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1、电厂设备名称中英文对照发电机 generator 变压器,transfomer主变,the main transfomer厂高变, high voltage house transfomer柴油发电机 diesel generator断路器(开关),circuit breaker 隔离刀闸islolating switch ,disconnecting switch,isolator, disconnector控制保险,control insurance电源保险 power insurance 电源开关,power switch 电源刀闸,power islolating switch电缆,c

2、able 风冷器,air cooler风扇,fan 电机,motor绕组,winding套管,casing三相,three phase 电压,voltage电流,current定子线圈,Stator coil定子铁芯,Stator core转子线圈,Rotor coil转子铁芯 Rotor core 内冷水,inner cooling water内冷水进水 inlet inner cooling water内冷水出水 outlet inner cooling water内冷水进水温度,inlet inner cooling water temperature内冷水出水温度,outlet inn

3、er cooling water temperature风温,air temperature温度,temperature油枕 oil conservator油箱,oil tank ; 避雷器,lighting arrester;(surge) arrester中性点接地刀闸,neutral grounding switch 温度表,thermometer励磁柜,excitation cabicle拉开,switch off 合上,switch on检查,inspection取下,removing装上 installation停用,stopping 高备变,high voltage spare

4、transfomer投入, put into service/operation压板,connecting sheet保护压板,protection connecting sheet控制,control 操作,operation定子电流,Stator current定子电压,Stator voltage转子电压,Rotor voltage转子电流 Rotor current励磁电压,Excitation voltage励磁电流,Excitation current1发电机用开关与系统并列,the connection between #1 generator1 and system was c

5、onnected by switch 2发电机用 开关与系统解列,the connection between #1 generator1 and system was cut by switch 6.6KV段母线倒工作电源供电,the power supplied to 6.6 kv phase I,II bus was replaced by working power6.6KV段母线倒备用电源供电,the power supplied to 6.6 kv phase I,II bus was replaced to the spare power励磁变,excitation transf

6、omer备用,reserve ,stand-by, backup 电压互感器,(potential )voltage transformer 电流互感器,current transformer送电, transmit power停电, black out充电,charging6.6KV段母线送电,6.6 kv phase I,II bus bar transmit power6.6KV段母线停电,6.6 kv phase I,II bus bar cut-off power400V段母线停电,400v phase I,II bus bar cut-off power400V段母线送电,400v

7、 phase I,II bus bar transmit power合上6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关,close the working power switch 611 of 6.6KV phase I bus bar检查6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关确已合好,check to ensure that 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 are closed检查6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关三相确在“合上”位置,check that the three phase of 6.6KV phase I bus working pow

8、er switch 611 are on “switch on” position检查6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关三相确已合好,check to ensure that the three phase of 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611have been switched on properly.检查6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关三相确已拉开,check to ensure that the three phase of 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611have been sw

9、itched off将6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关推至仓内工作位置 push working power switch 611 of 6.6KV phase I bus to the working position检查6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关各部良好、无妨碍送电物,check that all parts of 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 are in good conditions, without foreign materials obstructing power transmission.检查6.6KV段母线

10、工作电源611开关三相确在“拉开”位置,check that the three phase of 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 are on “switch” off position.检查6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关一次插头确已插好,check to ensure that the primary plug of 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 have inserted well.装上6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关合闸保险,install closing insuran

11、ce for 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611装上6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关二次插头,install the secondary plug of control circuit for 6.6KV I phase bus working power switch 611 装上6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关控制保险,install control insurance for 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 合上6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关、视充电良好,check that

12、the charging is in good condition after switching on 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 合上6.6KV段母线工作电源611开关、视并环良好,check that the connection is in good condition after switching on 6.6KV phase I bus working power switch 611 6.6KV段母线用备用电源送电,6.6 kv phase I,II bus transmit power with stand-by po

13、wer supply6.6KV段母线用备用电源停电, 6.6 kv phase I,II bus cut power with with stand-by power supply1厂高变送电,#1 transmit power with high voltage auxiliary transfomer 1厂高变停电,#1 cut-off power with high voltage auxiliary transfomer 1厂低变送电,#1 transmit power with low voltage auxiliary transfomer1厂低变停电,#1 f cut-off p

14、ower with low voltage auxiliary transfomer01高备变送电#01 transmit power with high voltage standby transfomer01高备变停电,#01 cut-off power with high voltage standby transfomer220KV段母线恢复备用,220V phase I,II bus restore to standby,220V直流母线,220v DC BUS汽轮机,turbine 给水泵, feedwater pump 循环水泵,circulating water pump凝结水

15、泵,condensate pump内冷水泵,inner-cooling pump除盐水泵,demineralised water pump低加,low pressure(LP) heater疏水泵, drainage pump高加,high pressure(HP) heater凝汽器,(steam)condenser 除氧器,deaerator 主汽,main steam 再热器,reheater 旁路,bypass 抽汽,bleed /extraction steam, steam bleeding低压缸,low pressure clinder/ casing高压缸,high press

16、ure casing/ cylinder中压缸,intermediate pressure cylinder排汽,exhaust steam本体疏水扩容器, flash tank/evaporator, drain flash vessel凝结水,condensate water 凝补水箱 condensate tank 汽封,seal减温水,attemperating water, desuperheater补水,make-up , make-up feed除盐水,desalted water 轴封加热器,steam seal condenser, gland steam condenser

17、真空,vaccum 工业水,industrial water 冷油器,oil cooler直流油泵,DC pump润滑油泵,lubracating oil pump顶轴油泵 , jacking oil pump射水泵,projectiles pump 工业水泵,service water pump盘车电机,turning gear motorEH油泵,EH oil pump=electro-hydraulic oil pump 排烟风机,vapour exhaust fan 调速油泵, governing(control) oil pump磨煤机,mill 排粉机,silo extractor

18、吸风机,suction fan 送风机,forced draft fan 一次风机,primary air fan (PAF)给粉机,pulverised coal feeder 锅炉,boiler 预热器,preheater, air (pre)heater过热器,superheater 省煤器,economiser, economizer炉膛,furnace 烟道,flue(gas)duct, gas duct/pass碎渣机,slag/ash crusher, clinker grinder捞渣机,ash remover喷燃器, burner 油枪,oil gun/torch媒粉管PC/PF pipe/piping/conduit(PC=pulverized coal PF=pulverized fuel)给水管道,feedwater pipelines水冷壁,waterwall 粗粉分离器,coarse powder speparator细粉分离器,fine powder speparator锁气器,airlock 油泵,oil pump

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