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1、A . deal with B . cut in C . cheer for D . run out8. .My sister is still very with me because I broke her new pencil box yesterday .( )A . popular B . satisfied C . hon est D . angry9. . - Have you read the book Jane Eyre ?-Yes. Its a famous book and really worth .( )A . to read B . readi ng C . to

2、be read D . read10.ts reported that Jiangsu Grand Theatre in September this year ( )A . completes B . is completedC . will complete D . will be completed11. .Which of the follow ing words is pronoun ced/geit/ ? ( )A . gate B . great C . greet D . get12 . . - Hi, Nora . Is your mother at home ?-Just

3、a minute!She flowers in the garden .( )A . plant B . is planting C . planted D . was planting13. n the words unhappy and unusual , the un?means .( )A . very B . most C. not D . less14. (on the mobile phone )-Where are you ? I cant see you here at the theatre.- . rm just one block away .( )A . Good i

4、dea B. My pleasureC. Im coming D . Nice talking to you15. . - Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane .- . I never go travelling without a book .( )A . You are joking B . Thats trueC . I dont think so D . It sou nds like fun二、完型填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分).阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题 的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中.,选出可以填入

5、空白处的最佳选项 .16. (10 分)(2016?南京)Rob Howes wan ted to spe nd a day at the beach . He (16) his daughter Nicky and her two friends , Helen Slade and Karina Cooper . They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand , where Howes was a lifeguard .The group swam and bodysurfed . Then they saw something (17) . Sud

6、denly,there are these fins, said Howes .The (18) saw seven dolphins moving towards them . The dolphins seemedworried . They (19) the water with their tails . They kept moving in a circle aroundthe swimmers . Then one large dolphin swam towards Howes and Helen . Next, it dived (潜水) down underwater .

7、Thatwhen Howes saw something grey moving in the (20) .A great white shark (21) underwater . It wasn far from the people . The sharkheaded straight towards Nicky and Karina . Now the shark was not slow . It moved(22) !So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster . Each one splashed itstail ev

8、en more . Then Howes knew (23) the dolphins did so . The dolphinsdid n twa nt to (24) him and the girls . These sea mammals (哺乳动物) wan tedto keep them safe .The dolph ins stayed close to the group (25) the shark left . When Howes and thekids were safe, the dolphins swam away .You want to say thank y

9、ou and shake their filppers , Howes said . This isnt a fishy tale!Thesedolph ins are heroes .16 . A . broughtB . missedC . returnedD . searched17 . A . brokenB . com monC . stra ngeD . polluted18 . A . trainersB. coachesC . fisherme nD . swimmers19 . A . heldB . hitC . clea nedD . provided20 . A . p

10、oolB . airC . isla ndD . water三、阅读理解(共 4小题;每小题2分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给四个选 项(A、B、C、D )中,选出最佳选项.26 . ( 2 分)(2016?南京)Alan is visiting South Mainland with his family , He is reading an information card to help them .Ferry Book ing OfficesMousa, Tel: 07901 872339Fair Isle . Tel: 01595 760363ShopsDunrossness

11、, Toab . Bigton . SandwickPlaces to Eat Local FoodSumburgh . Spiggie . Bigt on. HoswickPost OfficesDunrossness, Toab, Bigton LevenwickVisitors Cen tresBoddam Hoswick . Sandsayre. CunningsburghSwimmi ng PoolSandwick, Tel: 01950 431511Health Centreleve nwick. Tel: 01950 422240Police Statio nDunrossnes

12、s, Tel: 01950 46070721.A . waited22.A. beautifully23.A . where24.A. play25.A . untilB. washedB . fastB . whatB . trustB. becauseC . grewC . heavilyC . whyC. harmC . ifD. servedD . awayD . whetherD . protectD . si nee .26. Which number should Alan call if he wants to book tickets for the ferry ? A.01

13、950 460707 . B.01595 760363 .C.01950 422240 . D.01950 431511 .27. Where can Alan go to enjoy local food in South Mainland ?A . Dunrossness, Toab . Bigton , Sandwick .B . Sumburgh, Spiggie, Bigt on. HoswickC . Dunrossness, Toab . Bigton , LevenwickD . Boddam, Hoswick , Sandsayre, Cunningsburgh .28. (

14、 3 分) (2016?南京)CHARACTERS Max and EmmaSCENE 1 - Dining hall . Sunville Middle SchoolEMMA : Max!Hi!Mr . Sosa says our band (乐队)can play in the tale nt show!MAX : Cool!Ill tell Felipe to meet in the music room after school for a practice . Umm . I wonder if Its a good idea to have Felipe in our band (

15、With his mouth open ) Of course it is!Hes really good at the keyboard . Really ? He seems more interested in maths than anything else . Well, the says maths and music are connected. He says that learning to read music and playing keyboard is like learning maths formulas (公式). The n rm sure he good a

16、t music. too. With Felipe on keyboard , well really have an edgeover the other groups28. The underlined word edge”n the play means “ A temperature B. adva ntage C. con versati on D. relati on ship29. Why does Emma wonder if it is a good idea to have Felipe in the band ?A . She thinks Felipe will hel

17、p them win .B.Shes not sure if Felipe is good at musicC . She thi nks the band has had eno ugh players .D . Shes imagining what songs Felipe likes to play .30 . Which of following shows where the scene happens ?A . EMMA : UmmB . MAX : (With his mouth open )C . CHARACTERS - Max and EmmaD . SCENE I -

18、Dining hall , Sunville Middle School .31.( 5 分)(2016?南京)A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years now . Itbubble cities andon space andThey said the way.The expertsdescribes skyscrapers that are much taller than todays buildings , underwater holidays in space . The report is from a com

19、pany . It asked experts (专家) architecture, as well as city planners , to give their ideas on the life in 2116 . we live , work and play will be totally different to how we do these things today used the Internet as an example . They said that 25years ago, people could not imagine how theInternet and

20、 smartphones would change our lives . The Internet has completely changed the way we com muni cate , lear n and do daily things . The experts said the cha nges in the n ext cen tury would be even more unbelievable .Researchers questi oned 2,000 adults about the predict ions (预言)they thought were mos

21、t likely (很可能的)to happen in the future . They predicted that in the future , few people will go to an office but will work from home and have work meet ings on li ne . People will have highly developed 3 - D printers that will let you download (下载) a design for furniture or a food recipe and then pr

22、int the sofa, table or pizza at home . There will also be less need for visits to the doctor . We will all have a home health in strume nt that will tell us what the problem is and give us treatme nt. We will also be going into space for holidays and to get resources that we have used up on Earth .

23、A predict ion that is miss ing is whether people will still n eed to study English .31.The writer uses the example of the Internet in Paragraph I to show .A . the Internet was often used B. the Internet has developed fastC. people will not believe the cha nges D. tech no logy will cha nge peoples li

24、ves32.With the help of highly developed 3 - D printers , a way to get a sofa in 2116 isto .A . buy one in a shop B . ask somebody to make oneC.dow nl oad a desig n an d pri nt one D . desig n and make one by on eself33.According to the passage , the missing prediction is .A . how people will workB .

25、 where people will get resourcesC . what people will have at home to treat ill nessD . whether people will still n eed to lear n En glish .34. The passage is mainly about .A . the life in 2016 B . holidays in spaceC . the history of the Internet D . medical treatme nt35. The passage is most probably

26、 from .A . an advertisement B . a newspaperC . a detective story D . a health report .36. ( 5 分)(2016?南京)Rachel Carson( 1907 - 1964) was a pioneer of the worldsen viro nmen tal moveme nt through her writi ng about the protecti on of the n atural world . Her 1962 book Silent Spring made her well know

27、n by many people . It describes the harmful changes in the environment of using toxic (有害的) chemicals on farmland .Carsons career started as a biologist in the US Bureau of Fisheries . In 1951 she published her first book . The Sea Around Us, which became a bestseller . It made her rich eno ugh to l

28、eave her job and devote her life to writing . She was s gifted writer . Her next two books were also about the ocea ns and both topped the book sales lists .s book Sile nt Spring completely cha nged the way America thought aboutn ature . Itpa in ted a bleak (荒凉的) future for the whole n atural world . It led to a n ati on wide ban (禁止)on the use of a deadly chemical called DDT , and other toxic pesticides (农药) that farmers used fo

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