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1、6.Fascinated by China, they wanted to prolong their stay and to visit more interesting places.。7) He immediately ate his words.11 The gravity of the situation which confronts the world today necessitates his appearance before a joint session of the congress。 鉴于当今世界的局势非常严峻,他不得不出席国会的联席会议。12.Newton cre

2、ated a planetary dynamics which was so successful that for many years scientists complained that nothing was left to be done.牛顿创立的天体力学真可谓天衣无缝,以致许多年来科学家们抱怨无空可补。WORDS“In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution was largely the improvement and invention and use of a serie

3、s of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.” (1994)It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more ac

4、curate in its measurement than the former.(1993)1) Opera is expensive; that much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the provinces of the rich unless we abdicate societys power of choice.2) A simple word can destroy a friendship and land a large order.3) For the first two years, t

5、he war was largely left to the soldiers, whose only objective was victory without regard for political considerations.4) While these underprivileged people receive help from the Government, they have no high hopes for their future.5) A sizable number of scholars and practitioners of Presidential pow

6、er still believe that fault lies not in the office but in the men who have lately held it.6) (There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery). The manual worker is unusually quite at ease in any company./ There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesnt make you

7、 too uncomfortable because you are in good company. agreement/ an agreement; people/ a people; hostility/ hostilities; use/ uses。An manner/manners7) Every people in turn adapted itself to the law of necessity. VARIETYThere is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to histor

8、ical work in general or to the research appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. (1999)12)The torpedo bombers skimmed low, launching their missiles from just fifty feet off the calm surface of the water. Once these torpedoes hit the water, they drive along under their own power and

9、 struck our ship below the waterline-a most devastating blow. 13)For such missions as disabling a helicopters fire-control system as soon as the vehicle pops into view-a major thrust in Army R & D-much lower energy is needed than for strategic applications in space14)The Einsteins, however, could no

10、t afford to pay for the advanced education that young Albert needed.N+erThe target is wrong, for in attacking the tests, critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.(1995)Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respe

11、ct, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice. (1997) P2351)Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy。2)In the society every act is interpreted as a revelation of the moral philosophy of the individual actor.3) I have often tried to conceive

12、 of what those pages might contain, but of course I cannot do so because I am a prisoner of the present-day world.4) Few students of the Far East doubted that Japan intended to launch a sudden attack.ABSTRACT NOUNInterest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validi

13、ty of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.(1996) 1)Primarily, retirement was associated with awareness of a declining state of health, with tiredness and with the strains and pressures of the work situation. 2)Reluctance among men to reti

14、re was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work. Among women, on the other hand, work-based friendships were the main reasons for not wanting to retire.3) It was thought that withdrawal from employment to complete domesticity did not have the same p

15、rofound significance, and was a far less threatening experience, for older women than it was for older manPRONOUNThere is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. (1994) (Do animals have rights? This is how the question is us

16、ually put. It sounds like a useful, ground-clearing way to start) Actually, it isnt, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.(1997)1) It is a strange thought, but I believe a correct one, that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and

17、information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it. 2) It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated. 3) I wont walk past a car that is double parked, and I wont walk on the side of the street where

18、it happened.4) Having review various technical possibilities, I would now like to comment on the dangers that might be presented by their fulfillment and to compare these with the consequences of efforts to prevent this development. 5)But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support thems

19、elves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.6)You can almost put it down as a general rule in this town that presidents often invite “honest criticism” from their aides, but seldom get it, and usually dont follow it when they do.7) (The diet-cola drink

20、ers did a little worse-only 7 of 27 identified all four samples correctly.) While both groups did better than chance would predict, nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times.8)But they had no which to change the system itself, or if they did, through idealist

21、ic, utopian schemes.9) The U.S. soldier, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France. He was fresh, and well-fed.10) Wherever they occurred, inefficiency and waste were attacked and nonessential projects were brought swiftly to an end.11) Its beginnings obscur

22、ed by unemployment caused by the world economic slow-down, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socio-economic challenge of the end of the 20th centuryTENSEIt does not measure character, social adjustment, physical endurance, manual skills, or artistic abilities. It is not supp

23、osed to-it was not designed for such purposes. (1992)1)In secret we met;In silence I grieve.2)Dont be inflexibly devoted to a system just because it worked everywhere.3) Bridgeport is a micro-module of the rise and fall of cities-cities that prospered because of their locations astride major transpo

24、rtation routes.4) E-commerce is to the Information Revolution what the railroad was to the Industrial Revolution-a totally new, totally unprecedented development.5) Although de Beauviors memoirs were written in her forties, the detail is extensive enough to suggest some to the contradictions which t

25、he young Simone faced, and which the adult autobiographer does not recognize.6) I should not have paid any particular attention to her but that she possessed a quality that may be common enough in women, but nowadays is not obvious in their demeanor.7) The gifts to Einstein on his fiftieth birthday

26、would have filled a railroad freight car.8) It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come: but for all the disapproving glances, I the stiff-necked Jew, would not kneel.9) On May 7 what was left of the German army surrendered unconditionally.

27、 Thus the Reich that was to have lived a thousand years crashed to ruin. ECOMPARISONScience moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. (1994)1) Black people were not allowed to visit the libr

28、ary any more than they were the parks.2) They can no more agree on whether the changes have come too fast or too slowly than they can on what democracy should be.3)One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and in insect never more than six.4) The peace offensi

29、ve is nothing more than a propaganda effort to shift the blame for increasing international tensions.5) Everyone acknowledges that Newton was a great man; yet few have more than the vaguest acquaintance with his living personality.6) Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious. Their li

30、ves are no less empty than those of their subordinate.7) It was a curious exchange, less a debate than a quarrel between two aggressive men.8) Americans are far more race-conscious than they are class-conscious.9) His initial willingness to experiment with reforms came not so much from a love of dem

31、ocracy as from his recognition that without reform the country would slide toward economic ruin.10) The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income cam obtain.11) No more critical activity stands to be profoundly affected by global warming than agriculture. NEGAT

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