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1、Go over the blackboard writing.5.Homework:Read the text to their parents Imitate the essay on page7 and rewrite a new one.The second period (Sounds and words、Listen and chant、workbook)1.revision:Listen to the tape and find out what the features are.T demonstrate to the tape and chant together.Group

2、work then make performance.4.Conclusion:Read the text to their parents Copy the words of The sounds and words(4 for each)Unit 2 I usually look for cookies.The first period Teaching contents:Vocabulary and Target Teaching key points:New words:never sometimes usually always subway bus taxi bike How do

3、 you get to school?I usually take the bus.Do you ever take a taxi to school?No!I never take a taxi to school.Teaching aids:recorder tape picture Teaching procedure:一、T:How do you get to school?S:I walk get to school.(引导学生理解用 usually的含义)T:I usually get to school.二、利用卡片引导学生学习新的单词 I never take a bus to

4、 school.从句子中学习单词的意思(引导学生学习词组:take a taxi ride a bike take a subway)板书句子:I usually take the bus.Read together and group by group 互相问答-进行小组中抽查掌握的情况。T:How does she get to school?Do you ever take a taxi to school?I never take a taxi to school.Practice 1 2(Page 11)三、要求学生能把其背出来。四、Do exercise:Look and writ

5、e walk 五、Copy the new words and sentences.Rev ise the Target 五:板书设计:I usually take a bus.does she Teaching key points:insects look for find of course lost found I usually look for cookies.Were lost.Teaching aids:一、先放一篇课文读一次,后让学生理解课文的内容,引导其把不懂的说出 来。二、重点教学生单词:find-found insects look for 每一幅图抽学生将他读一次。叫

6、学生表演 Gogo Tony Jenny 互相背书和小组间互相检查。唱歌-让学生边听歌边 Finish the sentences.(5)Activity-Draw,ask and answer Do exercise:Writing Book Unit 2 Homework:Copy conversation and revise it.The third period Teaching contents:Sounds and words Teaching key points:ear to the chant.播放一次录音,全班跟着唱。七、Homework:Copy the words a

7、nd Listen chant.Unit 3 How often do you go 1.(学生做动作)Ask and answer:S1:Do you ever take the bus to school?S2:Yes,I do.S1:Does she ever take the bus to school?S3:Yes,she does.S1:She always take the bus.2.Sing the song:Every day I take the bus.二、Presentation(一)学习 Vocabulary部分的单词及词组:、师创设情景(叫一位学生出来做钓鱼的动作

8、,并出示日历)进行问答:How often do you go fishing?(师代学生答)I go fishing once a week.引出并教学单词及词组:go fishing once 2)用同样的方法教学其它的单词及词组:twice three times go dancing go,listen to the tape and repeat,and then read the words together.4)Let the Ss to read the words by themselves freely.5)Play games.(抛球看图说短语比赛)规则:教师把球抛给每组

9、同学,接到球的同学就要看图赶快说出一个 短语,说对了加 1 分,说错了加一分。(注意:每组的机会 要均等,而且每组里讲的短语不许相同。)6)To check who can read the words and phrases.(二)学习 Target 部分的句子 1)Listen to the tape for Target and repeat.2)Ask some students to repeat after the tape.3)To write down the sentences on the blackboard and practice.4)Show the picture

10、s to let the Ss to make pair-works.A:How often do you go.I go pairs freely.6)Ask some Ss to act out the dialogues.三、Summarize(让学生总结这一节课所学的内容)四、Homework 1、背诵 Vocabulary部分的单词和 Target 部分的句子。2、Copy the new words and drills.3、运用所学的句型进行对话练习。The Second Period 教学目标:1、巩固学习 Vocabulary部分的单词、词组和 Target 部分的对话。2、

11、能熟练掌握 How often do you go 1、创设情景或出示图片,让学生间互相问答:A:How often do you go.I go 1、Let the students read the conversation by themselves.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Teach the new phrases:not good at twice a month 4、Read around the conversation by themselves,then act it out.5、分组表演对话,对有创的学生给予表

12、扬。6、Read around the dialogues together.三、学习 Song activity 1、Talk about the pictures,then ask and answer.A:How often do you go.I go to the tape carefully and then repeat.3、分组 Sing,看哪组 sing得最好。四、Practice 1&2 1.Practice 1:Let the Ss to talk about the pictures freely,and then listen and tick.Last,check

13、the answers.2.Practice 2:1)First,teacher makes the examples,then let Ss ask and answer freely and fill in the blank.2)Act out the dialogues and check.五、Summarize 六、Homework:1、To copy and reside the sentences of Conversation.2、运用所学的句型 进行对话练习。The Third Period 教学目标:1、巩固句型:How often do you go.I go do yo

14、u go,point and say.1)出示图片教学单词,提醒学生注意字母组合 ir,ur和 ear在单词中 的读音,并注意教师发音时的嘴形。2)听录音,录音读到哪个单词,就让学生指到哪个单词。3)跟录音机读单词,然后自由记忆。4)出示图片快速拼读单词。2、Listen and chant.1)看图问答:Whos that girl?Thats Miss Pear.T:What does she do?Shes a nurse.T:Whats that words on to the tape and point to the pictures.4)让学生跟录音一起 chant。四、小结。五

15、、作业:1、背诵本课的单词和句子。2、把 Sounds and words 部分的单词写一行。Unit 4 Review 1 The first period 1.P21:Listen and write.(让学生听录音填写所缺的单词,最后老师检查)A.I bought B.I usually C.I go Hiking D.Im go to E.I sometimes get 2.P2:Look,read and write.(按提示完成答句,辅导学生完成 A,然后叫一 个学生在黑板上做,其他学生在座位做,最后一起评讲)。A.What does does she take a bus?C.W

16、hat are they going to get at the store?D.How does do they go dancing every week?3.P22:Read and write.(让一个学生在黑板做,其他在座位上做,先回答 A.B,然后评讲,检查学生做得怎样,加以辅导,评讲完 A.B后,再让学生完成C.D.E。A.What are Marys does Mary play table tennis?D.How does Mary get to school?E.What is Mary going to buy?4.小结本节课学过的内容。The second perio

17、d 1.P23:Ask each other.(教师一上课就让学生回答几个问题)a.How often do you play computer games?b.How often do you watch TV?c.How often do you go shopping?2.P23:Fill the chant.(辅导学生理解表格的内容,然后让学生自由采访,最 练,老师抽查,最后家庭作业笔试,写在书本)4.P22:Listen,read and circle.(让学生听录音划圈,老师检查)5.做 Wb 的练习 6.小结本课内容。Unit 5 Its a magic-forty,five-f

18、ifteen-fifty,eight-eighteen-eighty 2、.1.Greeting,say 2.Making a short conversation with some Ss,ask these questions:Good morning.How are you?What day is it today?How many days are there in a week?How many people are there in your family?3.Sing the song Ten Little Indians.Presentation.1、当学生边唱歌时,在黑板右边

19、迅速板书单词 one six two seven three eight four nine five ten 2、学生边数手指边说单词 one to ten,引导学生往下数一直到 twenty.抽学生上前板书单词,师生一起检查。one-eleven six-sixteen two-twelve-twenty seven-seventeen three-thirteen eight-eighteen four-fourteen nine-nineteen five-fifteen ten 3、引导学生观察单词 thirteen-nineteen,寻找英语表达数字“十几”的规律:通常在单词后面加

20、 teen。4、引导学生比较、区分三个单词 two-twelve-twenty,让学生迅速记忆。5、Lets count the students in the classroom.当到 21时稍作停顿,示范并启发学生说21=20+1 twenty-one,22=20+2 twenty-two,23 至 29 则让学生接着说。6、当到 30时,让一学生把该单词 thirty拼出来,比较区分 three-thirteen-thirty,然后继续往下数 3139。7、当数到 40,让学生猜单词的拼写,大多数学生都从 three-thirteen-thirty和four-fourteen 中也许会拼

21、成 fourty。教师示范 40的正确读音并告诉学生 fourty是错的,要去掉一个字母,再次让学生猜,最后得出 forty。这样就很容易让学生记熟,并容易区别 four-fourteen-forty。8、引导学生观察 two-twenty,three-thirty,four-forty 寻找表达“几十”的规律:单词结尾都有 ty。9、让学生猜并说出数字 60、70、80、90,教师迅速板书新单词:one-eleven two-twelve-twenty three-thirteen-thirty four-fourteen-forty ten 10、让学生说数字 99,引出 100,示范 h

22、undred 的发音,齐读几次,one by one 抽查,特别注意及纠正字母组合 dr的发音dr。11、巩固数字:首先是整十的数字,幻灯片中速出现 20、30、40、50 等,让学生说出来。同为幻灯片出示表示“几十几”数字,如 24、36、87、99、56、72等。.Practice.1、教师与一学生对话 T:Did you go to the store supermarket yesterday?Did you buy?What did you buy?2、教师用疑问的语气问学生 How much is it?重复两次,边说边拿出钱包,拿出一张 2 元的纸币,Is it two yuan

23、?学生一般都会回答 Yes,it is.或 No,it isnt.教师出示 5元、10元、20 元、50元或 100 元的纸币引导全班学生一起来问 Is it yuan?最后启发该学生回答 Yes,it is.Its ten yuan.No,it isnt.Its ten yuan.3、教师出示不同的纸币,学生快速说出 Its yuan.板书黑板。4、教师拿起学生的学习用品问 How much is the your?一方面训练答句,一方面大量输出新句型,目的要学生集中注意力在问句了。经过四五次之后,先引导个别优生再全面进行,让学生问 How much is the your?学生在一定量的听

24、力之后,一般都有能准确表达。把问句板书。5、先利用实物,然后放课件,出现标有价钱的物品,进行多种形式的操练:师生之间、男女生之间、小组之间、个别学生之间进行对话。6、进一步巩固:学生可以在教室自由走动,随便拿别人的东西进行询问价钱 How much is this that the.?Its yuan.Conclusion.Homework:1.Learn the words by How much is the pen?two-twelve-twenty Its 2 yuan.three-thirteen-thirty How much is it?four-fourteen-forty I

25、ts ten 1.Greeting,say.2.Go over the numbers 1-100 as quickly as possible.快速教会学生超过 100的表 达法,如 278 two How much is this that the?Its yuan.Presentation.1、出示两支不同价钱的钢笔,ask and answer:How much is this pen?Its five yuan.T:How much is that pen?Its fifty yuan.教师引出新知识点,连续说三次,提醒学生注意新单词:This pen is five yuan.Th

26、ats cheap!That pen is fifty yuan.Thats expensive!让个别优生模防着说,注意纠正 expensive 的发音。学习单词 cheap和 expensive,开火车的形式检查 Thats cheap!和 Thats expensive!2、巩固操练,用课件出示各种不同价钱的物品,师生之间、小组之间、男女生之间、同桌之间进行多种形式的问答操练。How much is this that the?B:Its yuan.Thats cheap!Thats expensive!3、拿出刚才出示过的一支钢笔,学生之间问答 A:Its five yuan.教师再拿

27、出相同的另外一支,尽量让多位优生说问句,启发学生寻找错误,得到正确的句子 How much are these pens?充分让学生思考答句,最后教师说出三个句子让学生选择 Its 10 yuan.These are 10 yuan.They are 10 yuan.4、课件出示复数形式的不同物品(socks,shoes,pants,apples)的价钱,引导学生问答:How much are these those?They are yuan.Thats cheap!5、巩固操练,用课件出示各种不同价钱的复数物品,师生之间、小组之间、男女生之间、同桌之间进行多种形式的问答操练。6、简单引出并学习单词:dollar,pound.Practice 1.Open books at page 27,practice 2 学生间进行问答,抽学生表演。2.Books

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