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1、最新外研版三年级英语下册教案1Module1AlphabetUnit1Its the ABC song.一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会字母歌及26个英文字母的读音。2.能力目标:1发音准确,能听懂录音。2会运用句式Whats your favourite ?询问。3提高英语表达能力。3.情感目标:培养学生的自信心和合作精神以及用英语交流沟通的能力。二、教学重难点:1基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:song, favourite2学会用Whats your favourite ?的语言结构。3注意favourite的读音。三、教学过程Step1 Warming up:1、 Greetings.(

2、师生激情打招呼)2、 Free talk.3、 Guess:Whats this?Step2 Presentation:T: Do you like orange/apple?T: Do you like cat /elephant / dog?T:Ok! Thank you to my boys /girls/pupils.You all like some animals. I like animals too. Guess!T: Dog is my favourite animal.出示“favourite”单词卡,教授“favourite”单词。T:I like singing the

3、 English song! 出示“song”单词卡,教授“song”单词。Whats my favourite song ? Its the ABC Song.Whats the ABC song ?一体机播放视频the ABC song。采用不同的方式巩固新单词:开火车猜口型你大我小等,让学生读的准,说的准。教师及时给予公正的评价,同时注意学生的发音,及时纠正错误。巩固练习:T:Whats your favourite song ?S1:Its the ABC Song.S2:Its theSong.设计意图:教师创设情境,呈现新单词和句型,学生在教师的引领下学习语言。单词的教学要放到句型

4、的操练中才有意义。Step3 Learning the text:1、T:My favourite song is the ABC song, lets learn the song together.字母学习:逐一出示卡片,教学生认读字母,并纠正学生的发音。采用开火车、抽查、齐读、大小声等方式。教字母的过程中,教师要有意识地把单词与字母结合:如:A,apple; B,banana; C,cat2、Sing and point.Step4 Practise1.排队请几个同学把名字写在黑板上,然后按字母顺序排列。2.查英文词典:将全班划分若干小组,由小组长带头,带领大家查词典。3.用身体摆造型,

5、猜字母。请几个同学上前用身体摆造型,其他同学猜,猜对者给小组加1分。4快速认识字母大小写uv WM BDP ygqp sx rn etc5.齐唱字母儿歌(一体机出示)ABCDEFG, clap with meEFGHI, close your eyeJKLMN, show me tenLMNOP, listen to mePQRST, pour the teaLook at me, I can say from A to TMoral lessen Love English【设计意图】:通过游戏,学生自然而然地把所学知识应用到实践中,既培养了思维能力,又调动了学生的学习积极性。Step5 Su

6、mmary:教师带领学生齐读板书内容。Step6 Homework 回家后,将自己学会的ABC歌曲唱给家长听。教学反思: Unit2 My favourite colour is yellow一、教学目标:知识技能目标:1。能听,说,认读单词:song favourite colour 2.听懂,会说:Whats your favourite-? My favourite - is -. Here you are.3.初步运用:. Whats your favourite-? My favourite - is -. Here you are.情感目标:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,乐于与人交往

7、,向他人介绍自己的喜好。任务目标:参与按照英文字母表顺序给全班同学进行姓名排序的活动。二、教学重点,难点:重点: My favourite - is -. 难点:初步运用:. Whats your favourite-? My favourite - is -. Here you are.三、教学过程:(一)热身导入1,师生问候,其后学生齐唱字母歌2,今天Panpan 又要变魔术,我们一起去看看吧3,播放课本活动1的动画,学生边看边读。4,出示颜色卡片,复习以前学过的有关颜色的单词。What colour ? Its-.(二)任务发布今天我们要制作自己的姓名卡片,然后按字母表的顺序贴到教室的专

8、栏里。你们喜欢用什么颜色是纸制作姓名卡片呢?我们先来看看Sam的选择吧。(三)学习课文1,播放课本活动2的动画,第一遍,边放边说明语境。以后让学生逐句跟读,可播放2-3遍。2,本节课的学习重点是My favourite - is -.可以用一下方法突破。a,模仿秀。继续播放课本活动2的动画,让学生模仿Sam的对话。看谁模仿的最好,最像。熟练后还可让学生用不同的语音,语调,情感等模仿,比一比谁模仿的最有创意。学生可以根据自己的喜好用自己喜欢的颜色模仿Sam的对话。b,全班齐读课文。c,两人小组分角色读课文。(四)练习巩固1,播放课本活动3的音频,学生边听边在课本上连线,可播放2遍录音原文:五、课

9、后总结:六、家庭作业:1,课后调查同学最喜欢的颜色。2,向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。七、教学反思:Module 2 ZooUnit 1 theyre monkey一、Teaching aims and demands:1. Describe animals.2. Whats this? Its. Whatre they? Theyre.二、Teaching key points and difficult points:Whats this? Its .Whatre they? Theyre.Teaching methods:1. Total Physical Response.2.

10、 Play games to go over animals.三、Teaching aids:TV, Tape-recorder, pictures四、Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up & Revision1. Greeting2. Sing the song3. Ask and answerT:Whats your favourite song/toy/colour?Step2 Presentation&Practice1. Teach the word“monkey”“small”T:Today,well visit the zoo.There are m

11、any animals.Lets see them together.T:Look here,who can tell me,whats this?T:Good,it is a monkey.And it is small.(show the card)T:So,it is a small monkey. (show the card)Practice:Ask Ss to read the words together.2. Teach the word“tiger”“big”T: Now,tell me whats this?T:Great,it is a tiger.And it is b

12、ig.(show the card)T:So,it is a big tiger. (show the card)Practice:Ask four groups to read the words.Contrast the“monkey”and“tiger”.3. Teach the word“lion”T:The next animal is the king of the forest,can you guess whats this?T: It is a lion.And it is big.(show the card)T: It is a big lion. (show the c

13、ard)Practice:Ask some Ss to read the word.4. Teach the word“elephant”T:This animal has a long nose, do you know whats this?T: It is an elephant.And it is big.(show the card)T: It is an big elephant. (show the card)Practice:Play a game“train,train”5. Teach the word“fat”T:OK,lets see the last animal.M

14、aybe you see it before.T: It is a panda.And it is fat.(show the card)T: It is a fat panda. (show the card)Practice:Ask Ss to read the words together.Play a game“one word,one group”.6. Teach the dialogue “Whats this?Its a/an”T:Look and tell me whats this? (show the card)Practice:Ask Ss to read the dialogue.Ask some Ss to act the dialogue.7. Teach the word “they”T:Look here,its a monkey. (show the card)T:Now,theyre monkeys. (show the card)T:Its a small monkey.Theyre small monkeys.Practice:Ask Ss to read the word together.8. Teach the dialogue “What are the

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