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1、在高温高压下结合到另一金属上的金属外层o celebrated adj. 著名的o Gothic adj. 哥特式的o architecture n. 建筑, 建筑学Two basic approaches of spanning over masonry walls are post-and-lintel construction and arch, vault, and dome construction.o span v. (桥,拱等)横跨o post-and-lintel n. 抬梁式(在立柱上架梁,梁上又抬梁, 在宫殿、庙宇、寺院等大型建筑中普遍采用),框架(结构)o arch n.

2、 拱(连柱的)o vault n. 拱(不连柱的)o dome n. 穹隆(结构):类似于穹隆或圆屋顶的结构The Chicago architect Louis Sullivans career converges with the so-called Chicago School of architects, whose challenge was to invent the skyscraper or high-rise building, facilitated by the introduction of the electric elevator and the abundance

3、 of steel. The buildings skeleton could be erected quickly and the remaining components hung on it to complete it, an immense advantage for high-rise buildings on busy city streets.o architect n. 建筑师o converge v. 聚合于,集中于一点o school n. 学派o skyscraper n. 摩天大楼o facilitate v. 提供便利o electric elevator n. 电

4、梯o abundance n. 充裕o skeleton n. 框架结构,整体框架o erect v. 树立,建立o component n. 零件,构件o immense adj. 极大的Interior design of apartments and houses, that is, dwellings, usually involves both practical and aesthetic decisions. Choices have to be made for almost every elements, ceilings and lamps, curtains and bl

5、inds, corridor and doorway, niches and ledges, grate and ventilations, terraces and staircases, even sewers or drainers. Sometimes such designs are extended to the faadeof the building, and even to a fountain, or a gardening yard.o interior design n. 室内设计o dwelling n. 住处,居住空间o involve v. 包括o aesthet

6、ic adj. 美学的o ceiling n. 天花板o curtain n. 窗帘o blind n. 窗帘(尤指固定在卷轴上能够拉下来的布质窗帘)o corridor n. 走廊o doorway n. 门口o niche n. 壁橱o ledge n. 壁架o grate n. 壁炉o ventilation n. 通风设备o terrace n. 阳台o staircase n. 楼梯o sewer n. 排水沟o drainer n. 下水道装置, 滤水器o faade n. (建筑物的)外立面,尤指正面o fountain n. 喷泉o yard n. 庭院The lease is

7、 a contract of rent under which one party, called landlord or lessor, grants possession and use of the property for a limited term to the other party, who is called tenant or lessee.o lease n. 租约o rent n. 租金o landlord n. 房东o lessor n. 出租人o grant v. 授与(权利); 让与(财产)o possession n. 占有,拥有o property n. 财产

8、,所有物o tenant n. 房客o lessee n. 承租人A big city, or metropolis, is often accompanied by suburbs.Such cities are usually associated with metropolitan areas and urban sprawl, creating large amounts of business commuters. Once a city sprawls far enough to reach another city, this region can be deemed a con

9、urbation or megalopolis.o metropolis n. 大城市o suburb n. 城郊(缩写:sub)o be associated with v. 与相关o metropolitan adj. 大城市的o urban adj. 城市的o sprawl n. (城市的)无计划扩展o commuter n. 通勤者(定期从一地到另一地旅行的人,如从郊区到城市并回来)o deem v. 视为o conurbation n. (连带卫星城镇和市郊的)大都市o megalopolis n. 特大城市Sanitation is the hygienic means of pr

10、eventing human contact from the hazards of wastes, either physical, microbiological, biological or chemical agents of disease, which includes human and animal feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater (sewage, sullage, greywater), etc. Hygienic means of prevention can be practiced by using simple tec

11、hnologies (e. g. latrines, septic tanks), or by personal hygiene practices.o sanitation n. 公共卫生o hygienic adj. 卫生学的(hygiene 卫生学)o microbiological adj. 微生物学的o agent n. 媒介o feces n. 粪便o domestic adj. 家庭的o sewage n. 污水o sullage n. (房屋,街道等排出的)污物o greywater n. 生活污水o latrine n. 公共厕所o septic tank n. 化粪池o p

12、ersonal hygiene practice v. 个人卫生习惯A public utility(usually just utility) is a company that maintains and provides the infrastructure for a public service. Although utilities can be privately owned or publicly owned, they often involve natural monopolies.o public utility n. 公用事业o infrastructure n. 基础

13、设施o privately owned adj. 私有o publicly owned adj. 公有o monopoly n. 垄断The field of transport has several aspects: infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Infrastructure includes the transport networks (roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, pipelines, etc.) that are used, as well as the nodes o

14、r terminals(such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports). Vehicles travelling on the networks will include automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains and aircraft. The operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated on the network and the procedures set for this purpose including

15、the legal environment (Laws, Codes, Regulations, etc.) Policies, such as how to finance the system (for example, the use of tolls or gasoline taxes) may be considered part of the operations.o operation n. 运营o canal n. 运河o pipeline n. 管道, 输送管道o node n. 中转站o terminal n. 终点站o seaport n. 港口o vehicle n.

16、交通工具o law n. 法律o code n. 法规o regulation n. 规章制度o toll n. 通行费o gasoline n. 汽油Rail transport is the conveyance of passengers and goods by means of wheeled vehicles specially designed to run along railways or railroads. Typical railway tracks consist of two parallel rails, normally made of steel, secur

17、ed to crossbeams, termed ties. The ties maintain a constant distance between the two rails; a measurement known as the gauge of the track. To maintain the alignment of the track it is either laid on a bed of ballast or else secured to a solid concrete foundation. Rail transport is an energy-efficien

18、t and capital-intensive component of logistics; in contrast, a traditional wagon can carry no more than several tons of freight.o rail transport n. 铁路运输o conveyance n. 运送o by means of prep. 通过方式o consist of v. 由. . . 组成o secure to v. 固定在o crossbeam n. 横梁o tie n. 枕木o gauge n. 轨距o alignment n. 直线排列o b

19、allast n. 道碴o concrete n. 混凝土o energy-efficient adj. 能源节约的o capital-intensive adj. 资本密集型的o logistics n. 物流o wagon n. 四轮马车o freight n. 货物Developments in technology have eroded some of the natural monopoly aspects of traditional public utilities. For instance, electricity generation, electricity retai

20、ling, telecommunication and postal services have become competitive in some countries and the trend towards liberalization, deregulation and privatization of public utilities is growing, but the network infrastructure used to distribute most utility products and services has remained largely monopol

21、istic.o erode v. 侵蚀o retailing n. 零售o postal service n. 邮电业o competitive adj. 竞争的o trend n. 趋势o liberalization n. 自由化o deregulation n. 撤销(价格,费用方面的)管制规定o privatization n. 私有化o distribute v. 分配o monopolistic adj. 垄断的An aspiring master would have to pass through the career chain from apprentice to jour

22、neyman before he could be elected to become a master craftsman. He would then have to produce a sum of money and a masterpiece before he could actually join the guild.o aspiring adj. 有志向的o master n. 大师o pass through v. 经过o apprentice n. 学徒o journeyman n. 学徒期满的职工o masterpiece n. 杰作o actually adv. 实际上

23、o guild n. (中世纪的)行会A craftsperson who perhaps has at first sold craft items only to friends or at local bazaars may find that increased demand leads to a wider clientele and sales by mail order, at crafts fairs, or through a shop.o craft adj. 手工制作的o bazaar n. 集市o clientele n. 顾客o fair n. 市集There is a fine line of distinction between crafts produced by amateur hobbyists for their personal satisfaction and those made by gifted artisans with a view toward the use and enjoyment of others.o fine adj. (区别)微小的;细微的o distinction n. 区别o amateur hobbyist n. 业余爱好者o artisan n.

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