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1、In general,the grinding and de-rust work in tanks is good.But there are many spatters and on the reverse of the structure,there is rust.We have required the worker to go on treat with it.After the grinding work is OK,will apply the painting work.4.干膜整体成形较好,但档底稍厚,左侧角铁反面偏薄,右侧有漏涂,顶部角铁正面太厚。For the form

2、of dry film,the whole condition is good.But DFT of the bottom area is a little bit thick.On the left side,the reverse of the angle steel is low DFT.On the right side have some holidays.For the top area,the DFT of the obverse side of the angle steel is too thick.5.干膜厚度较均匀,极少预涂处有流挂,角落处有些地方漏喷,顶部正面有皱皮现象

3、,已要求施工修正后再施工。The DFT distributing is good.For the stripe coat areas there is little running and sagging.There are some miss spray areas at the corner.There are some wrinkle areas at the obverse side of the top.We have required the worker first repair,then go on application.6.冲砂质量总体较好,但自由边快口未倒角,焊缝有明显

4、气孔,施工人员对快口进行打磨倒角,气孔缺陷已用胶带贴好。In general,the blasting quality is good.But for the free cutting edges havent been cut grinding.At the welding seams there are obviously blow holes.The worker have cut grinding the free edges and covered with tape for the blow holes defect areas.7.少量粗糙处已要求施工队用细砂皮(或旧砂皮)再磨一

5、下,重新清洁后再喷漆,平面比较光滑有光,预涂地方有少量针孔。For the few rough areas,we have required the worker to treat with old sand paper again.After cleaning work,then spray.The surface is quite smooth and glossy.There are a few pin holes at the stripe coat areas.8.角铁反面灰尘较多,反面楞头搁置处已划出打磨修补底漆,今天不喷面漆。There is much dust on the r

6、everse side of angle steel.The support areas have been marked to do the grinding work and touch up with primer.Today,do not apply the topcoat.9.底面有电焊烟灰,要求施工人员磨砂皮处理,割刀割的地方粗糙,要求磨光滑。There are welding smoke and dust on the underside.We have required the worker to apply with sand paper.The rough area whe

7、re applied with flame cutting should be ground and formed a smooth surface.10.有少量氧化皮,焊缝处有焊渣。构件的头度油漆干膜不均匀,厚的地方要求施工人员磨砂皮处理,薄的地方修补(补漆)。喷漆是在车间内进行的,测的环境数据都是在施工现场。There are a few mill scales and on the welding seam there are welding slags.The DFT distributing of the first coat of the structure is asymmetr

8、ic.For the high DFT areas,require the worker to apply with sand paper,and for the low DFT areas,just do touch up work.The spraying work is done in the workshop.And the ambient condition data is from the field of application.一 船体 1 You must weld and grind this area before painting.在油漆之前你必须把这个地方电焊修补、打

9、磨好。2 This welding line should be gouged and welded again before tightness inspection.这条焊缝在密性检查前要碳刨、再焊。3 The structure of the starboard side is different from the port side.右舷的结构跟左舷的不一样。4 We should reinforce the downside of the windlass.我们应该在锚机的反面加强。5 The navigation deck is not plain,we will fair the

10、 deck by hot working.驾驶甲板不平,我们要火工校正。6 There are two pieces of stiffeners and brackets must be replaced.有两块加强筋和肘板要换新。7 Two more footrests and handgrips should be installed at the entrance of the small hatchcover.在小舱口盖的进口处再安装两只踏步和拉手。8 Checking the joint accuracy and structure integrity between No.8 an

11、d No.9 block after closed.No.8 与 No9分段合拢后大接头装配精确性和结构完整性检查。9 Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after welding.上层建筑焊后结构完整性检查。10 Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board.货舱口围板船上安装精度检查。11 Inspection air pressure test(with water head)for No1.water ballast tank(No15 bloc

12、k).No1压载水舱(No.15 分段)气压试验(压头试验)检查。12 Inspection hosing test for upper deck.上甲板冲水试验检查。13 Measuring hulls main dimensions:length overall(LOA.),length between perpendiculars(LPP.),breath molded(B.),depth molded(D.)and deflection before launching.下水前测量船体主尺度:总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度。14 Inspection distance betwe

13、en draught marks and keel plate after marking out.划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离。15 Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loading line mark).吃水标志(载重线标志)安装精确性检查。16 Inspection welding seam and dimension of cargo hatch cover.货舱舱口盖焊缝和尺度检查。二 轮机 1 Inspection machining dimension of propeller shaft(intermediate

14、shaft or counter shaft).螺旋桨轴(中间轴)机加工尺寸检查。2 Check for surface contact area(metallic contact)between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers.检查螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨锥度接触面。3 Inspection machining dimension of rudder stock.舵杆机加工尺寸检查。4 Inspection rudder carrier after assembly.上舵承组装后检查。5 Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle.舵

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