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本文(人教新课标英语必修4全册教案Unit 5 Theme parksWord文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教新课标英语必修4全册教案Unit 5 Theme parksWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、T slve the questins in prehending, and let the students find ut the ain idea f eah paragraph, give a suar f the textTeahing diffiult pints H t give a general instrutin/ desriptin f a plaeTeahing ethds Listening;Siing;Sanning;Tas-basedTeahing aids A rerder and a puterThe first perid readingStep I Rev

2、isinT: Gd rning/ afternn, bs and girls! First lets have a ditatin abut the rds and phrases in Unit 4 Tae ut a piee f paper, pleasear, lal, represent, lubia, intrdue, apprah, tuh, strange, express, be liel t, general, avid spen, isunderstand, punish, at ease N, hand in ur paper please; Ill he ur r af

3、ter lassStep II aring up Lets l at the pitures n P33 These are fur pitures f different pars A garden in Suzhu, Hde Par in Lndn, rld aterpar in anada, Disneland hat ind f pars are the? Ver gd S hat abut rld aterpar in anada? hih ne f these pars uld u lie t visit st if u have the hane?Sa: f urse I uld

4、 g t Disneland I have athed s uh abut it n TV and Ive been dreaing abut shaing hands ith thse lvel artn haraters and taing pitures ith theSb: I uld lie t g t aterpar, beause I lie siing and I lie t tae part in the ativities in ater in this parS: I uld g t Hde Par I ant t g hrse-riding, and abve all,

5、 have the experiene f aing a speeh in frnt f a rd f peple lie a president Thatll be reall exitingStep III ReadingSiing Its interesting t listen t ur ideas Tda e are ging t stud a passage abut thee pars The title is THEE PARSFUN AND RE THAN FUN I uld lie u t read the passage quil fr the first tie t g

6、et a general idea f the passage At the sae tie, please find ut the tpi sentene f eah paragraph(3 inutes later) Have u gt the ain idea f the passage? h an tell e the tpi sentenes f six paragraphs?Tpi sentenesParagraph 1 Pars prvide peple ith a plae t ause theselves and t esape their bus lives fr a hi

7、leParagraph 2 In reent deades, hever, an pars have been designed t prvide entertainentParagraph 3 Thee pars have a ertain ideaa ertain theethat the hle par is based nParagraph 4 Se are histr r ulture thee parsParagraph The ldest thee par in the rld is Disneland, built near Ls Angeles, alifrnia in 19

8、Paragraph 6 ther thee pars inluding arine r ean pars, siene thee pars, and future thee parsSanning After the first reading, e have all gt a general idea f the passage S I uld lie u t read it arefull again and tr t find the ansers t these detailed questinsTeaher shs the questins n the sreen1 hat is t

9、he basi purpse f thee pars? hat d peple d there?2 D these pars harge peple fr adissin?3 hat is the purpse f a thee par?4 hat is the differenes beteen a thee par and an rdinar par?Differenes rdinar pars Thee parsAtivities Size Failities harges Suvenirs hat ativities ill be ffered t visitrs in a sprts

10、 thee par?6 an the d shpping there? hat an the bu?7 hat an visitrs see and d in histr r ulture thee pars?8 hat is Disneland lie? hat an visitrs d there?9 hat an peple d in arine r ean thee pars, siene thee pars and future thee pars?(10 inutes later) Have u gt the ansers? I uld lie se f u t anser the

11、 questins Lets listen and he hether the have gt the rretlTeahers he se students fr the anserssuggested ansers1 The basi purpse f a par is t prvide peple ith a plae t ause theselves and t esape their bus lives fr a hile In these pars, peple sit hatting, pla gaes, listen t birds singing, r ust relax a

12、 bit And failies g there t have pinis r have fun tgether in ther as2 These pars harge peple little r n ne fr adissin3 The purpse f a thee par is t prvide entertainent4 See the flling tableDifferenesAtivitiesrides suh as a Ferris heel, err-g-rund f a rller aster a variet f things t see and dSizeusual

13、l nt ver large huge plaes that visitrs ften use shuttles t get arundn restaurants r htelsrestaurants, htels and shpshargesharge little r nneharge fr adissinSuvenirs sell n suvenirssell suvenirs in their shps A sprts thee par ill ffer visitrs sprts t pla r ath6 es The an bu sprts equipent r lthing, s

14、uh as basetballs, ftballs, sneaers and s n7 Visitrs an see h ur anestrs dressed, red and lived; and h speial grups f peple dress tda, hat the eat and hat their hes l lie The ight g fr rides n anials, help ultural fds r have their pitures taen in the lthing f eperrs r f inrit peple8 Disneland is s di

15、fferent fr ther pars that it seeed lie a plae f fantas Visitrs an en seeing the haraters fr Disne fils, g n exiting rides, visits t astles and get lse t life-size artn figures The an als see del villages f life in the past hih sh h the earl settlers in Aeria lived9 Peple an see and si ith dlphins an

16、d learn abut ean life in an ean par; The an tae an ative part in experients in a siene thee par; The an g n iaginar trips t spae and use advaned puter tehniques t experiene life in the future parStep IV prehending (P34)Part 1 Lets l ba at the title f the passage THEE PARS FUN AND RE THAN FUN h des t

17、he riter thin that thee pars are plaes fun and re than fun? I uld lie u t thin abut this questin and tell e ur pinins In pinin, it eans that thee pars are re than auseent pars ith rides, suh as a Ferris heel, err-g-rund r a rller aster, the are suh huge plaes that visitrs ften use shuttles t get aru

18、nd, and the have a lt f things t see and d S the are plaes fun and re than funPart 2 e have read abut se f the different thee pars in the rld Have u ever thught f this questin: h d peple build s an different thee pars? I uld lie u t have a lass disussin and tell e 3 purpses fr peple building thee pa

19、rs arding t this passage(Se tie later) Please express ur ideasSuggested ansersPurpse 1 : t prvide entertainentExplanatin 1: beause the have a variet f things t see and dPurpse 2: t ae a prfit b harging fr adissin and selling suvenirsExplanatin 2: beause the all harge ne fr adissin f the htels, resta

20、urants, and fr the rides and shs in the pars as ell, and the sell a lt f suvenirsPurpse 3: t prvide peple ith se unusual experienesExplanatin 3: beause there are pars fr peple t experiene the life in the past, in the future, in the ean and s nPart 3 Lets su up the ain idea f eah paragraphParagraph 1

21、: Pars prvide peple ith a plae t ause theselves and t esape their bus lives fr a hileParagraph 2: Thee pars have been designed t prvide entertainent ith a variet f things t see and dParagraph 3: Thee pars have a ertain idea/ thee that the hle par is based nParagraph 4: The histr and ulture thee pars

22、Paragraph : The DisnelandParagraph 6: The ean pars and the siene thee parsThee f the passage: Thee parsStep V Disussin If u have enugh tie and ne, uld u lie t g traveling t see the natural beaut f the untr r g the thee pars t en the exiting experienes? Give reasns fr ur hiea) Teaher divides the lass

23、 int grups f fur Eah grup tries t reah an agreeent and t llet as an reasns as pssible fr the grup ebersb) After the disussin, the teaher ass a student fr eah f the grups t reprt the deisin f their grup and t give their reasns fr the deisinStep VI HerReeber all the ne rds and phrases in the reading p

24、assagerite a suar f the reading passage using the ne rdsThe send perid Learning abut Language(rd fratin) AisT help students learn abut rd fratinT help students disver and learn t use se useful rds and expressinsT help students disver and learn t use se useful struturesPreduresI aring uparing up b di

25、svering useful rds and expressinsTurn t page 3 and d exerises N 1, 2 ,3 and 4 first he ur ansers against ur lassates II Learning abut rd fratinThe basi part f an rd is the rt; t it, u an add a prefix at the beginning and/r a suffix at the end t hange the eaning Fr exaple, in the rd “unflattering,” t

26、he rt is sipl “flatter,” hile the prefix “un-” aes the rd negative, and the suffix “-ing” hanges it fr a verb int an adetive (speifiall, a partiiple)English itself des nt use prefixes as heavil as it ne did, but an English rds e fr Latin, hih uses prefixes and suffixes (u an use the rd affix t refer

27、 either t a prefix r a suffix) quite extensivel Fr exaple, the rds “prefix,” “suffix,” and “affix” theselves are all fred fr “fix” b the used f prefixes: “ad” (t) + “fix” (attahed) = “affix” “pre” (befre) + “fix” = “prefix” “sub” (under) + “fix” = “suffix” Nte that bth the “-d” f “ad” and the “-b” f

28、 “sub” hange the last letterHere are se f the st n Latin prefixes (fr the eanings f the Latin rts, l up the rds in a gd ditinar):ab (aa) abrupt, absent, abslve ad (t) adverb, advertisent, afflit in (nt) inapable, indeisive, intlerable inter (beteen, ang) interept, interdependent, interprvinial intra (ithin) intraural, intrapersnal, intraprvinial pre (befre) prefabriate, prefae prefer pst (after) pstpne, pstsript, pstar sub (under) subarine, subsriptin, suspet trans

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