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本文(八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 2 Ill kick you the ball again Period 3教学案例设计 新版仁爱版Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 2 Ill kick you the ball again Period 3教学案例设计 新版仁爱版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Section B通过Maria和 Jane平息 Kangkang和 Michael 的争吵,呈现了提建议的三种方式:Section C简单介绍了篮球的发展历史和运动规则。Section D 综合复习 Sections A-C 的词汇、语法和功能句,巩固学生本周的学习内容,并介绍了两种英国的球类运动 football 和cricket。本话题的内容可以用 5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a,1b,1c,2 第二课时:Section B-1a,1b,1c,2 第三课时:Section B-4a,4b,Section A-1d,Section B-3,Section C-2 第四课

2、时:Section C-1a,1b,1c 第五课时:Section D-1a,1b,Grammar and Functions,Project 第三课时(Section B-4a,4b,Section A-1d,Section B-3,Section C-2)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为 Section B-3,4a,4b.教师首先开展游戏复习表示请求的功能句,由功能句 Would you mind reading the phonetic symbols on the the cards?导入 4a,学生通过跟读掌握和区分/e/和/aI/的读音,再进行 4b,通过模仿录音,正确朗读辅音的不

3、完全爆破。接着教师利用课堂用语引入双宾语结构,学生仿照 Section A-1d 的例句进行句型转换,然后将 Section B-3作为巩固练习。最后完成 Section C-2的教学和练习,为开展 Section C-1a的阅读做好准备。.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims:(1)能区分元音音素/e/和/aI/的发音,并能正确拼读单词,注意对应的字母组合的拼写规则;能在句中正确朗读辅音的不完全爆破。(2)能初步感知本话题语法:subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.(3)能对双宾结构进行句型转换,理解并能运用双宾语结构。2.

4、Skill aims:(1)能正确朗读对话和句子,注意语音语调。(2)能区别/e/和/aI/音素,注意不完全爆破。3.Emotional aims:通过小组合作,培养团队精神。4.Culture awareness:.The key points and difficult points 1.Key points:(1)能自如地运用以下功能句进行交流:Do you mind(not)doing sth?Will you?(2)双宾语:subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.2.Difficult points:(1).对不完全爆破读音的正确把握。(2)

5、.双宾语:subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.Learning strategies 通过模仿录音的不完全爆破,让学生知道模仿读音是纠正自己读音的很好的学习途径。.Teaching aids 计算机多媒体投影仪,音标卡片,单词卡片。V.Teaching procedures Stage 1(6mins):Revision and leading in Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Group activity)Play a game to review the

6、functions.The teacher need to divide the students into 3groups,then choose5students in each group to listen to the sentences and act.He will get 10 points for each correct action.The group which gets the most points will be the winner.T:Before the new lesson,lets play a game.The rules are like this:

7、Are you ready?Would you mind opening the window?Do you mind closing your English book?Would you mind showing your hands?Would you mind not standing there?Do you mind putting your ruler here?Every student will take an active part in the game to perform best.The teacher says a sentence,the students ac

8、t them out after the teacher said.S1:Of course not(do the action)S2:Certainly not.(do the action)S3:Never mind.(do the action)S4:Sorry.(do the action)S5:Not at all.(do the action)该步骤复习和巩固上节课所学的表示请求的功能句。2(Class activity)Lead in 4a.Show the word cards in 4a.T:Would you mind reading the phonetic symbol

9、s on the the cards?Try to read the words on the cards.Ss:Remark:Stage 2(10mins):Phonetic learning Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose Show phonetic cards/e/and/aI/.Read the words individually,asking for help when necessary.4a主要训练学生区别/e/和/aI/.两个音 1(Class work)T:Listen to a tongue

10、 twister(绕口令)first,then you can tell the difference between/e/and/aI/.It is like this:Five white mice are flying nine fine kite.Ted gets the bread ready in a bed.T:Please read the pairs of words and then try to tell the students the rules for spelling.Play the recording of 4a.Volunteers read the vow

11、el.Ss:Students correct their pronunciation as the teacher reads.Ss:Read after the recording and try to imitate.素的不同发音。2(Class work)Play the recording of 4b.Let students check their reading.Read with the recording.T:You did quite well.Read after 4b,imitating the incomplete plosion.Check in pairs.A re

12、ads,while B listens and corrects.Students read together.4b引导学生注意音素/k/,/t/,/d/,和/p/不完全爆破现象。教师可通过让学生听绕口令的方式引导学生区别/e/和/aI/两个音素的不同发音。Stage 3(11mins):Grammar learning Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Class work)Ask the students to finish SectionA-1d.T:You can read Section-1a aga

13、in and underline the sentences with the direct and indirect object Underline the sentences and rewrite them.Volunteers read the answers.S1:You pass me the ball.We can also 该部分主要展示和学习文中出现的语法项目双宾语结构。structure.then follow the example to rewrite them.Check the answers.say,You pass the ball to me.S2:2(Cl

14、ass work)Encourage students to summarize the structure“subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.”T:Can you make some sentences like this?T:Good,S2,Can you say it in another way?Ask students to make more sentences to practice the usage of the structure“subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.”Try to

15、 summarize the structure“subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.”and rewrite them in another way.S1:Would you please show me your story book?S2:Yes.Would you please show your story book to me?Try to make more sentences to practice the usage of the structure“subject+vt+indirect object+direct object

16、.”Remark:教师应引导学生自己发现并总结新句型,再进行练习。Stage 4(14mins):Exercises Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Class work)Finish 3.Let the students observe the structure of the example and paraphrase the sentences in 3.Check their answers,and five students from different group finish checking

17、.Teacher gives help when necessary.Observe the example first,and then they write the answers in their books:S1:You can also pass the ball to a teammate.S2:Please throw the ball to me.S3:My dad bought my brother a basketball.S4:Bring a present to Peter.本部分旨在练习和巩固本话题重要语法项目双宾语结构。Organize a competition

18、to read 3.Five groups will be in the competition,and the first three groups will be the winners.S5:I made my grandfather a big cake.Five students write their answers on the blackboard.The sixth one checks and reads the answers.Five groups read at the same time to see which group read more quickly.C1

19、:Bring Peter a present.C2:Bring a present to Peter.B1:pass a teammate the ball.B1:pass the ball to a teammate.A1:bought a basketball for my brother.A2:bought my brother a basketball.2(Class work)Ask the students to skim through the exercises in SectioC-2 to see if theres something they dont understa

20、nd.Explain some difficult points that the students may ask.T:It means starting to appear.Skim through the exercises to find the difficult part,and then they turn to the teacher for help.Students point out the difficult points.S1:Whats the meaning of the phrase”come into being”?Do the exercises caref

21、ully,leaving 本步骤起引起词汇和激活背景知识的作用,为开展阅读 SectionC-1a做好准备。Offer about 3 minutes for students to finish 2.Ask six students from different groups to write down their answers on the blackboard.question mark near the place where they are not sure.The six students representatives write their answers on the b

22、lackboard while others try to read the exercises.Remark:学生独立完成 SectionB-3,教师抽层次较低的学生说出答案,了解学生完成情况,再按照学生需要进行讲解或者补充。Stage 5(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMK Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Class activity)Summarize what the students learned today.Important language points

23、 are shown on the computer screen.T:OK.Class will be over soon,Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson.T:Wonderful!.I hope you can remember them.If you have difficulty understanding them,just turn to me or ask other students for help.All the students should know the meaning of the summ

24、ary.S1:We learned the pronunciation of/e/and/ai/S2:We knew about the incomplete plosion.S3:We also know the structure“the subject+vt+indirect object+direct object.总结本节课所学重要知识。2(Class activity)Assign the HMK.Search the Internet for some special information about basketball.Learn Students search the i

25、nformation about basketball and preview the to read the words and text of 1c to prepare Section C after words and text to prepare Section C after class.Remark:总结时教师可提供框架,学生进行填充;布置家庭作业时教师要强调复习和预习。VI.Blackboard design 第三课时(section B-4a,4b,section A-1d,section B-3,section C-2)/e/aI/subject+vt+indirect object+direct price kick the ball to me=kick me the ball ta(k)e part in

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