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1、句中会给出范围,例如in the world5.被动语态:be asked to do被要求去做某事6.高频词:instead,include,add,success,famous,mean,birth,enough,culture,meaning教师版一固定搭配1.【2018年 溧水一模】Supporting his opinion, he said, “During the period, countries like Italy and Spain were f 72 of slaves from the East.”解析:be full of充满=be filled with 答案:f

2、ull2.【2018年 建邺一模】While studying in a foreign country, he will meet many students from abroad and it is much easier to make f 68 with them. make friends with sb与某人交朋友friends3.【2018年 建邺一模】there is every chance that he is a 70 to widen his horizon (眼界) and broaden his able to do sth.能够做某事able4.

3、【2018年 建邺一模】Of course, attending schools abroad may b 71 a lot of problems. bring problems带来问题bring5.【2018年 建邺一模】Therefore, one must think of both sides carefully before m 75 a decision.make a decision决定making6.【2018年秦淮一模】From his acting, we know how ancient people s 72 the problems they met when ma

4、king the vase.solve the problems解决问题,注意动词时态用一般过去时。solved7.【2018年联合体一模】The smoking emoji usually s 66 for the feeling of “cool” or “relaxed” in many apps before.stand for=represent代表,此空注意三单stands8.【2018年玄武一模】A senior police officer said he hoped spending a day or two in jail would make parents to thi

5、nk t 71 before letting children use their vehicles.think twice三思twice二连词9.【2018年 鼓楼一模】A 74 the movie and Mickeys acting were wonderful, Mickeys greatest movie-making days were over.前后两句为让步关系,用连词althoughAlthough三介词10.【2018年 鼓楼一模】Walt Disney invented Mickey Mouse while on a train trip b 67 New York an

6、d Los Angeles.between A and B在A和B之间,可用来表示空间和时间between11.【2018年 溧水一模】 He has spent the last 20 years living and working in Hong Kong, researching the links(联系) b 66 his homeland and China. 四比较级、最高级12.【2018年秦淮一模】Though it is made by CCTV, the program is not a serious one. Instead, it is even more humo

7、rous and e 71 to understand than others. and前后词形、词性保持一致,所以此空需用比较级easier13.【2018年联合体一模】He pointed out that the major social network users are younger people, who were much e 69 to be influenced.此空前有much,much可用来修饰比较级,此外,修饰比较级的词还有even,a little,a bit,far等。14.【2018年联合体一模】China is home to 300 million smok

8、ers and produces the worlds l 73 number of cigarettes. 修饰number可用large或small,根据语境,中国是世界上生产香烟最多的国家,用最高级。largest五被动语态15.【2018年 建邺一模】Firstly, he can use the foreign language in his everyday life so that his ability in the second language may be greatly i 67 . 能力得到提升improved16.【2018年联合体一模】 Since the new

9、 ban was announced, Chinas technology companies have been a 67 to take this kind of emoji asked to do 被要求做某事=be required to doasked六高频词总结17.【2018年玄武一模】The citys police tracked down five teenagers who performed risky stunts on the road. Since they were under 18 years old, the police arrested

10、their parents i 75 .instead代替,而不是,相反的是instead18.【2018年 鼓楼一模】 Later the studio decided to show him in other roles.These i 71 a soldier, a cowboy, a hunter, and a fire chief.these指代上一句roles,此空后列举的皆是角色。所以填include,注意需时态,用过去式included19.【2018年 溧水一模】 “She was no longer working there and could not be found,

11、” Paratico a 71 . 引用完一句话后,一般用sb say,如果下文接着引用可用sb add,某人补充说。added20.【2018年 鼓楼一模】Later the same year, another movie called Steamboat Willie was also made. It was Mickeys first “talking” movie and was a rapid s 69 .迅速获得成功success21.【2018年 鼓楼一模】There is no doubt that Mickey was popular. He was the star o

12、f 21 movies in 1930 and 1931. In the years that followed, he became f 72 around the world.闻名于世famous22.【2018年 鼓楼一模】Mickeys greatest movie-making days were over.That did not m 75 , however, that Mickey was not still liked.however为插入语,that指代上句,助动词后用动词原形,mean意味着。mean23.【2018年 溧水一模】After Leonardos date

13、of b 70 , she disappeared from the documents.birth出生birth24.【2018年 建邺一模】Most of the students who go abroad dont have e 72 skills in the language spoken there. 足够多的技能,enoughenough25.【2018年秦淮一模】“We really want to make our traditional c 67 known by more people,” said the director.traditional culture传统文

14、化culture26.【2018年秦淮一模】They were from different dynasties, with important historical m 70 .meaning意义,可数名词meanings学生版真题演练(2016南通)In Britain,the government,school leaders,teachers and parents all agree that students should wear uniforms(66)B Birtish private schools and schools have their own school uni

15、formsThey think its(67)i_ for pupils to wear school uniformsSchool leaders normally decide if pupils will have to wear a uniform,and they(68)adecide what it should look likeYou know,no students want to wear(69)u uniformsEverybody wants to wear beautiful uniformsLeaders have to follows the rules,and

16、they(70)c just choose anything they likeThey have to(71)t of the studentsfeeling and tasteHere are a few(72)f leaders should consider1CostThis is the first fact they should considerTheir uniforms shouldnt be too(73)e because it may cause problems for some familiesNot all the families can afford it2S

17、exism(性别歧视)The uniform policy must be equally fair(公平的)for boys and (74)g 3Cultures and racesSchool rules must(75)a pupils from all backgrounds to wear a uniform,for example,allowing Muslim(穆斯林)girls to wear an appropriate dress and Sikh(印度锡克教徒)boys to wear a traditional headdress(头饰)【考点】首字母阅读填空【分析】

18、文章大意:主要描述了在英国的学校学生穿校服的一些规定和要求,及需注意的几个事项【解答】66But 67important 68also 69ugly 70cant 71think 72facts 73expensive 74girls 75allow66题答案:But 考查连词填空根据前面句子说一致同意学生应该穿校服,后面私立学校有自己的校服,应该是转折关系,故答案是But 但是67题答案:important 考查形容词填空根据前面的描述都应该是穿校服,下句pupils to wear school uniforms,应该是一致认为穿校服是重要的,故答案是important重要的68题答案:a

19、lso 考查副词填空根据前面的句子:学校领导通常决定学生是否必须穿校服,后面说穿什么样的,应该是并列关系,在句中用副词also,表示也,故答案是also69题答案:ugly 考查形容词填空根据后面句子Everybody wants to wear beautiful uniforms每个人都想穿漂亮的制服前面应该是不想穿丑陋的,用形容词ugly,故答案是ugly70题答案:cant 考查情态动词填空根据前面Leaders have to follows the rules校长必须制定标准,后面应该是不能想穿什么就穿什么,一般现在时,故答案是cant不能71题答案:think 考查动词填空根据前面校长必须制定标准,后面应该是必须考虑学生的感受和品味,have to do sth必须做某事,think of考虑,故答案是think72题答案:facts 考查名词填空根据校长必须制定标准,但必须考虑学生的感受,下面展开的几个要考虑的方面,故前面用名词fact事实,a few后面要用可数名词复数形式,故答案是facts73题答案:expensive 考查形容词填空根据后面Not all the families can afford it不是所有的家庭都负担得起,前面应该不能太贵,故答案是expensive昂贵的74题答案:girls 考查名词填空根据前面Sexism(性别歧视)后

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