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大学英语综合教程教案Book 1 Unit文档格式.docx

1、 +on/over/about sth.) a lot of discussion and argument about sth., often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval 争论;争议-A new controversy arouse regarding the politicians finances.-There is a fierce/bitter/heated controversy over the publishing of his book. beyond/out of/without controversy

2、无可争议, 无疑; 不消说controversial: a. likely to cause controversy 可能引起争议的; (of persons) fond of controversy (指人)好争论的4. surround: vt. be or go all around (sth. or sb.)围绕;包围-The fence surrounds the school. 篱笆环绕着学校。-The village was surrounded by desert. So the villagers had to abandon it and move to other are

3、as.-The baby was sitting on the floor surrounded by toys.surrounding: a. which is around about 周围的,环绕的-the surrounding country/countryside近郊surroundings: n. (pl.) everything around and abut a place; conditions that may affect a person 周围的事物,环境-living in pleasant surroundings 生活在舒适的环境中-You dont see a

4、nimals in their natural surroundings at a zoo.在动物园里看不到生活在自然环境中的动物5. consciousness: n. 意识6. explore: vt. 1) examine thoroughly, learn about 探究,探索-explored the possibility/possibilities (of) 探索可能性-The engineers have already explored the possibility of building a bridge over the river.-The repairman ex

5、plored my car and said he would fix it tomorrow.2) travel over (a region, area, etc) for the purpose of discovery勘探;探测; 考察;探索-Both adults and children find it exciting to explore space.-The man will explore the Sahara desert on foot.-Have you really explored your nearest town?你真的考察了离你们那儿最近的城镇了吗?-exp

6、lore the Antarctic regions南极地区考察探险7. obvious: a. easy to see and understand; clear明显的;显而易见的-It must be obvious to everyone that hes lying.-It is obvious that the Chinese womens soccer team will the defeat the American womens team.-an obvious advantage明显的优势8. vet: n. 兽医9. encounter: I) vt. (fml) meet

7、, esp. unexpectedly 遇到,遭遇-She encountered an old friend on the street.-Before they had gone very far, they encountered a young man selling oranges.II) n. (c) (+with) a meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected, or brief相遇,碰见-a chance encounter in the park在公园里的偶然相遇10. reveal: vt. make (st

8、h.) known展示;显示;表明;揭露; 泄露-The details of the new policy for medical insurance have been revealed.-His research in cloning “Dolly” revealed some very important facts.-A survey of the Chinese diet has revealed that a growing number of children in cities are overweight.-reveal a secret/mystery/confidenc

9、e泄露秘密/机密11. convince: vt. (+sb. of sth.; +sb. that clause) make (sb.) feel sure by the use of argument or evidence 使确信,使信服-His parents managed to convince him that teaching was the most suitable profession for him.-We finally convinced the police of our innocence/that we were innocent. sb. be convin

10、ced: feel certain that sth. is true 相信-He was convinced of his error. 他认识了错误-He is now convinced of the truth of the report.-I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.convincing: a. 有说服力的; 令人信服的-a convincing speaker/argument 12. feat: n. sth. difficult well done, esp. sth. showing skill, st

11、rength or daring技艺;业绩,功绩13. captivity: n. 被俘;监禁;束缚 capture: vt. make a prisoner of; take or obtain as a prize by force, trickery, skill, etc 俘获, 捕获, 夺取14. dominant: a. 1) ruling; most important or strongest; stronger, more powerful, or more noticeable than other people or things 统治的;占优势的; 最有影响的;最显著的

12、-Charlie Chaplin was a dominant figure in the American film industry.-The dominant powers took control of the conference.-a dominant position统治地位-a dominant person in the team队里最有权威的人 2) (of heights) overlooking others (指高处)高于其它的-a dominant building/cliff高耸的建筑物/绝壁dominate: 1) vt., vi. (+over) have c

13、ontrol, authority or influence统治,支配, 控制-A great man can dominate (over) others by force of character.伟人能以人格的力量支配他人-Ambition dominated their lives. 他们的生活受野心驱使2) vt. (of a place, esp. a height) overlook俯视; 俯瞰-The whole valley is dominated by this mountain. 从这座山可俯视整个山谷。domination: (u)15. species: n. (单

14、复数同)物种16. make a deal (with):an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business or politics 达成交易-Ill make deal with youyou wash the car and Ill let you use it tonight.-The car company has made a deal with a Japanese firm, which will supply engines in exchange for brakes. 17. conservationist: n. 自然资源保护论者1

15、8. female: a. 雌的;女(性)的 n. 雌性的动物或植物;女人-male: (注解“72”)19. gorilla: n. 大猩猩20. suspicious: a. causing or showing a feeling that sth. is wrong可疑的;猜疑的-He gave me a suspicious glance.-Hes a suspicious character.-His story sounds very suspicious. be suspicious of sb./sth.; be suspicious about sth.: 对怀疑-The

16、dog is suspicious of strangers.-She is getting suspicious about my staying away so long.suspect: vt. 1) (+sth.; +sb. to do sth.; +that-clause) feel doubt about 疑心,怀疑-I suspect trouble/danger/a plot/a trap/something.-I suspect him to be/that he is a liar.-He suspected that I had been in jail. suspect

17、 sb. of sth.: 疑心某人干某事/有某种情况-They suspect him of murder/killing the girl.-doubt: vt. hesitate to believe; question the truth of 怀疑,不相信(否定句和疑问句中接that-clause, 肯定句接if or whether-clause)2) (多接that-clause) have an idea or feeling (concerning the possibility or likelihood of sth.) 猜想,觉得,以为-I suspect that s

18、ome accident has delayed him.-I suspect that you may be right.suspicion: (u, c) be above suspicion: 不容置疑,靠得住 be/fall under suspicion: 受到怀疑 on suspicion (of):作为(的)嫌疑犯,由于受到怀疑-He was arrested on (the) suspicion of having stolen the money.-The police arrested him on suspicion. 21. peanut: n. 花生22. blank

19、: I) a.1) without expression 没有表情的;漠然的;无兴趣的-a blank look茫然的一瞥-a blank mind 空虚的心灵-I tried to tell her the truth, but she just gave me a blank look.我想告诉她事实真相,但她只是莫名其妙地看看我。2) without writing or other marks空白的-a blank page/screen/tape空页/空白的屏幕/空白的磁带-Write your name, address and telephone number in the bl

20、ank spaces at the top of the page.在这一页顶的空白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。II) n. 空白;空白处-My mind was a complete blank. 我的脑中一片空白。-Please fill in this blank. 请填一下这个空。-During the exam my mind was a blank.考试的时候,我的脑子里一片空白-an application blank空白申请书-His memory is a blank. 他什么也记不起来。23. negotiate: vi. (+(with sb.) for sth./

21、to do sth.) discuss in order to come to an agreement 谈判,协商-We will negotiate for a pay increase of 3.5%.-The government refused to negotiate with terrorists.-There were reports that three companies were negotiating to share the market.24. stake: n. (usu. pl.) 奖品;奖金;赌注25. pineapple: n. 凤梨,菠萝26. maint

22、ain: vt. 1) continue to do or have (sth.) 保持;继续;维持-maintain friendly/good relations (with)-maintain life 维持生命-maintain prices (=keep the prices steady) 保持物价的平稳-maintain law and order 保持治安-The hotel staff showed determination to maintain high-quality service.-Our department maintains close contacts w

23、ith the IT industry.-Microsoft intends to maintain its position as market leader. maintain an open mind on sth.: be ready to listen to and consider the views of others on a subject愿意听取他人对的意见2) support赡养;供养-He has worked hard to maintain his family.他努力工作来养家。3) keep in good repair or working order维修,

24、保养(机器、道路等)-maintain the roads-The car has always been properly maintained.这汽车一直保养得很好。4) assert as true坚持;主张;为辩护-maintain ones innocence27. relieve: vt. free (sb) from pain, anxiety, etc.; ease (pain, anxiety, etc) 使减轻痛苦或焦虑等;减轻(痛苦或焦虑等)-a drug that relieves headache/ much of the pain缓解头痛的药-relieve pre

25、ssure-relieved the tension缓和紧张局面 -relieve sb.s mind解除某人忧虑-relieve ones feelings 把感情发泄出来-relieve oneself 去方便一下,去上厕所 relieve sb. from sth.: 解除(痛苦、忧虑等); 使免除(职务)-relieve sb. from anxiety/the pain消除某人的忧虑/-The captain was relieved from his post when his guilt was proved. relieve sb. of sth.: 1) 解除,使解脱,使免于

26、-relieve sb. of the duties-Taking a part-time job would relieve you of the financial burden.2) 辞退,解除(职务)-He was relieved of his employment/post/duties.-The general was relieved of his command. 3) 帮助拿/提-Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel.28. link: I) n. 1) one ring or loop of a chain链环-The brace

27、let is formed of silver links.-One link broken, the whole chain is broken. 一环脱, 全链断。 2) person or thing that unites or connects two others环节; 联系; 联络人-a link in a chain of evidence一连串证据中的一环-the link between the past and the future 过去与未来的桥梁;承前启后者-Old friends are a link with the past. II) v. join or co

28、nnect 联系,连接-link ones arm in/ through another persons arm 挽着的手-The road links all the new towns. link with/to: (及、不及) -The new company linked with several older ones in self-protection.那家新公司与几家较老的公司联合以保护自己。 link up: (及、不及) 把连接起来,衔接起来,结合起来-These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.-The two families linked up through the marriage of a daughter and son.

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