习非正式交际用语中词汇的省略法。1.8 SPEAKING 部分要求学生根据问题和提示,以small talk为话题展开小组活动并继续READING AND LISTENING中的对话。1.9 CULTURAL CORNER部分介绍了英语国家“small talk”的一种较为成功的模式AAA model.1.10 TASK部分要求学生在掌握small talk相关知识的基础上,收集课内外small talk中经常使用的表达并鼓励学生实现资源共享,编写一个供全班同学使用的小册子。2. 课型设计与课时分配P1: Introd

5、uction, Vocabulary and reading P2: Function ,Reading and Listening, everyday English P3: grammar , reading and writing P4: Reading and Vocabulary P5: Reading practice P6: cultural corner. 分课时教案The First Period Introduction, Vocabulary and reading Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 s

6、mall talk, informal, conversation, unimportant, topic,1.社交能力 2.避免与某人谈话 3.交朋友,建立友谊 4.缺乏自信 5.对焦虑不安6. 使某人为 做好准备7.准备几句不出错 的开场白8.想起,回忆起9.双向的过程10.肢体语言.11.把目光从移开 12. 社交场合 13.另外此外 14.发现.查明.了解2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to know what small talk is and how to make small talk.3. Learning ability goa

7、ls 学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about small talk.Teaching important points教学重点Let the students learn to talk about small talk.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to make small talk.Teaching methods教学方法Cooperative learning and task based activities.Teaching aids教具准备A computer Teaching proced

8、ures & ways教学过程与方式Step 1:Lead-in and Warming Up Look at the picture and answer:what are they doing? Small talk ? or Serious talk ?Do you know small talk? What is small talk? Can you find the definitions in the dictionaries?Step 2: summary the features of small talk?Step 3: Discussion-activity2 If yo

9、u talk about these topics,is the conversation serious or small talk ?Step 4: DiscussionDo you think “Small Talk” is necessary?Are you good at “Small Talk”?Step 5: vocabulary and readingFast Reading: Guess what kind of book it is from by reading the text. English teaching book2.a business course

10、3.a book which tells you what to do at social events4. a book to help you prepare for a speaking examinationCareful Reading:Activity3: Read the passage again and answer the questions.After reading: Discussion and Speaking-activity 6Step 6: language points1. confidently adv.有信心地,自信地 confident adj. co

11、nfidence n.(U)自信,信心,把握(1) He answered the questions confidently with confidence. 他很有把握地回答了那些问题。(2) He has confidence in his ability.他对自己的能力有信心。Lackgainlose confidence With confidence 满怀信心地2. lack v. 缺乏, 缺少 lack. = lack for. vi.(通常用与否定连用)缺乏缺少. e.g. She lacks the experience e.g. You are so rich that y

12、ou lack for nothing. n. 欠缺, 不足 lack of = a lack of. 缺 e.g. lack of rest = a lack of rest forthrough lack of 因为缺少e.g. He has to beg for lack of money. (for a lack of money) no lack of . 充足不缺少 e.g. We have no lack of water nervous about对感到焦虑害怕He was so nervous about the exam that he couldnt

13、sleep well.他对这次考试很紧张,以至于觉都睡不好。Be careful about Be anxious aboutBe crazy aboutBe curious aboutBe particular about4. advance adj. 预先的, 提前的e.g. Advance warning 预先警报 an advance ticket 预售票 advance n. 提前 in advance 事先, 提前 in advance of 在前面, 超过 advance v. 行进, 推进e.g. Our soldiers is advancing toward the ene

14、my base.* advanced adj. 高级的. 先进的e.g. An advanced country. The advanced English 高级英语5.Prepare v.1). They are preparing for the meeting. 他们正在为这次会议做准备。2). Schools should do more to prepare children for the world of work. 学校应该为培养孩子适应职场做更多的事情。3). We are prepared for the expedition. 我们为这次探险做好了准备。4). The p

15、rime minister is preparing to visit China.首相正准备访华。(1) prepare for为做准备 prepare + 三餐(2) prepare sb. for sth.使sb为做准备(3) be prepared for/to do sth.做好准备干某事(4) prepare to do sth.准备干某事6. think of 想, 回忆起 e.g. I think hard but I think of nothing. think of 认为, 认定 think of sb. as 把某人看作 e.g. I think of him as a

16、 hardworking guy. think of 评价, 考虑=think aboute.g. What do you think of it ? think highly/muchwell of 高度评价很看重 think nothing/ littlebadlyill of 认为没什么, 不重视 think about 思考,考虑. think over 反复思考, 熟虑 think out 想出 think twice 三思7. Look away from 把目光从移开Eg.Dont look away from the person who is talking to you(全

17、国高考1) “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even_from her book.A.looking down B.looking up C.looking away D.looking on回忆look的相关短语look around/about look after look back look up to look down on/upon look into the case look out for sth. look through bookslook up .in the dictionary look forward to doing lo

18、ok for8. In addition 另外,除此之外,该短语为副词性短语,可位于句首,句中,句末.Eg.(1)It was a cold windy day. In addition , we lacked the money to buy the ticket.(2) In addition to English, he can speak two other foreign addition=as well(连接副词)in addition to=besides(相当于介词,to后接-ing)whats more/ besides/furthermore9.

19、Sure & Certain (确定的, 必然的, 可靠的)* It is sure that he has been injured. (错) It is certain that. (正确)* certain 某些, 某种 for a certain reason 因为某种原因 for sure/ certain; 肯定地, 毫无疑问地 make sure/ certain of ; 确保 be sure/certain to do sth. 一定会10.opportunity n. 机会 eg. Soon he had an opportunity of explaining that

20、to her.不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会. Chance 多指偶然的机会;还可表示可能性Eg. There is a chance that he may be alive. 他也许活着. 不能用opportunity 来换.affordget anthe opportunity 提供得到机会missseize anthe opportunity失去抓住机会take anthe opportunity利用机会have anno opportunity for doing sthto do sth有没有做某事的机会Step 7: exercises The Second Period Fu

21、nction ,Reading and Listening, everyday Englisha. 重点词汇和短语obligation, lack of obligation, suggestion, expensive, refundb. 重点句式You mustnt do . You didnt need to . You dont have to . You neednt have done . 2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the students to talk about obligation or lack of obligation.3. Learni

22、ng ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about obligation or lack of obligation.Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点How to talk about obligation and lack of obligation.Teaching methods 教学方法Generalization. Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector. Function Talking about oblig

23、ation or lack of obligation 1)Finishi activity 1 and 3 2) obligation: must (主观)必须 have (got) to(客观)不得不doctor to patient: Youve got to stop smoking. patient to themselves: I must stop smoking.lack of obligation:dont have to dodont need to doWe dont haveneed to pay for it.We have not got to see the bo

24、ss after all.We neednt stay late.Mustnt : 禁止 3) finish activity 2 and 4 4). 高考链接 1. In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you_ take care of your luggage. (2007 北京) A. can B. may C. must D. will2. The boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we go to work tomorrow. (2007 上海春) A.

25、cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt3. -What do you think we can do for our aged parents? -You _ do anything except to be with them and be yourself. (2007重庆)A. dont have to B. oughtnt toC. mustnt D. cant Reading and Listeningapplication, form, immigration, visa, impolite b. 重点句子 Pardon?Why not?Enabl

26、e the students to learn more about small talk.Help the students to learn how to deal with language difficulties incommunication. difficult points 教学重难点How to get some information useful from the listening materials.Listening and cooperative learning.A recorder. ways 教学过程与方式 1). Pre-Listening -Activities 1 and 2 Read and match the conversations with the places. There is one extra place.

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