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1、PEP英语新四年级上册教案全学 期 教 学 计 划一、班级学生基本情况分析概况年级班人,其中男生人,女生人。上学期本学科合格率%,最高分分,最低分分,平均分分。年级班人,其中男生人,女生人。上学期本学科合格率%,最高分分,最低分分,平均分分。学生掌握双基情况分析 学生经过了一年的学习,大部分学生对于英语这门学科还是比较感兴趣的,学习积极性比较高,听、说、读、写的能力较好。但是也有少数学生对英语缺乏兴趣,导致英语成绩较差,课堂上不是很活跃,听、说、读、写的能力仍需好好培养,特别是在26个字母的书写上有很多不规范。这学期,要好好地督促他们。大部分学生掌握了一些简单的基本对话,并能运用所学的知识进行



4、7、能在完成某个任务(如涂色,小制作)的过程中学会相关的词句,并且培养动手能力。8、能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。 学习常规习惯方面1、在平时,能善于抓住机会锻炼自己的口头表达能力,多说、多问、多练。2上课认真听、说、读、写3、下课及时听、说、读、写4、早上、中午、回家多多听英语,说英语,读英语,背英语5、双休日多看一些英语课外读物。三、全册教材基本内容说明教材概貌全册书共六个单元,两个复习单元,每单元分A、B、C三个部分,共8页;复习单元为6页,即全书采用了教案式的编排体系,设计新颖活泼,生动有趣,同时还配有相应的作业本,电子课本,课件,卡片、投影片,录音磁带等,可以说是一套以学

5、生用书为核心,集文字、音像为一体的立体化配套教材。教材的重点、难点教材重点:1、 能听、说、认读黑体单词,能正确书写重点句型。2、 能区别五个元音字线的两大发音。3、 培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范、整洁。4、 能比较熟练地运用所学的日常交际用语。教材难点:能比较熟练地运用所学的日常交际用语。四、提高教学质量的主要措施提高课堂效率措施提倡任务型教学,利用多种辅助教学工具,如:磁带、卡片、挂图、投影片、VCD、自制教具等,参与教学,给学生多方位的刺激。立足于教学内容,精心设计教学过程,使教与学达到最优化。活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,开展游戏、竞赛等活动,让学生在快乐中学得英语。提优


7、的教学内容,共有八个单元,其中有两个是复习单元。每单元上两周,六个单元的内容用12周的时间来上完。每个复习单元上一周,4周上完。附:教学进度安排表第一周:Unit1第二周:Unit1第三周:Unit2第四周:Unit2第五周:放假第六周:Unit3第七周:Unit3第八周:recycle 1第九周:Unit4 第十周:Unit4第十一周:Unit5第十二周:Unit5第十三周:Unit6第十四周:Unit6第十五周:recycle 2第十六周:机动第十七周:复习第十八周:复习起讫日期起讫周次章 节 次教学内容9.1-9.5第一周Unit1 A, Lets talk, Lets learn le

8、tters and sounds9.8-9.12第二周Unit1 B Lets talk, Lets learn, start to read9.15-9.19第三周Unit2 ALets talk, Lets learn letters and sounds9.22-9.26第四周Unit2 B Lets talk, Lets learn, start to read9.29-9.30第五周国庆放假10.8-10.10第六周Unit3 A Lets talk, Lets learn letters and sounds10.13-10.17第七周Unit3 B Lets talk, Lets

9、 learn, start to read10.20-10.24第八周Recycle1 Part one, Part two, Part three10.27-10.31第九周Unit4 A Lets talk, Lets learn letters and sounds11.3-11.7第十周Unit4 B Lets talk, Lets learn, start to read11.10-11.14第十一周Unit5 A Lets talk, Lets learn letters and sounds11.17-11.21第十二周Unit5 B Lets talk, Lets learn,

10、 start to read11.24.11.28第十三周Unit6 A Lets talk, Lets learn letters and sounds12.1-12.5第十四周Unit6 B Lets talk, Lets learn, start to read12.8-12.12第十五周Recycle2 Part one, Part two Part three12.15-12.19第十六周Review12.22-12.26第十七周Review12.29-12.31第十八周Review1.4-期末第十九周Review教 学 进 度 表教案课 题 Unit One A Lets talk

11、 & Lets play课 型new日 期2013 年 月 日 午第 节教 具box,PPT教 学目 标1.能在语境中运用We have a new classroom.Lets go and see .Where is it ? Its near the window.2能在游戏中交流关于教室的事物。3能理解并唱歌曲:We have a new classroom.重 点掌握运用句型We have a new classroom.Lets go and see .Where is it ?等。难 点能在情境中熟练运用句型谈谈教室里的事物。教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整Step 1 Warm

12、-up & Revision1. Greetings 2. Lets sing “We have a new classroom”Step 2 Presentation & Practice1.Free talkT:I have a new book ,this is my new book.What do you have?(S:I have a This is )T:Look!My picture!Where is it ?(S:Its in /on/near/)T:Its near the window.T:Look,I have a box .Its so big .Whats in

13、the box ? Lets see! I see a (S:I see a )T:Where are they? They are in the box. Where is the box? Its in the classroom. We have a new classroom!Sarah and Zhang Peng have a new classroom ,too.Lets go and see!3. Lets talk1)Listen and answer the question: Where is Sarahs picture?2)Pair work(总第1 课时)教 学 过

14、 程 预 设思考与调整4. Talk about our new classroomDo you have a new classroom? Where is it ? Whats in the classroom? What do you see in the classroom.Where is it ?Step 3 Extension & Consolidation1.Lets playI see a “c”. Where is it ? Its in the desk. Its a crayon.2.Lets sing “We have a new classroom”3.Assess

15、ment Book1)Listen and number2)Look ,read and chooseStep 4 Summing up & Homework1. Words:classroom,picture,near,window2. Sentences:We have a new classroom. Lets go and see.Where is it ? Its near the window.3. Homework:Listen to the tape and read the dialogue .板书设计 Unit One A Lets talk & Lets playWe h

16、ave a new classroom.Lets go and see.Where is it ?Its near the window.课后反思教案课 题Unit One A Lets learn & Lets do课 型new日 期2013 年 月 日 午第 节教 具Pictures,PPT教 学目 标1.能够听、说、认读单词:classroom,window,blackboard,light,picture and door。2能在语境中运用:Whats in the classroom? One blackboard ,one TV,many desks and chairs 重 点听

17、说、认读classroom,window,blackboard,light,picture等单词。难 点Lets do.教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整Step 1 Warm-up & Revision1. Read the page 42. Free talk Step 2 Presentation & Practice1.Look and sayT:We have a new classroom.Whats in the classroom?T:blackboard,light,picture,door,window,TV,desk ,chairT:How many ?T:one blac

18、kboard ,seven lights,two doors ,many desks and chairs2.Listen and find3. Lets learnStep 3 Extension & Consolidation1. T:I can do many things in the classroom.Open the door ,Turn on the light,close the window,put up the picture,clean the blackboard.(总第2 课时)教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整2. Lets do3. Look and circle

19、:Whats in the classroom?(page 10)4. Assessment Book:1) Listen and number2) Look ,circle,read and write down the numbers.(circle the word in the dialogue)Step 4 Summing up & Homework1.Words: classroom,window,blackboard,light,picture and door2.Sentences:Whats in the classroom? One blackboard ,one TV,m

20、any desks and chairs4. Homework:1) Listen to the tape,read the words on page 70.2) Copy the new words.板书设计 Unit One A Lets learn & Lets doWhats in the classroom?One glackboard ,one TV,many desks and chairsclassroom blackboard light picture door window课后反思教案课 题Unit One A Lets spell & Story time课 型new

21、日 期2013 年 月 日 午第 节教 具PPT教 学目 标1.能够认读并且在四线三格中正确书写cap,cake,map和 face这四个单词。2.能够初步辨别元音字母a在开音节和闭音节中的发音区别。重 点能够初步辨认元音字母a最重要的两种发音,并掌握规律。难 点能够初步理解并模仿story time 。教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整Step 1 Warm-up & bag hand dad 2.a a a apple ;a a a panda ;Step 2 Presentation & Practice1. Look and say :Whats the sa

22、me of these four words?cake face name make2. a_e cake ,make ,lake ,take ,wakea_e face ,fate ,date ,gate,hate3. Can you read this words: same case Kate wave4. Lets chant5. Read ,listen and tick6. Listen ,circle and writeStep 3 Extension & Consolidation1. Listen ,read and number2. Listen ,circle and w

23、rite3.listen,read and match(总第3 课时)教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整Step 4 Story time & Homework1. Story time1) bee,where,there,now,fan,wall2) Its on the light. Its on the fan. Its on the wall. Its on the blackboard.3) Act it out2.Homework:Listen to the tape and read the story.板书设计 Unit One A Lets spell & Story time

24、cat catebag facedad namehand make课后反思教案课 题Unit One B Lets talk & Lets play课 型new日 期2013 年 月 日 午第 节教 具PPT,自制教具教 学目 标1.能在语境中运用Lets clean the classroom . Let me clean the windows.等句型。2能在游戏中体验班级小主人的情感。重 点掌握运用句型 Lets clean the classroom . Let me clean the windows.难 点能在情境中熟练运用句型。教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整Step 1 War

25、m-up & Revision1Greeting2.Chain work:T:Look!This is our classroom.The wall is white.S1:This is our classroom.The door is green.S2:This is our classroom.The desk is yellow.2. Lets do3. Play a game :Let me clean the Step 2 Presentation & Practice1.Lets talk , Lets learn ,Lets play ,Lets sing Lets 4. L

26、ets talk1)Listen to the tape and answer the questions2)Open the door,open the door.Let me open the door .Turn on the light.turn on the light.Let me turn on the light.Close the window,close the window.Let me close the window. (总第4课时)教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整5. Gruop work.Step 3 Extension & Consolidation1. Act

27、 it out2. Lets check: Listen and tick or cross3. Assessment Book:1)Listen and choose2)Look ,read and match3)Look,read and draw the happy face or the sad faceStep 4 Summing up & Homework1. Words:clean, lets ,let ,help2. Sentences:Lets clean the classroom. Let me clean the windows.3. Homework:Listen t

28、o the tape and read the dialogue.板书设计 Unit One B Lets talk & Lets playLets clean the classroom.Let me clean the teachers desk.Let me clean the windows.Let me help you.课后反思教案课 题Unit One B Lets learn & Colour and say课 型new日 期2013 年 月 日 午第 节教 具PPT教 学目 标1.能够听、说、认读单词:teachers desk,computer,fan,wall,floor。2能在语境中运用:Look!This is the new classroom.The door is orange.重 点听说、认读 teachers desk,computer,fan,wall,floor 等单词。难 点灵活运用句型The door is orange.The desks are yellow.教 学 过 程 预 设思考与调整Step 1 Warm-up & Revision1.Greetings 2.Lets sing “We have a new classroom”3.Play a game: What colour is it?Step 2 P

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