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1、广西柳州市高三三模) Tommy, a 26-year-old chimp(猩猩),lives in a small cage in a used truck sales lot in New York. Retired from movie work and whatever else once occupied him, he has no chimp friends to keep him company just a TV. He is worlds away from the rainforest of Western Africa, where chimps spend most

2、of their lives in trees, hunting, and socializing together.His owner hasnt broken any laws, but an animal rights group called the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) is trying to change the view. The group says chimps have such a humanlike intelligence that they should be recognized as “legal persons and

3、 be placed in an animal shelter and wander free.Youve probably heard the term “animal rights”, but animals dont actually have rights in many countries. Animal-welfare laws punish people who mistreat animals, but thats not the same as chimps having a right to liberty or anything else.NhRPs first step

4、 is to ask a judge to end peoples unjust arrest on behalf of Tommy and other privately owned chimps. If the court decides to recognize chimps as legal persons, NhRPs next step will be arguing for what rights the chimps should be granted. The right that we believe they should have most of all is the

5、right to bodily liberty, says Wise, a NhRP group member. They should be able to choose how to live their lives.”Tommys owner, Pat Lavery, says he rescued Tommy from a careless owner about a decade ago and denies the chimp is mistreated or unhappy. He likes being by himself, he says.“Theres a danger

6、in making a jump to say theyre just like people, says Richard Cupp, a professor who writes about animals and the law. If we re really focused on chimps being very, very smart, then who knows if maybe someday we might say, Hey, heres a particular human being thats not very smart at all, maybe the chi

7、mps have higher status than this person.”1What can we know about Tommy?AHe is living a very lonely life.BHe dislikes living in the rainforest.CHe likes watching movies very much,DHe was illegally bought by Pat Lavery.2What can we infer from the text?AGreat progress has been made on improving animal

8、rights.BPat Lavery is thought to mistreat Tommy by NhRP.CAnimal rights are going from bad to worse.DAnimal rights have been admitted in western countries.3Whats the final goal NhRP wants to achieve?ATo ensure chimps bodily safety. BTo stop illegal hunting of chimps.CTo help chimps find their familie

9、s. DTo help chimps enjoy their freedom.4Whats Richard Cupps attitude towards NhRPs efforts to win rights for chimps?AHopeful, BUncaring.CWorried. DSupportive. B广西桂林市高三月考) Once upon a time, the colors of the world quarreled without stop. Green said: Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of l

10、ife and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die.Yellow smiled quietly:You are so serious. I bring laughter, pleasure, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Without me there would be no fun.Orange started n

11、ext to blow herself:I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce(稀有的), but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins.Red could stand it no longer, shouting out:I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood-lifes blood! I am the color of danger and of

12、 bravery. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon.Indigo(靛蓝色)spoke more quietly but with just as much determination:Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. You need me for balance and inner peace.The colors went on boasting

13、, each convinced of his or her own advantages. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a surprising flash of bright lightning and thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down cruelly. The colors crouched down(蹲下)in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. In the

14、midst of the loud noises, rain began to speak:You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to control the rest. Dont you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me. Doing as they were told, the colors united an

15、d joined hands. The rain continued:From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow. And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, le

16、t us remember to appreciate one another.5Why does Orange consider herself precious?AShe serves the needs of human life.BShe is the ruler of all colors.CShe is the sign of life and of hope.DShe brings laughter into the world.6Who would you like to see first when youre angry according to the text?ARed

17、. BYellow. CIndigo. DGreen.7What are colors advised to do according to the last paragraph?AHope for tomorrow. BJoin hands with rain.CBoast themselves. DAdmire one another.8What can be the best title for the text?AThe advantage of colors BThe symbol of colorsCThe color of friendship DThe types of rai

18、nbow C南昌市第三中学) Fou Tsong, a Chinese-born pianist known for his sensitive interpretations of Chopin, Debussy and Mozart.died on Monday at a hospital in London, where he had lived for many years. He was 86.A lover of classical music from a young age, Mr. Fou began taking piano lessons when he was 7. M

19、r. Fou made his first stage appearance in 1952. The concert caught the attention of officials in Beijing, who selected him to compete and tour in Eastern Europe. Mr. Fou soon moved to Poland, where he studied at the Warsaw Conservatory(音乐学校)on a scholarship. To prepare for the fifth Chopin Competiti

20、on in Warsaw in 1955.he practiced so diligently that he hurt his fingers and was nearly cut from the first round of the competition.Mr. Fou was one of the first Chinese pianists to achieve global prominence when he took the third place in the International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw in 1955.

21、 He also won a special prize for his performance of Chopins mazurkas(马祖卜舞曲). Almost overnight, he became a national hero. To China, Mr. Fous recognition in a well-known international competition was proof that the country could stand on its own artistically in the West. Chinese reporters flocked to

22、interview Mr. Fou, while many others sought out his father, Fu Lei, for advice on child-rearing.In 1981, a volume of letters written by his father, primarily to Mr. Fou, was published in China. Full of advice, encouragement, life teachings and strict paternal love, the book Fu Leis Family, Letters b

23、ecame a best-seller in China. Besides influencing a generation of Chinese, Mr. Fus words resonated(共鸣)long after his death with the person for whom they were intended.My father had a saying that First you must be a person, then an artist, and then a musician, and only then can you be a pianist. Mr.

24、Fou once recalled in an interview. Even now, I believe in this order-that it should be this way and that I am this way.9What can be learned from Paragraph 2?AFou Tsong competed and toured in Beijing.BFou Tsong first performed on the stage at 7.CFou Tsong made great efforts for competitions.DFou Tson

25、g started learning music in Eastern Europe.10Why does Fou Tsongs global recognition mean a lot to China?AIt earns Chinese art a place in the West.BIt promotes the spread of Chinese culture.CIt proves Chinese peoples talent for music.DIt enables Chinese art education to be recognized.11What does the

26、underlined word they in Paragraph 4 refer to?AMr. Fus words. BYoung and his family. DReaders of Fu Leis Family Letters.12Which of the following agrees with Fu Leis ideas in the last paragraph?APursuing art is a long and painful process.BIt requires various qualities to be a pianist.CEver

27、yone should develop an interest in art.DTalent is of the greatest importance for a pianist. D安徽高三三模) With the infection being brought under control, more and more galleries and museums are reopening. While many museums have been putting exhibitions online, visitors still prefer to enjoy works of art

28、 in person. Here are four major art exhibitions that are held offline.The Palace Museum (Dec. 10Feb. 15)The exhibition, Everlasting Splendor which is being held in the Meridian Gate Galleries, marks the 600th anniversary of Chinas imperial palace. Over 400 cultural relics are displayed at the exhibi

29、tion, reflecting the history of the Forbidden Citys construction, the development of its layout, and how it has been protected and restored in the past decades.The National Museum of China (Jan. 4Mar. 29)The exhibition, A Sail Over Miles, offers a brief review of the ancient Silk Road in ceramics (陶

30、瓷). It guides visitors through the manufacturing, export and shipping routes from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty with over 300 ceramic relies, including a pot dug from Nanhai No 1, a Chinese cargo ship dating back more than 800 years. The exhibition also shows Japanese, Korean and British cera

31、mics, reflecting the influence of Chinas porcelain-making techniques in local industries.The Capital Museum (Jan. 1Mar. 30)The Capital Museum is to host Man of Infinite Refinement: Special Exhibition on the Paintings and Calligraphy of Su Shi, a calligraphy and painting exhibition on the legacy of Su Shi, an iconic figure of ancient Chinese literature and fine arts. The 78 exhibits on display spans from the Northern Song Dynasty through recent history and cover a range of media, including

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