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1、国际贸易英语新教案Unit 1 International Business考点:1:Major differences between international business and domestic business.1) differences in legal systems2) differences in currencies3) differences in cultural background4) differences in natural and economic conditions.2.Major types of international business.

2、Trade1)Commodity TradeCommodity trade refers to exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another.(visible trade).2) Service TradeService trade refers to trade of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting and information et

3、c.(invisible trade)Investment1)foreign direct investment(FDI): FDI is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country2) Portfolio investment: It refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.3.Other types of internation

4、al businessLicensing and franchisingIn licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country.Franchising, a special term of licensing.The franchisee is allowed to operate in the name of franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names ,logos

5、and operating techniques for royalty.Management Contract and contract manufacturingOne company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flat payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume.By contract manufacturing, a firm can concentrate on

6、 their strongest part in the value chain, while contracting with foreign companies for the manufacture of their products.Turnkey project and BOTFor an international turnkey project, a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping

7、before handing it over to the latter upon completion. BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project. B stands for build, O operation, T transfer. A firm operates a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company.历年考题:05年:invisibles 连线题06年:budg

8、et 连线题;what does invisible trade involve? 07年:What is foreign direct investment? 国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到很多因素,因而比国内贸易复杂得多。(paragraph 2 line 1)Today few, if any, countries are economically self-sufficient.(05英译汉,06汉译英。课本15页最后一行)ExerciseE-COther than; account for;Portfolio; patent; customs areaC-E有形贸

9、易; 遵守; 代表; 价值链; 特许经营者Brief Explanations.Copy right, certificate of deposit; management contract; trademark;Transaction.Blank fillingInternational business as a field of management training deals special features of business activities that cr_ national boundaries. These activities may be m_ of goods

10、, services,c_Or personnel;tr_of technology ,information, or _, or even the supervision of employees. International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training, because the growing scale and complexity of business tran_ across national boundaries gives _to new and unique problems

11、 of management and governmental p_ that have received inadequate attention in traditional ar_ of business economies.Translate国际贸易和国内贸易在法制体系、货币、文化和自然条件与经济条件方面都有所不同。随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大。国际投资是国际商务的另一种重要形式,可分为外国直接投资和证券投资两大领域。对商务知识的了解可以避免产生国际贸易活动中的一些问题。BOT是“交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式。Unit 2 Inco

12、me Level And the World Market考点1. GDP VS GNPGNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of the economy, while GDP refers to the market value of goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy. The former focuses

13、on ownership of factors of production while the latter concentrates on the place the production takes place.2. Per capita income/GDPNational income and GDP have roughly the same value, and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sum total which is measured as the market value of the

14、total output of goods and services of an economy in a given period. The former stresses the income generated by turning out the products while the latter the value of the products themselves.Per capita income is calculated by dividing its national income by its populationPer capita GDP is calculated

15、 by dividing its total GDP by its population. Total GDP indicates the overall size of an economy, which is important in market assessment for durable equipment or bulk goods such grain, steel or cement. Per capita GDP reveals the average income level of consumers, which is important when marketing c

16、onsumer durables.3.High/ middle/low income countriesPer capita income(by WB)=$9836 high income countries$9836$765 middle income countries=$765 low income countriesHigh income countries: OECD;Oil-producing countries of the Middle East;Small industrial countries or regions.Middle income countries:Most

17、 East European countries;The CIS commonwealth of independent states;Most Latin America countries;Some comparatively developed countries in Asia.;4 African countriesLow income countries:Most African countries;Some Asian countries;A few Latin American countriesTriad/ QuadThe 3 richest regions of the w

18、orldThe USAThe EUJapanIf with Canada, Quad。历年考题:06年 汉译英 人均收入 budget purchasing power recipient连线 Triad 解释07年 recipient解释 ExerciseE-CPer capita income; Triad; hemisphere; potential ; infrastructure.C-E经济合作和发展组织;大路货;线索; 国民收入;四方组合Brief Explanations.Purchasing power; consumerism; infrastructure; potenti

19、al; invoiceBlank fillingThe story of the 20th century was of remarkable av_ income g_, but it is also quite ob_ that the progress was not evenly dispersed . The g_ between rich and poor countries , and rich and poor r_ within countries, have grown. The richest quarter of the worlds po_ saw its capit

20、a GDP increase nearly six-_ during the ce_, while the poorest quarter ex_ less than a three fold increase._ inequality has clearly increased, but per capita GDP does not tell the whole story.Translate国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换使用。商界人士非常关心一个市场的收入分配,因为如果在低收入国家他们就要以生产价格低廉的大路货为主。美国被认为是外国投资的安

21、全港,许多世界上的大公司都把总部设在美国。欧盟作为三方组合的一个分支,在使我们的市场多元化方面起着相当重要的作用。我们应当对那些有很好的 前景的潜在市场给予特别关注。Unit 3 Regional Economic Integration 考点:1.Major objectives of regional integration: Better enjoy the free flow of goods, services, capital ,labor and other resourcesPossibly put up barriers to economic activities with

22、 non members2.Four levels of regional integrationFree trade area:the first and loosest form of economic integration. Members of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders.Custo

23、ms union: A further step. All members adopt the same trade policy towards countries outside their organization in addition to abolishing trade barriers among themselves.Common market: Besides free flow of goods and services and adoption of common external trade policy, factors of production such as

24、labor capital and technology are free to move among members so that they can be utilized in a more efficient and productive way.Economic Union: It is the largest form of economic integration which is characterized by integration of domestic policies of its members in respect of economy and finance e

25、tc. in addition to absence of trade barriers ,practice of common external policy and free production factor mobility. The members are required not only to harmonize their taxation ,government expenditure, industry policies, etc., but also use the same currency.EU: The economic association of over a

26、dozen European countries which seek to create a unified, barrier-free market for products and services throughout the continentAPEC: A group of countries and economies aiming to promote trade and investment by changing policies and laws that slow down, or prevent the process of people doing business

27、 with each otherOPEC: A group of countries which are major producers and exporters of crude petroleum历年考题:06年 汉译英 共同市场integration 连线题07年 汉译英 经济联盟的成员国不仅要在税收,政府开支,企业策略等方面保持一致,而且还应使用同一的货币。ExerciseE-CSovereign state; executive body; adoption; Dual-Ministerial meeting; tarrif rateC-E经济一体化; 自由贸易区;关税区;欧元;共

28、同市场Brief Explanations.European UnionAnswer the following questions in English1. What are the major objectives of regional integration?2. What are the four levels of regional integration?Translate各国之间采用相同的贸易政策,以扫除彼此之间商品、服务自由流通的障碍。欧盟是一个机构齐全的实体,其历史可以追述到1952年。Unit 4 Economic Globalization考点:1. Globaliza

29、tion as an objective trendBasic feature:free flow of commodity, capital, technology, service and information in the global context for optimized allocation.Advantage and negative impacts:Advantage: giving new impetus and providing opportunities to world economic development and economic integration

30、enables countries benefit from the boom of other countries.Negative impacts: making the various countries more independent and interactive, thus making countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe. Different countries and peoples do not enjoy balanced benefits in it.2. Multinatio

31、nal corporationsDefinition: a business organization which owns (whether wholly or partly), controls and manages the assets, often including productive resources , in more than one country, through its members incorporated separately in each of these countries.Organization: parent and affiliates.In a

32、 typical multinational enterprise (MNE),each of its member company is known as a multinational corporation(MNC),Each MNC is purported to represent certain interests or to fulfill certain goals of the MNE and is linked to one another within the organizational framework of the same MNE. If the MNC is the original investing corporation, it is known as the parent MNC, which is normally also the international he

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