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1、写作高频词汇及句型正确使用四种特殊句式a 状语提前 Obviously, if elderly people live at home, their children can take care of them and they feel less lonely.Overall, the function of a building is more important to a building than its appearance.Most importantly, the government should make sure that citizens can improve thei

2、r lives.b 倒装句Not only should the parents spend more time with their children, they should also try to communicate with their children more often.Only in this way can this issue be effectively solved.c 强调句It is the slits that make a chi-pao really special.It is the traditions in Beijing that attract

3、many foreign tourists.d 虚拟语气The schools would seem very impersonal were all the computers to replace human teachers.写作中重要的语法A 句子成分:1 We should not underestimatethe severityof this matter.Smoking is just a personal choice rather than a moral issue.It is hard to reach a consensus on this affair.2 Nowa

4、days, more and more people agree that gambling is an unwholesome hobby.3 Junk food impairs peoples health.Studies reveal that there is a definite link between obesity and serious diseases such as heart attacks.What we are concerned about is that to what extent tests are harmful to students creativit

5、y.Animal experiments are inhumane.4 In recent years, the Internet has been gaining in popularity at an amazing rate.5 Outdoor activities can greatly improve our health.6 Shopping, a necessary activity in everyday life, is far more convenient in the city than in the country.7 found the employment sit

6、uation frustrating. Some people think that the computer technology will make human workers redundant.如何写复杂句1 cause and effect 因果关系 标志词 1) 表示原因的 as , since ; due to , owing to 2) 表示结果的 hence(因此), thus(因此) , therefore(因此) As a consequence,(作为结果) As a result,(作为结果) Consequently(作为结果) 3) thereby( 以此达到的目

7、的) 1 The ecological problems are being aggravated; hence , it is imperative that we take measures to curb the pollution of the environment.2 The government should raise the public awareness of environmental preservation, thereby promoting sustainable development and creating a more livable environme

8、nt.2 exemplification举例关系 标志词 Takefor example.(以为例) for instance,(比如)To illustrate,(例如.) As an apt illustration,(作为例证,)Consider, for example(以为例)1 The Asian countries are getting westernized at a staggering rate. Take China for example; when youngsters go to the movies, it is common for them to choos

9、e Hollywood blockbusters over domestic films. 2 Animals are humans companions. To illustrate, dolphins often rescue sailors from sinking ships.3 comparison and contrast 对比关系 标志词 while/ whilst /whereas By contrast, 1 While/ Whilst modern man leads a stressful life, our ancestors could often perform t

10、heir business in a leisurely fashion.2 The educational and medical facilities in big cities are mostly very advanced. In contrast, their counterparts in the country tend to be of inferior quality.4 Concession 让步关系 标志词 Despite/In spite of/Notwithstanding(尽管) Nonetheless/ Nevertheless, (尽管如此) Even tho

11、ugh(尽管) = Although 1 In spite of the disadvantages animal experimentation can bring about, many scientists insist on continuing this practice. 2 The government plays a crucial role in scientific research; nonetheless, private companies hold certain advantages in conducting scientific research.5 Supp

12、osition 假设论证 标志词 provided that(如果) If 1 Provided that we can minimize the pain of test animals, animal experimentation should be continued. 2 If large companies are moved to the countryside, the traffic congestion in cities will be alleviated substantially. 6 Modification 修饰关系 that, who, which1 In t

13、his day and age, we have a proliferation of buildings that look exactly like the buildings our ancestors built. 2 Today, teenage students are under increasingly severe stress in their studies, which has disturbed and alarmed many adults.一个类别的词汇也可能用在其他类别,比如transform(变革,及物动词)被列在technology类里,但是也可以用在讨论d

14、evelopment类的话题里;注意词汇的用法:noun 名词vt 及物动词 vi 不及物动词 adj 形容词 adv 副词 BrE 表示该单词使用的是英式拼写;Education:1) 传授知识:impart(vt)/inculcate(vt) knowledge灌输高尚的道德观念:instill(vt) high moral values(注意values复数表示价值观)给学生以动力 give the students motivation to do sth.或者motivate(vt) the students to do sth. 给学生以灵感 stimulate the stude

15、nts thought 或者 give the students inspiration 培养(某种素质) cultivate / foster / nurture (vts)促进学生身心的发展 promote the students physical, mental(或者用intellectual) and emotional development 心理健康 psychological soundness/well-being/welfare(adjs) 塑造某人的性格mould(BrE, vt) ones character责任感 a sense of obligation 能力(先天

16、就有的) aptitude/talent 能力(后天学习得到的)ability / skill2) 学生接受的学校教育(名词) schooling(noun)儿童接受的家庭教育(名词)upbringing(noun)教学法 teaching methodology / pedagogical methodology 用填鸭式教学教育学生 force-feed(vt) the students 学生不应该只是被动的接收简单知识的容器 Students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas. 死记硬背 l

17、earn things by rote 为了记忆而记忆 memorize (BrE) for memorizations own sake 记忆方程式,公式,定理,定律 memorize(vt) equations, formulas, theorems and laws(nouns) 应用 apply (vt) 盲从 follow something blindly/indiscriminately(advs)限制创造力的发展 extinguish (vt)/ stifle(vt) /constrain(vt) creativity(noun) 打击学生的积极性 dampen/sap(vts

18、) the students enthusiasm或者frustrate the students 产生不必要的压力 beget / create undue pressure背诵的时候尽量联系话题来记(比如教育,犯罪,环境),在写作的时候也可以根据话题来随时查阅这个词汇表,这样反复熟悉,大家将很快掌握这个精彩的作文词汇话题排序词汇词性含义Education1parentingn家长给小孩的教育2schoolingn学校对学生的教育3cultivatev培养4awareness=sense=recognitionn意识5contribute tov推动6motivationn动力7adapt

19、tov适应8afford somethingv提供Media9prevalentadj形容词无处不在的,可以代替everywhere10journalistsn记者11the pressn新闻界12coveragen报导,动词是cover13misleadingadj有误导性的13dependableadj可靠的14up-to-the-minuteadj非常及时的Technology15transformvt改变,代替change16advancev&n发展17a staggering raten惊人的速度18Information overloadn信息爆炸19enhancevt提高,增强2

20、0innovationsn创新,发明21technologicaladj科技的22telecommunicationsn远程通讯Government23combat=tackle=resolve=addressvt解决24alleviate=easevt减轻,缓解25invest in=allocate money tov对投资26authoritiesn当局27ban=forbid=prohibitvt禁止28scrutinisevt监督29administer=regulatevt管理30tax revenuen税收31obligationn责任Tourism32broaden ones

21、horizonsv开阔人的眼界33conflictsn冲突34promotevt促进35local residents=local inhabitantsn当地居民36mutual understandingn相互了解37enrich ones experiencev丰富人的经历Languages38the proliferation ofn的大量扩散(比如英语,互联网,环境污染等)39plays a dominant role inv在占统治地位40go extinctv灭绝41lesser-known languagesn小语种42the widespread use ofn的广泛使用Cu

22、lture43ancestorsn祖先44descendants(请注意倒数第三个字母是a不是e很容易拼写错)n后代45time-honouredn历史悠久的46cultural heritagen文化遗产47cultural diversityn文化多样性48cultural identityn文化特性49ethnic minoritiesn少数民族50the pace of life=the tempo of lifen生活节奏51the gap between the urban area and the rural arean城乡差距52inferioradj质量差的53facilit

23、iesn设施54alienatedadj(人与人之间)疏远的55materialisticadj(人)物质化的,现实的56the present situation=the current situation=the status quon现状57affluentadj富裕的,有钱的58impoverishedadj贫穷的59sweeping trendsn席卷一切的潮流60synthesize the Asian and Western culturesvt有机结合东西方文化61erodevt侵蚀(本土文化)62universaladj普遍的63a double-edged swordn双刃

24、剑(既有好处也有坏处)64domestic violencen家庭暴力65gender equalityn性别平等66discriminationn歧视67an enlightened societyn一个开明的社会68household choresn家务事69be tied down byv被所拖累70offspringn后代71personality clashesn性格冲突72householdn家庭的另一种写法73generation gapn代沟74family bondsn亲情75harmonyn和谐76crimes=offense=criminal actsn犯罪77commi

25、t a crimev犯罪(动词短语)78stringentadj严厉的79punishmentn惩罚80the crime rate=the incidence of crimen犯罪率81rampantadj猖獗的82violate the lawv违法83curbv遏制(犯罪、污染等)84preservev保护(某种资源,比如natural resources或者old buildings),如果保护某人可以用protect85inhumaneadj残酷的86biodiversityn生物多样性87companionsn伙伴88replacements=alternativesn替代物(比

26、如化妆品实验用动物作替代物而不用人做实验)89habitatn栖息地90endangered speciesn濒危动物91sustainable developmentn可持续发展92exploit natural resourcesv开采自然资源93the ecosystem(请大家记住任何eco-开头的单词都和生态有关)n生态系统94profound impactn深远的影响95conservev节约,代替save96deteriorate(不及物动词)aggravate(及物动词)v如果某种现象自身恶化,就可以说它deteriorate如果某种事物导致别的现象恶化,就用aggravate sth.或者用被动形式97dischargev排放(污染物)98consume=depletev消耗(资源)99eco-friendlyadj有益于环保的100scarcityn短缺

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