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八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours教案 新版牛津.docx

1、八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours教案 新版牛津Online tours教学目标1. To name the different parts of a computer.2. To grasp and talk about the basic uses of computers.3. To know the main topic of this unit.教学重点To grasp and talk about the basic uses of computers.教学难点To know the main topic of this unit.教学设计Teaching ai

2、ds: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 1 Learning targets and New wordsPresent the learning targets.Show some pictures of new words.Get the students to read them follow the teacher.Read learning targetsLea

3、rning targets and New wordsStep 2 Free talkWhat do you usually do when you are free?Learning about computersAnnie, Simons cousin, wants to learn about the different parts of a computer. Look at the picture below and help her write the correct answers in the boxes. keyboard main unit mouse screenLead

4、 the students to say something about the computer.Show the picture of a computer, revise the names of each unit.Continue to lead: What else can we do with a computer? Learning something about computersFree talkStep 3 PresentationPresent some pictures of different uses of with friends

5、play gamessend and receive emailsdo word processingsearch for informationwatch videosRead the picturesPresent教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 4 Listen and answerPlay the tape recorder and let the students listen and answer the following questions:What does Simon usually use his computer for? Why?He usu

6、ally uses it to search for information. Because its fast and easy.Listen to the tapeanswer the questionsListen and answerStep 5 PracticeSimon and Daniel are talking about the different uses of computers. Work in pairs and ask each other what you use a computer for. The ideas in the box may help you.

7、 Use the conversation below as a with friends do word processingplay games search for informationsending and receive emails watch videosThe teacher act the dialogue with a student and then get the students to practice with their partners.A: What do you usually use your computer for?B: I u

8、sually use it to.A: Why?B: Because .A: How often do you use your computer for this?B: .Work in pairs and ask each other what you use a computer for.Team workPracticeStep 6 PresentationGet the students to talk about this question:Do Eddie and Hobo know well about computers?talk about the questionPres

9、entStep 7 Listen and answer Listen to the recording and answer the questions:What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like?They think it looks like a TV.Do you know what the remote control really is?It is a mouse.Listen to the recording answer the questionsListen and answerStep 8 Read the dial

10、ogue and act it out!Give the students some time to practice the dialogue with their partners and then ask some groups to come to the blackboard to perform for the rest.practice the dialogue with their partnersRead the dialogue and act it out!Step 9 Homework1. Read the text book and learn the new wor

11、ds and phrases by heart.2. Do the exercises in the workbook.Finish the homework总课题Unit 3 Online tours总课时7第 2 课时课 题Reading I课型Reading教学目标1. To know some famous places in New York.2. To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context.3. To grasp some basic skills of reading.

12、教学重点To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context.教学难点To grasp some basic skills of reading.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Taskbased approach ,Power Point教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 1 RevisionFill in the blanks.1. D

13、aniel keeps two white _ (mouse) as pets.2. I _ (receive) an email from my cousin two days ago.3. I _ (see) this movie before.4. They used a knife _ (open) the door.5. This old man can use a computer _ (do) word processing.6. I dont like watching football games. Lets _ (change) a channel.Answers: 1.

14、mice 2. received 3. have seen 4. to open 5. to do 6. changeFill in the blanksReviewStep 2 Free talkDo you like travelling? Do you know these places?Present a world map, teach the words of Asia, Africa, Europe, etc.Learn the wordsFree talkStep 3 New wordsTeach the new n.导游,向导 icon n. 图标 c

15、lick v. 点击world-famous adj. 举世闻名的 trade n. 贸易 international adj. 国际的gather v. 聚集,集合 huge adj. 巨大的 darkness n. 黑暗Learn the new wordsNew words learning教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)island n. 岛屿 several det. 几个,数个 lawn n. 草坪relax v. 放松,休息 hard adj. 艰难的 musical n. 音乐剧bottom n. 底,底部Step 4 A fun way to travelD

16、aniel does not know the meanings of some words on the web page. Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. trade 2. international 3. gather 4. huge5. several 6. relax 7. century 8. musicala. a play filled with many songsb. rest aft

17、er workc. come togetherd. a period of 100 yearse. more than twof. the activity of buying and sellingg. two or more countries taking part in somethingh. very large Answers: f, g, c, h, e, b, d, amatch the words on the left with the meanings on the rightExerciseStep 5 SkimmingSkim the article and find

18、 the answer to the question:Where do we visit following the guide?How many places are mentioned(提到) in the article?Skim the articlefind the answer to the questionSkimStep 6 Intensive ReadingPart 1 Pre-travellingAnswer the questions:1. Whats the guides name?2. How can we start out tour?3. How long wi

19、ll it take us to travel around the world?4. Where are we going to visit?Answers: 1. Robin. 2. Click on the Tour icon at the top of the page. 3. In eight hours. 4. New York, the biggest city in the USA.Part 2 While travelling1. What places of interest are mentioned in this article?2. Where is the Wal

20、l Street?3. What can we see in Wall Street? Why?4. What will happen in Times Square on New Years Eve?Answer the questionsAnswer the questionsPre-travellingWhile travelling总课题Unit 3 Online tours总课时7第 3 课时课 题Reading II课型新授课教学目标1. To know some famous places in New York.2. To grasp the main idea of this

21、 article according to the key words and context.3. To grasp some basic skills of reading.教学重点To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context.教学难点To grasp some basic skills of reading.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Listening 、r

22、eading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 1 RevisionAsk some questions of the article1. What places did we visit on the website in last lesson?Wall Street; Times Square; Central Park and Broadway.2. Where would you like to go after a days work?Central Park3. Whats Broadway famous

23、 for?Its famous for its theatres.Answer some questionsReviewStep 2 Language points1. Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page?at the top of . 在的顶部e.g. 山上有座塔。There is a tower _ the hill.2. Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, click on . 点击e.g. 点击这个图标。_ this icon.3. Wall St

24、reet, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island.1) world-famous世界著名的,举世闻名的e.g. 姚明是世界著名的篮球运动员。Yao Ming is a _ basketball player.2) at the southern end of. 在的南端I. south (n.) + ern = southern(adj.)以此类推:north + ern = northern west + ern = western east + ern = eastern

25、at the end of.在的尽头,末尾;后接时间、地点名词。Learn the language pointslanguage points教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)用作形容词 (adj.)1)表示“硬的”The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought. 长期干旱之后,土地硬得就像石头一样。 2)表示“困难的,艰难的”Its very hard to work out this maths problem.算出这道数学题非常困难。用作副词 (adv.)1.)表示“努力地,勤奋地”Most important

26、ly, you must work hard to catch up. 最为重要的是,你必须努力学习,迎头赶上。 2)表示“强烈地”The wind is blowing hard outside. 外面风正呼呼地刮。 8. It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century. be famous for 因而著名e.g. 苏州因为它的园林而闻名。 Suzhou _ its gardens. 与be famous as 的区别 be famous as 作为而著名 马克吐温作为儿童故事作家而出名。 Mark

27、 Twin _ a children-story writer.这个地区以产绿茶而著名。This area _ its green tea.2) since 自从I. since + 过去一个时间点 e.g. I have been here since 1989. 自从1989年以来我就在这里了。II. since + 一段时间+ ago e.g. I have been here since five months ago. 我五个月前就在这里了。III. since + 从句 e.g. Great changes have taken place since you left. 自你离开

28、后这里发生了巨大的变化。IV. It is + 一段时间 + since从句 e.g. It is two years since I became a middle school student. 我成为一名中学生已经快两年了。9. Have you ever heard of the song “Memory”? hear of 听说,得知。如:Have you ever _him (this)? 你听说过他(这件事)吗?Learn the language pointslanguage points总课题Unit 3 Online tours总课时7第 4 课时课 题Grammar课型新

29、授课教学目标1. To understand the differences between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense.2. To grasp the expressions with the present perfect tense.3. To grasp the expressions with the simple past tense.4. To understand different uses of the present perfect tense.教学重点1 To grasp the express

30、ions with the present perfect tense.2 To grasp the expressions with the simple past tense.教学难点1. To understand the differences between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense.2 To understand different uses of the present perfect tense.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets. a calendaTeaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活

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