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1、4. Study different types of nouns;5. Write an introduction of yourself.Focuses1. Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;2. Write an introduction of yourself.Outline1. Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (B and C)2. Discussion of Text A and the fol

2、low-up exercises (A and B)3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises5. Comprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand)6. Practical Writing Procedures:Classroom ActivitiesI. Warm-up d

3、iscussionQuestion: Do you know anything about Bill Gates such as his life and his educational background?Hint1) birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1995; Seattle, Washington2) educational background: Harvard University (education not completed)3) career: chairmen and chief software architect of Mic

4、rosoft, the words largest and most profitable software company.4) main events in his life: a. beginning programming computers at age 13;b. developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard;c. founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19II. Vocab

5、ulary in Text A1) enter: 在作为“进入;进来;进去”讲时,后面不接任何介词 into sth.: 开始处理某事物 on/ upon sth.: 着手做某事;开始某事2) freshman: pl. freshmen sophomore 大二学生 junior (四年制大学或中学的)三年级学生 senior (中学或大学的)毕业班的学生3) surround: sb./ sth. ( with sb./ sth.) (使某人/某物)包围某人/某物;围住某人/某物(尤指使之无法逃脱)eg. They have ed the town with troops sth./ sb

6、. ( by/ with sth.) ( esp. passive) 包围或环绕某物/某人eg. The house was ed by high wall. ing: adj. 周围附近的 ings: n. pl. 周围的物体、条件等;环境4) compete: v. ( against/ with sb.) ( in sth.) (for sth.) 竞争;对抗;比赛competitive: adj. 比赛的;竞争的 competition: n. 比赛;竞赛5) course: ( in/on sth.)eg. a French, a chemistry, an art 6) succe

7、ed: ( in sth./ in doing sth.) 成功;做成;达到目的(idm.)nothing s like success 一事成,事事成regulate: vt. 调整;调节(时间、速度等)eg. ones life 调整生活 the temperature of a room 调节室温 7) shortly: 不久;很快eg. Mr. Jones will be back .They began their work after New Years Day.8) control: have sth. under 使某事恢复正常;使某事处于控制之下eg. Im glad to

8、see that you have had everything under .The soldiers had had the fire under by 9:00 p.m.9) manage: vt. 设法做到 to do Anyway, we d to get there on time.When they first arrived in Shanghai, they d to find a place to stay. 10) assignment: n. C 指定给某人的任务或职责 U 转让(尤指财产、权利等)11) addition: n. v. & adv. a

9、dj. alin : 另外;加之eg. Tom studies very hard in our school. In , he always helps his classmates. My English teacher knows three languages. In to English and Chinese, he also knows French.12) comfortable: adj. comfort: n. 舒适;安慰 v. 安慰(某人)eg. I was so and warm in bed that I didnt want to get up. She does

10、not feel very with strangers. 13) share: vt. n. 股份eg. I an office with some other teachers. They d the cake between them. I want to my news with you. 14) fear: n. 恐惧;害怕 U for of sth./ of doing sth.; for ( that) 惟恐;以免(发生危险)v. 害怕;惧怕;忧虑15) routine: n. U 固定而有规则性的程序;例行公事;常规 adj. 通常的;惯例的;例行的16) responsibl

11、e: be foreg. He is for the management of the company. They are not my children, but I still feel for them. ahead:一般作表语a. further forward in space or time在前面,在前头eg. The road is very busy. Our team was by six points. ahead of: in front of 在前面 eg. You have a long trip you. Let Tom walk you he knows thi

12、s place well. 17) handle: vt. deal with; manage; controleg. John d the problem well.If you cant the job, Ill get someone else to do it.18) dependent: depend on/upon; independenteg. Janes mother was on her for everyday care. You cant be on your parents all your life. 19) emotional: of the emotionseg.

13、 I still need my parents love, and the support theyre giving me. Pre-readingAsk the students to discuss in pairs their feelings when they firstcame to the college and what they want to get from the college life. Then ask some them to give their opinions to the whole class.Let the students list the t

14、hings that they were excited and worried about when they first got to college. This can be done in complete English sentences or just phrases. If the students have difficulty doing this, the teacher should provide them with the following key words in English: beautiful campus, good library, teachers

15、 and classmates, the computer room, the environment, new way of life, etc. (for things students may be excited about);and being away from home, the food, competition with other students, difficulties in study, washing clothes, taking a bath or shower, new teachers, etc. (for things students may be w

16、orried about).While-reading1. Lead students to read the passage and try to find out what worried the writer when he first got to college.Keys: be afraid of being not able to do well in studies; be afraid of being off by himself, away from family for the first time; how to make friends/compete with t

17、hose he didnt know and who didnt know him2. Lead the students to read the text together part by part and ask them to answer some simple questions to check whether they have understood the passage or not.Para.11) What was the writer afraid of when he first became a college student?He was afraid that

18、he was not able to do well in his studies. He was also afraid of being off by himself.2) What questions did he have about his classmates and himself?Were they smarter than he was? Could he keep up with them? And would they accept him?Para.23) What did the writer have to do in order to do well in his

19、 studies?He had to set a study program. Para.34) What mistakes did the writer make at first?He made mistakes in how to use his time.Para.45) What happened to him shortly after?He had his life under control and was able to do well in his studies.6) What other things did the writer do in addition to h

20、is studies?He made a few friends and set up a routine that met his needs.Para.57) How did the writer begin to see himself as a result?He began to see himself as a person responsible for himself and for others.Para.68) What did he think of his future at that time?He was uncertain about the years ahea

21、d of him but he knew he would be able to handle his life in the future.9) Why was the writer so sure about himself and his future?Because he had jumped an important hurdle in his life.10) What does the expression “this important hurdle in my life” mean?The transition from a person dependent on his f

22、amily for emotional support to a person who was responsible for himself.ExerciseLead the students to discuss Ex.4 and try to fill in all the blanks without rereading the passage. Then check the answers by themselves.III. Language Points in Text A1) being off: 离开 As this expression is used after the

23、preposition “of”, the verb “be” takes the -ing form. The expression “be off” means “leave or be away”.eg. I must be off now (=I must leave). Her son was off on a business trip somewhere (=Her son was away on a business trip somewhere).2) make friends with eg. He made friends with an old worker. 3) k

24、eep up with: move or progress at the same rate as 跟上 eg. I had to walk fast to keep up with him. Jacks having trouble keeping up with the other students in his class. 4) be up to: be left to (sb.) to decide 取决于(某人)的,须由(某人)决定的 eg. You may do your homework today or tomorrow its up to you. Its up to our group leader to make the final decision. 5) I had to decide when to go to bed, when : 本课文使用了较多起连接作用的副词和代词。这种副词和代词可以用于动词、介词或一些固定的短语之后。eg. Theyre discussing what to do next. I dont know where to go.Tom

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