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1、 My name is Adam Rouse. Im 19 years old and I used to be a drug 11 . I first started using drugs 12 the age of 15. I bought cannabis from a man in the street. I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months. One day, he 13 me some crack cocaine. Cocaine is a 14 addictive drug. Som

2、e drug users inject cocaine, 15 smoke it. Both ways are dangerous. Users 16 inject the drug are also in more danger if they 17 needles with other users. Crack cocaine is the most addictive form of cocaine. Users become addicted 18 crack cocaine much more 19 if they smoke it. Smoking 20 cocaine to re

3、ach the brain very quickly. When I went back to the man again, I wanted more crack cocaine. 21 he asked me for a lot of money. I didnt have enough money so he didnt give me any drugs. I was in terrible pain. The next day, I broke 22 a house and stole a television and a video recorder. I took them to

4、 the drug dealer. He told me to take them to a shop in a nearby street. The man in the shop gave me some money. I took the money to the drug dealer and he gave me some more crack cocaine. Using cocaine increases the users heart rate and blood 23 . As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart atta

5、cks. Smoking crack cocaine also causes anti-social behaviour. By this time, I was addicted to crack cocaine. 24 I didnt have any drugs, I was in terrible pain. And I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. One day, the police took me to the police station. The next day, a doctor came

6、to see me. He told me that I could die if I didnt stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his 25 and stopped immediately. Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs. 11. A .addict B. addicted C.addictive D.addiction12. A. on B.out D. at13. A.offer B.offered C.offe

7、ring offer14. A.power B.powerful C.powered D. powerfullly15. A.the other B.other C.the others D.others16. A.who B.which C.why D.when 17. A.spend B.use C.shared D.share18. B. on C. Of D.to19. A.easier B.easy C.easily D. easilier20. A.allow allow C.allowed D.allows21. A.Athough B.And C.

8、 Or D. But22. B. on C. out D.into23. B.pressive C.pressure D.impression24. A.unless B.if D.and25. A.advice B. advices C. suggestion D.measures三改错题。 He learned to play the harpsichord when he was four, he started composing music when he was five, and when he was six, he played the h

9、arpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria. Beethoven By the time he was 14, Mozart composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. While he was still the teenager, Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe given concerts. Haydn met Mozart in 1781

10、 and was very impressed with him. He is the greatest composer the world has known, he said. The two were friend until Mozarts death in 1791.。 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical talented when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from

11、 his father, which was a singer. Mozart met Beethoven and was impressed about him. He will give something wonderfully to the world, he said. Beethoven met Haydn in 1791, but was impressed by the older man. 。 After they had known each other for many years, Beethoven said, He is a good composer, but h

12、e has taught me everything. However, that was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and stay there for the rest of his life. As he grew older, he began to go deafly. He became completely deaf during the last years of his life, but he

13、continued composing. Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory. 4阅读理解。 A AThis is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important o

14、f all modern art movements. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time. B. This painting by contemporary American artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997) is a world famous example of pop art. Pop art (from the word popular) was an

15、 important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life. For example, it shows things such as soup cans and advertisements. C. Qi Baishi (1863-1957), one of the Chinas greatest painters, followed the traditional Chinese style of painting. Chinese painting is known for

16、its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours. Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because of this.D. Xu Beihong (1895-1953) was one of Chinas best-known twentieth-century artists. Like Qi Baishi, Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style. Bo

17、th painters have a beautiful brush line. Xu Beihong believed that artists should show reality, but not just imitate it. Instead, a picture should try to show the life of its subject. He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses. E. Wu Hang Im studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, alt

18、hough I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. Im crazy about the paintings of Qi Baishi, and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work. But I cant stand that picture of a golden-haired girl. I think its stupid. F .Sarah Hardwick My parents are fo

19、nd of going to art galleries and often take me with them, so Ive developed an interest in art. I must say, I love that picture of the six horses. They look so alive. Its by a Chinese artist, isnt it? I can tell by the style. I think the painting of the young girl is probably by Picasso. I really lik

20、e him. I think hes an extraordinary artist. Who is one of26.Who is considered one of the greatest western artist of the twentieth century? A. Qi Baishi B.Xu Beihong C.George Braque D. Pablo Picasso27.What did the important modern art movement aim to do? A.To show ordinary nineteenth-century city lif

21、e. B.To show unusual twentieth-century city life. C.To show common twentieth-century city life. D.To show special twentieth-century city life. 28.Why are Qi Baishis paintings are special ? A.Because Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully. B.Because he is one of the Chinas greatest pai

22、nters. C.Because he followed the traditional Chinese style of painting. D.Because his paiting is known for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.29.Whats the same style of Xu Beihong and Qi Baishi spaitings? A.Both painters have a beautiful brush line. B.Both painters dont have a beau

23、tiful brush line. C.Both painters have a beautiful brush line.30.Which picture cant Wu Hang stand ? A. The picture of a golden-haired girl. B.The picture of the little shrimps. C. The picture of the six horses. D.The painting of the young girl . B Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth! While he was travel

24、ling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth, American astronaut . Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko. Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight. “Welcome to space,” he said. Malen

25、chenko said, “Im glad there is somebody else in space with us. Its great work by thousands and thousands of people from China. ”Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations. Sean Keefe from the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the US said that Yangs space f

26、light was “an important historical achievement and NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme”. United Nations Secretary?General Kofi Annan called the fight“a step forward for the whole world”.Chinas first taikonaut Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei landed safely this morning in the Shenzhou V capsule in Inner Mongolia, 300 kilometres northwest of Beijing. Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the e

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