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1、 重点:掌握所学新单词happy sad hot cold tired ,做到发音准确,听说 自由。 难点: 把新单词灵活运用到How do you feel ?句型中去。教学准备 表示高兴、伤心、冷、热、累五幅图片;happy sad hot cold tired 五个单词卡;录音机。教学方法Acting guessing Asking and answering Teamwork 导 学 流 程教学环节时间 教学内容 期望学生行为 备注Warming up11.Sing songs “Whats your name ?”and “Find a friend”2.Chant”one book

2、,two books,three books ,four .One two three four ,five books more .Sing songs together .Greeting Good afternoon ,boys and girls .Nice to meet you again.How are you ?Good afternoon ,Miss zhang, .Nice to meet you,too.Im fine ,thank you.Review21.First ,Who can tell me the numbers 1_10?2.Next,Who can sa

3、y “ABCs”?3.Finally,I need some students to do some actions,Who can?1.Someone recites the numbers 1_10 .2.A volunteer says “ABCs”.3.Some volunteers do actions: Open/close the door/window/book.Lead in 1.Ask “What do you think of them?”in Chinese.2.Yes ,they did very well .Im very happy. Are you happy

4、?3.Now well learn how to impress your feelings.(板书课题)4. Explain “How do you feel?” in Chinese .then read it for the students .Ask them to repeat .5. How to answer the question ? We need to learn the feeling words.1.Answer: OK.2.Yes .3.Repeat “How do you feel ?New concepts151053Step 1 Learn the new w

5、ords : hot /cold/happy/ sad /tired . 1. First, show a picture of “happy”,ask them to guess its meaning in Chinese,then show the card of “happy” .the teacher read it for them. Next ask them to repeat together or in other ways .Finally ,put up the card of “happy” on the blackboard . 2. Demonstrate wit

6、h exaggerated actions each of the new word concepts. 3.Answer the question “How do you feel?”with “happy” .I feel happy . 4. Ask some volunteers to do actions according to the picture”happy” in class . 5.Hold the picture ,ask “How do you feeling?” 6. Chant “happy happy ,I feel happy.” 7. Teach the w

7、ords”sad/hot cold/tired” in the same way .Step 2 Practice 1. Practice the chant “happy happy, I feel happy . Sad sad ,I feel sad . Hot hot , I feel hot. Cold cold,I feel cold. Tired tired ,I feel tired .” 2. The teacher describes these words in Chinese. eg “白雪茫茫的大地(cold);农民伯伯在太阳底下割麦子(hot/tired); 我弄丢

8、了我心爱的玩具(sad); 妈妈给我买新衣服了(happy).” 3. Practice “How do you feel? I feel _.” The teacher holds each picture and ask “How do you feel?” Then some volunteers hold these pictures ask and answer with the other students ;or boys ask ,girls answer; Team 1 ask ,Team 2 answer. 4 Game :Ask some volunteers to pu

9、t these pictures below the right words .and then do actions ,the other students ask “How do you feel ?” He /She answers “I feel _.”Step 3 Free talk Step 4 Sing a song “How do you feel ? Play the tape ,Step 1. 1. Students try to understand the meaning of “happy”, then repeat it.1.Saythe English word

10、quickly according to the teachers actions.2. Listen to the teacher carefully .then read “I feel happy .”after the teacher.3. The other students guess the word according to the actions .4.Answer “I feel happy.”together or one by one .5.Chant “happy happy ,I feel happy.”together Step 2. 1. Lets chant

11、together .2. Students guess 3.Students answer together ,in pairs ,in teams or one by one .4.Play a game in class . Step3 Students talk about their feelings in pairs freely . Some pairs show their dialogue in class .Step 4 Sing the song followa recorder .SummaryWhat did you get ?Answer : happy sad co

12、ld hot tired How do you feel ? I feel _.板书Lesson 13 How do you feel ? I feel happy /sad /hot cold /tired . happy sad hot cold tired Picture1 Picture2 Picture3 Picture4 Picture5 Lesson 14 My Body1学生能听懂、会说和认读下列词汇: body head arm leg foot 2 学生能做游戏:Simon Says3 会唱歌曲“If you are happy and you know it.”重点难点

13、掌握单词:body head arm leg foot 录音带 图片 词汇卡片 Ask and answer practice play gamesPresentation 1 . Show a picture of a girl .Ask,“What is it?” Introduce”body”to the students. Then read it for them.Ask them to repeat it. 2 .Show the parts of our body , teach the words,hand/head/arm/leg/foot. 3 . Read them fo

14、r them .1 Students try to understand it and repeat these words . 2 . Copy these words on the exercise book .Revision1 .Hello,How do you feel ?2 .Today well learn the parts of our body .1.I feel sad/happy /tired/hot/cold .Practice1 . Show some cards of body parts , ask “What is it?” Answer “Its a hea

15、d.”2 . Ask a student to stand in front of the class, another student points to the parts of the body and ask “What is it ?3 .Play a game . One student is Simon.Says” Touch your head .”4 . Lets sing Introduce “ clap your hands ,stamp your foot , wave your arm , shake your leg .”When the teacher does

16、the actions .5 . Ask“Are you happy ?” Encourage them to say “Yes” .Tell them “If you are happy ,clap your hands/stamp your foot/wave your arm/shake your leg”1 Answer the teachers and students questions .2 . The other students play a game together.3 .Do the actions with the teacher .Summary and Homew

17、ork1 . Ask “What did you learn just now?2 .Homework, Draw a picture of a body , label as many of the body parts as they can .1 .New words body head arm leg foot2.Touch your head/. What is it? Its a _3 .A song “If you are happy,clap your hands .”Lesson 14 My body What is it ? If you are happy , clap

18、your hands,Its a head/body/(an)arm/leg/foot. Stamp your foot , Wave your arm, Shake your leg.教学反思Lesson 15 Left and Right1.生能听懂、会说和认读下列词汇:hair,eye,mouth,ear,nose,face.2.学学生能听懂、会说和认读 表示方位的词:left,right.8个单词。难点:背诵Chant。 录音带 词汇卡 身体部位张贴画 游戏法 合作练习 Greet Revisionand Lesson hook3 1.Hello!How are you ? 2. Bo

19、dy parts “hand head body foot leg” Show a picture of body,point to the parts and ask “Whats this?” and “How do you feel ? 3.Tell the students that theyll learn the new words for parts of their face and “left /right.” 1.greet the teacher 2.Students answer two questions with “Its a/an_.”and “I feel _.

20、” 3.In the same time,write these words on their exercise book or blackboard.记得提醒a/an的用法。15 1. Part 1 What is it?Go on to show a picture of a face and ask“What is it?“Its a/an eye/ear/mouth/nose/face /hair.”then ask a student to stand in front of the class for practicing them. 2. Play the tape 3.Teac

21、h the class the difference between “Whats it? Its a/an _.”and “What are they? They are _.”eg.Whats it ? Its a face./What are they? They are eyes/ears . 4.Ask some students to point the parts of themselves asking “Whats it? Its aan_.”and “What are they ? They are _.” 1.Listen to the teacher and read

22、after the teacher. 2.Listen to the tape carefully and read the book.3.Try to understand the difference.4.Practice in groups or pairs.提醒eyes和ears .201. Lets play Two students stand in front of the class .One is standing, the other touches the parts of his body when the teacher says them.2.Left or rig

23、ht The teacher holds her left hand and say “This is my left hand.”then the other “That is my right hand .”Practice these two words with “eye/ear/arm/leg”in the same way .3.Lets chant “Show me your left hand” Play the chant twice ,the teacher does the actions as they are called in the chant.1.Play th

24、e good game .2.Tell the “left “and “right”.3.Students do the actions as the chant is played.They dont play until they feel comfortable.Summary and homework21. What did you learn during the class?2. Play the good game with your friends or family .3. Listen to the tape twice .1. Answer “hair/nose/face

25、/eye/ear/left/right”2. Whats this? Its a/an _What are they ? They are _.3. We can say “Show me your left hand .”/Whats this? It a face/nose head/mouth. What are they ? They are eyes/ears . Left 左 right 右Lesson 16 Warm and Cool1. Students will be able to understand, orally use and recognize the follo

26、wing words : warm cool2. Students will be able to sing the song : head, shoulders ,knees ,toes. Words : warm ,cool , hot , cold. 录音带 body picture Flash cards Ask and answer Groupwork PracticeGreeting revisionandLesson hook 1. Play a song: How are you? 2.Chant :Show me your left foot. 3. Point to par

27、ts of a boy body and ask “Whats this ? 4. Let all the students stand up and hold right/left hand . 5. Tell the students that well learn the words :hot /cold/ warm /cool and more words . A new song .1. Students sing a song .2. Chant3. Answer: Its a/an _ .4. Do actions according to the orders . Warm a

28、nd cool ?1. Show the word cards to review : hot /cold and learn “warm /cool .” Ask : I am/feel hot/cold .2. Let four students stand in front of the class ,guid them to have conversations like this .3 The teacher explains “warm/cool” in Chinese and gives some examples like touching the cool things . Say : I am /feel cool .4. Ask the students to give some examples like warm and cool things .

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