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1、【答案】1.To show that the sea in some places is very deep.2No,there arent.3Because the pressure of the water at great depths is great.Period Previewing(教师用书独具)课标解读 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给内容的学习,了解下一课时即将出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,将对下一节课内容的全面理解起到了铺垫作用。教学地位 此部分内容是是对下一课时的感悟和预习,合理利用本学案,能大大提升下一课时的课堂效率,有效提升学生学习英语的热情,促进课堂的积

2、极活跃程度,并能在课上能与老师形成较为默契的配合。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议 让学生讨论个人与大海的联系,直接导入新课。在设计这堂课时,要从激发学生的对大自然的热爱出发,介绍有关的背景知识,给学生布置具有一定挑战性的任务,让学生以大海人类共同的生存空间为题进行讨论或口头描述。教学流程设计 导入新课。学生阅读“美文阅读”与“诱思导学”(见学案第 1页)。学生就“美文阅读”进行讨论,统一答案。学生再次阅读课文(课本第 8 页)并完成“语篇理解”(见学案第 2页)。师生共同讨论并统一答案。让学生快速阅读课文(见课本第 8页)并完成“篇章结构”(见学案第 2页)。学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,

3、最后统一答案。学生再次仔细阅读课文(课本第 89 页)进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第 2页)。老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。让学生根据所给出的表格进行“自我评估”(见学案第 3页)。学生讨论,并让学生代表发表他们讨论得出的答案,老师予以更正。让学生完成“知识初探”部分(见学案第 23页)。老师布置作业:让学生看课本第 89页并完成课本第 89页第 1、3题,预习学案 Period(见学案第 310页)。.篇章结构 根据 P8的 Reading部分,在表格中填入恰当的单词或短语,每空不超过 3个单词 The Vikings were the first reach Ame

4、rica.Between the 8th and 10th centuries AD They controlled the seas and coasts of 2.In 3.AD A man called Eric the Red was forced to leave 4.and reached Greenland.5.Eric the Red A man called Biarni 6.from Iceland but was blown off course and found an the year 8.Leif and Biarni sailed to the

5、 coast of 9.Canada.They are the first records we have of Europeans sailing to 10.【答案】1.Europeans 2.Northern Europe 3.982 4Iceland 5.Not long after 6.set sail 7.unknown 8.1002 9.presentday 10.the Americas.语篇理解 阅读 P8的 Reading部分,从每题所给的 3个选项中选择最佳答案 1What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow the Vikin

6、gs discovered America.BThe life of Vikings in Scandinavia.CEric the Reds life story.2Its said that Eric the Red got into trouble .Awhen he left Iceland Bwhen he reached Greenland Cwhen he committed a murder 3After Eric the Red discovered Greenland,.Apeople started to live on that island Bsome people

7、 went to the island with him Csome people went back with him to Greenland 4Who does“he”in Line 23 refer to?AEric the Red.BBiarni.CBiarnis father.5Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?ABiarni sailed to Newfoundland with Leif.BNewfoundland lies north to Canada.CBiarnis directions were of g

8、reat use to Leif.【答案】1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C.课文缩写 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语,完成下列短文 set sail;get into trouble;in search of;eventually;sailing;presentday;unknown;make it to;ancestor;according to The Vikings,whose 1.came from Scandinavia,reached America long before Columbus ever 2.3 the old stories of Iceland and Nor

9、way,Eric the Red committed a murder,for which he 4.He reached Greenland and returned to Iceland.He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland and 14 ships 5.Greenland with him.Not long after this,Biarni set sail from Iceland 6.Erics party.Unfortunately he was blown off course and found h

10、imself in an,from where he 8.reached Greenland.In 1002,Eric the Reds son Leif sailed to what is believed to be the coast of 9.Canada.Eric the Red and Leifs deeds are the first records we have of Europeans the Americas.【答案】1.ancestors 2.set sail 3.According to into trouble 5.made i

11、t to search of 7.unknown 8eventually 9.presentday 10.sailing.词义搭配 1voyage Aat last,in the end 2persuade Bnot known before 3eventually Cto say sorry for doing sth.wrong 4apologise Dan act of traveling by water 5unknown Esomeone who travels into little known regions 6explorer Fto make sb.believe

12、or do talking to him【答案】1.D 2.F 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.E.短语填空 according to;set sail;long before;be forced to;apologise for 1Cant you stop your son from?2I knew Tom I knew you.3He face up to the situation.4 the weather forecast it will rain tomorrow.5We at dawn and headed for New York.6I wondered if I

13、would the other side.【答案】1.getting into trouble 2.long before 3.was forced to 4.According to 5.set sail 6.make it to.句型背诵 1By around 900 AD,there were many places in Northern Europe where the Vikings chose to live.大约到公元 900年,北欧很多地方都有海盗居住。2Biarni was hoping to join his father who was with Eric,but he

14、 was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land,from where he eventually reached Greenland.比阿尼希望找到和埃里克在一起的父亲,但是他被吹离了航线,结果发现自己在一个未知的地方,从那里他最终抵达格陵兰岛。3Leif followed Biarnis directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of presentday Canada.赖伊夫依照比阿尼的指点,航行到据说是现在的加拿大海岸所在地。Period War

15、mup&The Spirit of Explorers(教师用书独具)教学目标 1熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。2通过对学案中重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,并能够运用这些词语造句。3通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次地理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练地运用这些词汇。4通过对定语从句关系副词及介词加关系代词的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识。教学地位 词汇是英语学习的一个重要环节,在课堂教学中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和记忆英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。本课时的语法是定语从句关系副词及介词加关系代词,里面有很多易混易错的地方,应根

16、据学生的实际情况做耐心细致的讲解。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议 可以尝试用学生日常生活的话题互动式引入本课:T:I think most of us like going swimming in the sea.The sea is part of peoples life,do you think so?S:We know about all kinds of sea animals in the daily life.What are your favorite sea animals?Tell the class.Use some key words to help you.(Show

17、some slides about sea animals)S:Why do you like these animals?教学流程设计 老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况。导入新课。让学生就“要点讲练”(见学案第 38页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。让学生讨论完成“语法精析”部分(见学案第 89页)并让各个讨论组发表各自见解。老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充学案中所遗漏的重点词汇,补充一些必要的练习。让学生针对各自不同的意见展开讨论,然后老师给出详细正确的答案。老师对语法部分给以点拨,让学生掌握本单元语法知识。让学生完成

18、“当堂双基达标”(见学案第 10 页)。师生共同讨论“当堂双基达标”,给出答案,并对难以理解的或有争议的地方给出详解。学生进行“自我评估”(见学案第 10 页)。布置作业:让学生完成课本第 5455页第 2、4、6题,完成“课时作业”和预习 Period(见学案第 1116 页)。1frightening adj.令人惊恐的;骇人的(教材 P7)Its frightening to think it could happen again.想到此事可能再发生就使人不寒而栗。frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬 frighten sb.into/out of(doing)sth.恐吓某人做/不做某

19、事 frightened adj.受惊的,害怕的 be frightened of sb./(doing)sth.害怕某人/某事;对感到害怕 be frightened at sth.因而害怕 I got quite frightened when he lost his temper.他发起脾气来我觉得挺害怕的。Dont be frightened of making mistakes when you speak English.讲英语时别害怕犯错误。【教师备课资源】由过去分词或现在分词转化来的形容词,是分词形容词。这些词已失去了动词的性质,大多数可被副词 very或 too 修饰,有的还

20、有比较级和最高级,故称为分词形容词。v.ing形式,意为“令人的”,多指事物;v.ed形式,意为“感到的”,多用于指人。常见的分词形容词有:surprised/surprising;excited/exciting;interested/interesting;bored/boring;tired/tiring;pleased/pleasing;puzzled/puzzling;astonished/astonishing;shocked/shocking等。用 frighten 的适当形式填空 He was at seeing the animal.完成句子 来吧,姑娘,没什么可害怕的。Co

21、me on,old girl,theres nothing .他恐吓那位老太太签了字据。He the paper.他听到那声音非常惊恐。He the sound.【答案】frightened;frightening to be frightened of frightened the old lady into signing was frightened at 2voyage n(长途的)航海;航行;航程;旅行 Viking Voyages to America(教材 P8)北欧海盗的美洲之行 The explorer accomplished the voyage to Australia

22、 in 3 weeks.探险家在 3 周内完成去澳大利亚的航行。The plane touched at several airports on the return voyage.飞机在返回途中曾在好几个飞机场停靠。voyage/journey/trip/travel/tour voyage 强调海上或空中航行。journey 指(尤指陆路长途的)旅行,行程。trip 指(尤指短途的)旅行,旅游;(有目的的)外出,常含有回到原出发地之意。travel“旅行”,表示“从一处到另一处”的最普通的词;travels“旅行,游历”,表示某人在一段时间内到处走。tour(观光)旅行,旅游;巡回演出(比

23、赛)等(常有最后回到原地的含义,距离可长可短)。If you are going on a long car journey,make sure the vehicle is in good condition.如果你准备驾驶小汽车作长途旅行,一定要确保车辆运转状况良好。I forgot to buy milk so I had to make another trip to the shop.我忘了买牛奶,只得再去一趟商店。He described some of the things hed seen on/during his travels.他描述了一些他在旅行中的见闻。用 voyag

24、e,journey,trip,travel,tour填空 How long did the from England to India use to take?He came back after months of around the world.We had an uncomfortable in a crowded train.I go to work by train,and the takes 40 minutes.They began a world with four concerts in Britain.【答案】voyage travel journey trip tour

25、 3The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America.(教材 P8)北欧海盗是第一批到达美洲的欧洲人。句中不定式短语 to reach America作后置定语,修饰 the first Europeans。当中心词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,常用不定式(短语)作后置定语。He is always the first to come and the last to leave.他总是第一个来,最后一个走。英语中常用不定式作后置定语的情况:被修饰词为序数词、形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级修饰时;不定代词 something,nothi

26、ng,little等后常用不定式作定语;抽象名词 time,way,reason,chance,ability,courage,opportunity,wish 等后常用不定式作定语;被修饰词前有 the only,the very,the next 等词对其进行修饰时;表示将要发生的动作时(既有主动形式,也有被动形式);there be句型中,作主语的名词后可接不定式作定语。Get him something to eat.给他拿点东西吃。I have no courage to try it again after failure.失败后我没有勇气再去尝试一次。She is the only woman to have been elected to such a post.她是唯一一位当选该职位的女性。There is nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。【对接高考】(2013 北京高考)Volunteering gives you a chance lives,including your own.Achange Bch

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