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1、BBC傲慢与偏见剧本1傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice BBC版本 中英文剧本1- (BINGLEY): Its a fair prospect. - (DARCY): Pretty enough, I grant you. 真美 我承认蛮漂亮的 Its nothing to Pemberley, I know. 我知道比不上潘巴利庄 But I must settle somewhere. Have I your approval? 但我总得找地方住下 你同意吗? - Youll find the society something savage. - Country ma

2、nners? I think theyre charming. 这里的人挺粗野的 我倒觉得乡土人情很可爱 - Then youd better take it. - Thank you, I shall. 那你就租下来吧 谢谢 我会的 我马上去找律师办妥 I shall close with the attorney directly. 丽笛亚,那是我的 现在是我的,反正你不会戴 (KITTY): I want to wear it today. Look what youve done to it! 我会我今天就要戴 看你把它弄成什么样 (KITTY): Mamma, mamma! 妈妈 (

3、KITTY): Lydia has torn up my bonnet and says she will wear it to church. Tell her she shall not! 丽笛亚拆掉我的帽子重补 还说今天要戴着去望弥撒 叫她不可以这样,妈妈 I shall wear it, for its all my own work. Shed be a fright in it. Shes too plain to look well in it! 我要戴,妈妈 拜托你叫她别这样 帽子是我自己补的 她戴起来很难看 因为她长得实在不怎么样 不,不给你 妈妈,你跟她说 - No, yo

4、u shall not have it! - Lydia! Kitty! Girls! 丽笛亚,凯蒂 你们俩要害我心烦死吗? Would you tear my nerves into shreds? Let her have it, Kitty. 把帽子给她就算了吧,凯蒂 但这是我的 But its mine! You let her have everything that is mine! 你每次都把我的东西给她 Oh, what is to bee of us all? Jane, Lizzy, where are you? 我们这是怎么回事? 瑾,丽西,你们俩在哪儿? - Here,

5、 mamma. - ing, mamma. 来了,妈妈 来了,妈妈 My dear! Mr Bennet! Wonderful news! 亲爱的 贝纳先生 天大的好消息 - Netherfield Park is let at last! - Is it? 尼德斐园终于租出去了 是吗? 对,隆太太刚刚告诉我的 Yes, it is, for I have just had it from Mrs Long. - Do you not want to know whos taken it? - I have no objection to hearing it. 想知道是谁租的吗? 你想说的话

6、我不反对 It is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England. 是一位北英格兰来的 富豪子弟租下的 A single man of large fortune, my dear. 是个家财万贯的年轻人呢? He came down on Monday to see the place. 他星期一 坐四轮马车来看了房子 他姓宾莱 米勒迦节以前就会搬进去 His name is Bingley and he will be in possession by Michaelmas. And he has 5,00

7、0 a year! 他年收入有5千磅 - What a fine thing for our girls! - How so? How can it affect them? 对我们女儿真是大好消息 为什么? 这跟她们有何关系? Mr Bennet, why are you so tiresome? You know that Im thinking of his marrying one of them. 贝纳先生 你怎么这么讨厌 你一定知道 我希望他娶我们女儿为妻 For a single man with a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

8、 因为家财万贯的单身汉 一定需要一位妻子 Yes, he must indeed! And who better than one of our five girls? 一点没错 还有谁比得上咱们家女儿? (LYDIA SNORTS) Lydia! 丽笛亚 要是他看上我可就有趣了 或是我 - What a fine joke if he chose me! - Or me! So that is his design in settling here? To marry one of our daughters? 这么说他搬到这儿的目的 就是为了娶咱们女儿 目的?你怎么这么胡说? Design

9、? How can you talk such nonsense? 但他很可能 爱上咱们一个女儿 But he may fall in love with one of them. 所以他一来 你就立刻登门拜访 - Therefore you must visit him directly he es. - No, no, I see no occasion for that. 拜访他?我看没这个必要 - Mr Bennet! - Go yourself with the girls. 喔!贝纳先生 你跟女儿去吧 不如这样,叫她们自己去 - Still better, send them by

10、 themselves. - By themselves?! 叫她们自己去? 对,既然你个女儿一样漂亮 免得人家看中了你 Aye, for youre as handsome as any of them. Mr Bingley might like you best of the party. (LYDIA SNORTS) Lydia. 丽笛亚 我为你们这些女儿 花的心思都给毁了 除了我 没有人为你们的将来打算 Hill! 希儿 Oh, Hill! 希儿,我好难过 Hill, I am so distressed! 贝纳先生说宾莱先生来时 他不打算拜访人家 Mr Bennet says he

11、 will not visit Mr Bingley when he es. 好了太太 妈妈,你跟他讲讲理吧? - There, there. - Cant you reason with him? - I daresay itll all be well. - No, it will not! 船到桥头自然直 万一我们谁也不许见呢? 不,完了 他一心要害死我们 - For he is bent on ruining us all. - Mamma, hes teasing you. 妈妈,爸爸是在逗你呢? He will call on Mr Bingley. He calls on any

12、 new neighbour. 新邻居他都会登门拜访 宾莱先生也不例外 不,瑾,你怎么这么说? 你刚刚亲耳听到的 Jane, how can you say that? You heard him! - You know your father has a will of iron. - Youre in the right, my dear. 你知道你爸决定的事 谁也改不了 你说得没错,亲爱的 Ill tell you what Ill do. I shall write to Mr Bingley, 但我告诉你我的盘算 我打算写信给宾莱先生 informing him that I hav

13、e five daughters, and he is wele to any of them. 告诉他我有5个女儿 任君挑选其一为妻 Theyre all silly and ignorant, like other girls. 她们跟其他女孩一样 傻气无知 Well, Lizzy has more wit than the rest. 丽西比其他姐妹稍微聪明点 但他也许跟其他男人一样 喜欢娶个笨老婆 But he may prefer a stupid wife, as others have done before him. 这样可以吗? - There, will that do?

14、- No! I beg you will not write if you. 不行 我拜托你不要写这种信 You take delight in vexing me! 你最喜欢气我 You have no passion on my poor nerves! 我心情这么乱 你一点都不同情 You mistake me. I have a high respect for your nerves. 你误会了,亲爱的 我最看重你的心情了 它可是我20多年的老友了 Theyve been my old friends for 20 years. - You dont know what I suff

15、er. - Well, I hope youll get over it, 你不知道我心里多苦 希望你能挺过去 and live to see many young men of 5,000 a year move here. 活着看每年一大把 身价5千磅的青年到这儿来 Its no use if 20 such should e, since you wont visit them. 一年来20个也没用 反正你不去拜访人家 Depend upon it, my dear. When there are 20, Ill visit them all. 放心,亲爱的 等来了20个我全就都拜访 You see, Jane? He wont be prevailed upon. Hell see us all ruined. 你看,瑾,他就是劝不听 打算看着我们完蛋 If only wed been able to have sons! 要是我们有儿子就好了 Misfortunes, we are

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