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1、人称代词分主格和宾格两类,有单、复数之分。人称代词第一人称(我,我们)第二人称(你,你们)第三人称(除我、我们、你、你们之外)单数复数人称代词主格Iweyouhesheitthey宾格meushimherthem思考1:什么是主格?什么是宾格?主格就是做主语的人称代词,宾格就是做宾语的人称代词。思考2:什么是主语?什么是宾语?主语是动作的发出者、执行者,是句子描述的对象;宾语是动作的接受者、承受者。Examples:I play games. 我玩游戏。“我”是“玩”这个动作的发出者,因此“我”是主语,“游戏”是“玩”这个动作的承受者,是被“玩”的,因此“游戏”是宾语。找出以下句子中的主语和宾

2、语。He is a doctor.You are my hero.It appeared in the 1990s. They love apples.What is your father?Do you like cartoons?What time is it?思考3:什么时候用主格?什么时候用宾格?当人称代词充当句子的主语时要用人称代词的主格,当人称代词充当句子的宾语时要用人称代词的宾格。此外,宾格形式也可充当介词的宾语。如:His mother is waiting for him outside.用适当的人称代词填空。_ismyaunt.Weoftenvisit_. ( she )E

3、xercise 11.Chinaadevelopingcountry._isintheeastofAsia. ( its )2.Whatdaytoday?Thursday. (its)3. _ownbluebike. ( I )4.Thesenewhousesaresonice.veryexpensive.( them )5.Thefishermencaughtlotfish,didnt_? ( them )6.Linggirl._studiesprimaryschool.(she)7.Mikeclassmate.goodatEnglish. ( he )8.Katewantsglassmil

4、k.Willyoupassitto? ( she )9.Whatsweatherliketodaycloudy. ( it)2. 多个人称代词连用时的排序两个以上的人称代词并用时,从礼貌上讲通常按下列排序: 单数代词:you he, she Iyou and I; you and he; he and I; you, he and I. 复数:we you theywe and they; we and you; you and they; we, you and they.第三人称男女两性并用时,男先女后:he and she承认过失,表示不吉祥的事,或不好的意思时,单数按1、3、2人称排列

5、,复数按3、2、1人称排列。I, he and you will be scolded for being late.They, you and we should leave her at once.It was I and Tom that broke the window.如果和比自己身份低的人或动物并排时,说成:I and my children, I and cat等。人称代词排序巧记口诀单数2、3、1,复数1、2、3,都是三人称,女后男在先。若是有过失,主动要承担。单数1、3、2,复数3、2、1,小辈与动物,我须放在前,人称排列好,夸你懂语言。Exercise 2选择填空Whoss

6、ingingoverthere_Sandyssister.A.That B.It C.She D.ThiswillspendsummerholidayHawaii.She,andIB.You,sheC.I, D.Her,me3.Between_,henotrealfriend. B. C. D.hisMyuncleboughtbikefor_.theirsthey D.Herespostcardyou,Jim!Oh,fromfriend,Mary. C.itsLittleBabyknowsthatshouldtakethingsdobelonghisherAmongthoselovelytoy

7、s,browntoydogwasgivenbyhimhesPart 2物主代词1. 什么是物主代词?表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词,即“的”。物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。物主代词的形式如下: 人称第一人称第二人称第三人称物主形容词性myouryouritstheir名词性mineoursyoursherstheirs2. 物主代词用法形容词性物主代词在句中做定语,修饰名词,一般不单独使用。His parents are both office workers.My name is Jack.名词性物主代词常用来代替前面已提及的名词,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。My idea

8、 is quite different from yours,名词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”,表示部分概念。He is a friend of mine.(我的一个朋友)简而言之,形容词性物主代词用在名词前,不能单独使用。名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,使用时后面不能再加名词。This is my schoolbag.That is his bike = That bike is his.Exercise 3ateallsandwichesyesterday.( I )Canhaveone ( you )Georgehaslost_ ( his )pen.AskM

9、aryif(是否)shelend. ( she )3. JackI.( he ) dog_ ( I )hadfight(打架).teacherreturnbook( he )Mr.Mrs.Greenfriendcomingseeus. ( they )goingParisstaywithFrench. (we )Part 3正误辩解1. 误Toms mother is taller than my. 正Toms mother is taller than mine.2. 误He and you should go to the library to return the books. 正You

10、 and he should go to the library to return the books.3. 误He or his brother is doing their homework. 正He or his brother is doing his homework.4. 误His brother is taller than him. 正His brother is taller than he.什么是物主代词?举例说明。2. 人称代词分为哪两类?物主代词分为哪两类?3. 人称代词什么时候用主格?物主代词是么时候用形容词性?什么时候用名词性?Exercise 41. Tom a

11、nd Mike are good friends. _ often help each other. A. They B. Them C. Their D. Theirs2. -Is that your key, Tim? -No. Its not_. I think its Sams. A. I B. me C. my D. mine3. Mary is friendly. Id like to study with _. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself4. -May I put these books here, sir? -Yes, please. Ju

12、st put _ on the shelf. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs5. My mother is a manager, and _ works in Lenovo in Zhongguancun. A. she B. he C. her D. him6. -Do you know Bob? -Sure. I know everything about _. A. he B. him C. his D. himself7. Songzuyings voice is very sweet. I like _ songs.8. -Welcome to

13、our house! -Oh, how nice! Its bigger than _. A. we B. us C. our D. ours9. -Hi, Mary! Will you please show _ your new bag? -Ok. Here you are.10. - Would you like go for a walk with _? - Sure, Id love to. A. I B. mine C. my D. me11. -Can you tell _ the way to the station? -Certainly. Go straight on an

14、d turn left. A. I B. mine C. me D. my12. -Mothers Day is coming. What will you give to your mother? - I will buy_ some flowers. A. her B. she C. hers D. herself13. It isnt _ cell phone. I left it at home. A. mine B. me C. I D. my14. Many people lost _homes in the Yushu Earthquake. A. their B. they C

15、. them D. theirs15. My grandparents live in Shanghai. They come to see _ twice a year. A. we B. our C. us D. ours今天所学的人称代词和物主代词你都会了吗?熟练的: 不太熟练的:一、选出画线部分读音不同的单词。1. A. trousers B. television C. clothes D. customs2. A. type B. empty C. tidy D. heavy3. A. blacks B. books C. dogs D. suits4. A. office B.

16、children C. big D. knife5. A. television B. electric C. left D. these二、根据括号内所给词汇填空。Thisisnt_knife._green. ( she )yourbooks,Kate.Putdesk,please. (they )_mustlookafterthings. ( you )WeiFang,isruler?Yes,its.( you )Theywantfootball.Givegreenone,please. ( they)ItsLinTaosbag._. ( he )Isthispencil-boxLiLei

17、s?No,_new. ( he )boxtooheavy.cantcarry_.( it )9. Dontworry,Let_( I )help_. ( you)10._boy.nameMike.Mikesfriendsmuch. ( he ) 11.sisterroom.teacher. ( she )12.Janelittlemothernurse. ( she )13.classroom.classroombig. ( we)14.fatherteachers.busy ( them)15.Youpupil.brotherpupil,too?三、完形填空Betty and Jenny a

18、re talking about jobs. Betty says that her father is a policeman.Jenney asks Betty if she wants to be a _(1) Betty says it is _(2) but a little dangerous job. Because she loves her father, she likes the job that her father _(3). Jenny says her father is _ (4). He works in a bank and meet with people

19、 and money every day. When Betty asks Jenny if she wants to be a bank clerk, she says “_(5)” at once. Jenny says that she loves her father very much, _(6) she doesnt like the job that her father does. “ What do you want to be?” Betty says. “ I want to be a reporter?” Jenny answers. “ But _(7)? “ It

20、is _ (8) and I can meet a lot people. I really like it.” Jenny answers.“ Sam says he wants to be a reporter, too. His father is a good reporter at a TV studio. Its an exciting job, but its also very _(9). He always has a lot of new things to _(10). Thats why he wants to be a reporter.1. A. policeman

21、 B. policewoman C. woman2. A. a boring B. a bad C. an exciting3. A. does B. did C. do4. A. a factory worker B. a school teacher C. a bank clerk5 A. yes B. hello C. no6. A. but B. and C. or7.A. what B. why C. why not8. A. interesting B. terrible C. not exciting9. A. easy B. cool C. difficult10. A. know B. think C. learn四、阅读理解 Name: James BrownSubjects: Business English, Reading and Writing Experience2005Now Bell College Teaching Centre of EnglishTeaching ESP classes including work with the Police Force.20012005 Business College of City University Ma

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