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牛津版单元复习精品学案 模块2 Unit 3 Amazing peoplWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、8_ 与相比9_ 大量,许多10_ 进入;到达11_ 尊敬某人12_ 实现某人的梦想1.of all curious about3.set well as 5.right off7.result in pare with9.a great deal of10.set foot on/in11.look up to ones dream语句试译1(回归课本P43)If _ _,they can result in illness or even death.如果这些病毒被人体吸入,将可能导致疾病甚至死亡。2(回归课本P

2、43)What is certain,_,is that the mystery of Tutankhamuns tomb has never been fully explained.但是有一点是可以肯定的,图坦卡蒙国王陵墓之谜至今还没有人能够完全破解。3(回归课本P58)In October 2003,Yang Liwei went to space and returned,_ the dream a reality.2003年10月,杨利伟去了太空并成功返回,使这个梦想变成了现实。4(回归课本P46)By the 1920s,he had become an explorer,_ _

3、the tombs of the Egyptian kings.到了20世纪20年代他已经成为一名探险家,致力于寻找古埃及国王们的陵墓。1.breathed in2.though3.making4.searching for核心知识1. curiousadj.好奇的;奇特的(回归课本P42)He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown.他天资聪颖,对家乡外部的世界充满了好奇。归纳拓展例句探源For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish.四十

4、年来,科学家一直对那种鱼深感好奇。I was curious to see if the plants would survive in lower temperatures.(朗文P492)我很想看看这些植物在较低的温度下能否生存。(牛津P489)It was curious that she didnt tell anyone.她没有告诉任何人,这很反常。1句型转换Its curious that he should have asked such a question._/_,he should have asked such a question.答案:Surprisingly/Str

5、angely2.People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began.AinBatCof Dabout解析:选D。be curious about sth.对某事/物感到好奇的。3_ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.ASo curious the couple wasBSo curious were the coupleCHow curious the

6、couple wereDThe couple was such curious选B。句意:这对夫妇对于野生植物是那样的好奇,以至于他们决定去马达加斯加作进一步研究。考查倒装结构。主语是couple,所以谓语动词用复数形式;该句子用部分倒装,so及其修饰的形容词或副词提到句首。2. presentn赠品;礼物;现在 vt.颁发,授予;提出(交);展示,表现 adj.现在的,当前的(做前置定语);出席的,到场的(作后置定语)(回归课本P43)Then,a few months after Carter had opened the tomb,Lord Carnarvon,who was also

7、present when the tomb was opened,fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt.接着,在卡特打开陵墓数月后,当时也在掘墓现场的卡那封勋爵突然生病,发高烧,最后死于埃及。be present at(attend)出席at presentnow现在、目前for the presentfor the time being眼前、暂时present oneself at,for,in etc.出席、到场present sth. to sb.送给某人某物We shall not need any more for the present.我

8、们暂时不需要更多的了。(牛津P1562)There were 200 people present at the meeting.有200人出席会议。The Golden Globe Awards will be presented on January 18.(朗文P1606)金球奖将于1月18号颁发。4.(2009年高考北京卷)All of them try to use the power of the workstation _ information in a more effective way.ApresentingBpresentedCbeing presented Dto p

9、resent他们都尽力使用工作区的力量来更加有效地呈现信息。to present为不定式作目的状语。5.Teaching a pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can _ a teacher with many challenging problems.Aprovide BproduceCpresent Doffer选C。produce的宾语是物。provide,present,offer都有“提供”的意思。provide意思是“装备,供给(某物)”,如:The villagers provided the guerrillas

10、with food.村民供给游击队粮食。present表示“呈献给某人(某种状况)”;offer构成offer sb.sth.或offer sb.的搭配。6.The mayor will personally_the gold medal_ the winning athletes at the sports meeting.Apresent;by Bpresent;withCpresent;to Dpresent;for 本题考查动词词组。present sb.present sb.with sth.把某物赠予某人。本句译为“市长会亲自把金牌颁发给在运动会上获得冠

11、军的运动员。”故选C。7完成句子(1)All the people _ _ _ _(出席聚会的)were his supporters.present at the party(2)On his retirement,his friends _ _ _(赠给他)a set of golf clubs.presented him with(3)The committee will _ _ _ _ _(向提交它最后的报告)Parliament in July.present its final report to(4)You need to _ _ _(更好地展示自己)present yourse

12、lf better3. resultvi.导致,结果 n结果(回归课本P43)If breathed in,they can result in illness or even death.如果这些病毒被人体吸入,它们就有可能导致疾病甚至死亡。result in导致 result from因而产生,由于的结果 as a result 结果 as a result of 由于的结果If you believe in yourself and work hard,you can achieve great results.相信自己并作出努力,你就会取得好结果。(2009年高考全国卷)Jenny n

13、early missed the flight as a result of doing too much shopping.由于买了太多的东西,Jenny差点误了航班。(朗文P1746)Improved farming technology has resulted in larger harvests.农业技术的提高带来了更大的丰收。(英汉多功能P1260)The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.那桩可怕的意外事件因他的疏忽大意而引起。8(1)这场可怕的事故导致了10名乘客丧生。The terrible accident _

14、 _ _ _ of ten passengers.resulted in the death(2)他生病是由于吃了受到污染的食物。His illness _ _ eating contaminated food.resulted from(3)他很勤奋,结果他赶上了班上的其他同学。He worked very hard._ _ _,he caught up with his classmates.(He caught up with his classmates _ _ _ _ his hard work.)As a result;as a result of4. comparev比较,相比;

15、把比作(回归课本P45)However,nothing can compare with what I found today.然而,任何事情都不能和我今天的发现相提并论。(2009年高考重庆卷)Michaels new house is like a huge palace,compared with his old one.和他的旧房子相比,米切尔的新房子就像一座大宫殿。(牛津P398)We carefully compared the first report with the second.我们仔细比较了第一份和第二份报告。(朗文P398)The rides at the fair j

16、ust cant compare with the rides at Disneyland.这个娱乐场的骑乘玩具根本不能和迪斯尼乐园的相比。He rudely compared my home made bread to lump of rock.他把我家里做的面包比喻成硬石块,真是无礼。9完成句子(1)比较一下我和她的作文,你就会发现她的更好。_ my composition _ hers,and you will find hers better._ my composition _ hers,you will find hers better.Compare,with;Comparing

17、,with(2)教师常常被比作蜡烛。Teachers _ _ _ _ candles.are often compared to(3)和许多同龄女孩相比,你是幸运的。_ _/_ _ _ of your age,you are lucky.Compared with/to many girls10(2010年安徽六校模拟)_ other good students,in my opinion,Tom is _ student.ACompared with;a most satisfiedBCompared to;the most satisfiedCComparing to;the most s

18、atisfyingDCompared with;a more satisfying在我看来,和其他好学生相比,Tom是非常令人满意的。compared to/with是独立结构“与相比较”,常位于句首作状语,satisfying“令人满意的”,satisfied“感到满意的”。5. provevt.& vi.证明,证实;结果是,原来是(回归课本P58)He took all kinds of tests to prove he was qualified for this important task.他接受了各种测试,证明他是担负此项重任的合格人选。prove sth.证明某事prove s

19、th. to sb.向某人证明某事provesb./sth.(to be)n./adj.证明某人/某物 provethat clause证明prove(to be)n./adj.证明是A fact is anything that can be proved.任何能够证实的情况叫事实。(牛津P1595)Just give me a chance and Ill prove it to you.只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看。(朗文P1639)Some of the experiments proved(to be) disastrous for the biology departments

20、repulation.一些试验败坏了生物系的名声。They say Im too old,but Im going to prove them all wrong.他们说我太老了,但我要证明他们都错了。11完成句子(1)你能证明你的诚实吗?Can you _ _ _?prove your honesty(2)事实向我们证明他是位勇士。The facts _ _ _ _ he was a brave fighter.proved to us that(3)也许这本书终究会证实是有用的。Perhaps the book will prove _ _ _,after be useful

21、6. survivevt.& vi.幸存,生还(回归课本P50)Of the 2,200 people on the ship,only 705 survived.船上所有的2200人中,只有705人生还。survive sth.幸免于某事,从中幸存下来survive sb.比某人活得长survive on sth.依靠生存下来survivor n.幸存者survival 幸存,生存To survive in the forest,animals must climb from tree to tree.要想在森林里生存下来,动物必须有爬树的本领。Hell show everyone he c

22、an survive as a single parent.他要让大家看看,他作为单亲家长能挺过来。(郎文P2078)Virginia is survived by three children and eight grandchildren.弗吉尼亚死后,她家里还有3个子女、8个孙辈。12完成句子(1)因这起撞车事故受伤的六个人中,只有两个活了下来。Of the six people injured in the car crash,_ _ _.only two survived(2)公司设法渡过了危机。The company managed to _ _ _.survive the cri

23、sis(3)这起飞机失事事故中只有一名幸存者。There was _ _ _ from the air crash.only one survivor7managevi.设法,努力,争取;处理,对付 vt.处理;支配;管理;经营;运用;操纵(回归课本P58)The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.中国人民以杨利伟为骄傲,全世界的

24、年轻人也将他视为努力实现梦想的榜样。manage to do sth.succeed in doing sth.设法做成某事managen./pron.设法得到/做到;拿得动,吃得下【注意】表示“设法做成某事”,manage后接不定式。在口语中,manage常与can,could,be able to连用,表示“能对付”。Can you manage another slice of bread?你能再吃一片面包吗?You need to learn to manage your time more effectively.你需要学会如何有效地利用时间。(朗文P1251)Did you manage to get any sleep on the plane?你在飞机上睡了点儿觉吗?We couldnt have managed without you.没有你我们就办不成了。易混辨析manage

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