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1、后来,最近,最新1. I was _ getting up this morning.2. Tom came to school _ and missed the first lesson.3. Nine months _, they were divorced.4. They have equipped the office with the _ business machines.5. What have you been doing _.六、生命,生活,谋生;活的,活着的;生动的,活泼的1. Eat to _, but do not _ to eat.2. Because of all

2、the arguments the meeting was a _ one.3. Language is a _ and continually changing thing.4. He earns his _ by growing rice.5. Many people lost their _ in the accident.七、爱,喜爱;可爱,好看,美好1. How _ your roses are looking.2. It was a _ garden, with soft green grass.3. Though his income was small, he _ to buy

3、 books.八、领导,领先,首先,领袖,领导人1. Our football team has a _ of two goals.2. The blind man had a dog to _ him.3. What _ you to think that?4. Our _ led us through the forest.5. What the country needs most is wise _.九、长,长的,长度1. What is the _ of the movie?2. How _ is the speech?十、运气,好运,幸运的,侥幸的1. Diligence is t

4、he mother of good _.2. You are _ than most women.高考黄金词汇“派生词”强化专练一答案:一、 1. importance 2. important 3. importantly二、 1. invention 2. invented 3. invented三、1. interests 2. interesting 3. interested 4. interested 5. interest四、1. kindness 2. kindly 3. kind 4. kind五、 1. late 2. late 3. later 4. latest 5.

5、lately六、1. live, live 2. lively 3. living 4. living 5. lives七、 1. lovely 2. lovely 3. love 4. loved八、1. lead 2. lead 3. led 4. leader 5. leadership九、 1. length 2. long十、1. luck 2. luckier强化专练二一、主要,主要部分;主要的;主要地,大部分1. He is the _ character in the story.2. Our _ meal is in the evening.3. His money come

6、s _ from business interests.二、管理,经营,设法完成;经理,管事人1. The prime minister really _ the government.2. He _ to escape to South America.3. Mother hasnt much money and it is only by good _ that she is able to buy all we need.4. Only a good _ can run a household on fifty dollars a week.三、意思,意义,意思是1. Whats the

7、 _ of this word?2. The words are spelt differently, and _quite different things.3. Smoke usually _ fire.4. Thoughts are expressed by _ of words.5. Taking a plane is the quickest _of getting there.四、医学,医疗,医药1. _ research may find a cure for cancer.2. Tuition, rooms, books, and _ care are all free.3.

8、This is a good kind of _ for colds.4. Always keep _ where children cant get at them.五、错误,弄错,错误的1. I _ you for your brother.2. Bob has the _idea that tomorrow is a holiday.3. I was _ about her age.4. When I am tired I frequently make silly arithmetical _.六、混合,搅和;混合物1. Green is a _ of blue and yellow.

9、2. Shake the _ before taking.3. His feelings about his daughters marriage are rather _.4. _ this oil with the paint and stir well.七、最,最多,大多数,主要,大部分1. Of course _ of them dont agree with his opinion.2. Of these sports, I like rowing _.3. The guests are _ friends of the bride.八、移动,搬动,活动,运动1. Dont make

10、 a _ or Ill shoot.2. Keep still, dont _.3. The train was already _.4. He lay there without _.5. The armys _ were kept secret.九、自然,本性,天性;自然的,天生来的,天然的1. Man is engaged in a constant struggle with _.2. Tigers are cruel by _.3. Her hair curls _.4. She had a _ gift for teaching.5. She finds great interes

11、t in _ science.十、国家,民族,国籍1. The president spoke on radio to the _.2. A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his _.3. The _ news comes after the international news.4. She lives in France but has British _.一、1. main 2. main 3. mainly二、 1. manages 2. managed 3. management 4. manager三、

12、1. meaning 2. mean 3. means 4. means 5. means四、1. Medical 2. medical 3. medicine 4. medicines五、1. mistook 2. mistaken 3. mistakes六、 1. mixture 2. mixture 3. mixed 4. Mix七、 1. most 2. most 3. mostly八、1. move 2. move 3. moving 4. movement 5. movements九、 1. nature 2. nature 3. naturally 4. natural 5. n

13、atural十、1. nation 2. nation 3. national 4. nationality强化专练三一、附近,近的,在附近1. The post office is quite _.2. He lives _ - two hundred meters from us.3. The injured men were sent to a _ hospital.4. There was a restaurant _ the cinema.二、动手术,操作,开动1. He _ on the babys throat, and saved its life.2. The lift is

14、 _ by electricity.3. The _ of this machine is simple.三、外,在外,向外的,出外1. This door opens _, not inward.2. We took a trip _ the country.3. He has gone all _ to win the election.4. The _ door was wide open but the inner one was locked.5. Wilson was waiting for him _.6. Dont judge a man from his _.7. The b

15、ell wont ring, its _ of order.四、办公室,职务,职责,军官,官员,官方的,正式的1. His uncle was an _ in the army.2. His _ is on the second floor.3. The President and the Secretary of State are government _.4. In Zaire there are four _ languages.五、开,开着的,开放的, 口,缝隙, 开始1. There was an _ in the wall.2. The books _is dull, but t

16、he last chapters are interesting.3. When do the shops _?4. The castle is _ to visitors in summer.5. Its good to have exercise in the _ air.6. They carried on their affair quite _ without shame.六、极好,完美,完全1. Im_ satisfied with your arrangement.2. There are _ silence for two minutes.3. Her examination

17、paper was _ except for one spelling mistake.七、物理,物质,身体,物理学家1. _ exercises are exercises we give the body.2. _includes mechanics, heat, light, electricity, etc.3. Is there a _explanation for these strange happenings?4. Professor Molcule was a _.八、钢琴,钢琴家1. The _ played several pieces of music on a gra

18、nd _.九、塑料,塑料制品,塑料的1. Clay, wax, and plaster are _ substances.2. The spoon is _.3. _ are used in many modern articles instead of wood, metal, etc.4. The _ industry is growing fast.十、令人高兴的,高兴的,愉快,使人高兴1. As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with _.2. The evening passed very _.3. Its a _ to work wi

19、th you.4. Im very _ to meet you.5. I hope you will have a _ holiday.6. It is hard to _ all.7. The flowers in the park were _.8. We are very _ with our new house.一、 1. near 2. near/nearby 3. nearby 4. near二、 1. operated 2. operated 3. operation三、 1. outward(s) 2. outside 3. out 4. outer 5. outside 6.

20、 outside 7. out四、 1. officer 2. office 3. officials 4. official五、 1. opening 2. opening 3. open 4. open 5. open 6. openly六、1. perfectly 2. perfect 3. perfect七、 1. Physical 2. Physics 3. physical 4. physicist八、 pianist piano 九、 1. plastic 2. plastic 3. Plastics 4. plastics十、1. pleasure 2. pleasantly

21、3. pleasure 4. pleased 5. pleasant 6. please 7. pleasing强化专练四一、新近的,近来的,近来1.Our parents_ celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.2. The growth of industry has been rapid in _ years.二、理由,原因,有道理的,合情合理的1. He had the wish to act quickly and _in an emergency.2. Your proposal sounds _, but well have to

22、 talk about it further.3. A _ person is one who will listen to advice.4. He refused to give any _ for his action.5. That is no _ why you should leave.三、革命,革命的,革命者1. The invention of the motor car has brought about a _ in transport.2. He had himself taken part in the _ movement there in 1831.3. His m

23、ethods are quite _.4. The _ are attacking the palace.俄罗斯,俄国,俄国的,俄语,俄国人,俄语的,俄国人的1. Is _ grammar easy to learn?2. The _ love dancing.3. Do you know _?4. _ music is well-known.5. _ lies on the north of China.五、难过,悲哀,悲伤1. We were full of _.2. He looked at her _.3. Why is he looking so _?4. Mary was _ be

24、cause she lost her money.六、安全,平安1. They crossed the river _.2. The streets arent _ at night.3. The train is a _ means of transportation.4. He was anxious about the _ of the children.七、令人满意,使满足,满足1. The story had a _ ending.2. That answer wont _ her.3. Are you _ now?4. Do you find much _ in doing that sort of work?5. That certainly seems a _ explanation.八、科学,科学的,科学家1. He hasnt much knowledge of _

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