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1、1词数不少于50; 2开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。Dear Jim, _Yours,Li Hua(请务必将作文写在答题卡指定区域内)One Possible Version How is everything going? I am so glad to learn from your last letter that you express a keen interest in Beijing Hutong. Therefore, as a native Peking boy, I would like to introduce one of my favorite Hutong - S

2、outh Luogu Hutong to you. To begin with, South Luogu Hutong is 786 meters long and 8 meters wide, connecting Gulou East Street on its north and Dian men East Street on the south. Whats more, it was built when Yuan Dynasty was established. With the middle part higher than the two ends, it looks like

3、a humback and therefore was primarily called “Luogu” in Chinese. In addition, South Luogu Hutong is one of the oldest Hutongs and has a history of several years. Nowadays, this 800-meter long Hutong is filled with bars, cafes, restaurants, and cute boutiques. It is worth spending some time walking t

4、hrough it. By the way, would you like to come to Beijing for a trip? I do hope that you could have a trip in South Luogu Hutong with me if you are available. I am sure you are going to love this place. Please let me know if you make up your mind. I am looking forward to your reply.第二节(20分)假设你是红星中学学生

5、李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录你参加冬奥会吉祥物征集活动的全过程。词数不少于60。提示词:吉祥物 mascot 官方公众号 official account(请务必将作文写在答题纸指定区域内)Last week, I participated in a Winter Olympic Mascot Design Competition, which turned out to be an extremely rewarding experience. On Monday morning, our school announced the event, requesting

6、 for innovative design proposals for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Mascot. It greatly sparked my interest and I made up my mind to have a try. Therefore, I devoted my spare time after school to my design. Drawing my inspiration from the elements of winter, I decided to take the snowman as the basic figur

7、e of the mascot. With details added to refine my design, I carefully painted the final version down, looking forward to showing it to my classmates.After I unveiled my design enthusiastically to my classmates the next day, I was greeted with a big round of appreciative applause. A sense of achieveme

8、nt surged through me as my classmates all spoke highly of my design. They even encouraged me to submit it to the official account of the Beijing Organising Committee of the Winter Olympic 2022, which boosted my confidence. Then I uploaded my design to the official account after school. I swelled wit

9、h pride regardless of the result, for I did my bit to be part of the Beijing 2022 Olympic.(2019西城期末) 春节将至,你校英国交换生Jim接受了去你家共度除夕的邀请,请你就他关心的问题写一封邮件。 1. 很高兴他接受了邀请; 2. 介绍你家除夕的安排; 3. 答复他的问题(如:是否带礼物) 注意:1. 词数不少于50; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim, 三、One possible version:Im glad to hear you will spend Spring Fe

10、stival Eve with my family! Now Im going to tell you our arrangements.To celebrate the special occasion, we have many activities planned. In the morning, my father, a calligraphy lover, will write some copies of the Chinese character “Fu”, meaning good luck, which is a tradition in my family. You may

11、 join me in giving them to our neighbours, an act of spreading happiness and joy. Preparations for the big evening feast usually start in the afternoon. My mum will cook varieties of delicious food, including your favourite Jiaozi. We can help her. In the evening, watching the Spring Festival Gala i

12、s part of the celebration.As for your questions, I suggest you coming early to experience more of the festival. How about 10:00 a.m.? There is no dress code for Spring Festival, but some Chinese prefer to wear red, which stands for happiness and good fortune. Gifts are not necessary. If you really w

13、ant to bring something, candies, nuts or fruit will do. Join us and lets have fun together! Yours 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据下列四幅图的顺序,给校报投稿,介绍你们参加学校主题为“最美秋天”摄影展活动的全过程。 提示词:摄影展photography exhibition二、内容要点: 1. 看到通知 2. 拍摄秋景3. 挑选照片 4. 观看影展四、One possible version:This term, we participated in a photography exhibit

14、ion in our school entitled “The Most Beautiful Autumn”.On a Monday morning in early October, the moment I walked into our school, a notice about a photography exhibition caught my eyes. Each class should submit one autumn-themed photo taken by themselves. I told the good news to my classmates and we

15、 decided to enter the exhibition. In the following two weeks, well equipped, we started taking photos. I began with our picturesque campus, while my classmates took photos of the breathtaking autumn scenery in the park. One day, during the lunch break, noticing our red classroom building against the

16、 clear blue sky, surrounded by trees with colorful leaves, I quickly pressed the shutter to freeze this lovely scene forever. After all the photos were developed, my classmates and I chose the best photo to submit. We discussed heatedly in our classroom, comparing the content and composition of the

17、pictures that we had taken. Eventually, my photo was selected. You can imagine how excited I felt at that time.Last month, all the submitted photos were displayed. A crowd of students soon gathered, talking about their favourite ones. Hearing their comments, a sense of achievement welled up in me.Au

18、tumn comes only once a year. What we need is the ability to capture the beauty that autumn holds. It is the photography exhibition that gave me the opportunity. (2019海淀期末)第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35 分)第一节(15 分)51.假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友 Jim 希望了解你在过去一年中的最大收获。 请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.简述你的最大收获;2.谈谈该收获对你的影响;3.表达对新一年的期待。1.

19、词数不少于 50;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。_How is it going? In your email, you mentioned you wanted to know my greatest harvest in the past year, so now Im very delighted to share it with you. Last October, I celebrated my 18th birthday with my classmates, symbolizing that I have grown up. Learning to take the re

20、sponsibility as an adult is the biggest reward for me and it has many positive influences on my life. Firstly, I am much clearer about my goal in life and I feel highly motivated to achieve it. More importantly, I learn to appreciate what I have already had. The love and dedication of my teachers an

21、d parents keep me going, and all I need to do now is to play my part. When it comes to the coming year, I do hope I can achieve my dream and be admitted to my ideal university. Meanwhile, I sincerely hope all your best dreams can come true!Looking forward to your good news.52.假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图

22、的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述你与父母共度周末的全过程。词数不少于 60。攀岩 rock climbingLast Friday night, faced with overwhelming academic tasks, I found myself on the verge of breaking down. With Gaokao approaching day by day, I was under great pressure. Having noticed all this, Mom suggested I relax a little bit during the weeken

23、d. The next morning, my parents and I went to the park for a walk. The pavement there was covered with fallen leaves in yellow and orange, creating a unique scenery for this season. Holding a leaf in hand, I casually exchanged anecdotes with my parents, feeling the relaxation that I had been missing

24、 for a long time. After lunch, we went rock climbing. Though the wall was high and steep, I was determined to conquer it. With my parents encouragement, I eventually managed to reach the top. At that moment, my confidence was restored. On Monday morning, my parents saw me off at the school gate. The

25、ir warm smiles and raised thumbs filled me with energy. I waved them goodbye and promised to devote myself to the preparation for Gaokao. This weekend would go a long way with me as it was a new starting point, from which I believe I could go far.(2019朝阳期末)你班交换生Jim假期要回国,打算为父母带件礼物,写信向你征求建议。请你给他回封电子邮件

26、,内容包括: 1. 推荐一份礼物; 2. 说明推荐理由; 3. 建议如何购买。 2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Learning that youll go back home and want to buy your parents a gift. Here is my suggestion.I think Chinese stamps would be a nice choice. Stamps are considered works of art of mini-type, which hold commemorative value and can be a perman

27、ent collection. Whats more, stamps cover natural landscapes, major events and so on. Your parents can get to know about China from them. Besides, taking up little space, stamps are easy to carry. It is convenient to go to any post office or the Website of China Philatelic Corporation to choose your

28、favorite stamps. Im sure your parents will like the gift. Hope my advice can be of some help.请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍上周末你和同学们参加“非物质文化遗产进校园”活动的完整过程,并以“Intangible Cultural Heritage Entering Campus”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。书法calligraphyIntangible Cultural Heritage Entering Campus三、内容要点:1. 看通知 2. 观看京剧/观看书法展 3. 体验剪纸制作 4. 结束活动Last weekend, my classmates

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