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新目标七年级Starter Unit2教案.docx

1、新目标七年级Starter Unit2教案新目标七年级Starter Unit2教案 Starter unit2 hats this in English?Perid ILanguage Gal: Identif the things arund uNe rds:r pen ruler range aet e quilt ap; hats, this, its, a, anPhrases:in English an rangeStruture: -hats this in English? -Its a/anAtivit: Guessing gae; ae nversatinsTl:Setin

2、 A 1a挂图;字母卡片A,B,R,。Learning ≈ Teahing predurePurpseStep I ar-upT:Gd rning H are u?Ss: I fine Thans And u?T:I 用前一单元所学的日常交际语言进行语言热身。Step II Guessing gae (letter A,B,R,)T: Sh a part f a letter and as: hats this? Let Ss anser lie: I thin itsAnd then sh the hle letter t he the anser rite the letters R

3、, n the Bb and as: hats this?Ss: Its r Sh the piture f Setin A 1a n the BbT: L at the piture Its Alies piture There are an things in her r L, hats this in English? Get Ss anser lie: Its a/an Learn the ne sentene and 8 ne rds: r/u:/, pen/e/, ruler/u:/, range/D/, aet/æ/I/, e/i:/, quilt/I/ and ap

4、/æ/ Pa attentin t their prnuniatin ndr I Pa attentin t “an range” ,e shuld read lie: / ænDrI nd/用Guessing形式引出单词r,并对hats this?Its句型产生印象。重点学习hats句型和图片中出现的新单词,在黑板上标注元音字母的发音,学习拼读方法。特别要注意an range 的连读方法。Step III ListeningListen fr the first tie As Ss t pa attentin t the intnatin and the senten

5、e stress ae se ars lie “ ” ,” ”and “” hats this in English?Its an range/ ænDrI nd/hats this in English?Its a ap Listen fr the send tie Repeat the sentenes 让学生感知四句话的语调和重读,在跟读的时候尽量跟磁带上的一样。Step I PairrLet Ss ae nversatins in pairs b the things in Setin A 1a Then at ut in frnt f the lassr让学生在全班面前展

6、示自己的语言,体验成功的快感。Step IV Her:ae the nversatin ith partner b using the shl thingsDra a piture f ur n r反思: 1, 从猜字母引出r单词,学生兴趣很大,积极性也比较高,再由r导出新单词,过渡也比较自然,在八个新单词的教授中,aet中aet/dæ/的和quilt中的/I/比较难,多听丝带,多模仿几遍。2, 听力部分中,语调和重读都模仿时还可以,就是an range/ ænDrI nd/发音有些困难。在学生自己做pairr的还是要多提醒语调和重读的地方。Perid IILangua

7、ge Gal: Identif things;Letter I-RNe rds:P; NBA/BA; g/;Phrases:in English an rangeStruture: -hats this in English? -Its a/an Letter I-R;Ativit: Intrdue Ss n rLearning ≈ Teahing predurePurpseStep I ar-upT:Gd rning H are u?Ss: I fine Thans And u?T:I T:I have se speial pitures t sh u L , are the beau

8、tiful? Ss: esT:L at this ne first Its S1s r S1, hats this in English?S1:Its a quiltT:And hats this in English?S1:Its a aetLet Ss as and anser in pairs b their n r Let Ss pa attentin t “a “and “an”, learn h t use the “a” 用于辅音因素开头的单词前,而“an”用于元音因素开头的单词前。 Get Ss find se nuns after “an” that the n Fr exa

9、ple, egg, elephant, apple, engineer, auntant用日常交际语言进行语言热身,同时,利用昨天的家庭作业,对昨天所学重点单词和句型进行复习。Step II Listening and presentatinT:Turn t page 9, Ativit 4a L at these pitures, fill in the blan ith the iss letter Listen t the tape fr the first tie, nuber the pitures Listen fr the send tie, repeat the rds he

10、the issing letters tgether In rder t learn the ne letters T: L at ruler first, the issing letter is “L”, an u rite the big letter and the sall letter in right a?Dra fur lines n the blabard, let Ss rite big letters and sall letters fr I t R he the letters and finish Ativit 2b and 2dLearn the prnuniat

11、ins f the ne lettersIiI d3eI eI Ll el e Nn en əu P p pi: Q q u: R r :(r) Listen and repeat the letters he the prnuniatins Finish Ativit 2ae sure t prnuniatins the sae as the tape在已经复习单词的情况下,完成4a就轻而易举了。学习新字母Ii-Rr,并学习他们的发音。Step III GuessingGuess the eanings f the letters in Ativit 3P= Paring;NBA/

12、BA:g/学习缩略词,并加入一些常见的,相近的,如,BA。Step IV GaeLet Ss listen and dra lines beteen the letters u hear Listen and anser the questin:” hats this in English?” 反思:1,对于自己同学画的房间图片,很感兴趣,复习昨天的句型和单词,比较顺畅,只是关于quilt,和an range的连读发音,是昨天堂中比较难的发音,很多同学已经忘记,发不正确;2,讲授字母音标时,R,发音不正确,要改变他们小学里习惯了的发音,有点困难,还需以后的反复操练。Perid IIILangu

13、age Gal: Spell rds Ne rds:spell,please;Struture: -hats this in English? -Its a e -Spell it, please -E-Ativit: ae nversatinsLearning ≈ Teahing predurePurpseStep I ar-up and lead-inT:Gd rning H are u?Ss: I fine Thans And u?T:I T:I have se things t sh u L , hats this in English? Ss: Its an rangeT:es

14、, -R-A-N-G-E, range I an spell it an u spell it?T:hats this in English?S1:Its a eT:Spell it, please Pa attentin t / spelIt / / spelIt / / pli:z /Ss: -E- (hen e spell the rd, e shuld use big letters and “-”)用日常交际语言进行语言热身,同时,展示一些随手可得的事物,如ruler,pen,e,range等实物,学习新句型Spell it,please。Step II Listening and

15、repeatT:Turn t page10, Setin B 1a L at the piture, Helen and Eri are taling abut the e Lets listen t the tape fr the first tie, ar the sentene stress, then ,fr the send tie, ar the intnatin hats this in English? Its a e, Spell it , please - E- Listen fr the third tie, repeat the sentenes做听力时,听三遍,第一遍

16、,标注重读音,第二遍,标注升降调,第三遍,再让学生进行repeat,校正学生的发音,同时增强学生的口语能力。Step III PairrLet Ss as and anser in pairs ith the things: e, range, pen, ruler, ap, aet, range, and ther shl thing, lie eraser, bapa, penil ase 让学生用刚学的语音语调,现学现卖,利用实物做对话操练。Step III ListeningFinish Ativit 3a and 3b复习字母AaRr。Step IV Listen and repea

17、tT:e have learn fur vel letters There A,E,I, l at the hart and read after the tapeT: e n letter A prnuned /eI/ and /æ/ in different situatins Letter E prnuned /e/ and /i:/ in different situatins hat abut letter I? l at the hart n the blabardIifine /a I /nie, lieg/ əu /Snia,thseie / I /six

18、,sisterrange/ D/nt, dg T: L at “fine”, here “i” prnuned /a I /,s h t read” nie”? Let Ss tr t read the rds that next t “fine”, and find re rds lie these in the “rds and Expressins in Eah Unit”复习A 和E的发音状况,学习另外两个元音字母I和的发音状况,探索他们的发音规律。 反思:这堂的发音难点在Spell it的连读,在前中已对an range的连读有所认识,所以学生学起教快,但依然需要反复操练予以加强。在page11,Ativit 4 Listen and repeat中,运用黑板上的表格是一种比较有效的教学方法,如I,先知道fine中“i”的发音,由fine,得出旁边nie,lie的正确读法,再组织一个小竞赛,让学生从生词表中去寻找字母“i”发/a I /的单词,若找错,立刻让其他同学判断错误的原因。这个方法,学生的反应很热烈。

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