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1、2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯希尔专卖。The entire steel industry is in the hands of one company, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (BHP).3)外国投资Foreign inve

2、stment 澳大利亚的制造业在很大程度上依靠外国投资。外资公司比他们的澳大利亚同行获利多。Australian manufacturing relies heavily on foreign investment. Companies that are foreign-owned tend to be more profitable than their Australian counterparts. .农业 Agriculture200年前,澳大利亚是一个没有农业的大陆。今天,农业却是这个国家的最大的和最多样化的行业。澳大利亚是世界上粮食和天然纤维的主要生产国之一。200 years a

3、go Australia was a land without agriculture. Today, agriculture is the nations largest and most diverse industry. Australia is one of the worlds leading producers of food and natural fibers. 澳大利亚是世界上最大的羊毛出口国,第二大肉类出口国,第三大小麦出口国,Australia is the worlds largest exporter of wool, the second largest expor

4、ter of meat, the third largest exporter of wheat。就面积而言,澳大利亚几乎和美国一样大(除去阿拉斯加和夏威夷),比整个西欧还大。In terms of area Australia is almost as large as the USA (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) and larger than the whole of Western Europe. 澳大利亚农业史上的一个重要因素是参与世界竞争的能力。A key factor in the history of agriculture in Australi

5、a has been the ability to compete on world markets,起初,澳大利亚享受优先进入英国市场的优惠,这对澳大利亚农业的繁荣是相当重要的。In the early days, Australias preferential access to the British market was important to the prosperity of Australian farming.矿产和能源工业 The Minerals and Energy Industry 澳大利亚自然资源丰富,是世界上最大的矿物和金属生产大国。也是世界上最大的煤出口国Aus

6、tralia is rich in natural resources. It is one of the worlds biggest producers of minerals and metals.It is also the worlds largest exporter of coal,矿物和能源工业是澳大利亚的经济中心,从19世纪以来,一直是国家发展的主要催化剂,现在它是出口创汇的主要来源。The minerals and energy industry is central to the Australian economy. It has been a major cataly

7、st to national development since the 19th century. It is now a major source of export earnings. 在 20世纪70年代早期,日本对铁矿石和煤的进口需求衰减了。这就限制了澳大利亚的市场。in the early 1970s, because of the energy crisis the demand in Japan for imports of iron ore and coal declined. This limited market opportunities for Australia,澳

8、大利亚采矿业面临着新问题。The mining industry in Australia has faced new problems1)以保护环境之名授予土著人土地权力,结果矿藏受到限制Mineral access has been restricted in the name of environmental protection and also as a consequence of the granting of Aboriginal land rights.2)与采矿有关的各种疾病发病率高the high incidence of mining-related diseases

9、.服务业 Service Industries澳大利亚的服务业是产业中发展最快的一个部分,s service sector is the fastest-growing sector of industry. .贸易 Trade澳大利亚是中等水平的贸易国家Australia is a middle-level trading nation.澳大利亚贸易的主要特点是以原材料换制成品。这有两个原因:The main feature of Australias trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for

10、 finished products. There are two reasons.1)国市场太小,制造商不能有效地运作;One is that the home market is too small for manufacturers to operate efficiently.2)由于在海外可以达到规模经济,从欧洲、美国以及最近从亚洲来的商品一直比澳大利亚生产的产品便宜。The other is that goods from Europe, the US and recently Asia have always been cheaper than those produced in

11、 Australia because of the economies of scale available overseas.在定居后的第一个一百年,典型的贸易活动是把羊毛运到英国而后运回毛料衣服。在澳大利亚的第二个一百年,典型的出口一直是把铁矿石运往日本而后运回日本的汽车。 For the first 100 years of settlement, a typical trade transaction was a shipment of wool to Britain and a return shipment of woolen suits, In Australias second

12、 century, a typical export has been iron ore shipped to Japan and a return shipment of Japanese motor cars.这种特殊性有两重效果:Such specialization has been double-edged. 1)它意味着可以从全世界买到广泛的制成品,On the one hand, it has meant access to a very broad range of finished goods from around the world. 2)它使得澳大利亚非常容易受商品价格

13、涨落周期的影响。On the other hand it has made Australia extremely vulnerable to cycles in commodity prices.影响澳大利亚贸易模式和国际经济关系的因素包括下面这些:The factors that have affected Australias trading patterns and international economic relations include the following: (1)取消英国联邦优惠制,根据这一制度,英联邦各成员国家相互降低关税; The dismantling of

14、the Commonwealth Preference, whereby Commonwealth countries gave each others products reduced tariff rates; (2)欧洲共同体的建立,使澳大利亚与欧洲国家贸易产生了障碍; The creation of the European Community, which produced impediments to trade With European countries; (3) 日本作为一个经济大国的兴起; The rise of Japan as an economic power; (

15、4)其它亚洲国家作为生产商和出口商的出现; The emergence of other Asian countries as manufacturers and exporters; (5)20 世纪70 年代的石油价格的冲击。The oil-price shocks of the 1970s. .澳大利亚经济中存在的问题 Problems in the Australian Economy 1)过度依赖商品出口Over-reliance on commodity exports初级产品的出口带来了收入,使澳大利亚的生活标准保持一个较高水平。由于农村和采矿业生产率很高,削弱了把矿物资源转变为

16、制造业的积极性。结果,澳大利亚未能达到它应该达到的工业化水平。The exports of primary products produced the flow of income which kept Australians living standards at a high level. The high productivity of rural and mining industries reduced the incentive to shift resources into manufacturing. As a result, Australia failed to indus

17、trialize as fully as it should.在过去四十年里,贸易条件(出口价对进口价的比率)一直朝着不利于澳大利亚的方向发展。换句话说,出口价格与进口价格相比明显地下降了。the terms of trade (the ratio of export prices to import prices) have been moving steadily against Australia over the past forty years.In other words the prices received for exports have declined markedly

18、compared with the prices paid for imports.问题的解决办法是,使工业产品多样化并增加其出口,减少澳大利亚对初级产品出口的依赖。the solution to the problem is to reduce Australias reliance on commodity exports by diversifying and increasing its manufactured exports.2)在大的国际市场中没有得到份额 Failure to share in the expansion of international trade二战后,恢复

19、最快的国家和近些年经济发展最快的国家,都是那些充分利用国际贸易增长的国家。The countries which recovered fastest or whose economies have grown fastest in recent decades, have been those which took advantage of the growth in international trade澳大利亚太依靠矿产品出口了。它在世界贸易中的份额大幅减少。Australia is too heavily dependent on commodity exports. Its share

20、 in world trade has declined significantly.其贸易的低效率,尤其是没能分享到制成品贸易所创造的财富,是目前澳大利亚各种经济困难的根本原因。The poor trade performance, especially the failure to share in the wealth produced by trade in manufactured goods, is at the root of Australias current economic difficulties. 3)制造业的衰落及关税的影响 The decline of manuf

21、acturing industries and the effects of tariffs 澳大利亚的保护税率在世界先进工业国家之中仍属最高之列。s rates of protection remained among the highest of the worlds advanced industrial nations. 保护主义政策对澳大利亚经济一直有很坏的影响。澳大利亚的制造商未能很好地利用国家丰富的自然资源,尤其是矿物资源。他们宁愿出口原料,而不愿试着去发展增值工业。增值工业能够生产出的商品,在国际市场上的价格比原材料本身的价格要高得多。The policy of protect

22、ionism has had effects on the Australian economy. Australian manufacturers have failed to take full advantage of the countrys abundant natural, especially mineral resources. They have preferred to export raw materials rather than trying to develop value-added industries. Value-added industries can p

23、roduce goods capable of commanding much higher prices in world markets than the raw materials themselves. 澳大利亚经济面临的问题是结构问题。The problems the Australian economy faces are structural problems.澳大利亚对其外贸进行了重大方向调整,重点是朝向亚太地区快速发展的经济。A significant reorientation of trade towards the last-growing economies of t

24、he Asia-Pacific region is now taking place in Australia. 第三十一章 澳大利亚政治制度 Chapter 31 Government and Politics 澳大利亚联邦是一个联邦制国家The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation.总的说来澳大利亚联邦实行三级政府体制:联邦议会和政府;六个州的议会和六个州政府;大约九百个市、镇、自治市和郡级地方政府。Generally, the Australian federation has a three-tier system of governmen

25、t : the federal parliament and government, six State parliaments and governments, and about 900 local governments at the city, town, municipal and shire level.澳大利亚是独立的,但与英国有宪法规定的联系。英国君主也是澳大利亚形式上的君主,由联邦总督和六个州的总督代表君主行使权力。Australia is independent but still has constitutional links with Britain. Britain

26、s monarch is also formally Australias and is represented in Australia by the Governor-General and six State governors.宪法 The Constitution和英国不一样,澳大利亚有一部成文宪法,这部宪法是在1901年六个殖民地结盟组成澳大利亚联邦的时候开始生效的。Unlike Britain, Australia has a written Constitution. It came into effect when the six colonies federated to

27、form the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901.宪法只有通过全民公决才能修改,一个全民公决的建议不能成为法律,除非经多数人和多数州通过。The Constitution can he changed only by referendum. Australia a referendum proposal cannot become law unless it is approved by a majority of people and a majority of States. 澳大利亚宪法是建立在联邦制原则上和责任制政府原则的基础上。The Austra

28、lian Constitution is based on the principle of federalism and the principle of responsible government. 联邦制是一种政府体制,联邦政府和各州的州政府。它们各自有权独立执行自己所得的权力而不受别的部门的干涉。Federalism is a system of government the Commonwealth and the States. Each of them is entitled to exercise its allotted powers independently of th

29、e other. (政府体制是建立在美国模式基础上的。)(Australian system of government is based on the American model.)责任政府是一种政体,在这一体制中,行政权授予各部,在澳大利亚,各部成员必须是议会议员。所有的部长要为他们自己部门的事务对议会负责。Responsible government is a system of government in which executive authority is vested in a ministry whose members in Australia must be Members of Parliament. All ministers are responsible to Parliament for the affairs of their own departments.(政府体制是以英国模式为基础的)Australian system of government is based on the British model宪法中,参议院的作用是保护各州。Under the constitutiong, functions of the Senate

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