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1、adv.缺乏,只要没有)a massive shift away from(away from:远离)the private automobileis to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas,liquefied petroleum gas(liquefied petroleum gas:n.液化石油气 a compressed gas that consists of flammable hydrocarbons(as p

2、ropane and butane)and is used especially as fuel or as raw material for chemical synthesis),ethanol,or methanol.All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline.These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline,in part because they have fe

3、wer,if and,carbon-carbon bonds,and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone.The combustion of larger molecules,which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds,involves a more complex series of reactions.These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more lik

4、ely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere.On the other hand,alternative fuels do have drawbacks.Compressed natural gas would require that vehicles have a set of heavy fuel tanksa serious liability in terms of performance and fuel efficiencyand li

5、quefied petroleum gas faces fundamental limits on supply.Ethanol and methanol,on the other hand,have important advantages over other carbon-based alternative fuels:they have a higher energy content(energy content:能含量;内能)per volume and would require minimal changes in the existing network for distrib

6、uting motor fuel.Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement,but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol,the low cost of which is one of its attractive features.Methanols most attractive feature,however,is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that form ozon

7、e,the most serious urban air pollutant.Like any alternative fuel,methanol has its critics.Yet much of the criticism is based on the use of“gasoline clone”vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest design improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol.It is true,for example,that

8、 a given volume of methanol provides only about one-half of the energy that gasoline and diesel fuel do;other things being equal,the fuel tank would have to be somewhat larger and heavier.However,since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more efficient than“gasoline clone”vehicles

9、fueled with methanol,they would need comparatively less fuel.Vehicles incorporating only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.17.The author of the passage is primarily concerned with(文章的逻辑结构非常明显,是

10、指出一个问题,然后讨论了多种方案,最后指向 METHANOL。其实是排除了其它的方案,或者其它方案均为陪衬。这是选 D的原因。C 显然不对,因为文章不但讨论的各种方案的 STRENGTH,更讨论了各种方案的 WEAKNESS。)(A)countering a flawed argument that dismisses a possible solution to a problem(B)reconciling contradictory points of view about the nature of a problem(C)identifying the strengths of po

11、ssible solutions to a problem(D)discussing a problem and arguing in favor of one solution to it(D)(E)outlining a plan of action to solve a problem and discussing the obstacles blocking that plan 18.According to the passage,incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with gasoline than with an alte

12、rnative fuel because(A)the combustion of gasoline releases photochemically active hydrocarbons(B)the combustion of gasoline involves an intricate series of reactions(C)gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure(D)gasoline is composed of small molecules.(B)(E)gasoline is a carbon-based fuel

13、 19.The passage suggests which of the following about air pollution?(A)Further attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will not help lower urban air-pollution levels.(B)Attempts to reduce the pollutants that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle emits have been largely unsuccessfu

14、l.(C)Few serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles.(D)Pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical source of urban air pollution.(A)(E)Reductions in pollutants emitted by individual vehicles have been offset by

15、increases in pollution from sources other than gasoline-fueled vehicles.20.Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first sentence of the passage?(A)Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase,the towns tax rate exceeds that of oth

16、er towns in the surrounding area.(B)Although a state passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be disposed of in public landfills,illegal dumping continues to increase.(C)Although a towns citizens reduce their individual use of water,the towns water supplies continue to dwindle

17、 because of a steady increase in the total population of the town.(D)Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to the price of imported goods,the sale of imported goods within the country continues to increase.(C)(E)Although a country reduces the speed limit

18、on its national highways,the number of fatalities caused by automobile accidents continues to increase.21.The author describes which of the following as the most appealing feature of methanol?(A)It is substantially less expensive than ethanol.(B)It could be provided to consumers through the existing

19、 motor fuel distribution system.(C)It has higher energy content than other alternative fuels.(D)Its use would make design improvements in individual vehicles feasible.(E)(E)Its use would substantially reduce ozone levels.22.It can be inferred from the passage that a vehicle specifically designed to

20、use methanol for fuel would(A)be somewhat lighter in total body weight than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline(B)be more expensive to operate than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline(C)have a larger and more powerful engine than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline(D)have a l

21、arger and heavier fuel tank than a“gasoline clone”vehicle fueled with methanol(E)(E)average more miles per gallon than a“gasoline clone”vehicle fueled with methanol 23.It can be inferred that the author of the passage most likely regards the criticism of methanol in the last paragraph as(A)flawed be

22、cause of the assumptions on which it is based(B)inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics arguments(C)misguided because of its exclusively technological focus(D)inaccurate because it ignores consumers concerns(A)(E)invalid because it reflects the personal bias of the critics 2还有一篇文章讲美国

23、和澳大利亚土著人的历史。有个什么四万和两万五千年,里面有的词汇还有 coastal,建议去各大数据库锁定这篇原文,关键词 the United States,Australia,25000,40000,coastal(当然我也不确定能不能搜到).这篇也读的不是很懂。还有一篇短阅读是讲美国大陆上开始有人大概是什么时间。作者用了澳大利亚来佐证。一开始是说有观点认为可以推到 40000-25000 年前。而作者认为不可信,因为没有找到很多 rite,而澳大利亚有很多 rite。后来就开始读不懂了。澳大利亚的干旱、密度低、后冰川时期海平面上升、美国的内流河神马神马的。说真的这篇东西挺打击我的,让我的阅

24、读水平仿佛一夜回到解放前。三道题也不都太懂。没读出来后面的海平面上升跟前面的 rite有什么联系,于是“读懂大意就能做题”的方法就不管用了 ORZ。还有一篇短阅读讲的是澳大利亚 25000年前没有人类活动的痕迹,是因为那之前没有人类在那篇土地上生存。然后比较了一下澳大利亚和美国吧。涉及到 coastal area的问题,大家注意一下。这个记得不是很清楚了,大家就当着一看吧。原文:Recent discoveries in New World archaeology along with new scientific methods for analyzing data have led to

25、new ideas regarding the origin of the first peoples of the Americas and their time of arrival.The traditional theory held that the first Americans crossed the land bridge from Siberia to Alaska around 11,500 years ago and followed an ice-free corridor between two large Canadian ice sheets(the Lauren

26、tide and Cordilleran)to reach unglaciated lands to the south.These first inhabitants,whose archaeological sites are scattered across North and South America,were called the Clovis people,named after the town in New Mexico where their fluted spear points used for hunting mammoth were first found in 1

27、932.There is now convincing evidence of human habitation sites that date earlier than the Clovis culture including sites located in South America.Monte Verde,a well-studied site located along a river near southern central Chile,dates 12,500 years ago.This site contains the buried remnants of dwellin

28、gs,stone tools including large bifacial projectile points,and preserved medicinal and edible plants.How did people manage to settle this far south at such an early date?A coastal migration route is now gaining more acceptance,rather than the older view of small bands moving on foot across the middle

29、 of the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska and into the continents.Emerging evidence suggests that people with boats moved along the Pacific coast into Alaska and northwestern Canada and eventually south to Peru and Chile by 12,500 years agoand perhaps much earlier.Archaeological evidence in Aus

30、tralia,Melanesia,and Japan indicate boats were in use as far back as 25,000 to 40,000 years ago.Sea routes would have provided abundant food resources and easier and faster movement than land routes.Many coastal areas were unglaciated at this time,providing opportunities for landfall along the way.S

31、everal early sites along the coast of Canada,California,Peru,Ecuador,and Chile date between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago.Many potential coastal sites are now submerged,making investigation difficult.If the Clovis people were not here first,then who was?Clovis points are found in many sites in North and Central America with

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